Canada trucker convoy reaches half a million people

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2022 Jan 25, 12:07pm   76,843 views  998 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I admire these truckers.

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219   Onvacation   2022 Feb 4, 2:07pm  

NuttBoxer says
Both wrong. Numbers are in the 10's of thousands. But if CBS is your source, I'm surprised you even heard about it.

I intentionally searched YouTube to hear the MSM pov. All negative.
220   Booger   2022 Feb 4, 4:37pm  

I wonder if any of the ice road truckers from the TV show are there.
221   Patrick   2022 Feb 4, 5:16pm  


The Revolution is Not Being Televised
February 1, 2022 by American Freedom News
by Patricia Aiken

Despite bitterly cold weather, Canadians have turned out en masse in Ottawa to support the approximately 100,000 truckers’ Freedom Convoy from all across Canada. They’ve been joined by 11,000 truckers from the U.S. An endless line of cars waited to cross the border into Canada on Sunday to join the freedom party. The truckers are saying “Hell No!” to vaccine mandates and passports. The Trudeau government mandated unjabbed drivers quarantine for 14 days after returning to Canada.

Single digit temperatures have done nothing to quell the speeches by day and nightclub atmosphere after sunset. A Quebec resident reported that when he left the party at 5 am Sunday, people were newly arriving. Many on livestreams and in chatrooms have repeatedly said “This is the first time I’ve been proud to be a Canadian in a long, long time.” Two speeches on Monday spoke of 17 year old Sean Hartman. Sean’s father is a trucker. Sean wouldn’t even drink soda to protect his body to further his hockey career. In August, he took the jab without his parents’ knowledge so he could continue to play hockey. A month later, his parents found him dead in his bed. Feb. 1 would have been his 18th birthday. At his father’s request, the crowd sang “Happy Birthday Sean Hartman”.

The road to Ottawa was equally impressive. People bundled up their children and headed out in snow and wind to the highway and overpasses with signs of support and flags to cheer on the truckers. As the east headed convoy passed through throngs of supporters, their comms would go silent. Brave, strong men brought to tears by the amazing show of support. Twenty-five Hutterite communities banded together to make meals for the convoy. Hundreds of other people passed food to the drivers. At night, the trucks and support vehicles would pull off into areas that had been specially plowed for them. Bonfires, food tents and pallets of windshield de-icer welcomed them for some rest. From Vancouver, BC to Ottawa, Ontario represents 46 hours of driving across the Trans-Canada Highway with the convoy stretching 300 miles.

Trucking coordinator Len Petkau reported on social media “This truck carrying all the food from people donating is pretty much full already. Everything from windshield washer to oil, antifreeze, dog treats, water and all kinds of food. Every place they stop the stores will not take payment and it does not matter what they take! Fuel stops are giving 50% off on fuel. Hotels are free and there are thousands of people handing them food as they pass by. It is clear this is supported by 90% of Canadians! When my drivers call for updates they are in tears, all choked up. All of them!”

Unlike “mostly peaceful” BLM and Antifa protests, there has been no looting or burning. Trash has been piled neatly and volunteers have been out staying ahead of clean-up. Free food cooked on grills is being given to everyone.

There are unconfirmed reports a figure of $45 million had been pumped into agent provocateurs to disrupt the protest. Organizers have warned truckers and supporters to be aware and report. They’ve been instructed to surround the agent and yell “Fed, Fed, Fed!” to deter their actions. So far, disruptions have been few and the dying mainstream media has had to settle for manufacturing their usual lies.

For weeks prior, the truckers have given words to the wise to stock up. Some feel that The Parasites will blame the truckers for the food shortages they are already engineering. Signs remind “If you bought it, a trucker brought it.”

The crowd diversity has been in about equal proportion to Canada’s general population. Truck drivers in turbans and all other ethnicities are represented. The Hindustan Times YouTube channel put out a video “Karma Strikes Back- Canada truckers protest continue. Indian Twitter mocks Justin Trudeau.” Native drums and chanting are part of every gathering.

Trucks have used their size for great signage. One hay truck driver wrote across his freight “My Rights Don’t End Where Your Fear Begins.” Protest signs in the crowds have been clever. Some are aware that Fidel Castro has an excellent chance of being Justin’s actual father. They have morphed Let’s Go Brandon into Let’s Go Castreau and Let’s Go Brandeau. Truck Fudeau has been popular. Trudeau, after his outrageous insult calling the truck convoy “A fringe minority with unacceptable views” had gone into hiding at an undisclosed location. He said that a family member had Covid and although he tested negative that he’d self- isolate for five days. That’s now turned into having Covid and continuing to hide out in “an undisclosed location”. Signs have shown him to have COWARD-19 and fear of the new Freedom Variant.

The Freedom Convoy 2022 Go Fund Me has met their $9 million goal and is on it’s way to $10 million. They have a team of accountants getting funds out to the drivers through a request process. Some have quipped they have enough money to wait out Trudeau’s return for a year.

