Rittenhouse Update

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2021 Aug 22, 8:26am   16,640 views  468 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Jury Selection: Prosecutors demand List of Donors who contributed to his defense fund with excuse they need it to exclude Jurists.

Prosecutors have demanded that a judge force Kyle Rittenhouse's defense team to turn over the names of everyone who donated to his legal funds or purchased the teen's merchandise.

In an August 17 court filing reviewed by Insider, prosecutors said it's likely that some of the people who donated to Rittenhouse are residents in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and therefore potentially part of the jury pool for his trial.


Yahoo, but archived so they don't get any revenue.

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168   Shaman   2021 Nov 11, 12:13pm  

So basically the powers that be are upset because Kyle killed two criminal Jews and wounded a third? They wuz guud boys n dindu nuffin wrong!
169   Patrick   2021 Nov 11, 12:17pm  

@Shaman They weren't Jewish. They were almost comically not-Jewish.

Please return to reality.
170   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 11, 1:35pm  

Patrick says
@Shaman They weren't Jewish. They were almost comically not-Jewish.

Please return to reality.

Patrick, isn't Rosenbaum a very common Jewish surname?
172   WookieMan   2021 Nov 11, 2:26pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Patrick says
@Shaman They weren't Jewish. They were almost comically not-Jewish.

Please return to reality.

Patrick, isn't Rosenbaum a very common Jewish surname?

Does it even matter? Most were grown ass men at least 5 years older than a minor that were shot. Be a god damn adult. Work your job, come home and make a meal for yourself or family. Don't go fucking lighting cars on fire whether you're a Jew or Scientologist. Kyle had a gun. That's the last person I'm going to fuck with regardless of religion. Stupid people end up dead. That's what happened here.
173   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Nov 11, 2:43pm  

Patrick says
It's also a common German surname. There is a lot of overlap.

Those anti-fa guys were about as far from Jewish as you can get, with their tattoos and street violence. Jews just don't do stuff like that. Financial crime, maybe, street violence, never. To call those guys Jewish is like calling them Chinese.

Closest you might be able to get is some Jewish mafia in New York in the 1920's. But even then, they tended to be the money guys and not the physical guys.

yep average idiots, hired to go spread DNC message of "you vote for Trump and we'll burn your hood"

(I think I saw bit on this in part 2 series here)

original link
174   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 3:04pm  

Patrick says
Closest you might be able to get is some Jewish mafia members in New York in the 1920's. But even then, they tended to be the money guys and not the physical guys.

Oh come on Patrick. Every government is a mafia. Israel is one of the most violent states in existence. In time, they will entirely destroy the Palestinians either by driving them out or just killing them and they've done this for 70 years now.

This is a government is armed with nuclear bombs, US military equipment, where nearly every citizens serves in the IDF except for the Haredi. The Jewish mafia was fucking ruthless in NY, and probably still is. As people become more affluent, they are less likely to get their hands dirty is all.
175   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 3:51pm  

richwicks says
Oh come on Patrick. Every government is a mafia. Israel is one of the most violent states in existence. In time, they will entirely destroy the Palestinians either by driving them out or just killing them and they've done this for 70 years now.

Considering they are surrounded by enemies, the Israelis are remarkably light.

Colonel Kemp - "IDF the most moral Army in the World"

I won't even get into the fact that the Israel-Arab conflict, including Palestinians, is one of the least deadly in the Middle East. Compared to the Iran-Iraq War, the Lebanese Civil War (kept going for three decades by the hereditary dictators of Syria), etc. Anytime the Arabs are willing to sign any kind of understanding, Israel obliges (Egypt, Jordan).
176   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 3:52pm  

richwicks says
This is a government is armed with nuclear bombs, US military equipment, where nearly every citizens serves in the IDF except for the Haredi. The Jewish mafia was fucking ruthless in NY, and probably still is. As people become more affluent, they are less likely to get their hands dirty is all.

