The American descent into madness

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2021 Jul 21, 10:40am   837 views  26 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (55)   💰tip   ignore  


America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How?

Nations have often gone mad in a matter of months. The French abandoned their supposedly idealistic revolutionary project and turned it into a monstrous hell for a year between July 1793 and 1794. After the election of November 1860, in a matter of weeks, Americans went from thinking secession was taboo to visions of killing the greatest number of their fellow citizens on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line. Mao’s China went from a failed communist state to the ninth circle of Dante’s Inferno, when he unleashed the Cultural Revolution in 1966.

In the last six months, we have seen absurdities never quite witnessed in modern America. Madness, not politics, defines it. There are three characteristics of all these upheavals. One, the events are unsustainable. They will either cease or they will destroy the nation, at least as we know it. Two, the law has largely been rendered meaningless. Three, left-wing political agendas justify any means necessary to achieve them.

Citizenship as mere residency

Two million people are anticipated to cross the southern border, en masse and illegally, over a 12-month period. If that absurdity were to continue, we would be adding the equivalent of a major US city every year. The new arrivals have three things in common. Their first act was to break US law by entering the country. Their second was to break the law by residing here illegally. And their third will be to find false identification or other illegal means to continue breaking the law. You do not arrive as a guest in a foreign country and immediately violate the laws of his host — unless you hold those laws in contempt.

Arrivals now cross a border that had been virtually closed to illegal immigration by January 2021. In the cynical and immoral logic of illegal immigration (that cares little for the concerns either of would-be legal immigrants or US citizens), arrivals will be dependent upon the state and thus become constituents of progressives who engineered their arrival.

Yet the issue is not illegal immigration per se. If protests were to continue in Cuba, and one million Cubans boated to Miami, the Biden administration would stop the influx, in terror that so many anti-communists might tip Florida red forever.

How strange that the US government is considering going door-to-door to bully the unvaccinated, even as it ignores the daily influx of thousands from Mexico and Latin America, without worrying whether they are carrying or vaccinated for COVID-19. Meanwhile, the progressive media shrilly warns that the new Delta variant of the virus is exploding south of the border. Note how the administration applies standards to its own citizens that it does not apply to foreign nationals illegally entering the country.

Crime as construct

Crime is another current absurdity. There exists a mini-industry of internet videos depicting young people, disproportionately African American males, stealing luxury goods from Nieman-Marcus in San Francisco, clearing a shelf from a Walgreens with impunity or assaulting Asian Americans. These iconic moments may be unrepresentative of reality, but given the mass transfers and retirements of police, and the frightening statistics of large increases in violent crime in certain cities, the popular conception is now entrenched that it is dangerous to walk in our major metropolises, either by day or at night. Chicago has turned into Tombstone or Dodge City in the popular imagination.

Scarier still is the realization that if you are robbed, assaulted or find your car vandalized, it is near certain the miscreant will never be held to account. Either the police have pulled back and find arrests of criminals a lose-lose situation, or radical big-city district attorneys see the law as a critical legal theory construct, and thus will not enforce it. Or the criminal will be arrested and released within hours.

So a subculture has developed among Americans, of passing information about where in the country it is safe, where it is not, and where you can go, where you cannot. This is clearly not America, but something bizarre out of São Paulo, Durban or Caracas.

The campus con

The universities over the past 40 years were intolerant, hard left and increasingly anti-constitutional. But they also fostered a golden-goose confidence scheme that administrators dared not injure, given the precious eggs of federally guaranteed student loans that ensured zero academic accountability and sent tuition costs into the stratosphere. There was an unquestioned supposition that a degree of any sort, of any major, was the ticket to American success. In cynical fashion, we shrugged that most prestigious institutions were little more than cattle branders that stamped graduates with imprints that gave them unearned privilege for life.

