The modern feminist woman

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2022 Apr 21, 7:16am   11,592 views  171 comments

by Goran_K   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I feel sorry for men today who have to go into the dating market and meet the modern feminist woman (of which the majority of young women under 30 fall into).

The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".

Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.

Modern women don't believe they need to be physically fit (a lot of these liberal women are overweight, if not outright obese). Once they have a kid or two, they usually pack on 50 pounds, and BLAME YOU for it.

Modern women think that having a Master's degree or PhD makes them more "valuable" on the sexual market place (it doesn't, it actually makes them LESS attractive since these women tend to be more disagreeable, snobby, and insufferable to talk to).

Modern women are usually feminist. They don't care about you as a man or a partner, they see you as a pool of resources to use for her purposes. To pay for her lifestyle, to support her kids, to pay her bills. They don't want to work, they are perfectly happy to stay at home, enjoy a stress free lifestyle at YOUR expense.

The worst part of it, overwhelmingly, the majority of divorces in the United States are initiated by women (over 70%). So when things are going 99% perfect for them, they will be happy to spend your money, live in your house, and MAYBE provide you with sexual pleasure once a week tops. But you ever slip up, or things are getting a little rough, they will without hesitation divorce you, take half your net worth, and put you on the hook for child support, and alimony for years to come.

I'm not saying I'm an official member of the MGTOW movement (since I am married to a non-modern woman, very happily I might add), but I believe younger men need to be very careful about who they date, and who they commit to. Men need to realize their self worth, and realize that as you grow older, your value actually goes up. For women, it's the exact opposite (their value tends to drop more and more as they age, and exponentially after the age of 30 and they get closer to "the wall").

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1   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 21, 7:35am  

Why are "women who earn more than you" and "women who want to stay home and do nothing" lumped together as one of the same? =))
2   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 7:36am  

I guess what precipitated this rant is two things.

1) Amber Heard is a disgusting pig. Been watching the defamation lawsuit Johnny Depp has against her), and all the evidence shows she was an abusive disgusting pig who took an ACTUAL shit on their bed because she wasn't happy with the relationship. Can you image how depraved a woman must be to take a dump on the bed where you guys sleep?

Johnny Depp has LOST actual movie roles because of this lying pigs accusations of "physical abuse" (millions of dollars in salary and royalties) and because of #metoo and #believeAllWomen, no one questioned this dumb hoes false accusations, they just straight up black balled Johnny Depp for the past 3 years.

2) My buddy who lives in Las Vegas went through a TERRIBLE divorce. He was the lead engineer/programmer for one of the biggest gaming companies in Nevada. The worst part is the woman he married, she was my friend before they met, and I actually introduced them (yeah I feel terrible). He was a high 6 figure earner, they had a kid, and he bought a huge house for them in a gated neighborhood with a nice pool, etc. Her? She has a communications degree from USC, only held part-time retail jobs, and never had a 40 hour per week job ever. She was a house wife the entire time they were married.

Fast forward 5 years, she tells him out of the blue that "she's not in love with him" like she used to be. She files for divorce. Fine whatever. I find out HE GETS KICKED OUT of the house, and has to go rent some shitty apartment in North Las Vegas, while she gets to live in this 4,000 sqft home with their daughter and HE PAYS the mortgage. I visit him in Vegas, and his apartment is a literally roach motel, but because of how high rents have gone, and him having to pay for the mortgage, utilities, and also an allowance to support his ex-wife and daughter, he's basically broke all the time.

She gets a live-in boyfriend, and suddenly she claims she needs more money to "support their daughter". Because he's such a nice guy, against my advice, he starts giving her even more money.

Over 18 months, he understandably gets depressed. He tells me he got suicidal at one point and he gave me all of his guns for "safe keeping". He used to be a religious man, but after the hell he went through, he told me recently he has forgotten God and doesn't believe anymore. Family court has basically been butt fucking him the entire time.

Just in the past 3 months things have gotten better for him. The company he was working for made him an executive because of his contributions to their success in Las Vegas and his salary basically doubled. He bought a decent house in a nice neighborhood, and he's slowly rebuilding his life again.

But fuck, the guy went through almost 7 years of hell because he married a modern woman.
3   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 21, 7:39am  

Why is a guy earning "high 6 figures" renting "a shitty appt in Vegas"? Could easily rent a nice house.
4   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 7:40am  

Why are "women who earn more than you" and "women who want to stay home and do nothing" lumped together as one of the same? =))

They are the same in their toxic attitudes.

