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Not one of the vaccines worked on my wife and our friends/family that are vaccinated. None. We've been texting all day. 8 people fully vaccinated have positive PCR tests this week. Multiple unvaccinated kids got it, so it was a legit mini-outbreak amongst friends and family. The vaccines were 0% effective in this sample.Have you been on any supplements like Quercetin?
If you're vaccinated, don't go near the vulnerable people thinking they or you are protected. You are 100% not. The symptoms across all of us are the same, vaccinated or not. It's likely just a saline solution in most of the doses. I get breakthrough of virus on a vaccine, but 8 confirmed vaccinated people, all 8 have covid. That's not a vaccine regardless of the sample size.
Have you been on any supplements like Quercetin?
My youngest son just tested positive for Covid last week. This is his 2nd infection...1st was when we all got Covid in Dec 2020.
By the way, the graph below posted by has been debunked. The rise in uncategorized deaths is normal every year until the CDC can categorize them.
It's going to be fun watching the vaxxed athletes collapsing at the Winter Olympics. Skiers skidding off of cliffs, bobsledders dragged by their sleds, skaters piling into the ice.
Not one of the vaccines worked on my wife and our friends/family that are vaccinated.In spite of what President Potato Head and the CDC Director (!) said, the vaccines do not prevent transmission. It is medical malpractice to not be out in the open about this. And vaccine passports and other discriminatory policies directed towards the unvaccinated presumably to reduce the spread of the virus have no validity. Clearly a red flag pointing out the sheer incompetence of "leaders" or something more sinister.
the vaccines do not prevent transmission
I don't know how this stuff is even EUA at this point. No known longer term effects and none of the vaccines work.
MADRID — Spain’s prime minister on Monday urged people to “remain prudent” about COVID-19 over the holidays, as Christmas festivities at one Spanish hospital are suspected of infecting dozens of staff.
The staff took antigen tests before the event and were negative, which is making authorities question whether the dinner gathering was the cause of the outbreak, Spanish private news agency Europa Press reported.
The infected staff were all fully vaccinated and are showing no symptoms, Europa Press said, citing unidentified hospital sources.
Hey, remember when the FDA's top vaccine regulator said even a moderately effective Covid shot could produce herd immunity if 70 percent of people received it?
I'll take "Failed Predictions" for $200, Mayim! ...
This might be a good time to remind you that much of Western Europe hit Marks’s magic number months ago. In countries like Britain, 70 percent (okay, 69.3!) of people - not adults, the entire population - is fully vaccinated. And about 30 percent of Britons have now received a third dose.
So how come a vaccine that was supposedly 95 percent effective at preventing infection (and supposedly even better at stopping severe disease) in clinical trials has completely failed to stop the epidemic?
What do you guys make of the analytics in this article by NPR?
Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates.
If you analyze using more “realistic” numbers, their claim is even more preposterous
Now, can we use REAL numbers? The best numbers for lives saved are always in the DB-RCT trials. We have one for Pfizer which showed that the vaccine saved a net total of 1 life for ever 22,000 fully vaccinated people. There were two placebo COVID deaths, and only one COVID death in the vaccinated group: a 50% reduction in death rate.
Let’s see how our numbers work out now with this more reasonable assumption (which again, I’m not conceding is correct).
I’m going to just round the numbers to make the math easier. 100 dead in the Trump group and a more realistic 50% effective death reduction vax. That means that we would have started with 100/.75=133 people dead with no vaccine. So if we had (optimistically) a 75% vaccination rate, then 133*.75=100 people of which only 50 would die plus the 33 who didn’t get vaxed and die. So 83 people would die. So 100/83=1.2 or a 20% better outcome for the Biden group.
Again, that’s even worse (as we knew it would be). It’s not even close to the factor of 3 claimed.
In short, you can’t make the math work here.
And then there is the confounding about the dates chosen, and the different demographics. Where is the analysis of that? It doesn’t exist. Just handwaving.
The Vaccines Don't Reduce Transmission
Once more, very briefly, on an obvious and crucial point.
9 hr ago
It’s an old point, but as vaccine mandates are proposed across the world, it bears repeating: It is highly doubtful that the vaccines do anything to reduce transmission at all.
Yet another reason vaccines don’t have a prayer of ending Covid
SARS-Cov-2 has animal hosts (which probably makes it a rare case of reverse zoonotic transmission, yay! Thanks Bat Lady.)
Alex Berenson
9 hr ago
From a reader. Also, check out those hospital statistics from Wales. Even among people under 60, the vaccinated are three in five of inpatients (and nine in ten of inpatients over 60). The shots are doing a tremendous job at stopping severe disease!
A critical thinker might start wondering whether these tests are even accurate.
Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age
And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it's correct, based on weekly data from the British government.
Alex Berenson
Nov 20
The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people.
The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range.
552 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died of Wuhan Virus, Half Received Pfizer Vaccine
5 that is ( F I V E ) players from the Adelaide Crows football team just went to the hospital with the same type of thing. When this is happening to five people out of a team of what 50? that is 1 out of 10 you are not going to tell me that this is rare.
