“Hate has no home here” lawn signs are signaling hate

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2021 Sep 30, 11:28am   717 views  21 comments

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Vaccine Passports Cause Hate:

Segregation & the COVID Regime

by Asa Boxer

Legally speaking (in Canada at least), hate speech is a public utterance, publication or symbolic representation that promotes the vilification and detestation of an identifiable group.

In recent months, I have witnessed the proliferation of lawn signage stating, “Hate has no home here.” Those displaying these signs are by and large well-meaning folk who feel that their message telegraphs support to those who might otherwise feel marginalised. Unwittingly, however, these signs are telegraphing hate. A more effective message would state, “We welcome all kinds; we love YOU!” Instead, the signage implies that there is a certain kind of person who is not welcome. These deplorables are being vilified and detested. In other words, the anti-hate movement is itself promoting hate.

Meanwhile, anti-haters seem to have lost their ability to identify hate, since certain species are deemed healthy. The movement is so caught up with lawn signage, that when confronted with actual hate—for instance when Justin Trudeau says, “You need to condemn those people,” or “They are putting at risk our kids”—it evades their radar. Hate has found a back door into their hearts.

With the advent of the COVID era, due to the efforts of some cynical pharmaceutical PR & Marketing persons, there has been an effort to characterise those who oppose lockdowns and various other misguided forms of government overreach as “haters.” A very tenuous claim circulated widely in 2020, for example, suggesting that criticism of lockdowns was hateful of certain minority groups at greater risk of infection. The giveaway that this absurd argument was merely a form of political rhetoric is that now that vaccine passports are top of the agenda, the observation that marginalised minorities are disproportionately impacted by the measure is receiving little attention and is almost never called hateful.

The emergent COVID regimes—taking a page from the Nazi playbook—are singling out a group as unclean contaminants and a contagious threat to society. Politicians are engaging shamelessly in hate, wilfully inciting detestation of the unvaccinated. Meanwhile, the vaccine hesitant are guilty of nothing more than a difference of opinion, on the one hand, and on the other hand, of an opposition to state control over their bodies.

Prior to COVID, the My Body, My Choice slogan was ubiquitous in the fight for abortion rights. And up until yesterday, one couldn’t argue against it without being vilified as a hateful misogynist. Enter COVID and overnight, the My Body, My Choice ideal is quashed. The reasoning? Legalistically speaking, our “bodily autonomy is not absolute.” Recently, lawyers representing the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) came out saying precisely that, using the anti-abortion perspective to support vaccine mandates.

As Glen Greenwald points out, this position is a complete about-face for the ACLU, which, in reports from 2008 and 2020, warned against vaccine mandates and coercive state behaviour, demonstrating how statist overreach has done more harm than good during past health crises. In contrast, educational approaches have proven exceptionally efficacious at bringing disease outbreaks quickly under control. Not only the ACLU, but also close to 60,000 medical professionals and doctors worldwide have demonstrated their agreement with this level headed assessment by signing the Great Barrington Declaration.

Anyone who wants to make a claim of exceptionalism when it comes to COVID need only observe those regions that have rejected lockdowns and segregation. In the face of all manner of international pressures, Sweden, for instance, upheld its constitution and the rule of law. Consequently, the Swedes are thriving and have not suffered the immense collateral damage brought about by the coup d’etat affected elsewhere.

No doubt hating Nazis or the KKK may be a good thing. For argument’s sake, I will grant the problematic and circular argument to those who feel it is right to hate haters. I will also tentatively grant the anti-abortionist reasoning that our “bodily autonomy is not absolute.”

However, here’s the trouble with that position when applied to COVID vaccines. The unvaccinated do not represent a greater risk to others than the vaccinated. The vaccinated pose at least as much of a risk as those who are unvaccinated. As the case in Israel has made clear, the vaccinated are still vulnerable to the disease. In fact, according to a recent study, the vaccinated are 13 times more likely to become infected with COVID and more than 27 times more likely to become ill than unvaccinated folk who have recovered from the illness and acquired natural immunity.

The vaccines in play are non-sterilising: this means that they do not stop a vaccinated person from carrying and transmitting the virus. There is, in short, no argument that justifies mandating them. And it is irrational to segregate the unvaccinated.

According to Professor Christina Parks from the University of Michigan Medical School, a PhD in cellular and molecular biology who testified before the Michigan State Legislature in August 2021, the greater proportion of vaccine hesitant are PhDs and those lacking a high school diploma. The latter know what they don’t know” and “they don’t trust the government,” as Parks explains. Why do PhDs hesitate?—(a) the historical record of rushed vaccines is full of dangerous duds, (b) pharmaceutical companies are notorious felons who have paid out billions of dollars in damages, and (c) PhDs are familiar with how corruption operates within faculties and institutions, especially within the medical sphere.

