Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,924 views  8,522 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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2009   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 3:01pm  


Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss lead tributes to TalkTV presenter Kate McCann after she collapsed live on stage leaving the Foreign Secretary holding her face in shock and debate goes OFF AIR
Live debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak dramatically interrupted by medical incident in TalkTV studio
Presenter Kate McCann was revealed to have fainted as broadcast was taken off air and later cancelled
Tory leadership contenders were going head-to-head for second time in two days as they compete to be PM
Ms Truss was answering a question when a loud crash left a worried Foreign Secretary holding her face

She was vaxxed:


In a July 2021 thread, McCann had tweeted:
“For what it’s worth – I had the vaccine, my period changed and I will still get my second jab in a few weeks.”
2010   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 3:06pm  


26 July 2022
The action Union organized a demonstration in front of the Court of Parma for Mrs. Olga, an elderly woman who did not intend to get vaccinated and who was forced to a forced vaccination by the court.

The health manager of the RSA of Langhirano, where the lady was hospitalized, requested authorization from the Court of Parma for the vaccination, then granted by the judge, Dr. Giovetti.

Mrs. Olga passed away after a few days. The death was reported to the appropriate authority as an adverse event.
2011   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 3:07pm  


Scotland: Dramatic and Unexplained Resurgence in Excess Death Points to Covid Injections
July 22, 2022

Retired Edinburgh professor Richard Ennos says official data for 2021 and 2022 ‘provide very strong evidence for a causal relationship’ between the vaccinations and a huge number of excess deaths in the country, wrote Graham Crawford in an article published by Holding the Line. Professor Ennos has written to Siobhian Brown MSP, convener of the Scottish government’s covid-19 recovery committee, calling on her to re-open a public inquiry into the deaths which can only be partially explained by the virus. Earlier this year, the committee investigated the cause of an unprecedented level of excess death recorded in Scotland from week 21 to week 52 of 2021. Numbering 4,819, it was 12% above the average – the worst ever recorded.
2012   Patrick   2022 Jul 27, 7:11am  



Jul 25
"This Is Worse Than a War" - A Confirmed 40,000 and Many More Have Lost Their Lives Due to the Jab

Dr. Peter McCullough: "Deaths after vaccination through December of 2021 ... 187,000 Americans may have died due to the vaccine. Remember, in Vietnam, we only lost 58,000."
2014   richwicks   2022 Jul 27, 8:02am  

Maybe the vaccines ARE designed to get rid of the useless eaters?

I've yet to hear of a 30 year old farmer, a 25 year old factory worker, a 29 year old deliveryman, or 35 year old plumber dropping dead unexpectedly due to a heart attack...
2015   stereotomy   2022 Jul 27, 8:10am  

I went in for my annual physical today. They hooked me up to an EKG machine. When I asked why, they said they do this for all patients over 50. I pointed out that I was given no EKG last year when I was still over 50. Then I said, "I know why - it's probably all those people dropping dead from the clot shot. You want to see if my heart is all clotted up with fibrin."

They got real quiet. Lying to my face about the reason for the EKG. Motherfuckers.
2016   Patrick   2022 Jul 27, 9:41am  


Acute Extensive Deep Vein Thrombosis After Heterogeneous Administration of Moderna mRNA Booster Vaccine: A Case Report

We present the case of a 68-year-old male patient who developed extensive acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the left lower extremity, two weeks following the Moderna mRNA booster vaccine (mRNA-1273).
2017   HeadSet   2022 Jul 27, 11:04am  

stereotomy says

I went in for my annual physical today. They hooked me up to an EKG machine. When I asked why, they said they do this for all patients over 50. I pointed out that I was given no EKG last year when I was still over 50. Then I said, "I know why - it's probably all those people dropping dead from the clot shot. You want to see if my heart is all clotted up with fibrin."

They got real quiet. Lying to my face about the reason for the EKG. Motherfuckers.

