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Doctors Demand: First, Do Some Harm to Confused Adolescents, Such as Permanently Sterilizing Them ...
“Irreversible fertility loss …”
Sure, sterilizing adolescents might seem a little harsh, but think about the Big Picture: if I don’t permanently destroy this child’s chance to have children, is the medical insurance company going to pay me enough for my trip to Marrakesh this year?
RICHMOND, CA—"Appropriating the fashions, foods, music, and lifestyles of other cultures is evil and wrong," said a man wearing a flowery dress, jewelry, makeup, and demanding everyone call him "Denise."
"Just because you really, really like something that is different from the situation you were born into, does not make it right to just take it for your own sense of self-worth and happiness," said the man who was given the name Richard Nelvenburger at birth.
"Imagine how other cultures feel when you just take what makes them unique and make it your own. It’s unfair and wrong!" said the man who was born with a penis.
When confronted by a woman who pointed out the irony of what was being said, Denise rolled up the sleeves of her blouse and decked her.
But these impassioned claims from bearded men in blouses that they are women are no longer just sensationalist fodder for lurid trash-television programming. They're now regarded as legitimate, meaningful, reasonable positions being espoused by morally serious individuals in a society that has completely lost its ability to think.
That may seem an exaggerated conclusion: that this anti-science, anti-woman movement called transgenderism is only popular among a very vocal minority. That outside of activist Twitter, the majority of Americans know better.
If you do nothing else today, watch this video.
Is Audio-Visual proof that it's either a Serious Body Image Disorder (+Narcissism?) and/or Demon Possession
Both children committed suicide in the end. They were born as identical twins. I'm certain Money saw a great opportunity to test his theories - which were totally wrong.
‘Transwoman’ Child Molester Is Going To Girls’ Juvy
The answer is it can't it's only a matter of time and how painful will it be.
‘Transwoman’ Child Molester Is Going To Girls’ Juvy
Get ready because the next step is going to be a doozy.
My buddy just sent me these pics from Long Beach VA hospital.
RC2006 saysMy buddy just sent me these pics from Long Beach VA hospital.
From a mental hospital, I hope.
The possibility of losing custody of your children, or potentially being banned from seeing them at all, is a loving parent’s worst nightmare. It adds an extra trauma to the devastation of divorce proceedings. What if one of your children decided he or she were “transgender”? What if you, as a parent, wanted to use “watchful waiting” as a treatment for this new change in your child? What if that stance effected your ability to see your child ever again?
This sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it?
Indomitable journalist Abigail Shrier recently wrote on just such a case that played out in California. She sets the scene with the telling words from the biased judge.
“If your son were medically psychotic and believed himself to be the Queen of England, would you love him?” This is the question that Judge Joni Hiramoto asked father Ted Hudacko in a child custody case. This thinly veiled hypothetical was analogous to asking if Hudacko would support “transitioning” if his son were gender dysphoric.
Hudacko’s response: “Of course I would. I’d also try to get him help.”
This was the wrong answer.
The judge, who has a gender dysphoric child herself, maneuvered the rest of the proceedings to ensure that Ted Hudacko never sees his oldest son again.
richwicks saysGet ready because the next step is going to be a doozy.
False flag: domestic or foreign? "Limited" nuclear war by proxy? A "terrorist" with a nuclear bomb takes out a major American city? Another, more deadly, virus?
What do you think is going to happen next?
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So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.