Yet universities now have both hands around their golden goose’s neck and are determined to strangle it. The public is becoming repulsed at the woke McCarthyite culture on campus, and will be more turned off when campuses open in the fall in 2019-style. At the Ivy League or major state university campuses, admissions are no longer based on proportional representation in the context of affirmative action, but are defined increasingly by a reparatory character.

Grades, test scores and ‘activities’ of the white and Asian male college applicants are growing less relevant. Only ‘privileged’ white males with sports skills, connections or families who give lots of money are exempt from the new racial reparation quotas. The new woke admission policy ironically is targeting the liberal suburban professional family, the left’s constituency, whose lives are so fixated on whether children graduate from Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford or like campuses.

Given the radical change in incoming student profiles, the faculty increasingly will have to choose between accusations of racism or grading regardless of actual performance, given thousands of new enrollees do not meet the entrance standards of just two or three years ago. Remember that since wokeism was always a top-down elite industry, minority progressives still will fight it out with white leftists in intramural scraps over titles, salaries, and managerial posts.

The public has had enough. For the first time, people will ask why are we subsidizing student loans, why are multibillion-dollar endowments not taxed, and why do we think a BA in sociology or psychology or gender studies is an ‘investment’ that prepares anyone for anything?

Commissars and Jacobins

The critical race theory craze is reaching peak woke or is already on the downslope. No complex and sophisticated society is sustainable with a Maoist creed of cannibalizing citizens for thought crimes. Commissars do not produce anything or serve anybody, but only monitor thoughts and speech to ascertain the purity of diversity, equity and inclusion. They are not just a drain on the productive sector but will insidiously destroy it, since their currency is to ensure a timid, obsequiousness and banal orthodoxy.

We know from the failed Soviet system and from the French Revolution that the most mediocre in society became its most eager auditors of correct behavior. The arbiters of proper thought — the self-righteous paid toady, the perpetual victim employed in service to government payback, the freelancing snitch — were always the villains of freedom, productivity and humanity, whether we read of the killing off of Alexander the Great’s inner circle, the forced suicides of the Neronian circle, the Jacobin murder spree or the nightmarish world described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

That the Biden administration has now joined with Silicon Valley to hunt down on social media any dissenters from this month’s official policy on vaccinations and mask-wearing was not so shocking as to be expected from a media that banned coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop. In Cuban fashion, millions of judge-jury-executioner online snitches, with government encouragement, will help root out incorrect thoughts at light speed.

Inflation is a mere construct

We used to know what inflation was, its pernicious role in past civilizations, and how to combat it. The danger of worthless currency is a staple of classical literature from Aristophanes to Procopius. The scary fact is not just that we are destroying the value of our money — the exploding price of gas, food, appliances, lumber, power, and housing are overwhelming even Joe Biden’s entitlement machine — but that we are constructing pseudoeconomics to justify the nihilism.

Right now, we witness a multitrillion-dollar fight over borrowing beyond our $30 trillion debt to build ‘infrastructure’, a word that has been expanded to include mostly anything but roads and bridges. What exactly is so liberal about the farmworker paying $5 a gallon for gas to commute to the fields, the small contractor doing a remodeling job with plywood at $80 a sheet or the young couple whose loan qualification is always a month behind the soaring price of a new home?

Our people’s military

Americans during this entire descent in madness sighed, ‘Well, at least there is the military left.’ By that, I think they meant John Brennan had all but wrecked the CIA, while James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Kevin Clinesmith, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, et al. had weaponized the FBI. But the military was still a bastion of traditional, nonpartisan service, whose prime directive was to defend the country, win any war it was ordered to fight, and to maintain deterrence against opportunistic enemies. It was not envisioned as a ‘people’s army’. It was not a revolutionary Napoleonic ‘nation in arms’. And it was not a ‘liberation army’. The Constitution, 233 years of tradition, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice all reassured America of its wonderful defense forces.

