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Late last night, an ambulance took her to the hospital for a stroke
WineHorror1 saysAre they going to sue?
Have not thought about that yet. Just got word that she will be in the hospital until at least Friday. Since the doctor did ask if she got a recent jab, I hope the jab will be listed as the cause. Two other people I know around here who got blood clots right after their jabs had their doctors outright refuse to blame the jabs. Apparently, doctors face consequences for listing the jab as a cause for any illnesses.
Have not thought about that yet.
Sue whom?
We don't have an operating judicial system anyhow.
I was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive
WineHorror1 saysI was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive
No offense taken, nor any idea that anyone was insensitive. Right now, I am wondering since they know about the jab, will they take measures to treat/defend against spike proteins, and not just treat it like a cholesterol issue with cholesterol remedies.
richwicks saysSue whom?
We don't have an operating judicial system anyhow.
Sue the company? Maybe everyone should do like you and I do...live like paupers. Everyone that possibly can should also start their own companies.
Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists but isn’t published out of fear, cardiologist says
'These researchers at the moment have decided they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry.'
Yesterday’s Conspiracy Is Today’s Medical Journal Headline: NEJM Explains How COVID Vaccines May Produce Spike Proteins that Lead to Myocarditis
By Jim Hoft
Published November 26, 2021
Do any measures to treat/defend against spike proteins even exist?
HeadSet saysWineHorror1 saysI was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive
No offense taken, nor any idea that anyone was insensitive. Right now, I am wondering since they know about the jab, will they take measures to treat/defend against spike proteins, and not just treat it like a cholesterol issue with cholesterol remedies.
Do any measures to treat/defend against spike proteins even exist?
Eric Holder saysHeadSet saysWineHorror1 saysI was hesitant to ask that question for fear of coming across as insensitive
No offense taken, nor any idea that anyone was insensitive. Right now, I am wondering since they know about the jab, will they take measures to treat/defend against spike proteins, and not just treat it like a cholesterol issue with cholesterol remedies.
Do any measures to treat/defend against spike proteins even exist?
Perhaps, check with Rin maybe. But it's more where the spike protein is produced and lodging, in which quantities and for how long. The majority of patients recover from covid without s protein damage. I would just not turn the body into a potentially indefinite and random producer.
I'm talking about an emergency situation like that poor woman has found herself in. There is no way to quickly clear that fucking shit from the system, is there? I suspect not.
I've been told star anise and pine needle tea work.
@Rin posted a protocol following his viral vector dna shot, but not sure what percentage of geared towards inactivating the viral vector dna vs inactivating the potentially harmful effects of the s protein. I don't know of any but I'd think anti inflammatory supplements are def part of it.
mell says@Rin posted a protocol following his viral vector dna shot, but not sure what percentage of geared towards inactivating the viral vector dna vs inactivating the potentially harmful effects of the s protein. I don't know of any but I'd think anti inflammatory supplements are def part of it.
Both, with the emphasis on the adenovirus, since if that's killed early on, the amount of Spike protein in the body is very little and easy to flush out.
Here you go, vaccine victims, all of your privileges that you earned from getting the vax:Don't know who this Jeff Kemp guy is. I guess he has "followers" and I guess he thinks his twits are meaningful? I don't use tweeter, but it seems like guy-at-the-end-of-the-bar bellowing. And this is the basis for a $34 billion dollar valuation (and dropping) company? Who buys the data?
The example of Gibraltar should stand as a clear lesson and a dire warning to health officials and politicians around the world who are trying to force their populations into high vaccination uptakes. Gibraltar clearly shows that even a 99 percent vaccine rate followed by intense boostering will not tame or eliminate Covid 19 from the population. Quite to the contrary, it can coincide with near-record spikes that will likely surpass previous highs, especially as in the weeks ahead the country enters the winter period. ...
Singapore’s very high vaccination rate, however, did nothing to decrease the presence of the disease in the nation. The exact opposite, in fact, happened. On October 27, 2021, Singapore posted its record case count of 5,324 new cases. ...
As of November 12, Denmark’s vaccination stood at more than 75 percent.
On the same day, Denmark recorded 4,585 new cases of Covid 19, which was the country’s new case record. Denmark’s previous record was 4,508 cases posted in December of 2020 at the height of last year’s winter wave. ...
