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OMG I love that pastor! Can I send his church money?
I understand his frustration, it makes for a good viral response, but as someone celebrating the sanctity of god, getting so flustered just doesn't seem 100% right.
as someone celebrating the sanctity of god, getting so flustered just doesn't seem 100% right
A few notable quotes from the video:"
"It's sickening, what this country came to. Coming to the place of worship with their uniforms, with their guns... AGAIN during the time of worship. They could do it another time. They could do it another day. No, they are following the orders of the Führer."
"If Canadians will not rise up and stand up: if they will not come to their senses while there is still a time to wake up and push this evil, they will be absolutely no rights whatsoever. If they can get away with this, they're going to come anywhere else."
"Do you think they are here for your health? Seriously? They could come any day of the week. They could call me. They could say 'Hey we want to inspect your facility, we wanna come.' No. They want to do it during the church service, because they have a purpose, they have an agenda."
"If you're not seeing it, then you're plain stupid, blind, and deaf. I have been warning you for 16 years about what's coming and it's here. And it's up to you. Either you are going to keep pushing as hard as you can, or you're going to be swallowed by those people. The history is teaching us that those types of people will never stop."
"They are going to keep coming, keep coming, keep taking your rights one after another, destroying you by thousands of cuts – one little cut at a time, one little law at a time. And eventually, you are going to wake up and you are going to be in a concentration camp."
"We were warning Americans and Canadians – Westerners – about what is coming. We could smell it from many years. People were laughing at us. 'Oh, you're just making this stuff up. You're blowing this out of proportion. You conspiracy theorist.' However, it's here. It's here and you cannot come and worship God without the interference of the Gestapo."
I'll leave you with one more of his thoughts that we should all be pondering:
"Will you stand up? Will you fight? Will you push? Or will you just bow to the medical tyranny – because that's what it is – and give up everything? Because they are coming for everything. Wake up or else.
That Polish pastor in Calgary who's been warning us about totalitarianism now has a warrant out for his arrest!
There are no genetically gay people. No one was born that way. There is only the result of pedophilia and bad life choices. Promiscuous sodomy results in disease and early death. It always has, and that's why all religions forbid it.
The LGBT movement has become another arm of state terror, used to suppress our freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
How come they never arrest Muslim preachers who say much worse?
Better yet, have Muslims and blacks as human shields to protect the
Annnnnd, He's arrested.
So something good came out of his being oppressed by the Canadian police
Dear Friend,
Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested again, just moments ago.
Ten police cars.
20 cops.
Arresting him SWAT-team style, like before.
Pulling him over in the middle of a snowy roadway, at night, with cars speeding by. Just to humiliate him. And his son Nathaniel, who caught the whole thing on video.
Nathaniel asks the police, "no criminals to catch today?" One officer, who identifies himself as Officer Moore, says "just him".
Except that's a lie. Pastor Artur has never been convicted of a crime, ever.
These cops just won't leave them alone. They've convinced themselves this is police work, against a hardened criminal. But they're lying to themselves — perhaps it's to assuage their guilty consciences.
It's becoming an international disgrace.
Here, watch the footage of what happened:
We've already been in touch with Artur's top-notch lawyer, Sarah Miller, who has helped him so well these past two years. I know she'll fight like a lioness for him.
But still: there's something deeply wrong when the police, politicians, health bureaucrats and the corporate media are persecuting this Christian man.
If you can help us crowdfund Pastor Artur's lawyer, please do — go to (Thanks.)
We'll keep you posted with any updates.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
Pastor Artur gives an impassioned speech to Canadian truckers and tells them to hold the line.
If anyone knows what it’s like to live under a communist dictatorship it’s him.
God bless pastor Artur.
God bless the Canadian truckers and farmers.
God bless all freedom loving patriots all over the world.
Sheila Gunn Reid
There you have it.
Crown successfully argued to Judge Erin Olsen that Art Pawlowski is such a danger to the public that he must remain in pretrial custody.
His crime? giving a speech to truckers at the border blockade
Next hearing March 11 2022
Pastor Artur Pawlowski's son, Nathaniel, speaks to Yanky Pollak at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa Bay, Florida.
Pastor Artur Pawlowski's son, Nathaniel, speaks to Yanky Pollak at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa Bay, Florida.
The credibility on that video is suspect. Why?
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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