It may be that they are only allowed to use the EKG if they never admit why.
2018   Ceffer   2022 Jul 27, 12:34pm  

Fauci must be particularly erotically thrilled by harvesting dead fags Mengele style. Looks like he has a new bumper crop with alleged monkey pox. He must be nostalgic for the fag killing days of the 80's.
2019   richwicks   2022 Jul 27, 12:40pm  

Ceffer says

Fauci must be particularly erotically thrilled by harvesting dead fags Mengele style. Looks like he has a new bumper crop with alleged monkey pox. He must be nostalgic for the fag killing days of the 80's.

Remember that gay slut that went to an orgy and got "monkeypox"? This is monkey pox:

What the slut had was, I think, shingles.

Monkeypox has huge blisters. Shingles, looks basically like chickenpox, which re-emerges in shingles, usually for people 50 and over. The slut is only 40. I think his immune system is shot.
2020   Ceffer   2022 Jul 27, 3:03pm  

"Cooking can lead to an increase in heart problems"
2022   GNL   2022 Jul 27, 6:19pm  

Ceffer says


Why no link to the NY Post article?
2023   richwicks   2022 Jul 28, 9:14am  

WineHorror1 says

Ceffer says


Why no link to the NY Post article?

There is:


You have to type it in manually though.
2025   Patrick   2022 Jul 28, 9:55am  


Corporate Vice President From Bronxville Dies Suddenly At Age 39
July 21, 2022

A Westchester man died unexpectedly at the age of 39 while on vacation with his family in the Turks and Caicos.

Christopher Sean Kelly, of Bronxville, a human resources vice president at American Express, died unexpectedly on Tuesday, June 28, due to heart complications, said his obituary.


AmEx Requires Vaccine for Employees Returning to U.S. Offices:
November 15, 2021


Catherine Chicoine "Katie" Fleagle, 36
July 23, 2022

Boulder, CO - Katie entered this world on 1/21/1986 bringing smiles and joy to all who held her. It is with profound sadness that we share that Katie died suddenly and unexpectedly on 7/1/2022. She passed away peacefully in her sleep in the early morning hours. As she grew her sweet demeanor and her quiet poise blossomed. Katie had a gift for developing and maintaining beautiful lifelong friendships. She grew up in Boulder attending Sacred Heart Elementary School, Summit Middle School, and Boulder High School. She graduated from CU Boulder in 2008. She decided to become a nurse after an undergraduate degree and was accepted and graduated with a master's degree from DePaul University in Chicago in 2011....

No cause of death reported.


Fleagle was an oncology nurse at the University Hospital on the Anschutz campus of the University of Colorado, which requires all staff to be "vaccinated":
Per CU Anschutz COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, all new students, employees, badged affiliates and POIs are required to be fully vaccinated prior to their start date, or in process with their information submitted to our COVID-19 vaccine verification system prior to their start date.


Karen Madison Gray J.D., 52
July 21, 2022

Karen Madison Gray died unexpectedly of natural causes on July 12, 2022, at her home in Omaha, Nebraska. She was 52. She was a graduate of Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where she earned a bachelor's degree in Biology with honors. She received her Doctor of Jurisprudence, Law from the Vanderbilt University Law School. Madison also pursued graduate work at the Peabody College of Education at Vanderbilt University. ...


“Vaccination” policy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center:
UNMC will require all students, staff and faculty to report they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Oct. 22, 2021.


UC Berkeley 'jolted' by sudden death of chemistry professor
July 24, 2022

Berkeley, Calif. - A UC Berkeley professor died last week while hiking Utah, and the tight-knit college community is mourning.

Phillip Geissler's sudden death was announced in a post by the College of Chemistry Dean Douglas Clark on Friday. "We have been jolted by the news," said Clark. "Phill was a truly remarkable person--a brilliant researcher and scholar, a phenomenal teacher and mentor, and a dear friend to so many." ...


UC Berkeley's "vaccination" policy:
The UC system's current UC COVID-19 vaccination policy (link is external) requires faculty, staff and students to obtain a booster shot as soon as they are eligible after the orginal vaccine series.

2028   Ceffer   2022 Jul 28, 4:23pm  

Hey, it means we can kill you in the hospital and score another 39k, go for it!
2029   Karloff   2022 Jul 29, 7:39am  

Even the toys have been injured.

