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116454   RWSGFY   2022 May 25, 8:59pm  

richwicks says

Eric Holder says

Bd6r says

you forgot UKRAINE BIOLABS!!!


Yes they are, just like the one in Wuhan China is.

These aren't research labs. What they are researching are biological weapons. Why do you think there was such an over-reaction and panic over a coronavirus? Good thing they attenuate quickly and they suck at weapons development.

Bla-bla-bla. Where's the fucking proof of weaponisation? It's been awfully quiet since these "labs" were supposedly "captured".

Proof or GTFO.
116455   richwicks   2022 May 25, 9:33pm  

Yes they are, just like the one in Wuhan China is.

These aren't research labs. What they are researching are biological weapons. Why do you think there was such an over-reaction and panic over a coronavirus? Good thing they attenuate quickly and they suck at weapons development.

Bla-bla-bla. Where's the fucking proof of weaponisation? It's been awfully quiet since these "labs" were supposedly "captured".

Victoria Nuland made it clear that it was a priority to prevent Russia from capturing them, and also warned that biological weapons could be released by Russia.
116456   NoYes   2022 May 25, 9:52pm  

You vote for Brandon
116457   NoYes   2022 May 25, 9:53pm  

And glad you did
116458   Ceffer   2022 May 25, 10:15pm  

Are jackboots banging on your door and dragging you out to be involuntarily vaccinated on the front lawn a symptom?
116459   NoYes   2022 May 25, 10:47pm  

Left wing Democrats always tell us 'it's the gun fault'......not evil?.....get real non God believers...evil will use whatever and whoever is available....including you.
116460   Onvacation   2022 May 25, 10:54pm  

BayArea says
Can someone define “assault rifle” ?

Large capacity semi automatic. Same as a "defense rifle".
116461   richwicks   2022 May 25, 11:03pm  

Onvacation says

BayArea says
Can someone define “assault rifle” ?

Large capacity semi automatic. Same as a "defense rifle".

It's any weapon that fires a projectile weapon that the government considers a weapon possible of preventing a complete tyranny.
116462   BayArea   2022 May 25, 11:54pm  

Onvacation says

BayArea says
Can someone define “assault rifle” ?

Large capacity semi automatic. Same as a "defense rifle".

So if my AR15 has a 10 round capacity, it is not an assault rifle?

Does an assault rifle have to be all black or can it be any any color?

Can an assault rifle be semi-auto but also fully auto? My semi-auto shotgun is not an assault rifle because it’s not a rifle, agree?

I’d like to really nail down the definition.
116463   richwicks   2022 May 26, 1:13am  

Stupid idea, if it's even real.


About 1/2 way through it's described how using nand flash memory replaces multiplication with an estimate in multiplication.

Neurons would die, and honestly, they are slower than artificial ones. We don't need to duplicate life, we just need to duplicate the processes of life.
116464   RWSGFY   2022 May 26, 7:58am  

BayArea says

Can someone define “assault rifle” ?

It has been defined long time ago: "a rifle capable of selective fire, chambered for an intermediate cartridge feeding from a detacheable magazine".

Examples: StG44, AK-47/74 with a giggle switch, M-16, etc.

AR-15 is not it.
116465   RWSGFY   2022 May 26, 7:59am  

Onvacation says

BayArea says
Can someone define “assault rifle” ?

Large capacity semi automatic. Same as a "defense rifle".

Nope: no full-auto or burst mode - not an assault rifle.
116466   BayArea   2022 May 26, 8:20am  

Selective fire?
Intermediate cartridge?

Can we rewrite that definition with definitions of the two terms above imbedded ?
116467   BoomAndBustCycle   2022 May 26, 8:48am  

NoYes says

Left wing Democrats always tell us 'it's the gun fault'......not evil?.....get real non God believers...evil will use whatever and whoever is available....including you.

Evil doesn’t exist… mental illness and chemical imbalances in the brain manifest themselves as evil. Boxing things into good and evil is for low iQ thinkers.
116468   Reality   2022 May 26, 9:24am  

The shooter was stopped by a border-patrol agent acting in the capacity of a private citizen taking his own initiative, while the cops whose jobs were to stop violent domestic criminals were waiting for back-up's (if not having been deliberately told to stand down!)

Was the shooter surprised? and his last words being "nobody is supposed to barge in and shoot at me!"?

If anything, this mass shooting incident shows that the Founding Fathers were right: the citizens having weapons equal to the government is the last defense line to ensure liberty and stop violent criminals. If guns are outlawed, only outlaws, criminals and psychopaths (many wearing uniforms and the costumes of government officials) would have guns!
116469   Eric Holder   2022 May 26, 9:42am  

richwicks says
Victoria Nuland made it clear that it was a priority to prevent Russia from capturing them, and also warned that biological weapons could be released by Russia.