If they stay home and do nothing, it's okay and expected. You're "the man" so you should go out and support the household (despite third wave feminist claiming "we don't need no man, we are strong and independent").

If they make MORE than you, then that's when they pull their feminist dick out. They will treat you as a side kick, make sure you act like a "second fiddle", and make sure you know that they are the alpha, and you are the beta (which to be honest is okay for some beta males).

Basically these modern feminist women will tweak their value system depending on how it benefits them, they don't have any real foundational system besides their own self interest.
5   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 7:51am  

Why is a guy earning "high 6 figures" renting "a shitty appt in Vegas"? Could easily rent a nice house.


$4,500 mortgage/utilities/property tax/insurance/car payment/etc. Another $3,000 in court ordered support. Remember, this is all AFTER tax.

Now let's say you make $13,000 a month gross. After taxes, you're basically taking home $9,600 a month net. That leaves you with about $2,100 net after paying to maintain the other household. Now in Las Vegas, when I left, the average rent for a shitty roach apartment was around $1,200 to $1,400 in North Las Vegas. Leaving about $700 to $900 left for everything else.

Yeah, it can get that bad.
6   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 21, 7:57am  

"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
7   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 8:04am  

"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

Okay, he made more than double the average tax filer in Nevada. :)

Much, much more now.
8   GNL   2022 Apr 21, 8:44am  

So, high 6 figure salary is less than 200k? I was assuming high 6 figures would be 600k or more. Anyway, he should have never let her kick him out of the house. Stupid.

Stop being a pussy and make her life a living hell. It's doable. Women get bored and need to be metaphorically slapped around a little from time to time. Might be how the whore fell out of love with him. Sounds weird, I know.
9   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 8:58am  

WineHorror1 says
So, high 6 figure salary is less than 200k? I was assuming high 6 figures would be 600k or more.

I find that most people for a w2 normal job top out around $300k to $350k a year with some rare exceptions (like Ortho surgeons, Corporate lawyer with Morrison Foester, etc). I've never heard of any w2 person making $600,000/annual. Even in my former field the typical VP salary at Goldman Sachs was probably around $160,000 to $175,000 with some rare superstars breaking $250,000 on occasion. But I haven't had a w2 job in many years so maybe my data is outdated.

WineHorror1 says
Anyway, he should have never let her kick him out of the house. Stupid.

Yeah, but then what are his options? Sell the house, split the profits, and now where is his daughter going to live?
10   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Apr 21, 9:40am  

I've worked with feminist, modern type in past year. Fucking nightmare. Bitch was constantly offended, fucking constantly, and constantly on offensive about it with idiotic questions like "Do you think all women are like that? You don't think a woman can do it?". Not playful questions, but offended questions, ready to pounce on your throat. One day got so annoyed, told her to "cool that fucking misandry", best I could come up with in anger. We never spoke after that. It's like bitch, the more of a bitch you are, the less I want to work with you or ever help you. They have no fucking clue, they think being a bitch gets them ahead or something. In reality, I mentally hope to never work with that nut job again.
11   TechBrosWon   2022 Apr 21, 9:42am  

Goran_K says

I feel sorry for men today who have to go into the dating market and meet the modern feminist woman (of which the majority of young women under 30 fall into).

The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".

Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.

Modern women don't believe they need to be physically fit (a lot of these liberal women are overweight, if not outright obese). Once they have a kid or two, they usually pack on 50 pounds, and BLAME YOU for it.

Modern women think that having a Master's degree or PhD makes them more "valuable" on the sexual market place (it doesn't, it actually makes them LESS attractive since these women tend to be more disagreeable, snobby, ...

This may be used as advertisement for Gay lifestyle.. Why need a woman when you can have man...
12   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 10:01am  

FarmersWon says
This may be used as advertisement for Gay lifestyle.. Why need a woman when you can have man...

or... and maybe I'm wrong here... try to find a woman with traditional values who is more focused on being a wife instead of a feminist?
13   TechBrosWon   2022 Apr 21, 10:22am  

Goran_K says
The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".

Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.

This shows that modern women are feminist and hard to find traditional one as per your own statement.
Now if not found, what you do:
dolls like RIN

Only gay seems to be real human option... Nice advertisement for "GAY RULES THE WORLD".
14   TechBrosWon   2022 Apr 21, 10:28am  

GAY advertisement " feminists are problem" and 2x more divorces when two women and involved vs two men.
In the end this world is going to dogs and I wouln't be surprised if we again go back to 1950s .. with some problems of "pigy men" resolved but still traditional families.
Every action has reaction and pendulum tends to swing too far in each direction.

