Church of globull warming and drought fully spiraling down the toilet

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2022 Jan 3, 4:49pm   117,452 views  883 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.

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46   Ceffer   2022 Jan 4, 12:08pm  

NuttBoxer says
This should be a place where people can discuss anything without being attacked for their beliefs.

Well, that's no fun at all.
47   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 12:12pm  

NuttBoxer says
Bd6r says
"global warming"

When it started in the late 70's it was actually global cooling.

The same "idiot case" keeps getting made, and it was the EARLY 70s when this one already got SOLVED. This is the environmentalism version of "There's no point working harder to earn a raise, this will only bump me into a higher tax bracket and I'll just make the same or less!"

Until the early 70s, particulate and aerosol emissions were the most obvious form of pollution, to the point where albedo and insolation were measurably impacted and had the potential to eventually push feedback loops into a runaway cooling loop. Particulates like fly ash were simple and least costly to remove; they were also highly alkaline so their removal left sulfur gases as a major constituent of flue gas, causing the problem of "acid rain" to become urgent. At the same time, early efforts to reduce HC and CO emissions from cars resulted in nitrous oxide emissions skyrocketing and contributing to the now acidic sky brew.

Eventually, technology was developed that allowed humans to reap the benefits of mass smokestack industries like power generation, metal smelting etc, without the former levels of retched air pollution, without EVER seeking the right wing narrative of "a sevret goal to put humanity back in the stone age." GLOBAL COOLING AND ACID RAIN ARE NOT ENVIRONMENTAL HOAXES, THEY ARE ACTUAL PROBLEMS ALREADY SOLVED THROUGH BETTER TECHNOLOGY.
48   richwicks   2022 Jan 4, 12:17pm  

Onvacation says
I expected better of YOU, Richwicks, than to act like a burned out teacher who can't be arsed to sort out a real conflict between her charges

Listen, there's an ongoing, and tiresome argument going on and from MY point of view you continue to complain that people are making assumptions about you, but you don't clear it up. I find it maddening.

I think the purpose of discourse is to understand other people's point of view, AND to be allowed to change your own point of view. If I don't know your reasoning or logic of even what your conclusion is - there's no point in discourse to me.

I've been shown MANY MANY times to be making erroneous logic and faulty conclusions, and to have incorrect beliefs and "facts". It happens less, because I'm older, and I WANT to know when I'm wrong. 30 years ago, I had an engineering mentor that told me "get rid of your cognitive dissonance" - meaning, if I had two conflicting thoughts, get rid of ONE of those thoughts - one has to be wrong - maybe BOTH are wrong, but get rid of one and you can deal with the other later.

I've been doing this for nearly 3 decades now, it's humiliating and humbling but I'm glad I did it.

When you have incorrect of faulty reasoning, when you believe lies, you end up with contradictions ALWAYS in your thinking unless you have been told one hell of a good lie. When you don't have a lot of cognitive dissonance it's either you're well brainwashed and can't see the contradictions in your thinking, or you're right. What my mentor told me 3 decades ago was about my JOB, but man, those were fucking words to live by.
49   richwicks   2022 Jan 4, 12:19pm  

Onvacation says
Automan Empire says
My problem is I HAVE explained my viewpoint

No. You never explained why you voted for Biden.

He has said he didn't vote for Biden I believe but he didn't explain who he voted for, or who he favored, or even if he voted at all.

I sit out most elections. What's the point in Silly Con Valley?
50   mell   2022 Jan 4, 2:36pm  

NuttBoxer says
We don't have many dissenting opinions on subjects here on patnet. Would be nice when we do if people would remember not to take it personally and attack the dissenter. If you want to flame, go to reddit, or any other social platform where you can be as nasty as you want. This should be a place where people can discuss anything without being attacked for their beliefs.

I agree and let me add that that 5g nano particle graphene brain replacement stuff is wayyyyyyyy out there ;)
51   Bd6r   2022 Jan 4, 2:52pm  

Automan Empire says
The same "idiot case" keeps getting made, and it was the EARLY 70s when this one already got SOLVED. This is the environmentalism version of "There's no point working harder to earn a raise, this will only bump me into a higher tax bracket and I'll just make the same or less!"

What has not got solved is unhinged alarmism, Florida under water by 2000, and denial of the only effective tool in solving CO2 emissions problem - which is nucular energy. Instead, we should use solar energy in Greenland, litter countryside with bat-killing wind farms, and bicycle from NY to SF.

If we keep being bombarded by WRONG PREDICTIONS for 40 years, then any new predictions coming out of that crowd are met with understandable skepticism.

