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Officials did not know the cause of death.
Rachael Maddow, I cannot imagine she doesn't have complete total disgust and contempt for her audience. They are so stupid, and she's not stupid. Her listeners are, and this cannot escape her. There is a point I think for many people where they see others as subhuman. I think that is many people in "power", you believe these obvious lying mother fuckers, and do nothing. How can they not have contempt?
Saudi ambassador drops dead mid-speech in Cairo
WATCH THIS while you can!
Mark Crispin Miller
43 min ago
Twitter avatar for @aNdr0iz
Steven Thomas
The🇸🇦 Saudi ambassador, Muhammad al-Qahtani, fell and died during a speech at a conference in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, in which he praised president A-Sisi and described him as "the dean of humanity.
Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD
*stunning*=3.5% rate of myoper/peri or sublinical myocarditis
The ECGs: here is the table of the causes of "abnormal". I was certainly not trying to imply all abnormal ecgs are concerning & I wish the authors had included the baseline ECG results, which they state they performed
Saudi ambassador, Muhammad al-Qahtani, fell and died during a speech
Cheryl Gio
Aug 9
An 11 year old boy in my son's class just collapsed this afternoon, onto his back, holding his heart. He was bleeding from the mouth and taken by ambulance.
He was one of the sportiest boys in the class.
And yes,he was vaxxed😡
(My son, possibly the only one not vaxxed in Y5)
Musician Vikki Spit lost her bandmate fiance to the vaccine and was actually awarded £120,000 by the U.K. for her loss.
This should be a major story, but of course, the mainstream media is downplaying the issue and playing it off as a one-off and a local news story.
The vaccine is still “safe and effective”, the Mockingbird media coos in unison.
It's not at all safe, and not at all effective.
Finally, somebody celebrity who DIDN'T die form the vaccine. Unless the vaccine fucked up her brain and made her crazier than usual.https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordWDSGroup/70177
I have no issue pushing the message about a BS vaccine, but didn't intelligent people know this from the word go? A vaccine for a virus that is generally mild in the vast majority of people that it's laughable.
I know some users here had a rough go of it, but was it really that bad?
Smart people can be so fucking foolish.
I saw my doctor the other day for an ear infection. Arrogant asshole. He was pushing the vax like the others but finally modified his recommendation for kids and young people to “probably shouldn’t vax” which was a miracle. He’s still mandating masks in his office like all the rest of them.
And when I questioned him about the ear diagnosis he said “well you should have gone to medical school.”
I really didn’t even know what to say. I was asking for clarification and he comes back with mild anger that his words weren’t immediately taken as divinely inspired.
Fuck off.
Smart people can be so fucking foolish.
Smoked some weed last night at a concert though. I can tell you that I won't be doing that again for a long time.
GNLusedtobeWine says
Smoked some weed last night at a concert though. I can tell you that I won't be doing that again for a long time.
Yeah, it's fucking terrifyingly strong now isn't it?
I like to smoke until I'm relaxed and thoughtful, not until I can't move and am starting to doubt reality and my own existence, worried my heart is about to stop.
I still enjoy it every now and then, in EXTREME moderation.
Aug 12
Replying to @rwmalonemd
SHOCKING NEWS from one of Dr. Malone's followers in Portugal! News outlets are finally acknowledging the
historic increase in excess mortality!
Reporting for Renaissance Radio, Inês Rocha says,
"It is possible that this is the highest number of deaths in Portugal in June ever. And July is following the same trend. What explains these excess deaths?
At least since 1980, not so many Portuguese died in a month of June. In June 2022 alone, there were 10,215 deaths in Portugal - an increase of 26% compared to the average daily deaths between 2009 and 2019, the pre-Covid reference interval. It is the first time that the month of June registers more than nine thousand deaths."
I might start smoking weed again if I ever retire.
American Massacre. Steve Kirsch Claims "Hundreds of Thousands" of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths, "Millions" of Injuries. Is He Right?
I am inclined to say "Yes." Here is why.
The Spectator Australia is one of the few publications to report the significant drop in live birth rates occurring in some developed nations. Germany’s Federal Bureau of Statistics documented a reduction of over 12 per cent and similar falls have been reported in Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK, Slovenia, and some US states. ...
The third possibility is that a fall in fertility could be an adverse effect of a medical intervention. There are precedents. Thalidomide was launched in 1956. At the time, it was known that medications might affect the unborn, but there was no mandatory testing for such effects. The principles of reproductive toxicology were only defined in 1959: depending on gestational age at exposure there might be a miscarriage or stillbirth, malformations, intrauterine growth retardation or functional disturbances only apparent in childhood or beyond.
Thalidomide resulted in about 10,000 cases of limb malformations. ...
Testing drugs on pregnant animals is mandatory and drug trials almost always exclude pregnant women to minimise risks. With most Covid vaccine trials, pregnant women were excluded. Pregnant women are now being encouraged to be immunised in what amounts to a real-life experiment. It led to a joke. One lab rat asks another, ‘Been immunised yet?’ ‘No,’ the rat replies, ‘They’re still testing it on humans.’ Make that pregnant humans.
Could immunisation impact live birth rates? Biodistribution studies of injected nanoparticles show that they do not remain in the deltoid muscle, accumulating in several sites, including the ovaries. This may influence ovarian function, and menstrual disturbances are a well-documented adverse effect. Sperm production may also be affected. Even if a pregnancy starts, the result may be implantation failure, a subclinical miscarriage or a clinically overt first trimester miscarriage. ...
Documented menstrual irregularities suggest a disturbance of ovarian or uterine function. A possible consequence would be an increase in premature menopause. Other consequences may take longer to manifest. Given that conditions such as myocarditis and blood clots are recognised adverse effects of some Covid vaccines, are there similar effects in the unborn? There is a precedent. It took over 30 years for the effects of stilbestrol – an estrogen treatment used in pregnancy – to become evident; it caused cancer in the offspring of patients.
Academic physicians don’t normally publish anonymously but regulators, health ministries and professional organisations refuse to ask, let alone try to answer, the questions posed here and wage smear campaigns against those who do. Papers published in reputable journals are at times indistinguishable from propaganda.
In the face of widespread systemic failure, the principles ‘My body, my choice’ and ‘First do no harm’ should put an immediate end to Covid vaccination of women of reproductive age. And then let’s hope the blind hysteria of postmodern media, politics and medicine has not caused the worst medical disaster in human history.
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