United Kingdom

The divorce rate of same-sex couples within 29 months of the introduction of legally binding civil partnerships was slightly less than one percent in the United Kingdom.[19]

As of 2013, lesbian couples were twice as likely to initiate actions to end legally recognized partnerships as compared to gay men.[20] In 2016, married female couples were approximately 2.5 times more likely to divorce than male couples.[21]
15   GNL   2022 Apr 21, 10:29am  

Goran_K says
WineHorror1 says
So, high 6 figure salary is less than 200k? I was assuming high 6 figures would be 600k or more.

I find that most people for a w2 normal job top out around $300k to $350k a year with some rare exceptions (like Ortho surgeons, Corporate lawyer with Morrison Foester, etc). I've never heard of any w2 person making $600,000/annual. Even in my former field the typical VP salary at Goldman Sachs was probably around $160,000 to $175,000 with some rare superstars breaking $250,000 on occasion. But I haven't had a w2 job in many years so maybe my data is outdated.

WineHorror1 says
Anyway, he should have never let her kick him out of the house. Stupid.

Yeah, but then what are his options? Sell the house, split the profits, and now where is his daughter going to live?

A divorce lawyer will tell you not to leave the house.

What does high 6 figure mean then? 6 figures goes all the way up to 999,999.
16   Ceffer   2022 Apr 21, 10:31am  

Is this another RealDoll advertisement?
17   Patrick   2022 Apr 21, 10:31am  

"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.
18   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 10:39am  

Patrick says
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.

I’m just glad it happened in a Goran thread.
19   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 21, 10:52am  

Goran_K says
Why are "women who earn more than you" and "women who want to stay home and do nothing" lumped together as one of the same? =))

They are the same in their toxic attitudes.

I don't think attitudes of feminist women who earn less then you but don't want to stay home and do nothing are less toxic. So income classification makes not much sense here.
20   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 21, 10:53am  

Patrick says
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.

21   Rin   2022 Apr 21, 11:11am  

FarmersWon says
dolls like RIN

See here ...


BTW, I've saved tons of money by not dating & not seeing hoes during the pandemic, despite the fact that I can expense most lodging and travel costs.
22   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 1:42pm  

FarmersWon says
dolls like RIN

I do think AI sexbots will eventually be the next big market.
23   Rin   2022 Apr 21, 1:47pm  

Goran_K says
I do think AI sexbots will eventually be the next big market.

Remember my whole piece on Rin Wah Law being the Code of Hammurabi (for ancient times) & Magna Carta (for medieval times) but for the Information Age?

24   Goran_K   2022 Apr 21, 2:07pm  

Rin says
Remember my whole piece on Rin Wah Law being the Code of Hammurabi (for ancient times) & Magna Carta (for medieval times) but for the Information Age?


So Rin, how are they going to make sex bots believable?

For instance every woman has some bitchiness and resistance when it comes to requests. The amount varies by individual obviously, but it's all part of the package. Like would a sex bot say "I'm tired, can we just do missionary quickly?" when the user ask for "Doggy style"?

I feel this is important because if the sex bot is too compliant, it may destroy the illusion, which in turn decreases overall sexual immersion.
25   clambo   2022 Apr 21, 2:11pm  

The first post may have neglected to mention that females 1. spend too much 2. drink too much 3. are lazy.
They still want to get married, although 70% of divorces are initiated by the female.
My strategy is get married (maybe) in a few years, for several reasons.
26   Rin   2022 Apr 21, 3:02pm  

Goran_K says

I feel this is important because if the sex bot is too compliant, it may destroy the illusion, which in turn decreases overall sexual immersion.

It's called a fuzzy logic controller ...


Where in place of exact results, where one either boinks or not, there's a range of behavior which then mimics the 'act of pursuing' for the sake of the boink.
27   stereotomy   2022 Apr 21, 3:33pm  

What hasn't been mentioned, but it nevertheless critical to the argument that women feel self-entitled, is the fact that they (natural, not trans) have functioning uteruses (or uteri, for you Latin absolutists). Without women, there would be no new generation. Even the ancients knew this, which is why they killed all the men and the boys among the vanquished, and took the girls and the women as war brides.

Women have intrinsic value above men in that if you fuck a fertile one, you will receive one or more newborn humans. Mean have no intrinsic value - one man can fuck 1,000 women (like Genghis Khan). Women are born, men are made. Biologically, the male/female ratio in nature is about 52/48, illustrating that men are essentially expendable, until they gain the crucial skills to survive and then dominate.