Furthermore, the climate panic crowd are in essence people who live in 100000 sq ft houses, and emit 1000 times more CO2 in their air travels in private jets than average climate-denying redneck.
52   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 2:58pm  

Bd6r says
then any new predictions coming out of that crowd

I just demonstrated, what you are calling "that crowd" is three completely different phenomena, the first two occurring 10 years earlier than you even claimed and more than 2 generations prior to the "warming" alarmists and genuinely concerned people of today.
53   Bd6r   2022 Jan 4, 3:00pm  

Automan Empire says
I just demonstrated, what you are calling "that crowd" is three completely different phenomena, the first two occurring 10 years earlier than you even claimed and more than 2 generations prior to the "warming" alarmists and genuinely concerned people of today.

How about Florida under water by 2000 crowd? That started around 1980. Also, "crowd" is not equal to "phenomena" - if we refer to "climate scientists" making wrong predictions since 1970 (or even earlier) as a "crowd", then it is this particular "crowd" that makes wrong predictions about climate "phenomena".
54   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 4:51pm  

Bd6r says
if we refer to "climate scientists" making wrong predictions since 1970 (or even earlier) as a "crowd",

It's different scientists, making different claims, about different phenomena and potential sequelae, in a different era.

Literally every connection you try to make or equivocation you falsely assume betweem the two, has no connection to actual climate science or actual climate scientists.

Climate change in either direction wasn't a salient issue in 1980. Nuclear proliferation and the plummeting population of whales were the "big" issues of the era, leading some band to make a song called "Nuke the whales!"
55   Bd6r   2022 Jan 4, 5:11pm  

Automan Empire says
It's different scientists, making different claims, about different phenomena and potential sequelae, in a different era.

Literally every connection you try to make or equivocation you falsely assume betweem the two, has no connection to actual climate science or actual climate scientists.

I have a feeling that you are obfuscating. It is climate scientists making wrong predictions in both cases. I am saying that established climate science in 1970's said that we will have global cooling, and in 1980's established science changed tune to global warming, with prediction that Florida will be under water by 2000. None of that has happened. As simple as that, and factual.

Automan Empire says
Literally every connection you try to make or equivocation you falsely assume betweem the two

The connection perhaps is called "climate science" in both cases.
56   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 5:32pm  

Bd6r says

The connection perhaps is called "climate science" in both cases.

The medical system in America is broken in 1000 ways as well. Your argumentation is like saying medicine sucks today and modern doctors can't be trusted, because bloodletting and mercurochrome, then leaving it at that and dismissing anyone questioning the claim as some kind of shill.
57   Bd6r   2022 Jan 4, 5:48pm  

Automan Empire says
The medical system in America is broken in 1000 ways as well. Your argumentation is like saying medicine sucks today and modern doctors can't be trusted, because bloodletting and mercurochrome, then leaving it at that and dismissing anyone questioning the claim as some kind of shill.

We should question everything in science, including the currently accepted theory of global warming (and also the opposite). However, if a particular field becomes too politicized then we should be extra careful. I get that some of this panic is created by MSM journos who need audience to earn $$$, but even if we discount that, there were several relatively high profile cases where climate scientists of the global warming panic type were refusing to dissect their models etc. Any opposition is shouted down, and not in a very scientific way, which is irritating. With respect to medicine, the politicization factor is similar nowadays - see how they push covid vaccines. I will not believe them even though they do not prescribe bloodletting any more.

It can not be denied that Earth is warming. However, I don't know what is % of human influence in this warming. May be it is 1%, may be be 91%. There are measurable issues with excess CO2 in atmosphere, such as ocean acidification. Then again, more CO2 means greener Earth and it is demonstrably better for plant life. If we think that burning fossil fuels is bad, we should use nuclear energy, which is way safer than wind or even solar, and better with respect to CO2 emissions. Why is this not pushed by people who want less CO2 emissions?
58   mell   2022 Jan 4, 6:12pm  

Bd6r says
Automan Empire says
The medical system in America is broken in 1000 ways as well. Your argumentation is like saying medicine sucks today and modern doctors can't be trusted, because bloodletting and mercurochrome, then leaving it at that and dismissing anyone questioning the claim as some kind of shill.

We should question everything in science, including the currently accepted theory of global warming (and also the opposite). However, if a particular field becomes too politicized then we should be extra careful. I get that some of this panic is created by MSM journos who need audience to earn $$$, but even if we discount that, there were several relatively high profile cases where climate scientists of the global warming panic type were refusing to dissect their models etc. Any opposition is shouted down, and not in a very scientific way, which is irritating. With respect to medicine, the politiciza...

