2000 Mules

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2022 May 2, 2:30pm   26,469 views  189 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Looks to be a very interesting movie by Dinesh D'Souza about the 2016 election fraud.

Playing around here in some theaters Tue (tomorrow) and Thu for $20.


Also will be showing for $10 suggested donation in Redwood City:

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44   mell   2022 May 11, 9:18pm  

AmericanKulak says

DooDahMan says

Fact-checking ‘2000 Mules,’ the movie alleging ballot fraud - True the Vote makes false assumptions based on phone-tracking data


Fackten Cheka bullshit from AP. Not even bothering.

Lol their reasoning is so bad it's almost comical. "It can only be accurate within a few meters reeeeee! Brrrrrrr!" Sure thing those mules then just were "by accident" frequenting the area within few meters of the drop box cause they just like to hang out around ballot drop boxes! Lol! How stupid do they think their readers are. Oh wait... they may be that stupid.
46   Patrick   2022 May 11, 9:41pm  

You know, I might go on far left forums and claim to post this link about "How Trump stole the election in 2016", and give the link to 2000 Mules, lol!

Some of them will probably start watching it.
47   richwicks   2022 May 11, 9:50pm  

Eric Holder says
Nice try, but support for helping Ukraine to repeal Russian agression is solidly bipartisan - look up the votes in the Congress.

It was a bipartisan effort to steal the election.

When congress gets together and agrees on something, that's when they are getting together to really fuck us.

You're stupid in my opinion to be able to be manipulated into supporting WWIII.
48   PeopleUnited   2022 May 11, 9:54pm  

richwicks says
It was a bipartisan effort to steal the election.

I prefer the word fake election. But otherwise you are correct.
49   PeopleUnited   2022 May 11, 9:56pm  

Patrick says

You know, I might go on far left forums and claim to post this link about "How Trump stole the election in 2016", and give the link to 2000 Mules, lol!

Some of them will probably start watching it.

Brilliant, and don’t forget sidewalk chalk or any other way to get the word out.
50   Ceffer   2022 May 11, 11:54pm  

Patrick says
You know, I might go on far left forums and claim to post this link about "How Trump stole the election in 2016", and give the link to 2000 Mules, lol!

Some of them will probably start watching it.

I think a group of Guy Fawkes programmers might do better learning to reverse program the Dominion machines through their wi fi portals at election time.
51   richwicks   2022 May 12, 12:40am  

clambo says
I hope to see the movie sometime.

@clambo - it's all over the Internet:

original link

People have local copies everywhere. We KNOW this is going to be censored, a few thousand people have your back in this fight. Yeah, the election was stolen, it's obvious it was, and now you can see just what sort of government we have. It's really a criminal syndicate. The Republic is dead but I think in time we can bring it back. It's our duty.
52   Patrick   2022 May 12, 12:50am  

richwicks says
The Republic is dead but I think in time we can bring it back.

I've been watching the "Rome" series with my wife lately. They also lost their republic, but I know that they never got it back. Kind of depressing.

53   stereotomy   2022 May 12, 3:35am  

Say it again, in the land of the free . . .
54   richwicks   2022 May 12, 5:28am  

Patrick says

richwicks says
The Republic is dead but I think in time we can bring it back.

I've been watching the "Rome" series with my wife lately. They also lost their republic, but I know that they never got it back. Kind of depressing.


We aren't in such a time though now. Back then, it was just rumors and old wives tales, we can see the machinations of the world perhaps for the first time.

When I was a young engineering student, the concept of the Internet was to obliterate deception and democratize information. We didn't foresee companies like Google and Facebook forming to resist it, but they can't resist it. They can stave it off, but they can't stop it.

I am so much more aware of the world, and how it works beyond almost anybody was in 1950, because of this communication system. I can tell when my government is lying within days, maybe weeks, sometimes months, but I can know. How many people knew that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was a false flag in 1985, even after Mike Gravel proved it by reading the Pentagon Papers into the congressional record 14 years prior? That was the year I was born that he did this, and I didn't know about it until my 20's.

I think we have a very good chance. I think censorship is doomed to fail, and I think that it's a sign of desperation, not of power. I remember the internet 20 and 30 years ago, you could say whatever you liked, and were just dismissed as some crackpot. Well, those crackpots are beginning to win, so they are pushed off to bitchute, rumble, their own private sites, whatever, but they can't be silenced and their message gets out and expands. It's MUCH slower than I expected, but it's happening. I can see it easily. We now have a Ministry of Truth, which is widely regarded as a Ministry of Propaganda - anything they say we can know as most likely being false. They aren't going to talk about what is true, they won't waste their time with what people regard as true, they will spend their time convincing the public that a lie is true. The only thing they will discuss, will be lies promoted by our government, and that makes lies very easy to identify.

This is desperation. If they funded it properly (and they won't) they'd mix lies with heaps of truth, that's the best way to hide a lie, but they aren't going to be well funded. They believe the public is stupid, because they equate being a moral and good person, as being a stupid person. They are semi-human. I hope to live long enough to see humanity regain control of the planet.