And now? We are in the process of a massive reeducation and indoctrination campaign. The revamping not only draws scarce resources away from military readiness, but targets, without evidence, the white working class and defames it as insurrectionary — the very same cohort that disproportionately died in Afghanistan and Iraq.

If only Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Adm. Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, had been as animated, as combative, and as fired up in congressional testimony about winning in Afghanistan or deterring the Chinese in the waters off Taiwan as they were in defense of their recommended lists of Marxist-inspired critical race theory texts!

One purpose of the Uniform Code of Military Justice was not to prevent retired top brass from attacking beloved presidents or even blasé ones. Its aim was to remind the country that it is the business of civilians, not pensioned retired military subject to recall in times of crisis, to galvanize opinion against loudmouth unpopular presidents like Harry Truman, Richard Nixon or Donald Trump.

The reason why the ‘revolving door’ became a bipartisan worry was that four-star officers had mastered the navigation of Pentagon procurement. They possessed a rare skill easily — and hugely — monetized upon retirement, and thus its use was to be discouraged wholeheartedly.

And now?

The code is a mere construct. The revolving door is an advertisement for advancing to high rank. Policing the thoughts of American soldiers is apparently more important than fathoming the minds of our enemies on the battlefield.

Keep Cuba Castroite?

What was so hard about understanding that Cuba since 1959 has been a communist gulag, antithetical to human freedom and consensual government? What was so difficult about conceding that Cuba had been an ally of the nuclear Soviet Union, always egging it on to war against the United States?

Yet here we are with protesters against a failed, evil state in the streets of Havana, and our own government, media, and professional classes are worried that ossified communism in Cuba may fall.

After opening the US southern border to pseudo-political refugees, the Biden administration is terrified that thousands of real ones might come to Miami in the fashion it invited millions to storm into Texas. The Biden administration, and the left in general, finally revealed what many of us have known: it had no real ideological view on illegal immigration. Its immigration policy was entirely utilitarian and hinged only on whether illegal immigration altered the demography of the electorate in the correct way.

The United Nations über alles

Finally, almost all Americans used to agree that the US Constitution was unique and guaranteed personal freedom in a way the United Nations charter could not. Dozens of fascist, communist, totalitarian, and authoritarian regimes, usually the majority of governments on earth, ensured that any General Assembly or UN committee ruling would parrot the views of its illiberal and corrupt members.

Not anymore. Biden’s secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has invited in the UN to assess whether the United States meets global standards of justice or, in fact, is racist and in need of global censure: ‘I urge all UN member states to join the United States in this effort, and confront the scourge of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia,’ he said last week.

That is like asking Libya in 2001 to assess whether our airline pilot training met proper standards or having China adjudicate the conditions in US prisons.

America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive, and frightening place by July 2021. It went not so much hard-left, as stark-raving mad.

That abrupt descent, too, is not workable and millions will collectively decide they have no choice but to push back and conclude, ‘In the 233rd year of our republic, we tens of millions are not going to cede freedom of thought and expression to thousands of Maoists. Sorry, no can do.’

This article was originally published on American Greatness.

By Victor Davis Hanson

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6   Shaman   2021 Jul 21, 11:01pm  

This is truly a time of madness. It will pass, given time. Who will remain?
7   keeprubbersidedown   2021 Jul 22, 10:37am  

I don’t see how this will end good…
8   Patrick   2022 Jan 28, 7:48pm  


Yale Students Warn That COVID Tyranny Has Turned Campus Into Stasi-Like ‘Surveillance State’
School issuing compliance warnings to anyone caught violating restrictions and reported to the authorities by fellow students

Some students at Yale are warning that the litany of restrictions and rules, and the system the university has implemented to report anyone seen to be breaking them, has transformed the campus into a “surveillance state” policed by Stasi-like students who are annoyed at others violating the ever changing decrees.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that complaints are being registered anonymously against anyone not wearing a mask, or indulging in “handshakes, hugs, and high-fives.”