2022 is a big year for Barbie who is covering all sorts of new ground including the vax-positive “Booster Shot Barbie” that comes complete with Guillain-Barre paralysis.

“The only thing as iconic as Barbie is her wheelchair, a spectacular vehicle that allows kids to immerse themselves in Barbie’s post-vaccinated world, and gives them the room to dream of what it would be like to follow the CDC recommendations,” said Phen Nochio—the Senior Vice President and Global Head of Barbie and Dolls at Mattel—in a statement.

There have been other Barbie dolls in a wheel chair, but none that have been endorsed by the CDC itself!

Some Booster-Shot Barbies even come with Bell’s palsy, which is the sudden unexpected weakness in one’s facial muscles. The weakness makes half of your face appear to droop. Your smile is one-sided, and your eye on that side resists closing.

Mattel is releasing these in conjunction with the booster shots the Biden administration recommends for kids.
2030   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 9:27am  


Triathlete, 27, becomes 5th GTA doctor to die in July

The 27-year-old, who was a resident doctor at McMaster Children Hospital in Hamilton, collapsed while swimming as she competed in a triathlon on Sunday. She subsequently died on Thursday.
2032   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 10:41am  


🇮🇹Italy, Father Lost His Son After Taking Vaccine💉, Attacks Hospital That Gave Him The Shot

original link
2034   stereotomy   2022 Jul 29, 1:35pm  

Patrick says

This is a great time for amateur pureblood cyclists to make their mark in the sport.
2035   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 1:38pm  

stereotomy says

This is a great time for amateur pureblood cyclists to make their mark in the sport.

HAHAHA - noooooo.

In the Tour de France, they AVERAGE 23 MPH (or so) through the entire course. In my PEAK I could maintain that pace for an hour on the flats, if there was no wind. These people are inhuman. They are ALL on drugs too. It's just impossible not to be.
2036   stereotomy   2022 Jul 29, 1:42pm  

richwicks says

stereotomy says

This is a great time for amateur pureblood cyclists to make their mark in the sport.

HAHAHA - noooooo.

In the Tour de France, they AVERAGE 23 MPH (or so) through the entire course. In my PEAK I could maintain that pace for an hour on the flats, if there was no wind. These people are inhuman. They are ALL on drugs too. It's just impossible not to be.

OK. But, even if you're in last place until the last day, and all of a sudden all the others drop dead from heart attacks, can't a pureblood still win? Maybe they're on warfarin or some other massive anti-clotting agent, in which case you just hope they get a scratch and bleed out?
2037   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 1:57pm  


Freedom Warrior
#Repentinitis en directo de un presentador de TV en Brasil 😱

Translation by https://translate.yandex.com/ :

"Live suddenitis of a TV presenter in Brazil"
2038   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 2:00pm  


🇮🇳 India: A Man Performing At A Private Event “Died Suddenly” Due To A Massive Cardiac Arrest 💉👀 (2022)

2039   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 2:02pm  

Quite a collection of videos here:

2040   Ceffer   2022 Jul 29, 3:17pm  

About a month ago we were walking in our tri valley hood. A woman Kaiser internist is somebody we meet sometimes on the walk and we stop and chat, since my wife worked for Kaiser for a long time. Last time, I just mentioned 'Covid nonsense' and she gave me an extremely frightened look, one of those, 'Omigod, do they know?" type things. A lot of the MD fuckers know. They wonder when the ship comes in that people will come for them?
2041   Ceffer   2022 Jul 29, 5:46pm  

Musta been solar flares and steroids:
2042   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 9:48pm  


This week, the mother of a 13-year-old student at Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy officially filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) after school officials allegedly bribed her son to get vaccinated against Covid-19 behind her back.

The rouge school officials’ despicable actions allegedly caused the young teen to suffer serious side effects, including breathing and bleeding issues, following his vaccination.

He is “not the same anymore,” according to his mother, Maribel Duarte, who spoke with Fox11 Los Angeles. ...