I am so thankful that psychology is such a fraud of a science. If they actually did the work to really investigate how people thought and worked, we'd be fucked. They are working off from a model that was created through a bunch of frauds, and I'm grateful for that. Did you know that Freud created the concept of the Electra Complex because he couldn't imagine his female patients were being raped by their fathers? His belief was that these girls imagined their rapes, because they wanted to have sex with their fathers. We are still working within that framework today. There are still Freudians. He understood sex was a primary import to the human species, but he didn't realize people could really be awful. He was a naive old man, that couldn't really dig down because of his time and his moral thinking.
55   GNL   2022 May 12, 5:43am  

richwicks says
If they funded it properly (and they won't) they'd mix lies with heaps of truth, that's the best way to hide a lie, but they aren't going to be well funded.

Really? They will get billions in funding.
56   stereotomy   2022 May 12, 5:43am  


If I could like @richwicks' post twice, I'd do it. It's like Moses being allowed to see the promised land, but never enter it. Perhaps my son will one day . . .
57   richwicks   2022 May 12, 6:08am  

WineHorror1 says

richwicks says
If they funded it properly (and they won't) they'd mix lies with heaps of truth, that's the best way to hide a lie, but they aren't going to be well funded.

Really? They will get billions in funding.

No, they won't. They didn't even put the effort into creating a plausible name for the Ministry of Truth or get a competent believable person to head it.

original link

It's fucking hilarious to see their death throws. People give up in despair. It's not really the darkest before the light - twilight gradually sinks in, I'm certain you've seen a morning. I have however realized that they double, triple, quadruple down on lies. As they do this they lose more and more followers. We have a government in a desperate situation, and they will act more insane because they are insane. These people are so divorced from us, they don't know how to control us, much less communicate with us.

It's going to get weirder before it gets better though but at the end of it, is a sea change. I'm 50, and I fully expect a revolution within my lifetime. I think nearly all of us are old here, we are at the age of considering what kind of mess we want to leave the next generation. I don't want to leave them with even the shitshow I've seen for the last 2 decades where we have presidents lie us into war, governments that bail out criminal syndicates in investment markets, lie to children about a looming climate catastrophe. We can't allow this.
58   richwicks   2022 May 12, 7:00am  

Patrick says
I've been watching the "Rome" series with my wife lately. They also lost their republic, but I know that they never got it back. Kind of depressing.

I highly recommend you watch People's Century, it covers 1900 to 1997 or so, through the eyes of the general public.


This was before our news agencies were entirely compromised. The people who are interviewed were believers in what they were doing. See what people were programmed into believing. They are just common people, of the early USSR, of the early United States, of early communist China. The series is a good series, I think there are 20 of them.
59   PeopleUnited   2022 May 12, 7:31am  

richwicks says
I hope to live long enough to see humanity regain control of the planet.

Humanity has control of the planet. This is what you get when a nation turns its back on God.
60   richwicks   2022 May 12, 7:51am  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says
I hope to live long enough to see humanity regain control of the planet.

Humanity has control of the planet. This is what you get when a nation turns its back on God.

Again although I do not share your religion, I respect it.

The people who run this nation are not like me. If I was able to make a trillion dollars by killing a single person, I wouldn't do it. They kill people for pennies. They are not like me at all, and it's not because of "God", it's because I respect life. They don't. Sociopaths run our nation, and I'm not a sociopath.

I'm anti-abortion, despite being an atheist - or that's how I'd be regarded. I don't view it as an acceptable form of birth control, and if a pregnancy is to be terminated, do it as soon as possible before the fetus develops a brain. The longer the pregnancy goes, the closer it is to murder. Now is that left wing or right wing? Morality exists regardless of your belief in divinity. Morality is a real, palatable force which I struggle to understand, but I know for certain is there. How its created, what makes it exist, that's a real study. You just give up and say "it's God", it's deeper than that, it's a goddamned force of nature and science, which is a study of nature.

The concept of morality is being picked apart and being understood, this is not a bad thing though. Once we understand it, the worst of us can seek to control us, the best of us will seek to enhance it. I have belief in the best of us. There's a real war between evil and good, and I think the right side will win in time. I don't know with man if we are fundamentally good, but I can tell you with certainty that an animal is. Deprive them of their struggle to survive, and all you end up with is a happiness in a ball of fur. Animal models are an extremely useful model for humanity, and that's not because evolution is some pernicious lie.

Our enteral struggle is to end humanity's struggle to survive. That's what all our conveniences are all about, but then we have the bastards making more headaches more rules more artificial struggles. That's the real war. We are undermined with evil people, but I'll say this, the division between us and them become more clear every day, every week, month, and year. I can see the lines being drawn and there's 1000 of us to every one of them. Most people are good people.
61   RWSGFY   2022 May 12, 8:04am  

richwicks says

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says
I hope to live long enough to see humanity regain control of the planet.