The Jewish mafia was subsumed into the Italian Mafia by the 1950s, mostly as bookies and gambling operators under Italian Capos. As was the Irish Mob.
177   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 3:57pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Patrick, isn't Rosenbaum a very common Jewish surname?

Here's a Nazi era U-boat commander.

Here's a sad story of an abused kid named Wilhelm Rosenbaum, stepmother treated him like ass because she thought his German-speaking Poland mother was Polish Slav Unter-mensch, he ran the Gestapo School for a time and eventually became an SS Officer:

There's two Nazi era officers from quick search of "Rosenbaum".

He COULD be Jewish, but Grosskeuntz and Huber are almost certainly not. Wisconsin is not known for an extensive Jewish population, but the area IS known for many Germans.

I suspect there's a lot of Glowies using Anti-semitism to distract from the Deep State and Especially Chinese misdeeds. In fact one of the tells is that the AS brigade keeps distracting from China and trying to continually push the conversation to "Jews". On Patriots.win, you can almost time some "handshakes" - new accounts. Their new tactic is to post ordinary MAGA stuff for the first month (while they have the "Handshake" icon as new members), and literally the moment the handshake disappears, load up on the Jew shit. AKA "Entryism" - "Hello fellow Pedes, I am MAGA like you. Kyle Good, Let's Go Brandon, etc. Then 30 days later, what about them Kikes, eh, fellow Pedes?" They also brigade at particular times. That used to be around 2-3AM EST, now it's around 10-11AM EST after people noticed they all tended to brigade around the former time.

The mods are great there, though I'd prefer a Racist.win rather than outright banning. Then again, when dealing with Glowies or organized Entryists, why be fair with deliberate liars and manipulators? Turnabout is fair play, as you're sick of hearing from me.

AND, if Patriots.win wasn't controlling the Glowie Anti-semites, front page in the WaPo/NYT would be "Patriots.win worse than stormfront, must be deplatformed. Proof that MAGA is Nazi Fascist"

We do know that "White Supremacist" organizations, as small as they are, are suspected of being at least 30% Glowie/Informant. We've certainly seen that with the leadership of Patriot Groups, such as Epps and Rhodes.
178   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 11, 5:02pm  

Patrick says
FuckCCP89 says
Patrick says
@Shaman They weren't Jewish. They were almost comically not-Jewish.

Please return to reality.

Patrick, isn't Rosenbaum a very common Jewish surname?

It's also a common German surname. There is a lot of overlap.

Those anti-fa guys were about as far from Jewish as you can get, with their tattoos and street violence. Jews just don't do stuff like that, and don't get tattoos (they're not kosher). Financial crime, maybe, street violence, never. To call those guys Jewish is like calling them Chinese.

Closest you might be able to get is some Jewish mafia members in New York in the 1920's. But even then, they tended to be the money guys and not the physical guys.

Fair enough.
179   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 11, 5:18pm  

Ron Johnson seems to think I'm right about the FBI running a pysops operation in Kenosha.

It's create your own hopium Thursdays!

181   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 5:30pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
Every government is a mafia.

That's very far from being an on-street idiot with tats and a gun.

Haha, not really. What do you think a war is?

Patrick says
Could be that there are some Jews who were directing antifa high up, like Soros, but the odds of any of them being on the ground personally setting fires and assaulting people are approximately zero.

I doubt that. There's stupid violent Jews as well.

You know how the intelligence bell curve is wider for men than women? I bet it's the same among races as well.

The "average IQ" is skewed, because very retarded people aren't given the test. That aren't part of testing to bring it down.
182   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 8:26pm  

Ah, nothing like muh conjecture=fact.

I was like "This has to be a parody account" - then I read Xir's threads. She's like a real-life Titania McGrath or Geofrey Elfwick, the Genderqueer Islamoatheist.

184   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 11, 8:56pm  


Nice photoshop trick some Glowie Stormfag pulled, getting rid of the German, Danish bit.

At least they stopped photoshopping Jewish bylines on articles a few months ago.
185   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 11, 10:25pm  

richwicks says
We all heard this in skool didn't we? Who runs our skools?