In one example cited in the report, one student was in the library watching a movie without anyone else around, but was caught and filmed committing the cardinal sin of not wearing the mask.

Forty eight hours later the student received a warning from school officials declaring that he had “failed to meet the commitments you agreed to in the Yale Community Compact.” ...

Yale and other universities like it are microcosms of the outside world where anyone seen to be of an opinion that doesn’t match exactly with what the authorities demand is duly ‘exposed’ and ostracised.
10   Ceffer   2022 Feb 7, 11:50am  

With Covid falling apart due to Globalist being hunted down, it doesn't look like my wife and I will have to flee CA to live in a non-mandate vaccine state until things blow over. We were prepared to do that, just close up the houses and have somebody attend to them remotely while we rented elsewhere.

One of the terrorism campaign Covid strategies was also to make people believe there was nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, cornered in their own houses and governments. The entire so-called advanced world and all the places you thought you could go to as escape were all captured and subjected to the terror.

My friend who has sailed the world on both coasts and Europe thought he would get a boat and head out to get away, but realized he would wind up stuck in a port somewhere due to Covid terrorism at every port of call.
11   WookieMan   2022 Feb 7, 12:22pm  

These times are sooooooooooooooooo fucked up. Got word a band I like is playing Chicago in April. I can't go without potential criminal penalties over a fucking cold bug. Trying to convince my buddy to head up to Milwaukee for that stop. 20-30 min difference in the car. We'd get a hotel either way. Chicago can get fucked.

I pay income taxes to this fucking state and cannot even use the place/venue without injecting myself? Die or fucking kill yourself if you support covid restrictions. It's a Swedish band that gets to the states every 2 years or so. I now have to drive to fucking Milwaukee. JB and Skelator can go fuck themselves.
12   RC2006   2022 Feb 10, 7:14am  

HunterTits says
I notice one word is missing: Millennial

Not their fault, but their fucked-upness is a major reason why shit is falling apart as well.

Agreed, they have been mentally/socially handicapped. Lib schools and tech fucked them up along with staying in so much. Its obvious the ones that had good parents.
13   gabbar   2022 Feb 10, 8:36am  

Patrick says

While all of this is good, we, the people, know that we are weak and we will always come up short against the better organized politicians and their henchmen. Isn't it?
14   NuttBoxer   2022 Feb 10, 8:59am  

Patrick says
America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How?

The entire premise this article is based on is wrong. Look at any "free'st country" lists prior to 2019. We have been slipping for years. Want practical examples?

Can you freely move about the country without government papers(drivers license, car registration, license plate)?
Can you buy a gun without a federal background check?
Can you put whatever you want into your own body without being charged for a crime(weed, crack, prescription meds)?
Can you add-on to your house, or build a fence without government permission?
Can you own your property(no taxes)?
Can you keep everything you earn(again no taxes)?
Can you keep your financials private from the IRS, credit card companies, online retailers?
Can you choose how to educate your kids(school attendance reporting requirement)?
Can you work a job as soon as you are ready(child labor laws)?
Can you plan for your own retirement(Social Security)?
Can you refuse a doctor's recommendation for your child's treatment without them involving Social Services?
Can you decide whether or not you will participate in the military(draft)?
15   mell   2022 Feb 10, 9:10am  

NuttBoxer says
Can you put whatever you want into your own body without being charged for a crime(weed, crack, prescription meds)?

Yes, pretty much. Almost there.
NuttBoxer says
Can you decide whether or not you will participate in the military(draft)?


Agreed on the other points, but compared to other countries there was a lot of freedom. Also child laws are tricky, if you let children do whatever they want w/o their parents permission they will soon get jabbed left and right for free popsicles. You would not want that. But with parents permission I think some of those laws should be relaxed.
16   gabbar   2022 Feb 10, 10:15am  

NuttBoxer says
Patrick says
America went from the freest country in the world in December 2019 to a repressive and frightening place by July 2021. How?