It only proves that she was concerned about pathogens, which are typically stored in every fucking lab, would be accidentally (or intentionally) released if captured by the Ruscists. This is not a proof of weaponization, which is a very concrete term and set of actions and capabilities.

So all you have is basically conjectures. No hard evidence of any weaponization has come out of any lab, captured by the Ruscists. If they had any they would fucking blast it from every mountain top for the last 3 months, but they keep fucking quiet on the subject.

And you should too until you have something concrete. If ever.
116470   Patrick   2022 May 26, 9:47am  


Democrat-run Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City are leading the way in urban residential decline, U.S. Census Bureau population estimates released Thursday reveal.

The data reveals eight of the 10 largest cities in the U.S. lost population up to mid-2021.

Specifically between July 2020 and July 2021, New York lost more than 305,000 people, while Chicago and Los Angeles contracted by 45,000 residents and 40,000 people, respectively.

The top 15 largest cities remained the same as in 2020 although more than half experienced decreases in their population between 2020 and 2021: New York, New York (-305,465); Los Angeles, California (-40,537); Chicago, Illinois (-45,175); Houston, Texas (-11,777); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (-24,754); San Diego, California (-3,783); Dallas, Texas (-14,777); San Jose, California (-27,419); and Indianapolis, Indiana (-5,343).

Although San Francisco’s not among the 10 largest cities, almost 55,000 residents left that Democrat-run city, or 6.3 percent of its 2020 population, the highest percentage of any U.S. city.
116471   Reality   2022 May 26, 11:23am  

DooDahMan says
Has anyone told the assorted Churches and religions ?

Where would they be without "Evil" as an enemy?

Collection plate/basket $$ would go to hell (metaphor)

The same questions should be asked for your Omnipotent-State-god. The difference is that the Omnipotent-State religion usually collapses within a few decades, whereas the traditional church/temple hierarchy provides some sort of spiritual check-and-balance (like the Prophets in Old Testament had on the Kings) so that a faith that is necessary for upholding a society/civilization against rising selfish/manipulative/always-lying Covert Narcissism can be sustained for multiple hundreds of years instead of being liquidated in less than a century.
116472   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 May 26, 12:08pm  

Onvacation says

BayArea says
Can someone define “assault rifle” ?

Large capacity semi automatic. Same as a "defense rifle".

It's a rifle that grows legs, runs around Chicago, pouring bleach on failed crapy negro actors, while screaming "this is maga country faggot!!!"

otherwise, definition doesn't exist, just emotional words to scare people who are scared of the following: guns, paper cuts, unmasked people, Trump, and getting a job.
116473   BayArea   2022 May 26, 12:14pm  

If I understand correctly…

Shooter ran into school
Shot up a classroom
Then sat there for 40-60min before being shot himself

Seems to me school in particular is a place where an active gunman should be pursued immediately?

Otherwise there should be a massive taxpayer refund and debrief on what I can expect for my children from police.
116474   socal2   2022 May 26, 1:49pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Evil doesn’t exist… mental illness and chemical imbalances in the brain manifest themselves as evil.

Really - every criminal and scumbag just has a mental disease?

There are no external or societal influences that can cause normal people to do evil things?
116475   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 May 26, 2:08pm  

BayArea says

If I understand correctly…

Shooter ran into school
Shot up a classroom
Then sat there for 40-60min before being shot himself

Seems to me school in particular is a place where an active gunman should be pursued immediately?

Otherwise there should be a massive taxpayer refund and debrief on what I can expect for my children from police.

Yeah common sense.

But politicians think that the solution (aka no solution) is to blame guns on this, not the faggot shooter, but the guns are to blame. Oh and while at it, they defunded police on campuses because police was "racist" in CA. This isn't clown world anymore, it's just fucking pure self destruction and neglect. Government people utterly hate us.
116476   EBGuy   2022 May 26, 3:12pm  

BayArea says

So if my AR15 has a 10 round capacity, it is not an assault rifle?

Does is have a thumb hole?
Does it have a pistol grip?

Not sure the thumb hole can be fixed. As for the pistol grip, you just need a fin (not joking).
Full auto anything is not allowed.
116477   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 26, 4:10pm  

Bio-digital convergence. They want to turn us all into cyborgs.
116478   Onvacation   2022 May 26, 5:10pm  

BayArea says
So if my AR15 has a 10 round capacity, it is not an assault rifle?

Get a bigger magazine.
BayArea says
Does an assault rifle have to be all black or can it be any any color?

I've seen pink ones.
BayArea says
Can an assault rifle be semi-auto but also fully auto?

Why not?
BayArea says
My semi-auto shotgun is not an assault rifle because it’s not a rifle, agree?

Agreed, but It might be an assault weapon.
BayArea says

I’d like to really nail down the definition.

