Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,180 views  8,529 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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771   HeadSet   2021 Nov 10, 4:16pm  

COVID vaccine injury claims mount, but recourse is lacking for those harmed

Of course not. Setting up a system for recourse or specialized treatment for vaxx injuries means you have to admit that vaxx injuries exist.
772   Eric Holder   2021 Nov 10, 5:09pm  

HeadSet says
COVID vaccine injury claims mount, but recourse is lacking for those harmed

Of course not. Setting up a system for recourse or specialized treatment for vaxx injuries means you have to admit that vaxx injuries exist.

773   Patrick   2021 Nov 10, 7:42pm  


A flight attendant is suing “a major airline” over its vaccine mandate after she experienced severe adverse reactions from the jab.

Lisa Williams, a Tampa-based flight attendant of 31 years, said at a press conference Monday that she is part of a coalition of airline employees – including pilots – filing a lawsuit against a “major U.S. airline” for forcing her to get the injection or face unpaid leave.

“I’m here as a representative for Airline Employees for Health Freedom, a group of over 2,000 of my coworkers who are suing our airline for unreasonable accommodations of indefinite unpaid leave in lieu of taking the vaccine,” Williams said. ...

Williams went on to describe how the airline threatened employees with termination or loss of benefits if they refused the jab.

“People were told that they were effectively resigning, would never fly again, or would lose their retirement if they didn’t take the shot,” she said. “The lies and the pressure was unbearable.”

Williams explained how she “caved under duress” to the airline and took the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after missing the religious exemption deadline, but soon after was rushed to the hospital and almost died from the shot.

“That was the single worst decision of my life,” Williams said. “I violated my faith because my employer made me choose between my God and my job, a decision that nearly cost me my life.”

“Every day the side effects linger and I suffer chronic pain,” she explained, adding that the airline won’t provide medical compensation and they won’t “acknowledge their role” in her suffering.

“Employees must have the right to choose what’s best for their individual faith and for their personal medical situations,” she concluded.

Though Williams didn’t specifically name the airline during the presser, she’s believed to be an employee for United Airlines, according to Florida Politics.

This comes after a federal court of appeals temporarily blocked Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate pending further review, citing “grave constitutional” issues.

But Biden told companies on Monday to defy the court order and continue imposing unconstitutional vaccine mandates on workers.
774   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Nov 11, 5:05am  

Taiwan halts 2nd-dose BioNTech vaccinations for ages 12-17 amid concerns of myocarditis
CECC says approval of COVID vaccines for children under 12 will not be considered until 2nd dose issue settled

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said on Wednesday (Nov. 10) that a panel of experts has decided to suspend administering second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT) COVID vaccine to children 12-17 years old amid concerns it may increase the risk of myocarditis.

Cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) have been reported after BNT vaccination of children between 12 and 17 years of age. According to U.S. statistics, the risk of youths experiencing myocarditis after receiving the second BNT dose is 10 times higher than after the first dose, CNA reported.

Some countries have adjusted their policies regarding administering COVID-19 vaccines to adolescents. For instance, Hong Kong has changed from two doses of BNT to only a single dose for those aged 12-17. The U.K. has done something similar, recommending only one shot for children between 12 and 18 years of age, per CNA.

Chen said that the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) has decided to halt administration of second BNT doses to this age group for two weeks, during which time experts and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) physicians will look at the 16 cases of myocarditis among adolescents after BNT vaccination before making a final decision on whether to go ahead with the second shot.

775   Patrick   2021 Nov 11, 8:45am  


WAUNAKEE, WISCONSIN — A 16-year-old girl is dead and the powers-that-be are frantically scrubbing the internet of all facts surrounding her death.

Ms. Kamrynn Soleil Thomas received the first experimental Pfizer mRNA shot on March 19. The details are quite scary from there. She suffered from hemodynamic collapse (or circulatory collapse) at her home on March 28. That means she lost consciousness because blood pressure dropped so low that the circulatory system wasn’t delivering adequate oxygen to her cells. Anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, is a known cause of circulatory collapse.

Doctors placed her on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) machine because her heart and lungs ceased functioning properly. They also found bilateral pulmonary embolisms (blood clots), meaning both of the main arteries to her lungs were blocked. Young Kamrynn passed away on March 30.

776   Patrick   2021 Nov 11, 9:09pm  


Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old mountain bike race champion, was diagnosed with pericarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis a month after he took the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine has ruined his career and he is still unwell and hasn’t been able to work or ride a bike.