Well because of Fukushima and chernobyl. Of course the degree of environmental and health impact of both has been debated and there is no clear conclusion.
59   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 7:59pm  

Bd6r says
Then again, more CO2 means greener Earth and it is demonstrably better for plant life.

All things being equal, CO2 enrichment will only accelerate growth to the limits of some other factor, and if CO2 isn't the primary limiting factor for a given plant in a given microclimate, it won't help and may make the plant suffer, as from chlorosis if iron or magnesium isn't locally bioavailable. CO2 has been well known to "the left" for 30 years as clandestine pot growers developed the technology and technique. The optimum CO2 concentration for "ideal" plant growth is therefore well documented in actual practice, and it's nowhere near a desirable atmospheric level for the entire planet and everything in the biosphere, to say nothing of the warming that would occur should we reach a fraction of this amount.

"Higher CO2 helps plant growth, so it's not a flaw it's a feature for the environment" is a red herring whose only utility is distraction and propaganda in the discussion of fossil fuels and atmospheric CO2 levels. IOW it's not a desirable goal or an actionable idea, just an excuse for people who don't care anyway to cite as a thought terminating cliche.
60   SoTex   2022 Jan 4, 8:25pm  

Bd6r says
We should question everything in science

^.. This!

Also, climate science is political science, not real science. It's the shittiest science we have (surpassed recently by covid science).

Anyone who thinks we wouldn't be better off with more reservoirs has a hole in their head. In the 60s-70s my grandfather was parceling land in the Sierras in retirement. Taking large tracks, breaking them up into 20 acres, bringing in power, utilities and then selling them off for the owners. His pay? He took land.

He had amassed a large chunk of Sierra and was sooo close to getting a dam approved to create a new reservoir near Sacramento but the fucking hippies blocked it. It would have been much larger than the nearby Fulton reservoir. I'd be fucking rich right now and we'd have lots more water.

More recently a stats grad I worked with from San Diego State University told me:

1. My environmental science professor said, "Reservoirs are stupid!".
2. Gender is fluid (she's gay)

Now pension and hedge funds need to get approval from fucking hippies (ESG) in order to invest in things. We're fucked!

Yes, we dump a shit load of water into the ocean and yes, most of the water usage in the state isn't used by home owners who are now by law not supposed to use more than 55 gallons of water per day per household - might be per person but I'm pretty sure household. Even in non-drought years:


Fucking insane.

There is NO refilling aquafers in CA they aren't limestone like in some places. They are more like a squashed grapefruit, they ain't coming back.
61   Bd6r   2022 Jan 4, 8:45pm  

Automan Empire says
All things being equal, CO2 enrichment will only accelerate growth to the limits of some other factor, and if CO2 isn't the primary limiting factor for a given plant in a given microclimate, it won't help and may make the plant suffer, as from chlorosis if iron or magnesium isn't locally bioavailable. CO2 has been well known to "the left" for 30 years as clandestine pot growers developed the technology and technique. The optimum CO2 concentration for "ideal" plant growth is therefore well documented in actual practice, and it's nowhere near a desirable atmospheric level for the entire planet and everything in the biosphere, to say nothing of the warming that would occur should we reach a fraction of this amount.

It is a fact that current increased CO2 levels have resulted in a greener earth aka greater mass of plants. If you care, i can track down the peer-reviewed article. Its not fantasy or modelling by any stretch of imagination, it if I recall correctly comes from satellite observation data.
62   Bd6r   2022 Jan 4, 8:55pm  

mell says
Well because of Fukushima and chernobyl. Of course the degree of environmental and health impact of both has been debated and there is no clear conclusion.

There is a hard number of deaths per produced unit of energy. Nuclear fares pretty well, so opposition is unscientific.

63   SoTex   2022 Jan 4, 8:55pm  

The old school scientists (many dead) who came up with this stuff weren't climate alarmists. There are some, I forget the oldsters name, University of Stockholm that track ocean levels - the water is not rising any faster than it has in a long long time.
64   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 4, 9:10pm  

just_passing_through says
Anyone who thinks we wouldn't be better off with more reservoirs has a hole in their head.

My argument isn't that we wouldn't be better off without more reservoirs, or that none should be built. The argument is that "more reservoirs" is not the panacea proponents seem to think, and the reasons include less "hippies blocking them" and more "cost benefit analysis" and "total watershed volume" in the big picture.