They don’t teach that anymore. The communists are winning.
186   richwicks   2021 Nov 11, 11:07pm  

PeopleUnited says
richwicks says
We all heard this in skool didn't we? Who runs our skools?

They don’t teach that anymore. The communists are winning.

There are always authoritarians. They question is will you bow down, or go underground? I'll go underground. I've been expecting to die in a gulag or FEMA camp since I was in my early 30's - 20 years ago.

If people don't stand up, they deserve what they get.

I have an advantage over you. I know I'm a slave, and always have been. 20 years ago, you'd have been a colluder to me. Our central bank, the Federal Reserve, really is a private company, and if you didn't see this you were either incredibly stupid, or lying to me. I genuinely didn't appreciate how effective propaganda was. The Federal Reserve makes as much fucking Monopoly money as they want. It's such a blatant scam that I couldn't believe people couldn't see it, but they didn't and don't. They really don't.

It's hard, what I saw as obvious 2 decades ago, people are JUST becoming aware of now. These people are hardly stupid, most of them are far more intelligent AND creative than I am. I have some sort of weird intelligence that can detect fraud and as a result, I opt out on frauds LONG before anybody else does. I really don't understand the (stupidity?) of the average person. They aren't stupid, they are just unaware. It's insanely frustrating.

I can appreciate the Cassandra Complex. It's similar. I have a similar curse.
187   Ceffer   2021 Nov 11, 11:35pm  

Nice parallel gaslighting, bro!:
188   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 12, 4:47am  

richwicks says
I have an advantage over you. I know I'm a slave, and always have been.

You talk like you have some special knowledge. I was taught all this too, not by schools but by friends. Even George Carlin knew it. Don’t pretend you have special knowledge and everyone else is blind. Better to search out and understand your own blind spots.
189   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 12, 6:23am  

Knew he looked like somebody...

190   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 12, 7:14am  

CaptainHorsePaste says


Nice photoshop trick some Glowie Stormfag pulled, getting rid of the German, Danish bit.

At least they stopped photoshopping Jewish bylines on articles a few months ago.

It seems to me surnames are never Jewish, regional people become Jews and that's how Jews have their last names.
I've met people with last names that normally are Jewish but they weren't.
Such as Greene, Gould, and even met a few people with "stein" in their last name, that turned out to not be Jewish.

That being said, I would bet both prosecutors are Jewish.
And possibly even the Judge. When the Defense, talked about when they can wrap this up at the end of the day yesterday.
Binger did not want to do closing arguments today, and leave the jury all weekend to stew over the State's botched case. So he was leaning to coming back Monday or Tuesday.
The defense lawyer with the crewcut, said... "I know Saturday, is out of the question." with a knowing laugh, Like someone is Jewish and working on the sabbath is a big no no.
191   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 12, 8:31am  

I'm pretty sure Binger is German or Scandinavian, as is the Judge.

But it's clear there's a disproportionaly large number of asshole Jews. We have another prick in Arizona School Board I posted to another thread. The Good News is that they reproduce below the replacement rate, there will be no more Nikki Frieds to follow.

Binger wants to fuck everything up now that he's clearly lost, so he can say "Biased judge declared mistrial" and Media can say "White Supremacist Judge blah blah blah"

Another Takeaway is that the Judge is a Boomer; not to many of these tough, by the book, no bullshit judges left. Most will cuck to the Media if they shower the court with attention. If they aren't Soros backed. Every time I see a Trump Rally or MAGA shit getting done, it's mostly Boomers.
192   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 12, 8:36am  

The prosecution is graveling to the Judge what the Defense can and can't say in closing arguments.

193   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 12, 8:39am  


The Judge is getting into it with the Prosecution again, regarding the instructions to the jury. Schroeder's patience is obviously thin, but I think he knows that the prosecution is trying to get him pissed of and fuck up the trial.
194   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 12, 8:55am  

The prosecution is now trying to stack the charges, so that if he's acquitted on the more serious charges, he's charged on the lesser.