The astounding response in Canada has motivated truckers around the world. In Australia, a reported 40,000 trucks are rolling to their capitol Canberra. Truckers from Finland, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, and Lithuania are all organizing. Working class men and women finally taking back their power. On Saturday, 29 Jan. a large protest was held in France outside Pfizer’s building. Austria and Germany also has record crowds protesting. Crowds so large that video cameras couldn’t capture them.
222   Patrick   2022 Feb 4, 5:25pm  


Towing Companies in Canada Turn Down Requests from Police and Mayor to Haul Away Trucks
By Jim Hoft
Published February 2, 2022 at 7:20am

Towing companies in Alberta, Canada reportedly refused the requests from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to assist in the removal of trucks from Coutts Port of Entry on the north side of the Alberta-Montana border.

Abe Martens from Xodus Car Transport who also offers towing service told the Western Standard, “We are here with our trucks at the blockade, but we are participating and are in full support of the truckers.” ...

In a video posted on Twitter, a woman said that she was just talking to a local who has lived in Ottawa for 30 years.

“He told me that the Mayor of Ottawa called tow truck companies to start towing the semis out of the streets and every company said that they have COVID,” the woman added.
223   mell   2022 Feb 4, 5:30pm  

How's gofundme misappropriating the money not theft? Of course they shouldn't have used gofundme in the first place but how can this be legal?!
226   Patrick   2022 Feb 4, 6:03pm  


February 4, 2022
GoFundMe permanently shuts down Freedom Convoy campaign, refuses to pass in millions of raised funds
Donors can contact their bank to get their money back. Unreclaimed funds will be donated to charities that GoFundMe chooses.

How can we all help get money to the glorious Canadian truckers?
227   Onvacation   2022 Feb 4, 6:08pm  

Patrick says
Abe Martens from Xodus Car Transport who also offers towing service told the Western Standard, “We are here with our trucks at the blockade, but we are participating and are in full support of the truckers.” ...

Just wait until Brandeau sends the army and some tanks. You know whose side the soldiers are on.
228   HeadSet   2022 Feb 5, 7:54am  

HunterTits says
Then the fucker called Trudy and asked for the Army. Army said 'no' because they were worried the truckers were armed with guns.

You may want to double check that. The Army does not have the right to say no. And even in the head general objected, the reason would be more along the line of "it is illegal to use the Army to enforce the law, and if you order that, I will resign." No soldier is going to say, "I will not go because the enemy may be armed."
229   RC2006   2022 Feb 5, 8:02am  

HeadSet says
No soldier is going to say, "I will not go because the enemy may be armed."

It is Canada after all.
231   Patrick   2022 Feb 5, 11:23am  


Ottawa NWO thugs chasing people away but there's too many of them
232   Patrick   2022 Feb 5, 11:23am  


Great atmosphere last night in Quebec City where protesters greeted the freedom convoy coming to town.
233   Patrick   2022 Feb 5, 11:25am  


Great images today from Canberra. Australians, quaccinated and unquaccinated, gathered in front of Parliament House in Canberra today and chanting "I am, you are, we are, Australian!"
239   Patrick   2022 Feb 5, 5:24pm  

I could not get that domain name to work, but it's a real thing:

243   HeadSet   2022 Feb 6, 9:54am  

Patrick says

Great images today from Canberra. Australians, quaccinated and unquaccinated, gathered in front of Parliament House in Canberra today and chanting "I am, you are, we are, Australian!"

What an excellent name for the jab - a "quack-cine"
244   Booger   2022 Feb 6, 11:41am  

Truck convoy in The Netherlands:
245   Booger   2022 Feb 6, 11:42am  

HeadSet says
What an excellent name for the jab - a "quack-cine"

I still prefer delayed onset lethal injection.
246   Booger   2022 Feb 6, 11:45am  

In Australia:
249   Booger   2022 Feb 6, 4:06pm  

A liberal reacts to the protest:

250   Ceffer   2022 Feb 6, 4:39pm  

You think Canadians are going to be more careful about election integrity and who they vote for now? Ottawa mayor sounds like standard issue Soros Fecal Impaction material.
251   Patrick   2022 Feb 6, 4:55pm  

Election integrity is key to everything.
254   Patrick   2022 Feb 6, 5:29pm  


February 6, 2022
Ottawa Police announce digital surveillance of Freedom Convoy protesters, supporters, and donors
Partnering with federal agencies.
257   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 7, 7:38am  

‘Government Overreach Is Coming to an End’: Massive Truck Convoy Heading to Washington After Ottawa

American truckers protesting against vaccine mandates and government overreach have been joining a record-breaking Canadian convoy of tens of thousands of vehicles headed to Ottawa.

Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that “America is next.”

“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.

Tens of thousands of vehicles were reported to have departed from all parts of Canada.

A large number from the United States have been joining along the way.

Brian clarified that some numbers “running around” on social media about the trucks joining the convoy are not correct.