On November 16 of this year, Ireland boasted a vaccination rate of more than 75 percent.
On that day, Ireland posted 8,965 new cases of Covid-19. This was a new high for the nation. ...
On November 16, 2021, the country’s vaccination rate stood at 76.4 percent.
On November 15, 2021, Iceland posted 420 new cases of Covid-19. This was a record that topped the country’s previous high by 500 percent when the country’s vaccination rate was zero. ...
The data clearly demonstrates that the vaccines do not have the effect they were supposed to have. The figures and graphs above provide hard evidence of vaccine failure.
For governments to pursue high vaccination rates with the obviously ineffective vaccines is misguided and counterproductive. It is also highly irresponsible and dangerous because of the vaccines’ extensive and severe side effects.
Grant May
Dec 1
Let me get this straight:
Aaron Rodgers doesn’t get the jab, gets covid, relentless negative media coverage
Lebron James gets the jab, still gets covid, barely a whisper from the media
Spot the hypocrisy yet?
3:50 AM · Dec 1, 2021
Thanks to the efforts of a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, we now have smoking gun confidential documents that show Pfizer and the FDA knew in early 2021 that pfizer’s mRNA vaccines were killing thousands of people and causing spontaneous abortions while damaging three times more women than men.
One confidential document in particular was part of a court-ordered release of FDA files that the FDA fought by claiming the agency should have 55 years to release this information. A court judge disagreed and ordered the release of 500 documents per month, and the very first batch of documents contained this bombshell entitled, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports.”
Get it here:
Or here, mirrored on NN servers:
The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations. ...
All mRNA vaccines must be immediately halted, and FDA bureaucrats must be indicted and arrested
This confidential document — just the first of thousands yet to be released — reveals two critical things:
1) The FDA committed criminal fraud and misrepresentation in approving mRNA vaccines as “safe and effective.” This means top FDA decision makers must now face arrest and criminal prosecution.
2) The mRNA vaccine was known by Pfizer to be deadly even in its first three months of emergency use. This means Pfizer is also complicit in the continued deaths of innocent victims, as Pfizer itself should have pulled its deadly vaccine and halted all sales and distribution.
Grant May
Dec 1
Let me get this straight:
Aaron Rodgers doesn’t get the jab, gets covid, relentless negative media coverage
Lebron James gets the jab, still gets covid, barely a whisper from the media
Spot the hypocrisy yet?
3:50 AM · Dec 1, 2021
Lebron James gets the jab, still gets covid, barely a whisper from the media
My interview on Brighteon
I think you'll like it. I don't pull any punches. But there is something VERY SPECIAL about this interview that I've never heard before...it can change minds.
1 hr ago
Mike Adams, founder of Brighteon.com, who has been de-platformed, just like me, interviews me about vaccines, masks, and early treatment.
I’ve heard it’s a great interview from many of my followers. The key message is public opinion backed by government and pharma misrepresentations is not science. Ignoring the data and trusting “authorities” is never a good idea.
But here is the single best thing I’ve ever heard so far:
I had my wife watch it and it changed her mind on a lot of fronts.
In an era where everyone is so dug in to their position, that’s really special.
Here’s the link:
OK, get this… (this is not a joke)…
Physicians are now blaming post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD) for all the cardiac deaths (that are only happening to vaccinated patients shortly after they get the vaccine).
I’m serious. You can’t make ()*&U like this up. You really can’t.
Patrick saysLebron James gets the jab, still gets covid, barely a whisper from the media
He's black? I don't have a racist bone in my body raising a black young kid, but let's call a spade a spade when we see it. You cannot criticize a famous black man that was vaccinated and still got covid. It's impossible.
He'll just flop around on the floor like a fucking fish after a Mugsy Boges sized player breaths on him. He's a god damn pussy of a man. He's single handedly the worst thing that happened to the NBA when he came into the league. I can't stand watching the game anymore. Just saw a 135-141 score in a non-OT game. The fuck is that? Apparently defense isn't a thing anymore. Lebron is the one that started this trend by being a little cunt.
Lebron was positive in 2 out of 3 tests he took.
If it was false, what does that say about the tests?
Lebron was positive in 2 out of 3 tests he took.
If it was false, what does that say about the tests?
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