A shift from the far left back towards the center in Italy and Sweden

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2022 Sep 25, 9:49pm   9,578 views  83 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


ROME—A right-wing alliance led by Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party looks set to win a clear majority in the next parliament, exit polls said on Sept. 25 after voting ended in an Italian national election.

Meloni, as leader of the largest coalition party, was also likely to become Italy’s first female prime minister.

An exit poll for state broadcaster RAI said the bloc of conservative parties, that also includes Matteo Salvini’s League and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party, won between 41 percent and 45 percent, enough to guarantee control of both houses of parliament.


In Sweden, a bastion of tolerance, a nationalist and anti-immigrant party is on the cusp of joining a right-wing coalition in government.

The corporate media always mislabels the center as "right wing".

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21   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 11:12am  


"Welcome. It's a pleasure. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just arrived. I was doing the ironing. Then I found 10 minutes to come and talk about politics with you.”

(A joke- aimed at the corporate press and protest trope that was being deployed to attack her and the conference at that time)

"And really, this great attendance, in spite of all of the controversy, is the best response you could have given to the protesters that are protesting this meeting. Thank you to everyone for their work. Thank you to Brian Brown, Jacopo Coghe, Tony Brandi, and Massimo Gandolfini. Thank you to everyone who has allowed this event to take place. Thank you for not giving in. Thank you for the courage. Thank you for the determination, not just today but for many years.

Your work, along with the work of many other associations, has helped to keep certain issues that were destined to be removed from politics. You have kept these issues alive, active, and present.

They said all sorts of things about this Congress. They said we want to go back to the past. That we're losers. That we're embarrassing. That we're unenlightened.

They said it's scandalous for people to defend the natural family founded on marriage, to want to increase the birth rate, to want to place the correct value on human life, to support freedom and education, and to say no to gender ideology. I will send right back to the sender each of these accusations.

I think that the ones who want to go back to the past are those trying to bring back censorship by trying to stop an event like this taking place. I think it's unenlightened when a state (or a nation state), which is usually willing to sponsor any old thing, even exhibitions featuring a crucifix immersed in a beaker of pee, is ashamed to sponsor an event like this.

I say the losers are those with nothing better to do than come here and insult us while we talk about what we can do for the Italian family. But above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like 'Womb for rent,' abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at 11 years of age. That is embarrassing.

They said all sorts of things about this Congress. That we want to limit the freedom of women. That we want them at home doing the ironing. Can you see me at home doing the ironing? Do you think that I, the only female party secretary in Italy, who was a candidate for mayor of Rome while pregnant, for which I was criticized, do you think I want women to be chained to goodness knows where? It's exactly the opposite.

We want to guarantee rights that today don't exist. The right of a woman to be a mother and not to have to give up working as a result. The right to be a mother, choose not to work and not starve to death as a result. The right of a woman forced to have an abortion because she has no alternatives to have that alternative. Because it's not true that a woman's freedom to choose is guaranteed. If a woman only has the option to abort, that isn't the freedom to choose. The freedom to choose means having a choice. And that's what we want to guarantee.

We're here to defend women, to defend the family, to ask for things that we brought to parliament, like the 'Infant's income,' which we believe in more than the citizen's income. I say that sincerely. Funding for people who have children, because the whole of society benefits. We have proposed free nursery schools, open until shops close, and on Saturdays to give mothers who work another option. We've asked for the full application of Law 194 for the reasons I mentioned, so economic support can be provided to women who commit to and who prefer carrying their pregnancy to term, including in case of adoption.

We have called for a moratorium at the UN to declare 'Womb for rent' a universal crime, because that really is degrading and abusive of women. We want to bring this issue to Europe. It's scandalous that one of the EU's priorities for funding is not the birth rate. The low birth rate is the biggest problem facing Europe. If we do not address this, everything else we do is pointless. If the EU has an Erasmus program for student mobility, if it has a Horizon program for science, it can't have a program for families? To increase the birth rate, to invest in resources in the birth rate. But they think everything we propose is crazy. They think it's unenlightened, that we want to take away rights. They talk of the Middle Ages. You know the Middle Ages was also the time of the cathedrals and the abbeys, the founding of the comuni, the universities, the parliament, the epoch of Dante, Petrach, Boccaccio, Saint Francis, Saint Benedict. People who don't know where Matera is, let's not expect them to have read history books.

We have been attacked on a personal level. I've also been attacked. “You should be ashamed of yourself. You should talk about family based on marriage and then you had a child out of wedlock”. Yes, I also talk about large families but only have one child. Ironically, when they say these things they actually strengthen your position. It only shows that what I'm calling for will not benefit me personally. I'm calling for what I think will benefit Italian society.