The Judge should make the prosecution stick with their initial charges they tried the case on. Knowing now, their case was destroyed, they want to stack the charges, with contingent charges.

Prosecutors are more corrupt than our DOJ. Fucking George Soros. I hope he goes down with someone gutting him like a squealing pig, in front of his faggot kid, then put him down in the same dirt hole.
195   richwicks   2021 Nov 12, 9:31am  

PeopleUnited says
richwicks says
I have an advantage over you. I know I'm a slave, and always have been.

You talk like you have some special knowledge.

But I don't. What is either obvious and important to me, is either not obvious to other people or unimportant to them.

I keep bringing up that Bush lied us into the Iraq War. Do you realize what a turning point that was? When he did that, and he wasn't prosecuted or executed for it, as he should have been, that was the end of our nation. What worse crime can you think of other than fabricating the reasons to kill between 100,000 and 1,000,000 people? That is mass murder on a massive scale. Obama did the same thing in Syria and Libya.

Our Federal Reserve is DIRECTLY intervening in the stock market. Not just to keep prices up, but to keep companies solvent and operating. This prevents a free market system. Google would be gone by now, but the government is fucking infusing it with cash. The company works DIRECTLY against the interests of Americans. This is obvious and important to me, but nobody else seems to care that a CORPORATION is restricting their access to information.

These are HUGE THINGS, and it's no secret either. These are SUPER IMPORTANT things.

Our news media is BLATANT propaganda, but people still listen to it. They still repeat talking points from it. They still go onto the "news" to try to get out their message. Why the FUCK does anybody pay any attention to propagandists? People who believe that Rachael Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Sean Hannity, etc - are passing out useful information should be made FUN of at this point. They should be treated like they are simpletons.

Ceffer says
I was taught all this too, not by schools but by friends. Even George Carlin knew it. Don’t pretend you have special knowledge and everyone else is blind.

I don't think they are blind.

But they do appear to be apathetic. What I thought 20 years ago would outrage people, simple doesn't.

The 4th Reich has been here for a long time. I used to wonder, why would Europe support the US wars in the Middle East? The result of them is a bunch of rapefugees entering Europe. Why would they put up with this? Are they propagandized? Have they given up? Do they just not care? I have no idea. Do they now know what is going on?

Julian Assange something like 10 years ago expressed his astonishment that there wasn't a revolution in the United States 10 years ago. I'm equally astonished. Our government is now forcing parents to give a USELESS vaccination that doesn't appear to do anything other than cause heart problems and blood clots, to their children. No revolt. When Antifa and BLM rioted in cities, they did it only in cities where mayors ordered the police to stand down. These people burned, looted, and even murdered, and people just put up with it.

Tell me, WHY THE FUCK do people not only put up with this, but don't even fucking complain about it? They won't even speak OUT against it. It's astonishing.

I am fucking COMPLETELY perplexed. Are people unaware this happened? Do they not care? I just don't fucking get it.

And the list just goes on and on and on and on. Hunter Biden is selling artwork that CHILDREN make at summer camp. This can ONLY be a conduit for bribes. Does anybody really think a LAWYER suddenly became an artist with no training and was able to suddenly sell artwork for 1/2 million dollars each? It's OBVIOUSLY a bribe - are there protests, does anybody talk about it?

I don't have special knowledge. I'm apparently the worlds biggest fucking idiot, because I do not understand why other people put up with all this shit. I completely don't understand.

Can somebody explain it to me? Really @PeopleUnited - I completely do not understand. Am I genius? A retard? Insane? I have no idea. I am completely sincere when I say, I don't know. I don't know why I perceive things in apparently entirely different ways than almost everybody. I don't know if they aren't aware of it, if they have a basic different emotional and logical response to it, I don't know. If my reaction is COMPLETELY different than other people, I must be insane. I'm OK with that, but I fucking wish somebody would tell me. God, I'm begging somebody to tell me.

