Will Russia invade Ukraine?

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2022 Feb 18, 12:20pm   18,290 views  371 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  


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My take: Yes

see https://nitter.pussthecat.org/newkc14?source=patrick.net

Evacuation of civilians from Doneck, Gleiwitz-style explosions in Doneck, and a lot of shelling along border.

Less probable is that they just want to increase tensions to get something out of the West (higher oil/gas prices, promises about non-expansion of NATO, etc).

If they do invade, ZH and a lot of skeptics owe Bidet & Co an apology of sorts. Everything goes to crap if invasion happens, as in economy of the world, residual civil liberties, etc, and one can blame Russians for inflation, loss of life quality, etc, instead of real culprit Bidet.

If I'd be conspiratorial, I'd say that Bidet agents in Russia will push for Russian invasion, but on other hand current CIA and military here can only shout pronouns at enemies as seen from Afghanistan debacle.

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155   gabbar   2022 Feb 25, 9:41am  

We are not going to restore Russia to the border of the Empire of 1913. Moscow supports the sovereignty of the former republics of the Union, but Ukraine is an exception "because of external control" - V.V. Putin at a meeting with Aliyev
156   Bd6r   2022 Feb 25, 4:13pm  

gabbar says
We are not going to restore Russia to the border of the Empire of 1913. Moscow supports the sovereignty of the former republics of the Union, but Ukraine is an exception "because of external control" - V.V. Putin at a meeting with Aliyev

Putler lies constantly, no reason to believe him on this
He was also not invading ukraine a week ago, was not invading crimea etc
157   Bd6r   2022 Feb 25, 4:18pm  

If Ukraine survives another few days, Russians are done.
Why do I think that - Chinese are starting to hedge - their foreign ministry had press release today about territorial integrity of countries incl Ukraine, and started sanctioning Russian banks. Second, Turkey shipped craploads of arms to Ukraine via Poland.
158   mell   2022 Feb 25, 4:23pm  

Bd6r says
If Ukraine survives another few days, Russians are done.
Why do I think that - Chinese are starting to hedge - their foreign ministry had press release today about territorial integrity of countries incl Ukraine, and started sanctioning Russian banks. Second, Turkey shipped craploads of arms to Ukraine via Poland.

That could very well be. I found it interesting that they called for diplomacy after initially trashing the US. Xi is not stupid either, Russia is a much closer threat for Chyna than the US of A.
159   richwicks   2022 Feb 25, 4:29pm  

AmericanKulak says
Okay, I'll bite on this sidebar for a second:
Yep, South Syrians who never had a state of their own, nor even a province under the Byzantines or Ottomans

It doesn't matter if it was ever recognized as a state or a region. There were people there.

If a bunch of, I dunno, Mongolians decided to settle in Nichols Minnesota, after the United States collapsed, and the world declared it as a new country, would you then be defending this? Nichols was never a state...

This is just semantics, and it's a stupid argument, and I'm TIRED of arguing about Israel. Israel will take over the entire West Bank in time, probably will retake Gaza, and will be claiming they want "peace" and are working toward a "two state solution" the entire time. They're lying.

Dragging the conversation into "is this moral or not" is a complete waste of time. Morality has nothing to do with it. Might makes right. I'm telling you what is being done and was is inevitably going to happen. Right or wrong is written by propagandists for the "history books".
162   mell   2022 Feb 25, 5:01pm  

Bd6r says
gabbar says
We are not going to restore Russia to the border of the Empire of 1913. Moscow supports the sovereignty of the former republics of the Union, but Ukraine is an exception "because of external control" - V.V. Putin at a meeting with Aliyev

Putler lies constantly, no reason to believe him on this
He was also not invading ukraine a week ago, was not invading crimea etc

Not really, or better not always. He never lied about being serious to get guarantees that the ex soviet border nations should stay neutral and not join nato, otherwise he'd take action. This is what the 3rd time? They should have negotiated that long ago. What he's doing now is despicable, but not surprising. I just hope most Ukranians stay safe
167   Ceffer   2022 Feb 25, 5:37pm  

You mean Zelensky's letting the Clinton Foundation off the hook?
170   komputodo   2022 Feb 26, 7:36am  

Although the media is pumping the narrative of Russia invading the Ukraine, it seems to me that the fight is between the Ukrainian Russian Separists (supported by Russia) and the Ukrainian nationals (supported by NATO). Its appears to be a PROXY "dust-up" between Russia and Nato that just happens to be on Ukraine soil.
172   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 7:51am  

komputodo says
Although the media is pumping the narrative of Russia invading the Ukraine, it seems to me that the fight is between the Ukrainian Russian Separists (supported by Russia) and the Ukrainian nationals (supported by NATO). Its appears to be a PROXY "dust-up" between Russia and Nato that just happens to be on Ukraine soil.