I believe the state should incentivize the natural family based on marriage. And if I'm not married, I do not expect the state to extend to me the same privileges that it does to married couples. That's the point. Pay attention.

The point is I believe in a society where every choice has consequences and you accept responsibility for them. I reject a society where every desire becomes a right, every whim becomes a right, where I have no responsibilities, I have only rights. I reject it. It's wrong.

And I think it says a lot because I don't adopt a religious approach to any of this. I believe in God but I don't adopt a religious approach. Why should I? I fight these battles because of secular common sense. I am a person who asks myself uncomfortable and profound questions. And I want answers to these questions that are credible. And all too often the high priests of single thinking are incapable of giving answers that make sense. And I have dozens of these questions.

Is it right for a society to spend more energy and resources trying to find quick and easy ways to get rid of human life, rather than trying to encourage it? Is that normal? Is that civilized? Is that right that you, correctly, cannot rip a newborn puppy from the bosom of its mother but you can with a baby, the child of a desperate mother who sold it to two rich men? Why do Italian courts take away legal custody from two married parents? The natural parents of a baby girl, saying they are too old to raise her at 52 and 54, taking away their natural daughter. But if two men over 50 go abroad and buy a child, that's fine. Why? Why? Why?

Why, if they told us that the father of Eluana Englaro should be free to disconnect the plug that kept her alive, because no one knows better than a parent what is best for their child. Why did the same not apply to the parents of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans?

Why is the winner always the one who wants to disconnect the plug? Why is the winner always death? If the life of a sick child like Alfie Evans is defined as pointless, how long before they define as pointless the life of a disabled or elderly person, or anyone who doesn't correspond to the idea of the perfect consumer? How long? Why do we spend our time fighting all types of discrimination but we pretend to not see the greatest ongoing persecution, the genocide of the world's Christians? Why? Please answer me these questions.

This is about what we're doing here today. Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening? There's a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity.

I can't define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer. That is the reason why.

That's why we inspire so much fear. That's why this event inspires so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being. Every single human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country, and family. Those things that disgust people so much. We will do it to defend our freedom because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators. That is our mission. That is why I came here today. Chesterton wrote, more than a century ago. Let's see if I can find it. 'Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.' The time has arrived. We are ready.

Thank you.

Infinite thanks.
23   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 12:50pm  


Here's how the New York Times reported Mussolini's rise to power 100 years ago
The Times is HORRIFIED by Giorgia Meloni's victory, screaming that it harks back to the swift ascent of Mussolini—which, back then, THRILLED the New York Times

Here’s how the Times reported Mussolini’s victory 100 years ago:
Scholar and Editor, Self Taught, Is Premier at Thirty-Eight ...

To interview Benito Mussolini is not only to interview Italy’s “Man of the Hour,” but Italy’s “Man of Tomorrow.” He is that person, to the lack of whom Italy has long attributed her political misfortune—a strong man.

Mussolini has brought into the Italian situation that which it has lacked, and his achievements are proof of which discipline and organization, guided by an indomitable will, personal fearlessness, profound learning, straight thinking, [and] direct action can do.

For the full half-page article, including an adulatory photo of Il Duce...
24   Booger   2022 Sep 27, 1:09pm  


Hitler is informed Italy elects most far-right government since WW2
26   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 3:57pm  


Let's see… she's pro-family, anti-LGBT indoctrination, pro-life, country over globalism, and she quotes Chesterton.

That's not Mussolini 2.0. That's what every Western leader believed until 5 minutes ago.

Now, I am not endorsing everything Meloni has ever done and said. Frankly, I don't know much about her apart from what I've seen the last couple days. But if THIS is the kind of stuff the Left is worried about, I wish it would come here.
27   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 8:20pm  


I still don't know for sure that Meloni is one of the good guys. Her speech was excellent though.
28   Patrick   2022 Sep 27, 9:55pm  

This article argues that Meloni has no power, and that Italy is actually run from Brussels and DC.
30   AD   2022 Sep 27, 11:28pm  

Patrick says

Goes well with "threat to democracy" = "threat to Democrat party"

31   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Sep 28, 5:22am  

Ceffer says

now that i know that npc guy is from pbs logo, i can’t stop laughing at it even more
33   Patrick   2022 Sep 28, 3:36pm  

Flashback 2018: Meloni On Macron & The Illegal Invasion

original link
34   Patrick   2022 Sep 28, 3:38pm  

Meloni is right. The global corporations want to abolish the family.
35   Patrick   2022 Sep 28, 7:44pm  

This article claims Meloni was always against forced injections:


She has always expressed doubts about the appropriateness and efficacy of vaccination (denouncing the dictatorship of vaccinists: “whoever has doubts is treated as a terrorist”), caution towards an unverified fluid (“this is a vaccine in trial, which ends in 2023”), respect for the theories of Professor and Nobel Laureate virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier, total opposition to the vaccination of children, as well as an argued criticism of personal restrictions and forced closures of production activities. Unlike other self-styled liberal politicians, she and her party have always voted against bills that, in various forms, pushed for anti-covid vaccination, finally opposing the infamous decree of January 7, 2022, that required it by law. ...