I really don't understand it. I honestly don't. I have no idea why people are like this:

It's been this way for over 20 years for me. Nearly EVERYBODY in the country is that dog. Can they not see it? I have NO IDEA.
196   PeopleUnited   2021 Nov 12, 10:00am  

richwicks says
Are people unaware this happened? Do they not care? I just don't fucking get it.

richwicks says
Can somebody explain it to me? Really @PeopleUnited - I completely do not understand. Am I genius? A retard? Insane? I have no idea.

I really don't understand it. I honestly don't.

Like a great many things, most people don’t know the truth and many people know the truth but it is more convenient to ignore it (fear of what it will cost to acknowledge or act on the knowledge), and many would like to act but don’t have any actions could they take that won’t cost them more than what is gained, and many know the truth but also actually believe the lie that the truth doesn’t matter or that the truth can’t be known.

But I believe the majority are ignorant or willingly ignorant and/or just don’t know what (if anything) they can do about it.

If someone had a plan, people might get behind it, but if all anybody does is say “the sky is falling” but doesn’t have a viable action plan to fix it, that IS insanity.
197   richwicks   2021 Nov 12, 10:50am  

PeopleUnited says
But I believe the majority are ignorant or willingly ignorant and/or just don’t know what (if anything) they can do about it.

That's the keyword there - "believe". I want to know. I'm FIFTY. I've lived 1/2 a century and I still don't goddamned know. How can I have been alive for 5 DECADES and still be guessing?

PeopleUnited says
If someone had a plan, people might get behind it, but if all anybody does is say “the sky is falling” but doesn’t have a viable action plan to fix it, that IS insanity.

Look, if people just acknowledge the emperor has no clothes, and stop pretending he has clothing, it ends. That's the plan, just to get people to acknowledge reality.

That is WAY MORE DIFFICULT than I ever POSSIBLY imagined. 30 years ago, I was like "piece of cake! I know the government is full of shit, and there's all this corruption, we'll just expose it and it will end. We have the Internet now, all we have to do is make it possible for people not just in the country but across the world to realize that everything they are told is bullshit. No problem."

Man, was I fucking naive.
198   GNL   2021 Nov 12, 10:56am  

Case in point, regarding "That's the plan, just to get people to acknowledge reality."

My mother in law has been a super freak about Covid since the beginning. Wears a mask in her car and on the beach when alone. Can you say cray cray?

Anyway, she won't let us come see her but she wants to stay at our place for 24 hours because she is taking a flight from the east coast to the west coast and the airport she is flying out of is near us. What? What changed that she now will come see us but still will not let us come see her? I believe it is the attitude of who is better than who. Plus she is a controlling person. It should be a fun 24 hours. I told my wife that if she were my mother, I'd tell her she cannot come see us until we can come see her. But, that's just me.
199   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 12, 11:01am  

Tenpoundbass says
Prosecutors are more corrupt than our DOJ. Fucking George Soros. I hope he goes down with someone gutting him like a squealing pig, in front of his faggot kid, then put him down in the same dirt hole.

His kid Alex looks like an ineffectual soyboy hipster. Soros is not long for the Earth, let's snort some hopium along those lines.
200   krc   2021 Nov 12, 11:14am  

Prosecution is now bringing up the drone FBI footage and heavily relying on that...
201   richwicks   2021 Nov 12, 11:49am  

CaptainHorsePaste says
His kid Alex looks like an ineffectual soyboy hipster. Soros is not long for the Earth, let's snort some hopium along those lines.

Soros is just a puppet. The people that run things always use puppets. Soros' job, because he's Jewish, is to act as a lightning rod. Him being Jewish gives him some level of protection since he's part of a protected class.
202   HeadSet   2021 Nov 12, 12:18pm  

richwicks says
I do not understand why other people put up with all this shit. I completely don't understand.

Powerlessness. Unless you are willing to risk it all by putting a bullet where it belongs, all you can do is complain on a blog.

