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Today was yet another gut-punch of a day for the aging and senile president who has failed to achieve any of his authoritarian ambitions (beyond stealing an election).
In the latest loss, the Supreme Court blocked his vaccine mandate for all companies with 100 or more employees. While this decision is only an injunction to block the mandate from moving forward until a full trial, the court provided strong evidence that such a trial will end in another loss for Old Joe.
Seems to be temporary, and only for the business mandate, not for the healthcare worker mandate:
Today was yet another gut-punch of a day for the aging and senile president who has failed to achieve any of his authoritarian ambitions (beyond stealing an election).
In the latest loss, the Supreme Court blocked his vaccine mandate for all companies with 100 or more employees. While this decision is only an injunction to block the mandate from moving forward until a full trial, the court provided strong evidence that such a trial will end in another loss for Old Joe.
Vaccine mandates head back to the U.S. Supreme Court
Supreme Court to review New York City schools vaccine mandate despite Sotomayor's denial
The Supreme Court said Wednesday that it will consider a renewed request from New York City teachers and staff to block a vaccine mandate due to their religious objections, despite an earlier denial by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
This presents both opportunities and risks.
On the one hand, this gives the Supreme Court the opportunity to do the right thing and overturn Jacobson v. Massachusetts and uphold the individual Constitutional right to personal sovereignty. On the other hand, the Supreme Court could set back individual liberties even further if they uphold the right of a school district to trespass your body in service of the Cartel.
I will write more about this as the case draws near. For now I just want to note the following points:
1. The NY City schools’ vaccine mandate is especially grotesque because these shots do not work and come with the most reported side effects in the history of the U.S. vaccine program.
2. Even if these shots worked 100% of the time and came with zero side effects, mandates would still be unconstitutional:
The First Amendment establishes the right to freedom of speech. Saying “No” to the corrupt white coats is speech. The First Amendment also prohibits the establishment of an official state religion. If the past two years have taught us anything it’s that vaccines are a religion for the bougiecrats.
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution gives every American the right “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…” It was set up in response to the British military’s tendency, during the French and Indian War, to “forcibly seize quarters in private dwellings.” But notice that the Fourth Amendment begins with the right to be secure in your person — “houses” appears second in the list. So there is clearly a right to bodily autonomy in the Constitution.
Given that Tedros/Gates/Fauci/Pfizer plan to inject as many people as possible every six months for the rest of their (short miserable) lives, a strong case can be made that vaccine mandates are a violation of the prohibitions against slavery or involuntary servitude in the Thirteen Amendment. If I do not have the right to control what goes into my own body am I really free? I believe that Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas will understand this and then it’s a question of whether they can find two more votes.
Finally, requiring shots for public school teachers but not for the barista working at Starbucks is obviously a violation of the equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment.
Our challenge over the next several months will be to make these points with as many people as possible — in conversations with friends, family, and coworkers; in our writing online and in letters to the editor; and in amicus briefs submitted to the court — to create the drumbeat of individual liberty that will become part of the renewed consciousness of the nation and these justices.
March 2, 2022.
Senate Republicans on Wednesday voted to strike down President Biden’s vaccine mandate targeting health care workers, in a rebuke of the administration.
Senators voted 49-44 approving the GOP effort to nix the rule — a vote they were able to force under the Congressional Review Act.
Though no Democratic senators voted with Republicans to nix the rule, GOP senators were able to get it through the Senate because of Democratic absences. Six Democratic senators missed the vote.
But the effort to nix the rule is facing headwinds. The CRA sets up a fast track process in the Senate, but it does not green-light the same procedure in the House.
If it made it to Biden’s desk, Democrats expect that he would veto it.
“If it passes this won’t go anywhere in the House and President Biden would veto it,” a Senate Democratic aide said.
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it cited 69 American hospitals for failing to comply with the Biden administration’s mandate that federally-funded healthcare facilities require their employees to submit to COVID-19 vaccination.
Last September, President Joe Biden directed the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) to draft a vaccine mandate for around 17 million healthcare workers at medical facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, without an option for workers to submit to regular COVID testing instead.
In January, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked one of the administration’s other mandates, which applied to private employers with 100 or more workers, but allowed the health facility mandate to stand.
A Texas appeals court dissolved the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for federal employees.
On Monday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals dissolved their previous decision after rehearing the Feds for Medical Freedom v. Biden case.
The vaccine mandate for federal employees will remain blocked at least until a September court hearing.
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