— Dr. James E. Olsson (@DrJamesOlsson) December 5, 2021
5 that is ( F I V E ) players from the Adelaide Crows football team just went to the hospital with the same type of thing. When this is happening to five people out of a team of what 50? that is 1 out of 10 you are not going to tell me that this is rare.
Robert W Malone, MD
In peer reviewed prospective observational study of 1,072,313 patients, UK group unable to tell the difference between vaccine effects and COVID-19.
Disentangling post-vaccination symptoms from early COVID-19
Disentangling post-vaccination symptoms from early COVID-19
Post-vaccination symptoms per se cannot be differentiated from COVID-19 with clinical robustness, either using symptom profiles or machine-derived models. Individuals presenting with systemic...
What do the vaccines and COVID have in common? Spike protein.
The big difference is that the vaccines cause the body and immune system to deal with a large quantity of Spike over a short period of time. Very different from the natural infection.
Massachusetts Coronavirus Breakthrough Cases Surge 11,321 Last Week, Smashing Record High for the State
Boston Herald reported:
More than 11,000 fully vaccinated people in the Bay State tested positive for coronavirus last week as part of the post-Thanksgiving surge, a daily average of about 1,617 people as breakthrough infections hit a record high in the state. Sixty-one breakthrough deaths were reported.
The count of 11,321 breakthrough cases last week was a 71% spike from the tally of 6,610 breakthrough infections in the prior week.
Mass Vaccination Was Supposed to Restore ‘Normalcy.’ So Why Are Excess Deaths on the Rise?
Throughout the pandemic, public health officials dangled mass injections as the only solution to end the pandemic and save lives from COVID. Now even with mass injections and some receiving two and even three shots, excess deaths are rising.
In the week ending Nov. 12, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019 — heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths.
In the last 13 weeks alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% injection rate.
In Vermont, where the majority are also injected, excess deaths are the highest they’ve been since before the pandemic.
An investigation using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots.
Deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out for this age group.
Even with mass injections and some receiving two and even three shots in their arm, excess deaths are rising.
Study: Vaccines are NOT stopping the pandemic
ICYMI: this Harvard study notes that there is NO correlation between vaccination rates and case rates
Justin Hart
I have no idea how this paper made it past the censors but there it is! This was published 2 month ago but didn’t receive much fanfare and now we know why—it confirms what we’ve been saying for months now: the vaccines have not stopped and likely will not stop the pandemic.
ICYMI: this Harvard study notes that there is NO correlation between vaccination rates and case rates
I'll sit at the computer and dose off and I'm out for 2-3 hours. It's fucked up. I have to set alarms for kids stuff as the wife is out of town.
Patrick saysICYMI: this Harvard study notes that there is NO correlation between vaccination rates and case rates
Being vaccinated makes no difference. For those seeing elderly people this xmas, I'm not joking when I say be careful. What I'm going through now sucks, but I'm 100% functional just tired as fuck. I could see how a 70+ year old, out of shape could get fucked over by this. The smell sucks, but the fatigue is nothing I've ever felt before.
I quit coffee years ago, but I think I'm going back to it temporarily tomorrow until I get better. Or find a buddy with some cocaine. Not a joke. It's been a good 5 days of sleeping 16-18 hours a day. Up for 2-3 and then down. I'll sit at the computer and dose off and I'm out for 2-3 hours. It's fucked up. I have to set alarms for kids stuff as the wife is out of town.
I don't feel bad though physically. Just sleeping, yet...
Are you taking anything to try and fight it?
Coronavirus vaccines do not stop infection, transmission, or bad health outcomes including death. After nearly 500 million doses in the U.S., all-cause mortality and COVID-19 deaths have increased. Doubling down on vaccination, with three, four, or infinite doses or even reformulated doses will not stop the pandemic. This virus was always a bad candidate for a vaccine and mRNA and adenovirus vectors are no great breakthrough and no panacea.
Pharma knows all of the above. The CIA, NSA, NIH, and senior Pentagon leadership do too.
Useful idiots in government do not necessarily understand the above even though they are the ones carrying out the orders. Only a handful of elected officials understand this.
If vaccines cause net harms, are being deployed worldwide, and every vaccine failure just leads to more vaccination, then this situation is best understood as a genocide.
WineHorror1 saysAre you taking anything to try and fight it?
Just standard supplements. Upped D3 to 5k IU. Doubled my zinc intake. And just some regular daily vitamins. Coffee makes me too jumpy for the fatigue. The cocaine thing was a joke even though I said it wasn't. I've never taken it in my life and not about to start now. I do think it would help or some speed, lol. My sarcasm game is all over the place sometimes.
All the people I know that have gotten it, fatigue was the symptom that hit them hardest for my age group. Just no energy. I feel mostly fine though. It's weird. I'm able to do what ever I want. Have even worked out. Just start falling asleep on my feet after 2-4 hours of activity. Maybe not the healthiest, but I have lost 8lbs this week since I'm sleeping so much. About 5-6lbs from my year end goal weight after fracturing my heel. Down about 45 since Jan...
the vaccines have not stopped and likely will not stop the pandemic.
Australia Deputy Prime Minister Tests Positive for COVID-19 in Washington
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