The Dengue vaccine, developed by the NIAID under Dr. Anthony Fauci’s aegis and still approved by the CDC, was given to thousands of children in the Philippines and killed at least 600 kids before it was banned there. Another rushed vaccine in the US in 1976 (this time against swine flu) led to 53 deaths from vaccination. In that case, the swine flu epidemic that was expected never materialised. One of the worst consequences of that vaccine rush was that the US waived liability for vaccine developers. More recently with the H1N1 vaccine, developed just over 10 years ago, 1 in 10,000 developed a nervous disease.

Now visit VAERS—the US Adverse Event Reporting System—and look at the death signal for the present run of vaccines! (Or you can visit https://www.openvaers.com.) It dwarfs these past death signals by orders of magnitude. The USA has 14,925 post vaccine deaths (as of September 19, 2021) and the number keeps rising weekly. Keep in mind that bulk counts make no distinction between those who die with COVID and those who die of COVID, whereas VAERS reports of those who die with or of vaccine are going unaddressed and “official numbers” are deflated to 7,000 (still astounding) through statistical manipulations that exclude those vaccinated with one dose and those vaccinated less than 14 days prior to death.

PhDs are aware of these facts and are, therefore, hesitant.


When it came to light that the Nazis had been engaged in scientific experimentation on humans, including sterilisation of the “unclean,” world leaders came together to ensure this horrific side of science would never again rear its ugly head. The result was the Nuremberg Code, which made informed consent the ethical cornerstone that would guide pharmaceutical developers when entering any phase of human testing. Essential to this concept: consent cannot be coerced. Telling someone, for instance, that they will lose their job or their rights if they do not consent to a medical procedure is the purview of the worst sort of haters.

In short, the anti-hate movement is asleep at the wheel. Our watch dogs are gazing at lawn signs while segregationist policies and hate speech abound. It is time the anti-hate movement performed an internal audit to investigate how it is contributing to rather than diminishing hate in the world.

Comments 1 - 21 of 21        Search these comments

1   Patrick   2021 Sep 30, 1:00pm  

And now that I think about it, "Hate has no home here" is exactly the same as the technique that James Damore described so well at Google:

Misrepresent and shame.

The psychological mechanism goes like this:

1. I hate "those" people.
2. I will instead accuse them of being haters, misrepresenting their position.
3. Now I myself have a justification for my hatred of them.

I think even the Darwin fish-with-legs bumper decal is an expression of hate for Christians. No one would mock another person's religion unless they hated them.
2   Automan Empire   2021 Sep 30, 3:24pm  

Patrick says
I think even the Darwin fish-with-legs bumper decal is an expression of hate for Christians.

I prefer the vertical rocket that says "Science" though I had a chrome Darwin fish on one of my cars till the car and the cheap chromed-plastic were ready for the junkyard.

Speaking for myself, it's not HATE for christians, it's pushback against their own prodigious proselytizing and unwillingness to mind their own business and lives.
3   GNL   2021 Sep 30, 4:05pm  

Automan Empire says
Patrick says
I think even the Darwin fish-with-legs bumper decal is an expression of hate for Christians.

I prefer the vertical rocket that says "Science" though I had a chrome Darwin fish on one of my cars till the car and the cheap chromed-plastic were ready for the junkyard.

Speaking for myself, it's not HATE for christians, it's pushback against their own prodigious proselytizing and unwillingness to mind their own business and lives.

And is exactly why "hate speech" must be protected by the 1A.
4   mell   2021 Sep 30, 4:06pm  

Patrick says
And now that I think about it, "Hate has no home here" is exactly the same as the technique that James Damore described so well at Google:

Misrepresent and shame.

The psychological mechanism goes like this:

1. I hate "those" people.
2. I will instead accuse them of being haters, misrepresenting their position.
3. Now I myself have a justification for my hatred of them.

I think even the Darwin fish-with-legs bumper decal is an expression of hate for Christians. No one would mock another person's religion unless they hated them.

Unless you're mocking Muslims with anything, then you're a bigot!rayscyst! in the retard leftoids clown world. But that goes to show you that the Muslims do it right, they chopped every traveling leftoids head off and maimed every leftoid mocking them, so they developed Stockholm syndrome and have become staunch allies since then. Clearly Christians are way too forgiving.
5   Eric Holder   2021 Sep 30, 4:37pm  

mell says
Unless you're mocking Muslims with anything, then you're a bigot!rayscyst!

I wonder if @AutomanEmpire has some kind of mooslim-mocking chromed plastic thingy on his car...
6   Onvacation   2021 Sep 30, 4:43pm  

Automan Empire says
Speaking for myself, it's not HATE for christians, it's pushback against their own prodigious proselytizing and unwillingness to mind their own business and lives.

