Disney self-governs in the area of Reedy Creek Improvement District, where Disney World is located. This includes everything from emergency management to road maintenance, and has all the powers of a city AND county separate from Orange/Osecola Counties entirely.
DeSantis just threatened to revoke the RCID in response to Disney's meddling in the State of Florida. Video to follow, he made the remarks after being asked by the Press during a Pro-Law Enforcement Bill he just signed, it's still live on Rumble.
Ironically, this was because Roy Disney didn't like some of the businesses developing in Anaheim, CA around Disneyland as he didn't consider them family friendly, like bars and adult entertainment so he wanted more control around Disney World in Florida.
Circa 00:12:40 Majority of Dems think Elementary LGBTQ/Sex Instruction inappropriate - Poll
Circa 00:14:00 Desantis sitting high in polls
Also 00:09:30 Desantis talks about Disney, looks like it was yesterday, this was the same talk where he discussed getting rid of RCID, I think shortly after his Uighur Snark
Disney's policy of making all children under 15 wear masks and open ass chaps in its parks is bound to backfire. The blood donation kiosks with scary clowns are also ill advised.
The governor confirmed that lawmakers are looking at revoking a 55-year-old law which permits Disney to operate as a separate municipality called Reedy Creek Improvement District, equipped with its own privately-owned and operated police, fire, water and waste departments.
"Under that law, they actually can build their own nuclear power plant," DeSantis pointed out. "I mean, it's extraordinary what's been in there."
"Six months ago, it would have been unthinkable that [lawmakers] would be willing to reevaluate those special privileges," DeSantis noted. "I think they are going to do that now, and that's going to represent a major shift for our state."
If the law is repealed, Florida’s largest employer will then become regulated by Orange County, one of the few Democrat-run counties in the state.
What?! Not giving special privileges to some businesses!? Letting the rain fall equally, as Jefferson said, on everybody? That's not Corporate Socialism!
Checking the latest news on this might be a good idea right about now. It would appear there is some backpedaling and the like about to take place in the Florida Legislature and it may not be to everyone's liking, at least supporters of Ron D.
DeSantis just threatened to revoke the RCID in response to Disney's meddling in the State of Florida. Video to follow, he made the remarks after being asked by the Press during a Pro-Law Enforcement Bill he just signed, it's still live on Rumble.
Ironically, this was because Roy Disney didn't like some of the businesses developing in Anaheim, CA around Disneyland as he didn't consider them family friendly, like bars and adult entertainment so he wanted more control around Disney World in Florida.