“A post says 100,000 to 5,000. Those aren’t correct. Somebody made those numbers up. There’s no way for us to put a number on exactly how many United States trucks have gone over there.”

Speaking about the upcoming U.S. convoy, he said “it will start in California and it will end in DC and we’re gonna stay there, just like Canada is doing,” Brian said. “You’re gonna have your main artery … everybody will join in as they go down the interstate to DC.”

He added that dates and planned routes would be released soon on a website and various social media platforms, and a GoFundMe page would only be released on their CONVOY TO DC 2022 Facebook page.

“We’re done with the mandates, were done with the government telling us what to do, we will continue and we will follow just like the rest of the world on these trucker protests, and they will be 100 percent legal, they will abide by the law.”

Brian added that nobody has been kicked out of the convoy so far for failing to abide by agreed-upon terms.

“It’s been a unity that I’ve never seen before, not anywhere in the north. Canada has definitely shown that—the most peaceful protest in the convoy I have seen to date,” Brian further stated. “America, it’s your turn, it’s your turn to step up and show what you’re made of.

“We don’t care what side you’re on, we don’t care where you’re from, if you live in America, in Canada, or anywhere you may come from, we’re doing it for you,” he said.

Businesses of different sizes, as well as families in the two countries, have helped the convoys with food, shelter, and gas.

As they passed through different cities, videos on Facebook show they were greeted with long rows of people cheering and holding Canadian flags, with some shooting off fireworks.

He added that they’re also doing it for the trolls that are disrupting their various pages.

“We’re actually doing it for the trolls too. So they can work and live their lives too. So it doesn’t matter. We love you all. America, it’s time to stand up. Welcome to the finale of the show. We love you. God bless you.”

The massive event has seen little reporting so far by the corporate media. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the “people who are on their way to Ottawa” a “small fringe minority” that is “holding unacceptable views” during a press conference on Jan. 26.

He then announced on Jan. 27 he came into contact with someone infected with COVID-19 and has gone into self-isolation.

He told The Canadian Press that he tested negative, feels fine, and has no symptoms.

Not Essential Workers

Brian said that during the pandemic, truckers were not able to pull in to eat or shower freely due to their not having been considered essential, and didn’t receive funds or stimulus checks.

The government has “completely extended their arm and their reach to control for far too long and far too easy and made money off of you. To tell us what to do.

“We elected those officials in, now it’s time to elect them out. It’s all by design so you can see the corruptness and you’re awake to it. There is no hate in this group,” Brian added.

“The government overreach is coming to an end, and this is how we do it.

“If you go back to America, in 1776, it took one shot to be heard. The British came over, an entire army came over. And it was villages that beat the British, an entire army,” Brian noted, “Well, we don’t do it that way anymore. It’s not violent like that anymore.

Brian added that they “had a plan” that “has worked to a T.

“All you do is get in and drive and be a part of something that is now making history that will be in the history books, it will forever be known in 2022 that you are part of this worldwide movement. You, not us. We’re together with you. We’re just the voices to get it out.

“One voice can be heard worldwide. And that’s through you the people.”

International Support

More U.S. truckers joined the protesting efforts after the creators of Freedom Fighter Nation, Attorney Leigh Dundas and her paralegal and personal assistant Maureen Steele, started organizing in the United States.

“Our wonderful country is mobilizing! People who have been numbed and stunned over what has transpired over the past two years are waking. They are now doing and we are coordinating and moving in an intentional manner,” Steele told The Epoch Times.

Steele said that Australia is mobilizing its own convoy now, and more rally points in the United States are being established, with thousands to attend at each one.

“We are taking our country back. Make no mistake, we the patriots and freedom lovers are the majority. The 20-25 percent that want socialism or communism that is the MINORITY. It doesn’t matter right now who is left or who is right, none of that matters if we lose our freedom. Freedom is a banner we can all rally under. Liberty crackles through all of our veins. God bless our Canadian brothers and sisters for reminding us we are fighters! Thanks for the nudge. We are awake. AWAKE. I saw a post on a Canadian site that said ‘you woke the sleeping lions.’ Well, America just got a wake-up call from our Canadian neighbors, and guess what? I’m putting the world on notice. They woke the fire-breathing dragon!!” Steele further noted.

Other countries such as Brazil have organized their own convoys, expressing solidarity for the cause.


258   Karloff   2022 Feb 7, 10:08am  

i see we are entering the "freedom is insurrection" stage of authoritarian derangement

Figured it would come to this. These people in positions of power are evil tyrants and look down on the citizens as plebs. The so-called "vulgar" and "profane". "How dare they defy our orders!" These political hacks can't justify them with science or reason, and when faced with opposition their simple, childish brains can only come up with violence and force as a response.

Standard playbook used for the Jan6 crowd being used against the protesters here as well. Lie to the public and propagandize them into thinking the people wanting freedom are the bad guys. A portion of the ignorant public will believe this as well.

I think JFK said something about tyrants who make peaceful protest impossible..

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