Semantics. You probably won't get 5 people to agree on the definition of assault weapon.

Guns don't kill people.
116479   BayArea   2022 May 26, 5:27pm  

Great, so we have arrived that the term “assault rifle” is total bullshit.
116480   richwicks   2022 May 26, 6:37pm  

NuttBoxer says

Bio-digital convergence. They want to turn us all into cyborgs.

Sure, if you let them.
116481   richwicks   2022 May 26, 6:40pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Victoria Nuland made it clear that it was a priority to prevent Russia from capturing them, and also warned that biological weapons could be released by Russia.

It only proves that she was concerned about pathogens, which are typically stored in every fucking lab, would be accidentally (or intentionally) released if captured by the Ruscists.

What's the point of "researching" a biological pathogen that can unleash a plague?

To create a plague.

I hate dealing with your pretend density. Nobody is as stupid as you pretend to be.

"Oh la-de-da we're just creating these deadly biological pathogenic agents and making them more deadly and transmissible in a foreign nation which we just overthrew and are bribing with "aid" well off US soil where it's illegal just... because - we'd never use them - just because we're curious"

You: "duh! I BEWEIVE U"

Stop pretending to be this fucking stupid, please. You're not this dumb. Nobody is.
116482   Ceffer   2022 May 26, 6:59pm  

I think somebody channeled rickwick's inner pit bull.
116483   richwicks   2022 May 26, 7:09pm  

Ceffer says
I think somebody channeled rickwick's inner pit bull.

It's usually out.

I don't believe Eric Holder, or ANYBODY is as dense as he pretends to be. I get sick of of having question like "are you SURE water is wet?"

It's just tiresome, LITERAL, doublespeak and doublethink from my government. "Oh, we were just doing gain of function on this coronavirus over in a US funded lab in Wuhan, but don't pay attention to that - the sars-cov2-19 came from a wet market 2 blocks down the fucking street, and if you don't believe us - you're a conspiracy nut!".

Everybody: First of all, why the fuck are you doing gain of function research to make a pathogen more deadly AND more transmissible?
US government: Just to study it! We wouldn't use it or anything. It's just for FUN and learning!
The Intelligence Agency Shills and their NPCs: Seems legit to me!

They ask us to believe the most ridiculous explanations just to test loyalty.

Government: You see 3 fingers right, or 5 - depending on what I say I'm holding up?
Pathetic Slaves: Oh yes sir! I can and will see whatever you tell me to see, Sir! My eyes aren't reliable and I don't need to do any real thinking, even the most minimal and basic thinking and reasoning. Let me clean up your asshole a bit with my tongue! Sure, maybe my kids and the 99.99% of the world will be slaves if I'm such a fucking pussy, but go along to get along, right?
116484   BoomAndBustCycle   2022 May 26, 7:11pm  

socal2 says

BoomAndBustCycle says
Evil doesn’t exist… mental illness and chemical imbalances in the brain manifest themselves as evil.

Really - every criminal and scumbag just has a mental disease?

There are no external or societal influences that can cause normal people to do evil things?

External influence cause mental breakdowns… hence mental disease. Of course it’s all not from birth… that’s rare. But horrible upbringings bring out mental illness. I was speaking of evil not existing in the religious demonic sense.
116485   EBGuy   2022 May 26, 7:13pm  

BayArea says
My semi-auto shotgun is not an assault rifle because it’s not a rifle, agree?

From California Penal Code
(a) Notwithstanding Section 30510, “assault weapon” also means any of the following:
(6) A semiautomatic shotgun that has both of the following:
(A) A folding or telescoping stock.
(B) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon, thumbhole stock, or vertical handgrip.
(7) A semiautomatic shotgun that does not have a fixed magazine.
(8) Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
116486   WookieMan   2022 May 27, 4:09am  

With the defund police shit, cities will continue to lose population. Also, the largest demo, Millennials are slowly ending the party years and starting families. Major cities are not places to raise kids if you cannot afford private schools at this point or the high housing prices. Plus white collar people can work from home further diminishing the quality of people living in cities.

I'd buy land. I'm in a small town where everyone knows everything. We optioned 2 lots to build. Never even mentioned a thing besides to a few townie friends. We have people lining up to buy our house already. No Realtor. No marketing. Just word of mouth. I think 5 or so people have already reached out and we're just waiting to line up the financing for the build (wife is super busy this time of year).

I killed my MLS access, but I'd be interested to see city inventory versus ours. Our next door neighbor just sold after I think 2 days on the market. There legit are no for sale signs in town besides maybe 4 out of 800 homes. Suburban and rural areas I think are going to be a safe bet in most regions for a while. The work from home thing has made cities less desirable as well. Our newish Puerto Rican neighbor came from a Chicago neighborhood I know very well. He and his wife couldn't stand the city, schools, crime, etc. He's absolutely loving it out here.