When was the last time you were proselytized?

I have to agree that people should mind their own business.
8   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 30, 6:51pm  

I love pushing back on science people, who are really just Status Quo Defenders:

"I love science, and the 32 genders only possessed by Homo Sapiens alone among all primates"
9   Automan Empire   2021 Sep 30, 9:17pm  

Eric Holder says
I wonder if @AutomanEmpire has some kind of mooslim-mocking chromed plastic thingy on his car...

Does a paper Je Suis Charlie sign in Times New Roman Bold taped inside 2 windows for around a week at one point count here?
10   Automan Empire   2021 Sep 30, 9:51pm  

Onvacation says
When was the last time you were proselytized?

Through all their histrionics about "Christians are most oppressed group" and "War against Christmas," Christians disregard the fact that they were and continue to be a dominant force in shaping American culture. This isn't a slam or critique; many of Christianity's contributions have benefited and advanced us over the centuries. Thus, there's lots of ambient Christian references in day to day life and culture that shape and reinforce Christianity, pervasively but at the same time not noticeable from its persistent familiarity. In short, American culture is chock full of built-in subtle Christian propaganda and proselytization. Just the Christian radio stations playing in so many customers' cars make me feel like I'm getting waterboarded using milquetoast.

As for being literally proselytized, there's a storefront church that gets a dozen or two members at the intersection near my work a couple days a month. Most of them hold up Christian themed signs and spread out peacefully on more than one corner for effect. The ANNOYING part of it is, their pastor or whatever his title is, has a bullhorn up to his mouth the whole time, Jeezling loudly and getting the protesters to cheer and wave and the cars to honk. They tend to go at it for at least 2 hours each time. It's loud enough to intrude on my concentration inside my cinder block commercial building 300 feet from them.

One time I wasn't particularly busy and they were being annoying so I made a sign that said "Science is BETTER!" with a bunch of science things around the perimeter, like molecules, galaxies, DNA strands, etc. I went walking among them like I was part of their group till each person near me realized, then moved on to the next, then when I went through the whole crowd like that worked to make my sign as visible as possible to all the stopped cars at each cycle of the light. Despite this being a suburb whose official old motto was "33 churches, no jails"

Passive aggressive trolling of me? Yeah, of course. Hate speech or motivation? Nah. Out of scale with their repeated intrusive actions I was responding to? Not a bit.
11   PeopleUnited   2021 Oct 1, 4:18am  

What if the instigators of the Jan 6th riot were deep state FBI, CIA and paid posers?

What if the devil has influenced fake christians to pose as Christians doing stupid things in a scheme turn off people who need Jesus’s freely given redemption?

In the USA there is a small amount of persecution of Christians, and this science business is part of it, try to get a job as creationist professor at the university. Or try to tell the truth about Sodomy. But in other parts of the world, such as parts of Asia and Africa, Christians are imprisoned or killed for their faith daily.
12   Onvacation   2021 Oct 1, 5:59am  

Automan Empire says
Onvacation says
When was the last time you were proselytized?

Through all their histrionics about "Christians are most oppressed group" and "War against Christmas," Christians disregard the fact that they were and continue to be a dominant force in shaping American culture. This isn't a slam or critique; many of Christianity's contributions have benefited and advanced us over the centuries. Thus, there's lots of ambient Christian references in day to day life and culture that shape and reinforce Christianity, pervasively but at the same time not noticeable from its persistent familiarity. In short, American culture is chock full of built-in subtle Christian propaganda and proselytization. Just the Christian radio stations playing in so many customers' cars make me feel like I'm getting waterboarded using milquetoast.

As for being literally proselytized, there's a storefront church t...

So, never?
13   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 1, 9:06am  

Automan Empire says

As for being literally proselytized, there's a storefront church that gets a dozen or two members at the intersection near my work a couple days a month. Most of them hold up Christian themed signs and spread out peacefully on more than one corner for effect. The ANNOYING part of it is, their pastor or whatever his title is, has a bullhorn up to his mouth the whole time, Jeezling loudly and getting the protesters to cheer and wave and the cars to honk. They tend to go at it for at least 2 hours each time. It's loud enough to intrude on my concentration inside my cinder block commercial building 300 feet from them

That's it? Do they burn down city blocks in the name of Social Justice?
14   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 1, 9:07am  

PeopleUnited says
In the USA there is a small amount of persecution of Christians, and this science business is part of it, try to get a job as creationist professor at the university. Or try to tell the truth about Sodomy. But in other parts of the world, such as parts of Asia and Africa, Christians are imprisoned or killed for their faith daily.

Yep. I can never forget the Professor at a Jesuit University who was fired for stating the Church's position on Gays.

