Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   456,952 views  4,454 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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470   richwicks   2022 Mar 10, 6:35pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
The US overthrew Ukraine in 2014

You can repeat this bullshit until you're blue in the face,

I can do better than that. I can prove it:


This recording was made a month before the Maidan revolution. This isn't up for discussion, there's no possibility for error or mistake or misunderstanding here. There is NO QUESTION the US installed a puppet, NONE.

The US overthrew Ukraine in a coup. Nuland is indicating who the next leader of Ukraine will be, a month before the "revolution". There's no way she could have done this if the revolution was a revolution - it was a coup. The United States picked the next leader, and you're being intentionally naive and ignorant if you believe they had no sway in who the next leaders would be.

Look, if you actually think it was a revolution that's fine, but you're incorrect. We're all fooled by propaganda from time to time.

You don't seem to accept primary sources as information. I have to wonder about this. I don't make the error of thinking people are stupid, people are rarely stupid - but they are frequently dishonest. I think you are dishonest.
471   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 10, 6:42pm  

Two telling things after the Coup:

The new Government leapt to remove the Neutrality Clause from their Constitution that was in place since the Independence of the Ukraine in the early 90s.

Donetsk and Luhansk left Ukraine because of the "Steal".

What did the President do to deserve a Coup?

70%+ of Ukrainian trade was with Russia alone. They were reminded if they applied to the EU, the Free Trade agreement with Russia would have to be modified. Yanukovych, duly and legally elected, explained the situation and used his perfectly legal veto powers against the Parliaments vote to join the EU. This was after HE HIMSELF had worked to negotiate EU Association membership. Under the Constitution, the Parliament did not have the ability or overwhelming majority to override his veto.

Then all hell broke lose, very strange things like unknown snipers and protesters FOR Yanukovych being burned alive in Odessa.
472   richwicks   2022 Mar 10, 6:57pm  

AmericanKulak says
We have either MORONS or EVIL BASTARDS running things the past 20-25 years, including Republicans as well as Democrats.

They are evil bastards.

Our government murdered between 100,000 and 1,000,000 Iraqis over a lie they knew was a lie. They aren't stupid, they are sociopaths.

Our enemies are domestic, not international. Do they respect the constitution? They hate us. It's obvious they do. You think $7 a gallon gas is a mistake? They are purposely trying to cripple the middle class, and they despise the poor.

They just overthrew our nation. Do you really think Biden won? I don't. It would mean he's the most popular presidential candidate in history - this asshole that couldn't get 50 people to show up to a campaign event. A mafia runs our nation.
473   Patrick   2022 Mar 10, 8:50pm  

richwicks says
A mafia runs our nation.

I think the US is much more similar in that way to Russia than most Americans want to believe.
474   richwicks   2022 Mar 10, 9:50pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
A mafia runs our nation.

I think the US is much more similar in that way to Russia than most Americans want to believe.

They first step to fixing a problem is realizing that the problem exists.

I have a great deal of hope. Censorship and promotion of propaganda isn't a sign of strength in my opinion, it's a sign of desperation.
475   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 10, 10:20pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
A mafia runs our nation.

I think the US is much more similar in that way to Russia than most Americans want to believe.

Right down to the Oligarchs, but ours are named Gates, Bezos, and Soros.
476   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 11, 5:57am  

Sergei Lavrov yesterday:

"We do not plan to attack other countries; we did not attack Ukraine either."

In other news: Babylon Bee is going out of business.
477   Patrick   2022 Mar 11, 10:01am  


Residents of Kharkov outraged at Ukrainian military for deliberately positioning their units and weapons in residential areas — multiple videos like this from around Ukraine where the population directly approaches the military and tells them to leave from their area.
478   Patrick   2022 Mar 11, 10:04am  


This short video shows in chronological order the expansion of NATO in Europe in breach of the agreement signed at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

It’s important to see the whole picture of what got us to this situation.
479   komputodo   2022 Mar 11, 10:58am  

How many new covid cases this week? The ukraine narrative is working.
480   socal2   2022 Mar 11, 11:14am  

Patrick says
This short video shows in chronological order the expansion of NATO in Europe in breach of the agreement signed at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Russia: "How dare my former Eastern European Slave Colonies want to be part of NATO after the fall of the Berlin Wall! I will bomb the shit out of them and invade their land to show that they were wrong to worry about us!"

Face it, the USSR and Russia never had a reckoning for all the evil shit and the damage they did to Eastern Europe post WWII. The USSR was just as evil if not more so than Nazi Germany in terms of destruction of human life. The USSR and Russia stunted generations throughout the world with their aggressive push of Marxism and Totalitarianism around the globe from Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South/Central America.

Putin and Russia are victims of jack shit and have no moral or legal justification for what they are doing.

It was bad enough we had American and European Leftists in academia, government and our Media helping rehabilitate and paper over the USSR's (and Russia's) terrible actions. Now we have alot of normally sensible people on the political right inexplicably doing the same today.

