A Terrifying Device

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2022 Aug 18, 11:09am   854 views  6 comments

by Hircus   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

An anti-rape device that women preemptively put in their nana, which will stick barbs into a rapists penis. lol.


Might make him very very angry though. They say "The rapist is almost fully incapacitated by the pain caused by the embedded barbs." but I really doubt that. He will likely be stunned and temporarily disoriented in bewilderment, but if she's not able to get away during that brief window, he may take revenge and do similar to her.

I've seen a lot of self-defense related products marketed to women and often they employ wishful thinking in the marketing. Like, a flashlight with a strobe mode, and claiming that it will "totally blind your attacker without needing to resort to violent methods such as knives, guns (ew!), or pepper spray". But in reality, a flashlight wont do jack shit as he can just squint and grab towards the light and clutch her, and then its likely over for her. They do have some extremely powerful flashlights now that would actually blind you pretty good, but I doubt many women would spend hundreds to carry around a big bulky 5-10lb 25-100k lumen flashlight. The smaller, lightweight ones < 10,000ish lumens aren't likely to work IMO considering he will quickly close his eyes, and turn his head, and swat at her arm/flashlight.

Anyway, I think this dick trap will probably be often used vindictively instead of defensively.

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3   HeadSet   2022 Aug 18, 12:24pm  

Hircus says

Anyway, I think this dick trap will probably be often used vindictively instead of defensively.

Like when a wife finds her husband's RIN sex doll and installs that trap in it.
4   Shaman   2022 Aug 18, 12:28pm  

How about a vagina-mounted hypodermic needle which exposes itself from a depressed plastic sheath to inject a powerful tranquilizer into the invading penis? The rapist would literally be knocked out cold for hours, giving the victim plenty of time to recover and call police.

5   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 3:41pm  

Shaman says

How about a vagina-mounted hypodermic needle which exposes itself from a depressed plastic sheath to inject a powerful tranquilizer into the invading penis? The rapist would literally be knocked out cold for hours, giving the victim plenty of time to recover and call police.

There would be risk for the woman during insertion.
6   RC2006   2022 Aug 18, 5:06pm  

Here is a previous type that I think was invented in South Africa.

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