Humanity has control of the planet. This is what you get when a nation turns its back on God.

Again although I do not share your religion, I respect it.

The people who run this nation are not like me. If I was able to make a trillion dollars by killing a single person, I wouldn't do it. They kill people for pennies. They are not like me at all, and it's not because of "God", it's because I respect life.

You vehemently support the guy who already killed tens of thousands of people, including his own compatriots, over some loony pseudo-historic shit, baseless paranoia and illusions of grandeur, so lose the white cape - it doesn't fit.
64   Patrick   2022 May 12, 9:31am  

Why isn't Tucker mentioning 2000 Mules at all?
65   richwicks   2022 May 12, 9:32am  

66   rocketjoe79   2022 May 12, 6:38pm  

Patrick says

Why isn't Tucker mentioning 2000 Mules at all?

They didn't write the story.
67   Ceffer   2022 May 12, 7:27pm  

Remember it wasn't that long ago that Fox wouldn't allow the mention of the name Soros in any news program. I think they gauge the penetration of the alternative information from other sources, and when it reaches some threshold of awareness, they will allow it after the fact as a Tucker or Hannity rant. That way they can serve many masters in their own propaganda machine, and suck Globalist cock without destroying their conservative viewer base entirely.
68   stereotomy   2022 May 12, 7:40pm  

rocketjoe79 says
Why isn't Tucker mentioning 2000 Mules at all?

Because he is controlled opposition. As I think @richwicks previously posted. truly honest journalists get whacked.
69   GNL   2022 May 12, 9:36pm  

Ceffer says

Remember it wasn't that long ago that Fox wouldn't allow the mention of the name Soros in any news program. I think they gauge the penetration of the alternative information from other sources, and when it reaches some threshold of awareness, they will allow it after the fact as a Tucker or Hannity rant. That way they can serve many masters in their own propaganda machine, and suck Globalist cock without destroying their conservative viewer base entirely.

Once they can't ignore it, they have to mention it or risk losing legitimacy. Legitimacy they shouldn't even have in the first place.
73   Eric Holder   2022 May 13, 11:21am  

Booger says

Would be perfectly legal in CA, btw.
74   AmericanKulak   2022 May 13, 11:35am  

$20 on her being a AFSCME or NEA/AFT member.
75   AmericanKulak   2022 May 13, 11:35am  

rocketjoe79 says
They didn't write the story.

Fox news "Legal Agreement" they signed promising no "Election Fraud" stories. Not with Tucker, but with Dominion.

Which I think was purposeful: It gives them a plausible financial reason not to discuss it.
77   Patrick   2022 May 13, 8:11pm  


Can 2000 Mules Change an Election?

In Dinesh D’Souza’s groundbreaking new documentary “2000 Mules,” he lays out the compelling case for 2020 voter fraud by working with a team that used cellphone geotracking to pinpoint the travel pattern of “mules”—people paid to collect and drop off ballots in ballot boxes, an illegal practice in every single state.
78   Patrick   2022 May 13, 11:57pm  


Arizona County Featured in ‘2000 Mules’ Investigating Voter Fraud Allegations
By Zachary Stieber May 13, 2022

Officials in an Arizona county that was featured in the documentary “2000 Mules” are investigating voter fraud, but a spokesperson said the new announcement wasn’t related to the movie.

Sure, not related to your utter failure to examine felonies directly attacking the basis of the country, felonies which you somehow did not investigate before the movie came out...
79   Patrick   2022 May 14, 8:57am  


Ballot Mules Funded by Obama-Linked NGOs Who Poured Billions Into ‘Local Insurgencies’: Analyst

An organization called True the Vote has, for the past year and a half now, been investigating the illegal ballot harvesting that took place around the entire country during the 2020 election. And after painstakingly tracking 10 trillion cell phone pings after looking at millions of minutes of surveillance footage, and after actually being able to speak with some of the whistleblowers who acted as ballot mules in 2020, they were able to conclude that around 5 million ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election, and very likely swung the results.

In order to get a better picture of what really took place, my team and I flew down to Florida in order to sit down with Greg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote and figure out what they found, what they’re doing to stop it from happening again in the future, as well as what common Americans like you and me can do to help.

Requires registration to watch the video.
80   GNL   2022 May 14, 10:58am  

I watched about half of the documentary. Lots of weak sauce imo.
81   Patrick   2022 May 14, 7:49pm  

Woah, I don't think you got the point. Phone geolocation data shows that thousands of people were stuffing ballot boxes.
83   PeopleUnited   2022 May 14, 8:21pm  

Patrick says

Woah, I don't think you got the point. Phone geolocation data shows that thousands of people were stuffing ballot boxes.

In battleground states, using ballots trafficked from “non-profits.” Any guess as to whose name was on those ballots for President? And what impact did this have on down ticket and local races as well?

Bottom line, this was the most insecure and fraudulent/fake election in American history.

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