There are plenty of dead Dagestanis and Chechens who are not inhabitants of Ukraine
173   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 8:03am  

I thank my friend Mr. President of 🇹🇷 @RTErdogan and the people of 🇹🇷 for their strong support. The ban on the passage of 🇷🇺 warships to the Black Sea and significant military and humanitarian support for 🇺🇦 are extremely important today. The people of 🇺🇦 will never forget that
174   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Feb 26, 8:05am  

komputodo says
Although the media is pumping the narrative of Russia invading the Ukraine, it seems to me that the fight is between the Ukrainian Russian Separists (supported by Russia) and the Ukrainian nationals (supported by NATO). Its appears to be a PROXY "dust-up" between Russia and Nato that just happens to be on Ukraine soil.

I figured as much. Weapon sales are profitable, foreign nations explode…
175   komputodo   2022 Feb 26, 8:06am  

Bd6r says
There are plenty of dead Dagestanis and Chechens who are not inhabitants of Ukraine

Why were they there? Did they live there? Don't they call that "collateral damage" nowadays? We used to call it "being in the wrong place at the wrong time". I'm sure they will be in your thought and prayers because when you get right down to it...even with all the shit going on in your country, what could be more important than a fight in the Ukraine.
176   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 8:10am  

komputodo says
Why were they there?

Conscripts from Russian Caucasus republics and Kadyrov's (prorussian Chechen leader) guard. Again, info not from Western media. So the civil war is quite imaginary but invasion is real.
177   komputodo   2022 Feb 26, 9:31am  

Bd6r says
So the civil war is quite imaginary but invasion is real.

To what end? What does russia gain from invading?
178   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 9:34am  

komputodo says
what end? What does russia gain from invading?

I think nothing, but then again I am not Putler. He has probably botoxed out his brains.

However, presence of Russian troops in Ukraine does seem to verify invasion. And I did not see that on CNN
179   komputodo   2022 Feb 26, 10:16am  

Bd6r says
komputodo says
what end? What does russia gain from invading?

I think nothing, but then again I am not Putler. He has probably botoxed out his brains.

Yeah that makes sense...I think you nailed it...BTW...Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California suggested Friday that kicking Russian students out of U.S. colleges and universities should be looked at as a possible deterrent to Russia after the country's President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion into Ukraine earlier this week.

Asked during a Thursday appearance on "CNN Newsroom" about potential sanctions the U.S. should use against Russia, Swalwell proposed penalizing Russian students attending college in the U.S.
That seems justified...lol
180   komputodo   2022 Feb 26, 11:49am  

Bd6r says
However, presence of Russian troops in Ukraine does seem to verify invasion.

Would NATO troops in the Ukraine also verify invasion by Nato?
181   komputodo   2022 Feb 26, 12:54pm  

HunterTits says

Uhh.yes.seriously...please educate me
182   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 26, 12:59pm  

To put in a Russian Friendly government that won't join NATO and maybe sign a non-Aggression Pact, which of course peace-loving Globalists will call (with some justice) made under duress.

If they do this, you should have invested in Eastern Poland, since it will be a seller's market for real estate due to new base openings.
183   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 3:13pm  

HunterTits says
komputodo says
Uhh.yes.seriously...please educate me

But are YOU serious?

What I mean is that this can't be taught on a PatNet post. You are going to have to invest time and effort. Worth it, tho.

This guy totally predicted this, so I would recommend reading his book

Predicted what? That Russia would eventually attack Ukraine to prevent it from joining NATO?


You don't need to be a genius to see that.
184   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 4:53pm  

HunterTits says

That is also not why Russia invaded. Germany would never have agreed to let Ukraine join NATO anyway.

That's the only ultimatum that Putin has been making for YEARS now.

Had Ukraine and NATO simply stated that there were no plans to bring Ukraine into NATO, there would have been no war - at least according to Russia. If NATO and Ukraine had just made this statement, Russia wouldn't have had an excuse to go to war, if that was just cover to begin the war.

HunterTits says
That you believe otherwise is just indicative that you don't know what is going on. Sorry to be an asshole, but it is true.

You could just state what you think is going on, but you won't.

Oh, but it has to be a MYSTERY, you couldn't possibly fit it into a sentence, why I'd have to read volumes of books to have it explained.

Yeah, that's typical bullshit. The truth isn't complicated but lies get very fucking convoluted. I'm not particularly informed about Russia, but I am with US foreign policy and how often they lie and how they always love to make war and mayhem. I'm VERY familiar with that. Quite often the US will draw a "red line" and then do everything they can do to make certain that line is crossed, up to an including false flags like they did in Syria, or just lying about it like they did with the last Iraq War.

I don't know how trustworthy Russia is, but I know PRECISELY how trustworthy the US intelligence agencies are and that's our foreign policy.
185   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 4:55pm  

komputodo says
Would NATO troops in the Ukraine also verify invasion by Nato?

