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Why are "women who earn more than you" and "women who want to stay home and do nothing" lumped together as one of the same? =))
Why is a guy earning "high 6 figures" renting "a shitty appt in Vegas"? Could easily rent a nice house.
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
So, high 6 figure salary is less than 200k? I was assuming high 6 figures would be 600k or more.
Anyway, he should have never let her kick him out of the house. Stupid.
I feel sorry for men today who have to go into the dating market and meet the modern feminist woman (of which the majority of young women under 30 fall into).
The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".
Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.
Modern women don't believe they need to be physically fit (a lot of these liberal women are overweight, if not outright obese). Once they have a kid or two, they usually pack on 50 pounds, and BLAME YOU for it.
Modern women think that having a Master's degree or PhD makes them more "valuable" on the sexual market place (it doesn't, it actually makes them LESS attractive since these women tend to be more disagreeable, snobby, ...
This may be used as advertisement for Gay lifestyle.. Why need a woman when you can have man...
The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".
Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.
WineHorror1 saysSo, high 6 figure salary is less than 200k? I was assuming high 6 figures would be 600k or more.
I find that most people for a w2 normal job top out around $300k to $350k a year with some rare exceptions (like Ortho surgeons, Corporate lawyer with Morrison Foester, etc). I've never heard of any w2 person making $600,000/annual. Even in my former field the typical VP salary at Goldman Sachs was probably around $160,000 to $175,000 with some rare superstars breaking $250,000 on occasion. But I haven't had a w2 job in many years so maybe my data is outdated.
WineHorror1 saysAnyway, he should have never let her kick him out of the house. Stupid.
Yeah, but then what are his options? Sell the house, split the profits, and now where is his daughter going to live?
"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
RWSGFY says"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.
RWSGFY saysWhy are "women who earn more than you" and "women who want to stay home and do nothing" lumped together as one of the same? =))
They are the same in their toxic attitudes.
RWSGFY says"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.
dolls like RIN
dolls like RIN
I do think AI sexbots will eventually be the next big market.
Remember my whole piece on Rin Wah Law being the Code of Hammurabi (for ancient times) & Magna Carta (for medieval times) but for the Information Age?
I feel this is important because if the sex bot is too compliant, it may destroy the illusion, which in turn decreases overall sexual immersion.
Women are pricing themselves out of the SMP for vanity's sake. Fuck them and the horses they rode in on.
I think it will necessarily all work itself out through evolution, but that could take centuries.
70% of divorces are initiated by the female.
But now there is the pill, and so it comes down to what the woman wants.
Patrick saysRWSGFY says"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.
The FemiNazis will try to make them illegal. Just like they continually try to get fiancé visas abolished.
RWSGFY saysPatrick saysRWSGFY says"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.
You get to buy the first round at the party.
RWSGFY saysPatrick saysRWSGFY says"$13,000 a month gross"
is not "high six figures". =)) It's rather low six figures.
BTW, this is the millionth comment on patrick.net.
You get to buy the first round at the party.
I think your whole premise about professional women who make a lot of money or more money is way off.
You don't take into Conservative vs Liberal motifs. Are they "Liberated and Empowered" or are they "Enlightened and Informed"?
PeopleUnited saysI applaud anyone who is wise enough to know they are not willing to be a parent. But the time to make that choice is before the child is growing up inside you. At that point the child deserves a choice, and because they cannot advocate for themselves it is the responsibility of all of us to advocate for the unborn, just like we would for any person unjustly condemned on death row.
And this is exactly why the Abortion Holocaust folk fight tooth and nail to deny that the unborn are living, human beings. They cannot give an inch on this because if they do...it is all fucking over for them.
This means that if a woman wants to marry at or above her educational level, then there is going to be a high level of competition between women for the limited number of men. This is disastrous news if you think that promiscuous behavior is bad. When men are in demand they get to be the price setters and women the price takers, in econ terms (ceteris paribus etc). And seeing how men are the fallen creatures that we are, that price is sex. ...
On the one hand, app using women receive a signal that they are highly socially desirable because they are inundated with more likes than they could ever possibly know what to do with. However, as a result, 4/5ths of them are fighting over only 1/5th of the men on the app. In other words, in the app dating economy there are 4 women per high status man. This is a ratio beyond anything like what happens at colleges with more women than men, which is where Birgir draws lots of research from. (Birgir thinks that criticisms of dating apps are misguided, but I think that when the numbers are crunched it actually lends support to his argument).
The end result of this is that we are seeing some people return to what basically amounts to polygamy as women have to increasingly sexualize themselves in an attempt to win the affection of the high status men and these high status men take advantage of the situation to have tons of sex. ...
An older acquaintance of mine seemed to not understand why I said I would never in a million years try to flirt with a girl at the gym. And that was before the whole recent kerfuffle where some tik tok girl was doing hip thrusts in a skimpy gym outfit and accused some guy in the background of basically eye raping her so she could get internet clout (and presumably subscriber to her OnlyFans). ...
Now, just expand this phenomenon out to the rest of society and you can see why men are reluctant to approach women in public, even without all the pressure from fear of rejection etc. Let's look at the math that goes through men’s minds. Not only does approaching a woman to talk in public mean that you run the risk of being rejected, which is unpleasant, but there is also the risk that for daring to speak to a woman in public you will be labeled a creepy perv. Is it surprising that more and more men do the math and conclude it would just be safer and all around easier to go home and watch porn instead? ...
I am just going to speak frankly here and not bother to try and sugar coat things. I can’t begin to describe how many conversations I have had with male friends who bemoan that a woman is physically attractive but has basically been ruined by feminism. In general this means that women have adopted attitudes that are profoundly unfeminine and unattractive to men. Think of the stereotypical pink/purple haired angry ranting feminist. But even to lesser degrees than that women have adopted many views that are rather hard for men to honestly accept. ...
Millions of women are effectively online prostitutes. No matter what men say, most of them don’t want to marry a prostitute. They might want to mess around and have fun with one, but they most likely won’t want to marry one.
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I feel sorry for men today who have to go into the dating market and meet the modern feminist woman (of which the majority of young women under 30 fall into).
The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".
Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.
Modern women don't believe they need to be physically fit (a lot of these liberal women are overweight, if not outright obese). Once they have a kid or two, they usually pack on 50 pounds, and BLAME YOU for it.
Modern women think that having a Master's degree or PhD makes them more "valuable" on the sexual market place (it doesn't, it actually makes them LESS attractive since these women tend to be more disagreeable, snobby, and insufferable to talk to).
Modern women are usually feminist. They don't care about you as a man or a partner, they see you as a pool of resources to use for her purposes. To pay for her lifestyle, to support her kids, to pay her bills. They don't want to work, they are perfectly happy to stay at home, enjoy a stress free lifestyle at YOUR expense.
The worst part of it, overwhelmingly, the majority of divorces in the United States are initiated by women (over 70%). So when things are going 99% perfect for them, they will be happy to spend your money, live in your house, and MAYBE provide you with sexual pleasure once a week tops. But you ever slip up, or things are getting a little rough, they will without hesitation divorce you, take half your net worth, and put you on the hook for child support, and alimony for years to come.
I'm not saying I'm an official member of the MGTOW movement (since I am married to a non-modern woman, very happily I might add), but I believe younger men need to be very careful about who they date, and who they commit to. Men need to realize their self worth, and realize that as you grow older, your value actually goes up. For women, it's the exact opposite (their value tends to drop more and more as they age, and exponentially after the age of 30 and they get closer to "the wall").