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President of the United States of Amnesia
After "Biden" finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking confused..
Then, just as quickly as it started, the coverage vanished. While this was somewhat expected following the US departure, the media’s readiness to wash its hands of the whole affair after weeks of emotive appeals to stay the course was particularly jarring.
The salvo began in mid-August, when the White House recoiled in response to the Taliban takeover by freezing $9.4 billion of the Afghan central bank’s international reserves
Is this from the team of Afghanistan experts
Apr 29, 2022 · 3:11 PM UTC
Who Is The Commander In Chief In This Time of War?
Someone is Running The Quasi-Covert War in Ukraine - It Isn't Joe Biden
Perihelius Lux
May 2
The United States is the global superpower and is for all intents and purposes NATO. In 2014, the State Department of the Obama administration fomented and led a coup in Ukraine that ensured that their man Zelinsky was installed as the head of state. The US regime has been supporting him and pushing forward their post ColdWar plan to encroach on the Russian border of the Warsaw Pact countries and put their military installations and weapons systems in place and pointed at the Russian state.
While the US government was declaring war on its own people and standing down and purging its military in the guise of rooting out, “white supremacy”, Putin decided that the time to prevent Ukraine from being the final piece of the NATO encirclement puzzle and invaded Ukraine. Europe is in crises and this is a war. The United States and NATO are providing military support and engaged in full blown, round the clock crisis management of this military matter.
The United States is a Constitutional Republic. According to our Constitution, the President is the Commander-In-Chief of the US Military as well as the head of all US diplomatic efforts. Joe Biden can’t even zip his pants up in the morning and has been seen wandering from the podium lost and shaking hands with phantoms. Biden is not the Commander In Chief. So that begs the question. Who is the Commander-In-Chief of the US military and who is running the State Department? Our form of government is on that is representative. We elect fellow citizens to represent our views and interests. The man who was supposedly elected President is not capable. So, on top of a military crisis on the outskirts of Europe, the American system of government faces a far bigger crises. If the elected President is not in reality the Commander-In-Chief in a time of war, then We The People are no longer represented by the man who we elected. I don’t know about you, but I think it is time We demand an answer lest our Republic has already become a de-facto Military Junta.
Who Is The Commander In Chief In This Time of War?
Someone is Running The Quasi-Covert War in Ukraine - It Isn't Joe Biden
Why would Joe Biden be expected to run a war between two sovereign countries,
RWSGFY saysAfghan chaos undercuts Biden's promise of competence
Not just sleepy Joe we talking about here boys and girls. Let us go back to October 7th 2001 and see Afghan Chaos undercut a few administration's competence (promises or no promises) both sides of the aisle as well.
No one gave a shit about the place until we got ready to pull out and on one cares now with the Ukraine sideshow.
Eric Holder sayspaying extra 20 bucks per month for natgas
Nothing burger.
Tucker Carlson
Barely fifteen months into his first term as president, Biden has crashed the stock market, provoked a food shortage, opened our borders to millions of illegal aliens, presided over historic rises in murder, inflation and drug ODs — as well as a corresponding plunge in overall life expectancy — and then, because all of that wasn’t punitive enough for a country as racist as ours, dragged the United States into an entirely pointless war with a nuclear armed power, on behalf of a corrupt foreign government that once bribed his drug addicted son. Joe Biden did all of that.
And there you have it. And actively promoted censorship. Oh, and predicted a winter of death and despair that did not come to pass.
President Joe Biden has lied to the American people and is still lying to the American people. In July 2021, Biden falsely stated that “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” and “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die.”
Then in December 2021, Biden falsely claimed “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”
Stock Market has officially dropped below where TRUMP left it in Nov. 6, 2020 FJB
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