Yes. Unless they are invited by UA govt
186   Bd6r   2022 Feb 27, 8:40am  

Russians start talking to Ukranians in Belorus. Which means that invasion is falling apart, contrary to predictions also here

If we dont get a thermonuclear war by cornered Putin, result will be a few centuries of enhanced hate of russ by ukr and birth of a genuine ukranian nation - before they were not nationalists other than in West Ukraine
187   Bd6r   2022 Feb 27, 10:07am  

This morning I talked with a Russian friend of mine who lives in a former USSR country. She has a lot of relatives in Ukraine and Russia, is fairly rich, and has a lot of connections in Russia. I will think over what she said and will write a summary in evening. It is more depressing than what any of us here can imagine.
188   Booger   2022 Feb 27, 12:06pm  

richwicks says
Russia wouldn't have had an excuse to go to war, if that was just cover to begin the war.

They would have gone to war anyway. They don't need a real reason.
191   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 27, 1:02pm  

Reminder: The Montreaux Convention says ALL Parties cannot send warships in or out of the Bosphorus when activated. That means the USN as well as Russian.

But we all know how the precious Holy Divine Laws International Treaties of Ultimate Goodness when in reality it's an Anarchy of Powerful States.

See also: Nuremberg Laws with COVID. Many Signatories didn't bat an eye Or no Security Council approval for various "Interventions".

And no, folks stuck in the Cold War, it's not Putin Propaganda, it's reality. I fully support the Monroe Doctrine and kicking Soviet Ass in Grenada and Cuba for trying to put in Tupolev Bomber bases and SRBMs there. But the Monroe Doctrine is Evil and Totally Invalidated according to the Divine Rules Based Order the Internationalists want enforced.


How Many Divisions has the Red Cross?

Once people go back to Realpolitik, Concert of Europe thinking, and not the Globaloney International Law BS, they'll see the world and what's possible with clear eyes, not through the Dark Fart Fog of Ideology.
192   Bd6r   2022 Feb 27, 2:32pm  

OK, so I gathered my thoughts and my very limited mental abilities after talking to my Russian friend.

1. Her relatives in Kiev said that yesterday situation for Ukrainans was so dire that military trucks were stopping in cities and giving out AKs and RPGs to anyone who would take them. No documents required. Result is twofold. First, Russians are met with gunfire from every damned house. Second, massive looting by UKRAINIAN criminals who got their hand on weapons (and that is ascribed by Ukr propaganda to Russian troops). Lesson: population should be given guns BEFORE invasion.
2. The idiots in West dont understand East European psychology. They have village patriotism. If Russians attack Donbas, Zhytomyr does not give a shit. Now they attacked whole Ukraine and we will have a Ukrainian nation finally - before it was Soviet invention and ephemeral.
3. Rich russians think that Putin has gone mad. Hence, watch out for nuclear attacks since he is losing grip on reality and power. What does he have to lose - if he loses war in Ukraine or even if there is an unfavorable stalemate, his associates will kill him as is common in those parts of the world. This scares me a lot and you should be afraid as well. We may have the end of civilization as we know it.
4. So called patriotic or anti West Russians are against attacking Ukraine. It is different to liberate Sevastopol where probably 90 pct of population greets Russian troops with flowers. In Mariupol or Kiev they are greeted with RPGs and result is mutual killing of Eastern Slavs, which is anathema to a lot of Russians.

Some of my considerations...
1. It is first time since 1991 when I am actually afraid for what will happen.
2. I am not sure, but supposedly Putin has been vaccinated against covid many times. Perhaps vaccine decreases intellectual abilities, and I am not joking. Before attacking, he had excellent situation where he could threaten to attack and extract concessions. Now it is over.
3. So called imperial type Russians say that Putin sank a lot of money into new weapons, but most of it was stolen. Which is normal around there. Result - most of weapons used to attack Ukraine is of 1989 vintage, same as most Ukrainian weapons. Russian troops have little motivation (see village patriotism above), while Ukrainians have motivation.
4. Zelensky the Ukr president is a Russian speaking Jew. He learned to speak Ukr language after he was elected. So much about Nazis leading Ukraine and oppression of Russian speakers. I think he is genuine Ukr patriot now, I was not sure before.
5. I posted a link to former Soviet KGB/military top brass open letter to Putin a few weeks ago here on Patnet (https://patrick.net/post/1343609/2022-02-08-interesting-development-in-russian-aggr) which said that Putin is an idiot who should step down. This letter convinced me that attack on Ukraine is imminent. See above Eastern Slavs killing Eastern Slavs. Anathema to most Soviet educated military.
6. Russians want talks now. This means their Blitzkrieg did not work. West will try to force Ukrainians to talk. Since they are winning, the only talk should be about Russians surrendering. +Germans with their need for Russian gaz are ones who need talks not Ukrainans. Do stupid greenie crap, win stupid prizes.
7. Someone on Patnet predicted Russian cakewalk in 4 days. It is 4th day and there are now as many dead Russians as in whole first Chechen war.

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