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Thomas Massie
Aug 5
If you let executives have more power during “emergencies,” those executives will create and prolong emergencies.
IHLlary had apparently agreed to nuke an American city to incite WWIII for the Globalists. It's definitely on the false flag table.
IHLlary had apparently agreed to nuke an American city to incite WWIII for the Globalists. It's definitely on the false flag table.
It's Been Clear Now for a Year and a Half: There Is NO Medical Emergency
Dr. Peter McCullough: "The medical emergency for SARS-CoV-2 has been over with for a year and a half — once we had our treatment approach and the hospitals emptied out.
And there is no medical emergency for monkeypox. The fact that the administration has declared that is prima facie evidence that the context of medical emergencies are being used to accomplish an agenda."
Throughout history, there have been crises that could be resolved only by suspending the normal rule of law and constitutional principles. A “state of exception” is declared until the emergency passes — it could be a foreign invasion, an earthquake or a plague. During this period, the legislative function is typically relocated from a parliamentary body to the executive, suspending the basic charter of government, and in particular the separation of powers.
The Italian political theorist Giorgio Agamben points out that, in fact, the “state of exception” has almost become the rule rather than the exception in the Western liberal democracies over the last century. ...
Victim dramas serve as a permanent moral emergency, justifying an ever-deeper penetration of society by bureaucratic authority in both the public and private sectors. ...
In 2020, a fearful public acquiesced to an extraordinary extension of expert jurisdiction over every domain of life, and a corresponding transfer of sovereignty from representative bodies to unelected agencies located in the executive branch of government. Notoriously, polling indicated that perception of the risks of Covid outstripped the reality by one to two orders of magnitude, but with a sharp demarcation: the hundredfold distortion was among self-identified liberal Democrats, that is, those whose yard signs exhorted us to “believe in science”.
In a technocratic regime, whoever controls what Science Says controls the state. What Science Says is then subject to political contest, and subject to capture by whoever funds it. ...
Many factual ambiguities and rival hypotheses about the pandemic, typical of the scientific process, were resolved not by rational debate but by intimidation, with heavy use of the term “disinformation” and attendant enforcement by social media companies acting as franchisees of the state. ...
Leviathan is supposed to end this state of emergency; that is the whole point of it. But the emergency must be renewed, over and over again, if Leviathan is to thrive. This requires renewal of the consciousness-raising program as well, cultivating the vulnerable self. This is the self that is implicit in the cult of safetyism that children are brought up in. It is also the guy you see riding his bicycle double-masked. ...
Perhaps this helps us understand how, in the summer of 2020, the health emergency of Covid and the moral emergency of white supremacism seemed to merge into a single thing. Social distancing guidelines had to be adjusted to accommodate mass protests, as these too served to advance the generic crisis.
Personally, I think the Democrats will nuke some American city in order to create the next emergency. Probably not DC though.
Patrick says
Personally, I think the Democrats will nuke some American city in order to create the next emergency. Probably not DC though.
@Patrick. Do you know how bat shit crazy that sounds? You're a smart guy. As much as you hate the Democrats could you really see this happening? C'mon man!
Do you know how bat shit crazy that sounds? You're a smart guy. As much as you hate the Democrats could you really see this happening?
Fascistic Biden: He CONCEDED There's NO Medical Emergency but Refuses to Drop Emergency Powers
Dr. Robert Malone: "Biden acknowledged that COVID's over. He spoke about 'as we're coming out of COVID.' And yet, just as Bobby Kennedy predicted on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial last January, they continue to maintain a state of medical emergency. Biden essentially conceded there is no medical emergency last night, and yet he recently renewed the state of medical emergency through the election.
You should be paranoid in proportion to the amount of money involved.
There are a ton of stupid cunts out there. Most of them either don’t have husbands, have cucked husbands, or don’t listen to their husbands.
What's the current emergency?
Eric Holder says
What's the current emergency?
Both at the federal and California levels, Fauci Flu is still an "emergency".
Necessary for the EUA so that Pfizer can kill people for profit without any liability.
Emergency Powers = Unfettered Legislation
Another tool that the powers-that-be have used to fill the void left by we the people is what we now all lovingly (sarcasm font alert) know as “Emergency Powers.”
As many of us know, both of the primary Covid “vaccines” - Pfizer and Moderna - CONTINUE to be dosed out through Emergency Use Authorization.
Through emergency powers, much of the world was - and continues to be - locked down or severely restricted. Even after it was clear there was no longer and emergency, politicians and bureaucrats re-upped their powers, because, why not? That power is like main veining the most intoxicating of drugs, so why not take another hit of it? It just skirts so many of the pesky problems that come with, you know, traditional Constitutional governance.
Relying on these magical emergency powers, President Biden’s meat suit pressured the entire nation to adopt and enact vaccine mandates that destroyed countless lives and companies. The US Military Industrial Complex continues to enforce this mandate as of today.
I'm not saying they wouldn't, as history proves that tactic has been used before by the Intel community. But to intentionally nuke or dirty bomb a city? Not likely. Not non zero mind you... but the odds are low.
Do you know how bat shit crazy that sounds?
Patrick says
Personally, I think the Democrats will nuke some American city in order to create the next emergency. Probably not DC though.
@Patrick. Do you know how bat shit crazy that sounds? You're a smart guy. As much as you hate the Democrats could you really see this happening? C'mon man!
Lol, nice of you to say so, but the federal government disagrees:
Taxpayer money must flow to Pfizer in great abundance! Therefore the emergency is eternal, with no liability for vaxx damage and death!
Patrick. Do you know how bat shit crazy that sounds? You're a smart guy. As much as you hate the Democrats could you really see this happening? C'mon man!
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