"I'm triggered! I don't want to hear it! Get rid of him!"
15   Shaman   2021 Oct 1, 9:09am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Jesuit University

There’s the problem. Jesuits are commie proselytizers first, and social justice warriors second. They don’t have much at all to do with Jesus.
16   Patrick   2021 Oct 1, 11:42pm  

Good explanation of how the liberal need to feel superior twists NY Times reporting:

17   Patrick   2024 Feb 15, 7:09am  


This is a new global world order, pal. Aren’t you paying attention? We don’t even NEED borders. We need complete control of the language. Imagine we now have an entire corporate, cultural, and media class that obeys our rules. Every time we scrub away a truth here, the reality we want appears there. If all of us are in alignment, and we broadcast our COMMANDMENTS, then we lay down the rules that everyone must obey or else.

Let’s translate, shall we?

The Democrat Commandments:
Black Lives Matter - we have to re-order society to teach all white people that they are racist, their country is racist, and the only way out of it is equity. Give jobs to people who can’t possibly achieve anything on their own in a white supremacist nation. We especially like diversity in things like heart surgery and airplane pilots.

Love is Love - you have to be okay with everything that happens now, no matter how weird it sounds. It’s not polygamy - it’s polyamory. And it’s all good, bro. All good. Don’t be a bigot.

Feminism is for everyone. Did you think it was ONLY for women? You idiot. It’s for men, too, who seek to become women. It’s also for beardos on Twitter who like to abuse MAGA women for kicks. They’re feminists. They’re out there writing all of those terrible film reviews and voting blue, no matter who.

No human being is illegal - our border is open. Come on in. Just don’t get mad at us if your son comes home telling you he wants puberty blockers and to have his testicles removed because feminism is for everyone.

We also need open borders because if we’re encouraging abortion, the sperm count is dropping fast, and we’re sterilizing children - who is going to give birth to the next generation? At this rate, the Mormons will be the dominant group in America in 50 years. We can’t have that.

Not to mention, we need a whole new class of slave labor to bring the economy back. We can pay Americans to stay home and let the undocumented workers cuddle our babies, clean our toilets, blow out our dirty streets, and cook our food. It’s a match made in heaven. It’s like slavery, but we pay them well. We have to. How else can we put out our COMMANDMENTS?

Science is real. We shapeshift this one. It’s not real where embryos are concerned or where biological sex is concerned. But it IS REAL where climate change is concerned. You will sacrifice everything for the cause.

Be Kind to All - except those who do not agree with you on any of the above, especially not Trump or MAGA. They deserve no kindness from you. They deserve nothing but hatred and scorn. Vicious, frothing at the mouth, unbound hatred. Let it rip.

What sells better, our COMMANDMENTS or this:

18   RC2006   2024 Feb 15, 2:40pm  

I feel like this one also encompasses flaming liberal, pro illegals, and white genociders.
19   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 3:39pm  

Automan Empire says

Speaking for myself, it's not HATE for christians, it's pushback against their own prodigious proselytizing and unwillingness to mind their own business and lives.

This is exactly how I viewed it. There was so much religious bullshit being pushed on people in the 1980's, and so many goddamned religious frauds and the Republican party CONSTANTLY talking about religion and promoting it, people rebelled against it. People got fed up with it.

The same thing will happen with this transgender 2SLGBTQ+ nonsense.

The dumbest people in society get sucked into these crusades entirely concocted by the ruling establishment.
20   richwicks   2024 Feb 15, 3:41pm  

21   Patrick   2024 Mar 10, 5:27pm  


Certainly (real) “hate speech” is foul; but prosecuting it—to make the point again—can’t “fight” the hate in question, any more than you can douse a fire with gasoline, while putting all dissident expression at grave risk. A trial can set the record straight, as to the truth or untruth of a hateful lie, as happened with the Berne Trial in the early Thirties, where it was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was, in fact, a forgery whose claims were variously plagiarized and twisted to promote the Nazis’ war against the Jews. But there is no such edifying purpose to the trials of “hate speech” taking place today, since their sole purpose is to chill—and thereby kill—free speech, so that the state, and its affiliated institutions, can dictate not just what’s “hateful” but what’s “true.” ...

In short, we can’t “fight hate,” or fight for truth, without free argument, which will, necessarily, “offend” somebody, if not everybody (especially at first). To have the state decide what’s “hateful” and what isn’t, and/or take on the all-important task of telling truth from lie, is to empower it just as the Nazis and the Bolsheviks both did—both having forged mass movements, driven by the same ferocious animus that we now see all around us in this country, We the People having been so brilliantly manipulated into a new civil war between two continental lynch mobs, chanting hatefully—and, therefore, impossibly—against the Other’s “hate.”

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