Warner took his first dose of Pfizer vaccine in mid-May and took his second dose a month after. In an interview with Dr. John Campbell in October, Warner describes his experience and what he felt when the second dose of Pfizer vaccine was injected into his body.

“As soon as they injected it, I had a weird metallic saline taste in my mouth. I asked the guy, ‘Is that normal?’ and he said no, they don’t hear of that much. The fact that the clinician doesn’t recognize that a metallic taste in the mouth could be a sign of an inadvertent intravascular administration concerns me because what happens is if the vaccine goes into your muscle, then it stays in your muscle, and it’s going to take half an hour to be systemically absorbed at all, or much longer than that. But if it goes into a vessel, you get a metallic taste straight away …The fact that you could taste that straight away is, to me, very suspicious of them inadvertently giving that into a blood vessel … Basically, you’re having the inflammatory reaction in your heart and in your joints instead of in your arm.”

Two weeks after he took the second dose, Warner started to notice some strange reactions in his heart and he experienced a series of accelerated heart rates. He claimed that he only took the vaccine shot because he wanted to travel internationally.
777   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Nov 12, 9:08am  

Celebrity chef who invented the 'world's healthiest meal' and calorie-free cookies and counted royals and Gwyneth Paltrow among his fans, dies of a sudden heart attack aged 45

Celebrity chef Gurpareet Bains died aged 45 after suffering a shock heart attack

Nutritionist claimed to have made the 'world's healthiest Christmas dinner'

Co-founder of Vedge Snacks counted Hollywood A-listers among biggest fans

They include Gwyneth Paltrow, DJ Chris Evans and designer Vivienne Westwood

779   Patrick   2021 Nov 12, 10:21am  


Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab
780   HeadSet   2021 Nov 12, 11:26am  

Patrick says

Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab

It would had been worse if he did not get the jab.......
781   Patrick   2021 Nov 13, 9:20am  


A Special Forces soldier participating in physical fitness training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died from a “sudden, unexpected medical event” on Wednesday, a statement from 1st Special Forces Command revealed on Friday morning.

Army Times reported, Sgt. 1st Class Calvin T. Rockward, 38, died while attending the Special Forces Warrant Officer Technical and Tactical Certification Course. Officials did not provide additional details on the incident.

A Special Forces soldier died Wednesday after a “sudden, unexpected medical event” during physical fitness training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Sgt. 1st Class Calvin T. Rockward. #FortBraggNC #SpecialForces #USArmy #LestWeForget -🇺🇸🇺🇸@PreZnyc621 pic.twitter.com/5BIxOptBTb

— Dominick DiNardo (@dinardodp) November 1, 2021

Biden murdered this soldier via mandated injection.
783   Patrick   2021 Nov 13, 1:25pm  


Over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out
Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things. I wonder what...

1 hr ago
First, take a look at this video posted by my friend Robert Malone: ...

Now, in the comments of that tweet, you’ll see people say that “these events happen all the time.” True, they do. For example, this death of Piermario Morosini that happened in 2012.

But they don’t happen at this rate. No way.

All of these cases have been properly reported and are documented. No mentions (except one case) of vaccinations! But the numbers are speaking for themselves.

It shows that there have been more “events” over a 4 month period than in over 20 years, which is more than a 60-fold increase in event rate.

All of these are in full public view so there is no “reporting bias” involved.

None of these players had COVID since they are all tested.
If it isn’t the vaccines, then what is causing all of these events to happen at such a high rate?

This is a health emergency
We’ve never seen anything like this before. An alarming increase. We’ve got to find out what is causing this! It can’t be COVID… they are all tested. It all started after the vaccines rolled out… I wonder what it could be???? Hmmm….

I checked with the CDC and they sent me this:

784   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 13, 1:39pm  


786   Ceffer   2021 Nov 13, 6:58pm  

Brother in law (who got the first jab, was sick and has muscle/joint pain ever since won't get second jab) just had a lung lobectomy for lung cancer and has been in hospital/ICU. Nurse said to sister in law, he should get the second vaccine. Sister in law yelled at her and said: "You know that would kill him, don't you?"

I imagine anybody who talks somebody into getting the jab these days may get bounties for it, doctors, nurses, aides whoever. Shows you for a little payoff, how little regard that they have for your actual life and health.
787   Patrick   2021 Nov 14, 9:58am  


LYNNE, FLORIDA –A 41-year-old truck driver and self-described “powerhouse progressive and LGBT” former Florida congressional candidate is dead after a final month of life filled with vitriol.

Mr. Richard “Ricky” Rowe was already, for lack of better term, an unpleasant personality based on his Facebook and Twitter archives. The injections exacerbated it, providing more evidence that these shots change people’s personalities and psychological states of mind.