Americans have already reached 100% draw from one MAJOR river system, and many others already struggle to balance agricultural and municipal needs with ecological and environmental needs. It's not an acceptable solution to draw down EVERY river on the planet to meet human needs, regardless of the externalized costs of this.

The real reckoning here, is the stark reality that the more humans we collectively breed, the more Earth's finite resources must get divided up. You're living the historic moment when a commodity you assume is your right and available in limitless abundance, is strained to the point where there's less than you want available as your "share." There is plenty of historical precedent actually. The ancient Egyptians and Mayans expanded then faced a crisis on an unsustainable hydraulic economy bubble.
65   mell   2022 Jan 4, 9:16pm  

Bd6r says
mell says
Well because of Fukushima and chernobyl. Of course the degree of environmental and health impact of both has been debated and there is no clear conclusion.

There is a hard number of deaths per produced unit of energy. Nuclear fares pretty well, so opposition is unscientific.


I don't think that number is very reliable, it's extremely hard to estimate deaths from radiation (and there's even the theory of hormesis where radiation up to a certain point, higher than many think, is beneficial). I do think though that it fares well as well compared to many other forms of energy, however the events are very localized (esp. when carastrophic), so you will see opposition, the more the closer to the reactors people live. People taking that extra - albeit small - risk by living close by should get cheaper rates perhaps (not sure of they do already).
66   SoTex   2022 Jan 4, 9:26pm  

Automan Empire says
My argument isn't that we wouldn't be better off without more reservoirs

I was not referencing you specifically. I see your point about population but I disagree with it entirely. Population time series isn't a pyramid anymore it's becoming a cylinder and will stop expanding soon by most measures.

You could argue CA/dry climate/etc., and I'd agree with you on that but we are nowhere near where we could be and the state has natural population filters like high prices and communist totalitarian politicians.
67   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 4, 10:06pm  

Automan Empire says

No idea about acid rain, but definitely agree on global cooling. Data I've seen shows we are in a long-term cooling trend, combined with the lack of solar activity. Explains why I'm always so fucking cold despite living in SoCal.

My problem with environmentalists is real simple. They seem to gravitate toward complaining about problems too big for them to solve. I have no time for whiners who won't take personal responsibility. I have actively supported a cleaner planet through preventative health that means I don't spend on industrialized food, one of the worst sources of human pollution I'm aware of. I try to buy things that last, or repair things that break. I use organic products when I garden. I feed my dogs food that's so good, their waste is usually eaten before I can pick it up by insects. That's right, my dogs shit is recyclable. I rented several places with dirt for a yard, and brought the grass back just by watering and mowing. No synthetic fertilizers, no poisonous weed killers. I don't preach to others or wait on government, I make my planet cleaner and safer every day. When I meet an "environmentalist" who does as much as I do, then I'll listen.
68   Patrick   2022 Jun 15, 10:06pm  


earth was once "venus like" before climate change
as is so often the case, the WEF has their story wrong way 'round

“Results showed that carbon dioxide fertilization explains 70 percent of the greening effect, said co-author Ranga Myneni, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. “The second most important driver is nitrogen, at 9 percent. So we see what an outsized role CO2 plays in this process.”

and current levels are, by past standards, very low at about 420 parts per million.

69   Ceffer   2022 Jun 15, 10:16pm  

Just think how green the earth will get when the NWO turns 7.5 billion people into fertilizer.
70   richwicks   2022 Jun 16, 12:03am  

Hey @Patrick - you ever believe this bullshit about Global Warming?

I did, until about 15 years ago. My 20 year old self would be screaming at me questioning how I became a "science denier".
71   Patrick   2022 Jun 16, 1:40pm  

I do think that CO2 is increasing, and that the world is warming a bit. I'm not entirely sure the two are connected, and even less sure that they are bad things.

They seem to have some large positive effects, like more vigorous plant growth and more arable land in Canada and Russia.

And CO2 falling below the recent historically low levels would be exceptionally bad for plant growth. Maybe fossil fuels are actually doing the world a lot of good.
72   Patrick   2022 Jun 17, 4:50pm  


Italian motorists dealing with global warming crazies. Bravo 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

74   Eric Holder   2022 Jul 1, 11:20am  

richwicks says

Hey @Patrick - you ever believe this bullshit about Global Warming?

I did, until about 15 years ago. My 20 year old self would be screaming at me questioning how I became a "science denier".

Feeble-minded in your 30s == feeble-minded forever.
75   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 11:27am  

Yes, I assumed it was true, back before the mass bribery and intimidation of doctors in order to inject people with the toxxine for the profits of Pfizer.