I don't want WWIII over Ukraine, but let's stop pretending that Putin is somehow justified in killing thousands of civilians over the last few weeks invading Ukraine.
482   Patrick   2022 Mar 11, 12:22pm  

I saw an article today in the local paper about a Ukrainian woman who worked as an an accountant for a local tech company from over there. She was killed in shelling, along with her two kids. I feel very bad for her and the kids. This is one of the few stories about such things that I am pretty confident is true.

On the other hand, there are reports and videos of the Ukrainian army deliberately using civilians as shields exactly in order to create cases like this.
483   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 11, 2:02pm  

Taiwan donation to Ukraine: $16 Millon.
China donation to Ukraine: $0.7 Million.

Patnet: "We find ourselves in agreement with China on most basic issues"
485   HeadSet   2022 Mar 11, 6:41pm  

Taiwan donation to Ukraine: $16 Millon.
China donation to Ukraine: $0.7 Million.

Well, yeah. Taiwan knows it is the next "Ukraine."
487   HeadSet   2022 Mar 12, 3:16pm  

Liberated on sight: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OV0HgDRw2co&source=patrick.net

War is hell, which is why it should be avoided. I do not think the Russians (or any other soldiers) would waste ammo picking off innocent cars. That car drove right up to and stopped 100 yards or so from a road where a convoy was driving by - perfect spot to set up and fire Javelin type missiles. The APC saw the car as it was approaching that intersection, so the APC quickly maneuvered and fired. Notice it fired twice, to be sure to eliminate the perceived threat. If I was in a convoy driving through where the enemy have been saturated with portable anti-tank weapons, and my side had mass casualties from these weapons, I would pick off any vehicle that was heading toward me or was in a position to fire.

Politicians are the cause for all wars, the soldier is just fighting for his life.
488   richwicks   2022 Mar 12, 3:17pm  

HeadSet says
Politicians are the cause for all wars, the soldier is just fighting for his life.

Yep. It's too bad we don't have the correct moral fortitude, and just kill them.
489   richwicks   2022 Mar 12, 3:22pm  

socal2 says
I don't want WWIII over Ukraine, but let's stop pretending that Putin is somehow justified in killing thousands of civilians over the last few weeks invading Ukraine.

Give me a break.

The US has been bombing 7 countries for 20 fucking years. You can't even name the countries, and you wouldn't give a shit about Ukraine if it wasn't on our propaganda 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

So dry those crocodile tears.
492   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Mar 12, 9:00pm  

Onvacation says
HeadSet says
Oddly enough, in parts of the US where handguns are tightly controlled, one is allowed to own weapons like a Javelin and a cannon. Obviously not practical.

A Javelin would be an excellent DEFENSIVE weapon against a drive by in the hood. If the price point were lower they would sell like hotcakes!

Why is war and ammo so expensive?

Where do I buy one?
495   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 13, 6:53pm  

Russian tank company with a Tor SAM:

501   Patrick   2022 Mar 14, 12:23pm  

That is Zelensky.
503   Patrick   2022 Mar 14, 12:52pm  


Recruits who sign up to die shooting Soviet-era rifles at Russian battle tanks are not defending “world peace” or democracy or freedom or anything like that. They are sacrificing themselves to convenience some peripheral interests of western globalism, which is responsible for all manner of armed conflict around the world, and which could not be less interested in these quaint liberal abstractions. We are in the end stage of liberalism now, an end stage in which most liberal political forms have been set aside in favour of a naked if distributed autocracy.

My post on Ukraine yielded many angry emails and some angry comments. Many believe that I need to support the Ukrainians in their fight for freedom and national autonomy. The truth is, that the Ukrainians are the proxy of the Global American Empire, and that is the only reason that the media has called upon westerners to care about this conflict, rather than any others.

Lockdowns weren’t a one-off; the vaccinators don’t just vaccinate. The enemies who have oppressed us these past two years are appendages of a much broader system. Climatism, anti-racism, transgender lunacy, Corona, and now the Ukraine: They are all of them expressions of the same malign force; they are all of them the same thing.
505   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 14, 3:07pm  

Patrick says

Lousy Photoshop hack job.
507   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Mar 14, 3:11pm  


I've seen this one many times already, most shared video I think of old man complaining about something (speaking Ukrainian?) This war looks seriously rough. Reminds me of Iraq videos, but those were less common and US military bombed the shit out of everything a lot more prior to military entering. IMO all these armored vehicles are simply a dated relic, too easily taken out by modern weapons. What's the point of a tank when a foot soldier with a javelin can take one out? Kinda glad US military is strong as hell, so shit like that doesn't happen here.

Ukraine is fucked
508   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 14, 3:12pm  

Patrick says

Last night, Russian missiles hit his training base in Lviv, which is in the far west of Ukraine, near the Polish border:

Yes, I was here today and blown off the top bunk of my bunk bed in the barracks by the first missile.

LOL, they guy says he's active USMC and is currently in Lviv, but posts no verifiable pictures of his mug in front of recognizeable landmark? Wanna buy a bridge, Pat?

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