The problem with 4th wave feminazism is that pussy has been placed on Mount Olympus as its pedestal. Women are pricing themselves out of the SMP for vanity's sake. Fuck them and the horses they rode in on.
28   GNL   2022 Apr 21, 4:16pm  

stereotomy says
Women are pricing themselves out of the SMP for vanity's sake. Fuck them and the horses they rode in on.

It will all work itself out if we get WWIII.
29   Patrick   2022 Apr 21, 5:15pm  

I think it will necessarily all work itself out through evolution, but that could take centuries.

Women who want to be a mother more than anything else will out-reproduce women who want a career first.

There was never really a need for such a strong feeling in women before, because through most of our evolutionary history, women who could get pregnant probably would whether they wanted to or not. But now there is the pill, and so it comes down to what the woman wants.

But the God of Biomechanics does not negotiate. If a woman wants the wrong thing, that's the end of her genes now.
30   richwicks   2022 Apr 21, 5:19pm  

Patrick says
I think it will necessarily all work itself out through evolution, but that could take centuries.

I would argue that's for the best.

Really, what we want is the ability to reversibly sterilize both sexes, and when they BOTH decide to have a kid, then they have a kid.

A lot of the bullshit of today could be pretty easily fixed. Now that it's a woman's exclusive decision to have a child or not, a man that decides to stop out of that should be able to do that.
31   clambo   2022 Apr 21, 7:10pm  

Well the women I see who want kids are foreigners who are generally illegals and welfare queen hoodrats.
32   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 21, 7:43pm  

clambo says
70% of divorces are initiated by the female.

This would not be the case if there was no profit in divorce.
33   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 21, 7:57pm  

Patrick says
But now there is the pill, and so it comes down to what the woman wants.

It’s not just the pill.

70 million abortions annual worldwide. Over 62 million in the USA cumulative since roe v wade.

Women are choosing death. That is way worse than choosing temporary chemical sterility.

I applaud anyone who is wise enough to know they are not willing to be a parent. But the time to make that choice is before the child is growing up inside you. At that point the child deserves a choice, and because they cannot advocate for themselves it is the responsibility of all of us to advocate for the unborn, just like we would for any person unjustly condemned on death row.
34   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 22, 1:07pm  

I think your whole premise about professional women who make a lot of money or more money is way off.
You don't take into Conservative vs Liberal motifs. Are they "Liberated and Empowered" or are they "Enlightened and Informed"?
I find rich conservative women fascinating, and attractive, where I find rich Liberal women repugnant and repulsive.
Conservative women have long term relationships and lasting marriages, and are also a mother. You look at all of the conservative babes, they all have a hubby and kids. And most often it seems, she earns more than Hubs. Rich Liberal women if they are married, it's to guys more rich than them. And have multiple divorces behind them.
35   Onvacation   2022 Apr 22, 2:51pm  

Patrick says
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.



You get to buy the first round at the party.
36   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 22, 4:30pm  

HunterTits says
The FemiNazis will try to make them illegal. Just like they continually try to get fiancé visas abolished.

They already are trying to make them illegal. Apparently a big realistic veiny dildo isn't "Objectification" but AI Sex Dolls are.

AI Sex Dolls will be the end of Feminism. Only a big depression so bad the government can't pay welfare hos (one of the last things that they'd cut due to the D voter base) could compete.

But the most limp wristed soyboy would go balls to the wall to defend his TPE/Silicon Waifu.

Buying Sex Dolls is a (counter-) revolutionary act. Okay, I exaggerate, but putting things like a screeching libtard seems to work.
37   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 22, 4:52pm  

Onvacation says
Patrick says
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.



You get to buy the first round at the party.

I'll go to the party incognito then. =))
38   HeadSet   2022 Apr 25, 8:00am  

Onvacation says
Patrick says
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.

BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.



You get to buy the first round at the party.

First round? I was thinking he would HOST the party.
39   Goran_K   2022 Apr 25, 8:48am  

Tenpoundbass says
I think your whole premise about professional women who make a lot of money or more money is way off.
You don't take into Conservative vs Liberal motifs. Are they "Liberated and Empowered" or are they "Enlightened and Informed"?

Conservative women aren't ideologically "feminist", the value systems don't line up. So that's why I didn't make the distrinction. It's like talking about the difference between Caucasian white supremacists and black white supremacists, you usually don't get the latter unless it's some sort of comedy sketch.
40   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Apr 26, 9:45pm  

Amber looks like she might be IHilary's sister to me sometimes. In particular with that shit hairdo she's 'sporting' at the trial. She'll grow into it.

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