But do take heart - even though no one wants to risk his job doing something about stuff like the obvious Biden art bribes, their is mass revolt against the jabs. Also in Virginia McAuliffe got beat because of his pro-jab, CRT supporting policies.
203   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 12, 5:49pm  

Patrick says
After all, the nice Jews who got along with the majority did not remain Jews for very long. Their children would marry Christians and that line would quickly be assimilated, with nothing left except maybe a surname, frequently without even the memory of anyone in the family ever having been Jewish.

Tee Hee.

richwicks says
Soros' job, because he's Jewish, is to act as a lightning rod.

Ethnically, he's Ashkenazi.

Religiously, Soros isn't Jewish. He's an atheist, as his own father was, and funded Indymedia and a host of anti-Zionist projects. Soros is Esperanto, not Hebrew.
204   richwicks   2021 Nov 12, 7:33pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
Religiously, Soros isn't Jewish. He's an atheist, as his own father was, and funded Indymedia and a host of anti-Zionist projects. Soros is Esperanto, not Hebrew.

Jewish is a race, not a religion. If you don't believe that, try to change your religion and get dual citizenship in Israel.

The race is loosely defined, but it's defined. Outsiders are not welcome.

Ashkenazi's run Israel. There's quite a bit of speculation that they have no connection and their ancestors are not from the biblical Israel. I'm sure you've heard of Khazars. The story is a merchant group was in between Muslims and Christians, and decided that the best course of action was to adopt the religion that both were based on. No idea if it's true, and really, I don't care but if it is true, their ancestors changed their religion for convenience and profit.

Seems plausible!

If I was in the same situation - fuck, I'd do it. Put a gun to my head and insist I swear allegiance to X religion, I'm the biggest fucking religious nut for X you've ever seen - because I don't think this matters. I was raised Catholic and we're basically trained to do "good works" of some sort. If there's a God, and an afterlife, if certain sects of Christianity are right - I really don't think God is good. In some Christian sects, the only requirement to make it to heaven is belief in Jesus. This is fucking crazy to me.

I've considered the possibility that Satan rebelled against God not because Satan was evil, but God was.

It was the Tree of Knowledge after all - I find people trying to prevent you from gaining knowledge aren't doing this to help you. They are doing this to hurt you.
205   BayArea   2021 Nov 13, 4:12am  

WineHorror1 says
Case in point, regarding "That's the plan, just to get people to acknowledge reality."

My mother in law has been a super freak about Covid since the beginning. Wears a mask in her car and on the beach when alone. Can you say cray cray?

Anyway, she won't let us come see her but she wants to stay at our place for 24 hours because she is taking a flight from the east coast to the west coast and the airport she is flying out of is near us. What? What changed that she now will come see us but still will not let us come see her? I believe it is the attitude of who is better than who. Plus she is a controlling person. It should be a fun 24 hours. I told my wife that if she were my mother, I'd tell her she cannot come see us until we can come see her. But, that's just me.

You are using logic to see more of you’re MIL. I’ve seen it all now...
206   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 13, 5:00am  

Logic + Women = Arguing with Wall.
207   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 13, 5:27am  

Why are Ashkenazi Jews such a pain in the ass? Because they contain a high number of intellectuals.

Intellectuals and Society - Thomas Sowell

NYT covered up the Holocaust during WW2, along with dismissing Holodomor Claims, believing Potemkin Village crap, etc. of course so did Dewey, Duranty and others did so:

You also don't have to be "Smart"to be an "Intellectual", such as Philip II of Spain/HRE, once described as an unintelligent intellectual. These people frequently have strong commitment to ideologies without smarts.

Another great Sowell book:

I suspect the actual highest elites know Damned Well what the result of racial bullshit is, and deliberately promote it. They WANT Whites to see themselves either as Victim or Oppressor, and "do something" about themselves or others to create more division and racial tension, freeing Neolib-neocons to enjoy the benefits and further weaken the Nation State, their final barrier to one-world (or at least a collection of mega-regional) Corporate Rule.

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