A tangent and cannot link anything to this, but I think legalized weed has changed a lot of things in IL. I hate Pritzker, but it was one of the best things he pushed through. I know the tax revenue will get pissed away by him and the legislature, but it has helped suburban and rural communities. Rarely do I see a junkie or meth head anymore. Rural IL was (maybe still is, not seeing it myself) a rough area for meth.

Not happy with the Biden admin, but I'm optimistic for my specific area of a shitty run state. We'll see. I'm usually a pretty negative person, so maybe someone gave me some hopium koolaid.
116487   HeadSet   2022 May 27, 7:46am  

WookieMan says
With the defund police shit, cities will continue to lose population. Also, the largest demo, Millennials are slowly ending the party years and starting families. Major cities are not places to raise kids if you cannot afford private schools at this point or the high housing prices. Plus white collar people can work from home further diminishing the quality of people living in cities.

Excellent points. I had thought similar a few years ago and was looking at buying beautiful but isolated land, like at rural waterfront on the Virginia peninsulas or scenic Shenandoah mountain/valley areas. I figured that since people could work remotely, such land would be more desirable in the future. My wife has a friend from high school who lives in a large beautiful home in the Piedmont area with lovely mountain views, yet works remotely every day from her company in Texas. My concern is now with the government seemingly working toward ending personal transportation for "greener" mass transit. I can see where by 2035 or so, all cars will be mandated to be electric and other features such as self drive that will put the cost of private car ownership out of reach. I also see higher taxes on private vehicles and tolls on roads since there will be no gas tax. People would forgo expensive car ownership and use "shared ride," where you hit a button on the phone app and a routed vehicle picks you up and takes you to your destination, while picking up and dropping off others on the way. We currently do something similar today with cabs companies and medical transportation. Shared rides and busses work best in high density housing, and this may start a trend toward city living being cheaper. Although one may not have to drive to work, one still needs to go to entertainment and shopping. Without cheap transportation in rural areas, demand for rural land would fall. Think not just of the wealthy, but the working Joe. Living out in the sticks on your modest home on cheap acreage is doable when the man works at Tractor Supply 10 miles away and the wife at Dollar Store 15 miles away. Not so much if cars are $100,000 and tolls to work are $10 each way.
116488   Patrick   2022 May 27, 9:03am  

Woah, did police actually tase a parent trying to rescue his or her child?


Parents of Robb Elementary School students in Uvalde, Texas were arrested and at least one was reportedly tased as they tried get to their children during and after Tuesday’s shooting.
116490   Patrick   2022 May 27, 3:04pm  

This fits reasonably well with the idea that cells have a timeout mechanism, the Hayflick Limit, which is the maximum number of times a cell can divide before it self-destructs. The Hayflick mechanism is the shortening of the telomere on each division. When the telomere is too short, the cell self-destructs.

The Hayflick Limit evolved in response to simple cancers. When cells get DNA mutations which cause them to divide out of control, they hit this limit and die. This allows the young organism to survive various small cancers and live to reproductive age - usually.

But any cancer which manages to defeat the Hayflick Limit somehow will continue to divide and grow, then requiring surgery or other treatment. Cancers which defeat that built-in division limit are immortal, in the sense that they can grow forever if given the chance. Tumor cells from Henrietta Lacks (HeLa cells) are still growing in labs all over the world 50 years after her death.

The downside of this Hayflick Limit is that a limit on the number of divisions of cells means that eventually all of your cells hit that limit and you die of old age.

So the dilemma is:

1. No aging, but then you will probably die of the first cancer you get instead of the cancer quickly burning out from the Hayflick Limit. And cancers are actually quite common.
2. Aging and eventual death, but much higher probability of making it to reproductive age.
116491   Booger   2022 May 27, 5:03pm  

116492   Bd6r   2022 May 27, 6:42pm  

DooDahMan says
Looks like the spin cycle is in overtime/drive in Texas right now - anything to take the spotlight oof of the police inaction and the Governor - Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz and no one or nothing can spin that into something respectable

What should Abbott do now? Take guns from Texans?

The only rational thing that he has not done but should do is to fire policepersons who waited outside while kids were shot, and cancel their pensions
116493   mell   2022 May 27, 8:19pm  

Bd6r says

DooDahMan says
Looks like the spin cycle is in overtime/drive in Texas right now - anything to take the spotlight oof of the police inaction and the Governor - Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz and no one or nothing can spin that into something respectable

What should Abbott do now? Take guns from Texans?

The only rational thing that he has not done but should do is to fire policepersons who waited outside while kids were shot, and cancel their pensions

Agreed this has nothing to do with Abbot, he has no fault in this but should probably fire a few now

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