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28X increase in stillbirths in multiple parts of Canada?
But get this... it's only happening to vaccinated moms. I wonder what is causing this? When Canada's top health official was asked for evidence, she said to trust the authorities.
This is a story we hear nowadays from everywhere, especially from morticians who've been horrified by the huge increase in deaths of these babies in vaccinated mothers.
The 4 minute video shows Dr. Nagase explaining the stillbirths are happening in different parts of the country and they are ONLY happening to vaccinated mothers. Start listening at 45 seconds.
Dr. Nagase reported the rate of stillbirths in Waterloo was 28X times higher than normal but only to vaccinated moms.
Nagase’s source for the Waterloo data is a provincial prosecutor (comparable to a State Attorney General) who in turn got the data from a nurse who works at the hospital.
People that Nagase talked to in the past are now staying completely silent. Something has made them afraid to talk. That’s odd.
The death of a fit and active 26-year-old man who mysteriously died 12 days after receiving his first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine, is being investigated by the coroner.
Rory James Nairn, 26, had heart palpitations for several days before collapsing to the floor of his Dunedin home in New Zealand on November 17.
Health officials are now probing weather the vaccine may have contributed to his shock death.
120 children hospitalized, province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch
By Le Hoang December 2, 2021
Florian Dagoury is a world record holder in static breath-hold freediving; he held his breath for an astonishing 10 minutes and 30 seconds.
After receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection, he experienced increased heart rate and a reduction in his breath-holding capacity.
A cardiologist diagnosed him with myocarditis and pericarditis, both recognized adverse effects linked to the shots.
In another instance, 34-year-old Jeremy Chardy, a professional tennis player ranked 73rd in the world, suspended his season due to a severe adverse reaction to the COVID-19 shot.
Veteran triathlete Antoine Méchin, 32, is also facing the potential end to his career after receiving Moderna COVID-19 injections and developing a pulmonary embolism.
While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever.
Take a good look at these dead Pilots. Look at the difference between 2019, 2020, and 2021. Look at the months
Here's three articles from June about the vaxx killing pilots:
The question is - are they killing people? I'd conclude yes - but gathering absolute data is necessary to convince the wider public.
A man in England died of a severe brain-bleed that doctors say is caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, according to an inquest.
Adam Bounds, a 41-year-old Devon resident, died on May 31 this year at a hospital in Plymouth, just 11 days after he received his AstraZeneca shot. He had been transferred from Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital prior to his death for neurosurgical intervention.
An inquest held after Bounds’ death found that he was complaining of a headache and feeling cold after going to a barbecue in Axminster. Bounds, who stayed at his parent’s home that night, told his father Les that he believed he “ate something dodgy” at the barbecue. He was later rushed to the hospital as his condition deteriorated, according to Plymouth Herald.
richwicks saysThe question is - are they killing people? I'd conclude yes - but gathering absolute data is necessary to convince the wider public.
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.
WineHorror1 says
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.
Many of the vaccine batches were placebos. Effects of other batches will be known over time as the slow poison works its way through the system. It is telling that people think that if no side effects have presented within a short time frame then the vaccines must be safe.
I'm sorry for your loss. But I must ask how do you know they died of covid? Because an authority figure you trusted told you so? Based on a PCR test? Because many in the hospital (assuming that was where it happened) believed in and propagated the narrative?
My suspicions are covid is part of an arsenal of biological weapons with the vaxx being the main one. There could be many variants of covid in circulation. On reflection it is quite an ingenious strategy because most people would assume biological warfare would result in horrific and visibly obvious deaths...
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