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Another problem is that these noble endeavors often end up making life harder for the minorities they are meant to support. In March of this year, Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled a plan to force “home appraisers” to increase their valuations of black-owned properties.
Exhibiting a relationship with reality that is at best detached, Harris said this equity measure would improve “intergenerational wealth” among minorities. Would it also not mean that black people end up poorer because they would be paying more in property taxes on their higher-valued homes? Nobody seemed to care. Equity is about gestures not results.
As part of its multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better infrastructure agenda, the Biden administration has also suggested destroying interstate highways, not because the roads are bad infrastructure but because they were built by a racist society in the 1960s.
Biden administration has also suggested destroying interstate highways, not because the roads are bad infrastructure but because they were built by a racist society in the 1960s.
Jun 24
🇺🇸🇺🇦 Joe Biden Brags About Getting Ukrainian Prosecutor Fired That Was Investigating His Son
In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3,000,000 from the company.
Not wanting this corruption exposed, Joe Biden swung into action, using us loan guarantees as hostages while demanding Skokin be fired.
Amazingly, Joe Biden brags about his actions in this matter.
In 2022 Biden says this: "I think the greatest sin anyone can commit is the abuse of power." the irony of the sentence is of charts!
He Knew: Voicemail Explodes Joe Biden’s Know-Nothing Narrative on Hunter’s Dealings.
The Washington D.C. liberal media is turning on Joe Biden after growing tired of limited access to the Democrat president.
The White House press corps is now demanding President Biden take real, unscripted questions from the media.
They want Biden to start taking legitimate questions from reporters who are not pre-selected by staff, arguing that denying this access “cannot be defended.”
Reporters say they are left questioning who is answering the president’s questions when he is reading pre-prepared answers from a script.
Tonight, 68 White House journalists asked @PressSec to end the mysterious prescreening of reporters let into President Biden’s events, calling it ‘antithetical to the concept of a free press’ https://t.co/X5CN1qBL3m pic.twitter.com/v2SqOoBazQ
— Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) June 30, 2022
A majority of Americans said Biden’s government is “corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me,” including two-thirds of Republicans and independents, and about half of Democrats.
the Biden administration has also suggested destroying interstate highways, not because the roads are bad infrastructure but because they were built by a racist society in the 1960s.
Patrick says
the Biden administration has also suggested destroying interstate highways, not because the roads are bad infrastructure but because they were built by a racist society in the 1960s.
Did they really say that?
Of course China is becoming more aggressive. It's hard to imagine a weaker or less competent president.
Joe Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates while vice president
President Biden has repeatedly denied discussing business with his son
New CNN poll shows 75% of DEMOCRATS don't want Sleepy Joe to run again
Who is surprised that the US government’s war on the American people is not going any better than its sponsored war in Ukraine? The only thing the government is really good at is covering up its crimes, which mainly requires them to do nothing — don’t investigate anything, don’t furnish documents to anyone, don’t answer official letters, slow-walk every required action, and otherwise dodge, duck, deny, deflect, and dissemble.
Now, even that game-plan is falling apart. Some senior officials in the FBI turned whistleblower this week, perhaps desperate to preserve their self-respect, and finally cleared up one of the great mystifications of our time, namely: How is it that the Hunter Biden laptop, stuffed with incriminating memoranda of bribery, treason, and diverse felonies, and in the FBI’s possession for two-and-a-half years now, just sat gathering dust in some sub-sub-basement cubby-hole — while “Joe Biden,” the putative president (or, more likely, the enigmatic claque behind him) was allowed to carry out a demolition of America’s economy and culture?
The answer is one Brian Auten, FBI Senior Analyst, who engineered a scheme to label Hunter’s laptop “Russian disinformation,” which allowed FBI Director Christopher Wray to throw a switch that turned off any further inquiry in the matter beginning in August before the 2020 presidential election. In turn, other senior FBI officials had all the documents pertaining to the decision process on that matter locked up in a special file that would never see the light of day. ...
Turns out that Agent Brian Auten was also involved in favorably vetting the Steele Dossier when it was used to justify FISA court warrants against figures in Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, part of the RussiaGate operation that disordered and disabled President Trump’s entire four-year term. Well now you know. Perhaps Special Counsel John Durham knows this, too. (If he didn’t before, he must now.) Eventually, Mr. Auten will have to answer for all this, maybe after the mid-term elections. We must imagine that he will implicate many other familiar figures in the process who were on-the-scene at the time, including Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and James Comey, comfortably sitting on the sidelines lo these many years enjoying their book royalties and cable news salaries.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, says he will hold hearings about this. When? ...
All of this is going to blow open, of course, and all at the same time that two other big things blow up: 1) the realization that the government lied about everything in the Covid-19 story, including especially covering-up the harmful effects of their vaunted mRNA shots, and 2) deepening US economic chaos, including the implosion of markets, derivatives, banks, and the US dollar.
Some observers say that “Joe Biden” has nothing left except to shove the USA into a hot war. Kind of looks like he’s trying — sending US Special Forces to Ukraine’s border, and all. I don’t think he’ll dare cross that line, though. To me, it’s more likely that our government will summon, shall we say, a special sort of doctor from the Intel Community to administer a permanent sleeping med to the Big Guy. Did you see how bug-eyed he was on video the other day? Didn’t even blink for the longest time. Looks like he badly needs sleep… a big sleep… the biggest sleep there is. Wait for it.
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