41-year-old Florida House District 23 progressive candidate, Richard Rowe passed away on the 29th of October 2021.

Richard passed away unexpectedly following a medical issue weeks after he was vaccinated for COVID-19 while walking his dog. He was later found by his neighbors.

Darwinism seems to be working, just not the way he expected it to.
788   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 14, 10:47pm  

NPR Book Editor
790   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 14, 10:48pm  

Two Siblings, both Italian 20-something Sports players, died after being Double Vaxxed.
791   Ceffer   2021 Nov 14, 10:54pm  

Patrick says
The injections exacerbated it, providing more evidence that these shots change people’s personalities and psychological states of mind.

This observation is becoming more common. Frontal lobe effects (aka impulse control difficulties) along with the memory and linguistic problems. There may be a designation of 'vaccine senility' some day.
794   Patrick   2021 Nov 15, 1:15am  


TRAGIC LOSS ‘Healthy’ boy, 13, dies suddenly in his sleep three days after getting second dose of Pfizer vaccine
Chris Bradford
11:31 ET, Jul 5 2021Updated: 2:13 ET, Jul 6 2021
A “HEALTHY” teenager has died suddenly in his sleep – just three days after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer coronavirus jab.

Jacob Clynick, 13, got his second dose of the vaccine at a pharmacy in Zilwaukee, Michigan on June 13.
795   Patrick   2021 Nov 15, 1:17am  


Thursday, October 28, 2021
Long-time ABC Radio Perth presenter Russell Woolf died suddenly in his sleep Monday night.

The 57-year-old Australian radio host bragged on Twitter about receiving his second AstraZeneca Covid vaccine on August 19th.

Just had my second AZ jab … I'm a double plugger. Very happy about it. Just get the vax, man.

— Russell Woolf (@Russell_Woolf) August 19, 2021

Woolf was a national broadcaster for more than 20 years and was most recently the co-host of ABC Perth’s breakfast show alongside Nadia Mitsopoulos. ...

Woolf’s cause of death is oddly being kept quiet thus far, and no statement has been made by his family.
796   HeadSet   2021 Nov 15, 7:27am  

Ceffer says
There may be a designation of 'vaccine senility' some day.

Just what we need, a nation of early onset Bidens. Time to corner the "Depends" market.
800   GNL   2021 Nov 15, 11:48am  

I still don't know anyone who has been harmed, or suspected of being harmed, by the vax.
801   richwicks   2021 Nov 15, 1:13pm  

WineHorror1 says
I still don't know anyone who has been harmed, or suspected of being harmed, by the vax.

I know two people personally that had difficulties after getting vaccinated. One was knocked out 2 days in bed, the other had stomach problems for over a month.

I have a friend that knows two people whose wives got screwy menstrual cycles. One had already gone through menopause - so figure that one out.

I'm not going to stand in anybody's way of getting the vaccination. I think it's fair for them to let me die in peace in this "pandemic" in which I have less than a 1 in 1000 chance of dying from, and for which I may already been sick. If I did have it, I was under the weather for a full day and lost some of my ability to taste which lasted quite a while and frankly, that could have been anything.
803   stereotomy   2021 Nov 15, 2:12pm  

I can't understand why in the motherfucking world that the toxxines are not immediately pulled. Then again, I need to realize that I live in a profoundly unjust and corrupt government/society. God help us all.
804   mell   2021 Nov 15, 6:51pm  

Ceffer says

This must be a fake.
805   richwicks   2021 Nov 15, 6:59pm  

mell says
This must be a fake.

10 years ago - without doubt it would be fake or trolling.

Today? Well, we are in Clown World after all.
806   Onvacation   2021 Nov 15, 7:07pm  

I've already heard, "kids have always had heart attacks. They just never publicized it".
807   Patrick   2021 Nov 15, 10:39pm  


19-yo Australian Equestrian Star Hospitalized with Blood Clots Days After Getting Vaxxed as Media Gaslights
We have it bad here with American media, but Australian media has embraced Pandemic Panic Theater even more.

808   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 16, 7:57am  

mell says
This must be a fake.

Article in "Popular""Science" minimizing the dangers of Myocarditis.
They seem to be actively minimizing and normalizing the idea of heart disease in young people.
My internet rambles have given me to understand that Myo is ALWAYS dangerous, short term and long term, for, most especially, young men.
McCullough has stated that the Myo that they are getting from the vaXXX is a different disease process from that which might occur from the virus and much more dangerous.

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