Duarte alleges that her son was vaccinated by school officials against her expressed wishes after school officials offered him pizza in exchange for taking the jab. The thirteen-year-old allegedly was told to (and complied with) forging his mother’s signature on his vaccination waiver.

At the time of the incident, Duarte explained that school officials begged her son “not to say anything” so that they would not “get in trouble.”
2043   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 10:13pm  

stereotomy says

OK. But, even if you're in last place until the last day, and all of a sudden all the others drop dead from heart attacks, can't a pureblood still win? Maybe they're on warfarin or some other massive anti-clotting agent, in which case you just hope they get a scratch and bleed out?

I still don't believe the vaccines are designed to kill. An evil part of me hopes it is, but I can't believe the powers that be are this stupid. If they are, I will lead the charge not to only exterminate them, but their entire lineage. We will have to absolutely exterminate their gene line, including all their progeny - if this is the case.

In a few years, we'll see if this is necessary. I don't think it will be.

But we cannot allow the sociopath gene to flourish. I don't think it will be necessary, but if it is..
2044   Misc   2022 Jul 29, 10:15pm  

So, criminal charges are going to be filed for child endangerment???

Didn't think so. The perps are above the law.
2045   Ceffer   2022 Jul 29, 11:32pm  

"6th Doctor Found Dead In Greater Toronto Area In 2 Weeks"
Look at how unhealthy, unhappy and depressed they look. Sunspots and straining at stools will do that to you.
2046   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jul 30, 1:02pm  

Late-stage cancer diagnoses rise after pandemic-related drop in screenings.

During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of cancer screenings in the U.S. dropped sharply as states imposed stay-at-home orders and health care providers sought to reduce exposure to the virus and redeployed personnel.

A national survey study of more than 470,000 Americans showed screening declines of 2.13 million (6%) for breast cancer and 4.47 million (11%) for cervical cancer from 2018 to 2020. In that study, published in June in JAMA Network Open, Fedewa and colleagues also observed a 16% decline in the rate of colonoscopy during the period, offset by a 7% increase in home-based stool testing.

The screening delays and cancellations immediately raised concerns of associated increases in late-stage cancer diagnoses and mortality. In a June 2020 editorial published in the journal Science, then-NCI Director Norman E. “Ned” Sharpless, MD, wrote that modeling suggested nearly 10,000 excess deaths due to breast and colorectal cancer alone over the next decade.

Two years later, emerging data are reinforcing those concerns.

A study of U.S. Health Care Cost Institute and American Cancer Society data, published in April in The American Surgeon, showed increases not only in diagnoses of lung/bronchus (0.29%), pancreatic (1.46%), breast (2.89%), colorectal (19.72%) and prostate cancer (144.5%) in 2020 (P < .01 for all), but also in the total number of deaths due to colorectal, pancreatic, breast and prostate cancers from 2019 to 2021.


2048   Patrick   2022 Jul 30, 6:27pm  


German Hospital Federation Demands Withdrawal of Vaccination Mandate After Massive Side Effects Revealed ...

The German health ministry officially admitted last Wednesday that 1 in every 5,000 injections given causes “serious side effects,” either hospitalization, permanent disability, or death. Someone who gets four shots has a 1:1250 chance of these devastating outcomes.

0,2 Verdachtsmeldungen pro 1.000 Impfdosen beträgt die Melderate ans @PEI_Germany für schwerwiegende Reaktionen. Sollten Sie den Verdacht auf #Nebenwirkungen haben, holen Sie sich ärztliche Hilfe und melden Sie Ihre Symptome: https://t.co/ajsedbBO7o pic.twitter.com/pfkP4cAL53

— Bundesgesundheitsministerium (@BMG_Bund) July 21, 2022
With the admission, authorities formally admitted for the first time that there is a serious safety problem with the experimental injections against COVID, which have been administered billions of times worldwide.

According to official figures, tens of thousands of people have already been hospitalized, disabled or killed in Germany alone so far. ‘Mild’ side effects for which people had to see a doctor, such as menstrual problems, heart problems, or seizures, are not included in the figures. In addition, it only includes cases reported by doctors.

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