Now I don't trust any science at all unless it is very clear to me.

Now I think CO2 levels have been rising due to the burning of fossil fuels, but that's a good thing, getting us away from the danger zone of not enough CO2 in the atmosphere. There is a small rise in temperatures but again, that's a good thing, increasing arable land and making it easier to ship through the arctic.

I'm pretty sure the mass fires in the summer before the flagrantly fraudulent election of 2020 were a combination of deliberately set fires to increase public unease, and the lack of fires in the past, which resulted in the accumulation of large amounts of forest litter.

I can see that control over energy is pretty much control over everything, so for the global oligarchy to have complete control over us, they need to be the gatekeepers to energy use.
76   richwicks   2022 Jul 1, 12:34pm  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

Hey @Patrick - you ever believe this bullshit about Global Warming?

I did, until about 15 years ago. My 20 year old self would be screaming at me questioning how I became a "science denier".

Feeble-minded in your 30s == feeble-minded forever.

You equate being incorrect, and being able to recognize that, as "feeble mindedness".

I am an engineer. I know people in my field who will never admit error and continue making the same errors because their ego is so fragile and they are so dependent upon it, they can never admit they are wrong. These people, are dangerously stupid people, and they never improve.

If you cannot admit error at 30, or especially at 50, or later, you have the mentality of a child. It's essential to be able to think and reason and admit error to attain wisdom. You call this "feeble mindedness".
78   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Jul 1, 1:30pm  

The left & progressives have their marching orders to wail non-stop about SCOTUS and abortion, but getting surprisingly little attention is the ruling about the EPA:

The 6-3 ruling declared that the Clean Air Act does not give the Environmental Protection Agency broad authority to regulate emissions from plants that contribute to global warming. ... “A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body.” ... The decision also could have a broader effect on other agencies’ regulatory efforts, from education to transportation and food.

This is a huge setback for Democrats and the deep state, who have the habit of massively overstretching the rulemaking authority of various federal rulemaking departments.
79   Onvacation   2022 Jul 1, 1:48pm  

Patrick says

Yes, I assumed it was true, back before the mass bribery and intimidation of doctors in order to inject people with the toxxine for the profits of Pfizer.

I always took the prediction of global warming with a grain of salt. When I was a kid the climatologist were screaming about the coming ice age and then nuclear winter.

I have been sailing for over 30 years and am always checking the weather conditions. It's hard to get the forecast right for the next 24 hours much less the climate for the next century.

I know, I am confusing weather with climate.

But they are similar in being multivariable chaotic systems with MANY of the variables quite unpredictable.
80   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 6:00pm  


Dutch farmers attack government vans, block roadways, spray police with manure after authorities shut down dozens of family farms for the Climate Cult

In case you were wondering why America has the Second Amendment, here's lesson #8,912 ...

It's horrible. These men have families to feed. Their food is sorely needed for the nation as the supply chain dries up. Their farms are likely multi-generational. There is zero threat to the planet by them raising cattle and growing crops.

It doesn't matter. The government has spoken, their homes and livelihoods are now destroyed, and the Religion of the State™ marches on.

Here's few more spicy videos, including one where farmers spray government buildings with manure.
81   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 8:28pm  

Interesting idea: cattle can prevent or reverse desertification:


The Solution to Desertification Is What’s For Dinner
The answer is beef.

Savory and his team have reversed desertification over 15 million hectares by introducing herds of cattle and sheep to deserts.

The process is simple. It works exactly as nature planned—before pointy-headed scientists decided they knew more about nature than nature.

Reversing Desertification Feed The Hungry, Too
In most of the world, only animals can feed the human population. The environment will not support enough plant-based nutrition no matter what you do.

But herds of animals can live off the land, and feed the people.
82   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 1, 8:47pm  

Was over 90 last half of June. Global warming are you finally here..? I've been waiting for you sooo long..
83   Patrick   2022 Jul 2, 9:11am  


Lauren Chen
Crippling your own food supply and economy to limit emissions is the dumbest thing I've ever heard

It's also the predictable end result of the green agenda

Jul 1
After politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution, the angry Dutch farmers have issued an ultimatum threatening to block the country's airports, ports and distribution centers.
84   1337irr   2022 Jul 2, 9:41pm  

Global warming = Climate Change = the sun. Solution...we opened up all the doors to our houses and run the AC full blast and we will cool the earth and we are good. Simple, right?

Nobody mentions how big of a variable the sun is with sunspots and solar flares when they talk climate change. It's hard to take them seriously.

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