The entire premise this article is based on is wrong. Look at any "free'st country" lists prior to 2019. We have been slipping for years. Want practical examples?

Can you freely move about the country without government papers(drivers license, car registration, license plate)?
Can you buy a gun without a federal background check?
Can you put whatever you want into your own body without being charged for a crime(weed, crack, prescription meds)?
Can you add-on to your house, or build a fence without government permission?
Can you own your property(no taxes)?
Can you keep everything you earn(again no taxes)?
Can you keep your financials private from the IRS, credit card companies, online retailers?
Can you choose how to educate your kids(school attendance report...

How can a country where corruption through lobbying is legal be free?
17   NuttBoxer   2022 Feb 10, 10:34am  

mell says
Can you decide whether or not you will participate in the military(draft)?


I got a card at 18 informing me I was part of the draft.

mell says
Agreed on the other points, but compared to other countries there was a lot of freedom. Also child laws are tricky, if you let children do whatever they want w/o their parents permission they will soon get jabbed left and right for free popsicles. You would not want that. But with parents permission I think some of those laws should be relaxed.

For sure. We still enjoy quite a bit of freedom here, but it has been going downhill for a long time. Scamdemic didn't start this fire, just exposed it.

The child stuff is not tricky at all. If you're their parents, you have authority. If you're not, you have none. That is the way I have raised my kids, and my wife jokes the public school admin at the places my daughter used to attend were scared of me.
18   NuttBoxer   2022 Feb 10, 10:35am  

gabbar says
How can a country where corruption through lobbying is legal be free?

How can a country with a central bank be free?
19   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 12:52pm  

gabbar says
While all of this is good, we, the people, know that we are weak and we will always come up short against the better organized politicians and their henchmen. Isn't it?

@gabbar No, I think the people will win this one eventually.

Look at Solidarity in Poland, and the fall of the USSR.

But the oligarchy and corporate leftists will be back in some other form.
20   NuttBoxer   2022 Feb 10, 2:20pm  

Patrick says
and the fall of the USSR.

Everyone in Russia that was in leadership held onto their wealth and power. Fundamentally nothing changed.

But definitely agree. Anyone who doesn't understand the power of the people see the French and American revolutions for two examples. And this is what keeps those powers awake at night. The fear that if we were to truly unite, we would erase them from history.
21   GNL   2022 Feb 10, 3:49pm  

NuttBoxer says
Patrick says
and the fall of the USSR.

Everyone in Russia that was in leadership held onto their wealth and power. Fundamentally nothing changed.

But definitely agree. Anyone who doesn't understand the power of the people see the French and American revolutions for two examples. And this is what keeps those powers awake at night. The fear that if we were to truly unite, we would erase them from history.

We need to unite more better and more faster.
22   richwicks   2022 Feb 10, 3:56pm  

WineHorror1 says
We need to unite more better and more faster.

I would argue we are uniting, and quite quickly.

Do your really think people can be divided over the bullshit wedge issues the DNC is bringing up? I don't.
23   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 5:22pm  

I am also encouraged by the many people I have met and friends I have made by going to protests and organizing meetings.

I don't think the corporate-woke vaxxers have anything like this kind of networking and growth.
24   RC2006   2022 Feb 18, 5:24pm  

Its hard when all of your media is propaganda. Even just looking up certain things from the recent past its hard, so much has been memory holed. Ten years from now how bad will it be when you go and try to search for something and its all been manipulated. Our "mainstream" press is a complete fraud. Epstien, Hunter Laptop, Russia Collision, ect. It's all disgusting.
25   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 18, 5:36pm  

RC2006 says
Its hard when all of your media propaganda. Even just looking up certain things from the recent past its hard, so much has been memory holed. Ten years from now how bad will it be when you go and try to search for something and its all been manipulated. Our "mainstream" press is a complete fraud. Epstien, Hunter Laptop, Russia Collision, ect. It's all disgusting.

Wheelchair is now a bicycle.

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