Were many of the deaths that plagued these two and a half years of pandemic avoidable?

Why did the political and health authorities substantially inhibit the use, especially at home, of drugs that, evidence in hand as early as April 2020, cured the disease, saving lives and also avoiding hospitalizations?

Why was the vaccine injected in the absence of genuine informed consent? Why has the state never assumed legal and legal responsibility for the mass inoculation that it was more or less imposing on citizens?

Why have the data on the efficacy (or ineffectiveness) of vaccines not yet been made public?

Or maybe that data hasn't even been scientifically collected?

Why have vaccinating doctors systematically, stubbornly and a priori denied (with superficiality, arrogance and violence befitting bureaucrats and not doctors) the exemption from vaccination to people with health problems who advised against it?

Why did the political-health institutions literally demonize those who, for clinical or other reasons, did not want to take this pseudovaccines?

Why did those same institutions go so far as to impose – Italy as the unique case among Western countries – indiscriminate vaccination by law, and not only by type of work activity?

And then, how much are the economic damage caused by the closures that have been imposed on entrepreneurs?

What interests lie behind the exclusion of any early (and therefore home) therapy that did not provide for the useless "watchful wait" and the inevitable consequent hospitalization?

And so why, if the main problem seemed to be the clogging of hospitals, did the state not favor any therapeutic attempt at home, rather than relying on the sequence that led to resuscitation and intubation?

And again: how much will it cost the health system to treat the negative side effects caused by vaccines? ...

The epidemiologists who praised this mass "vaccination" from zero to one hundred years of age behaved in line with their dogmatic and positivistic theories, closed in their methodological dullness, and the same goes for the bureaucrats. But the politicians who they imposed that indiscriminate inoculation with the experimental fluid, indelibly staining their public image, they broke the trust that the citizens of libertarian and conservative orientation had in them, in the place of which a profound mistrust took over, at best, and, at worst, an unshakable reproof.

Those politicians who, froth at the mouth, have sadistically and opportunistically forced the population into the hateful blackmail of having to undergo a vaccine that has proved useless and harmful in equal proportion, have torn up the personal freedom with which they had hitherto filled that one same mouth. ...

A good psychoanalytic investigation would show how in weak minds (and even more so in sadistically perverse ones) emergencies become an opportunity to vent resentments and to subrogate frustrations, like that minister who gloated in front of the cameras for the restrictive measures that would have locked up the unvaccinated like mice , that virologist who called for an amnesty for the unvaccinated (as if they had committed a crime), that avid vaccinist politician, capable only of repeating like a mantra: science tells us (yes, the bureaucratized science that peddled nonsense for get to mass inoculation?) or that mayor of a north-Italian city who equated the unvaccinated even with deserters to be shot. This long sampling of mental horrors (and deviances) corresponds to a specific psycho-political-social typology, and is connected to the delirium of omnipotence of scientism (degenerative disease of science) as well as to the devastating arrogance of many politicians. ...

Giorgia Meloni had the courage to highlight this crucial aspect, with a few but decisive lines (January 7, 2022), denouncing the dictatorship of the vaccination obligation (and then there is still someone who accuses Meloni of fascism):

“or you sign the informed consent by taking responsibility for a vaccination that is in fact imposed on you, or they take away the bread from the teeth of you and your children. This is not an obligation: it is State extortion. Where have the libertarians of this Nation gone? Where have the champions of the Constitution gone? Is it possible that they are all silent, bent with fear? Because here the issue is no longer the vaccine: the issue is what kind of society we are going towards. I do not intend to live under a para-Chinese model and I want to fight because we do not intend to mediate with anyone on rights and principles”.
36   WookieMan   2022 Sep 28, 8:03pm  

Patrick says

This article argues that Meloni has no power, and that Italy is actually run from Brussels and DC.

Probably true. Italy is a shit hole and so are its people. I'm not talking Sopranos type characters either. They're just generally bad people from my experience. Almost all of them are shady in business that I've dealt with.

I like Greeks the best out of Europe. Though they tend to be drunks. So do Italians though I suppose. The French can eat dick on a stick. But if given a choice for a European trip, Greece is #1.

Sorry, the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America are hot spots for Euros so I've met quite a few. Obviously an expensive trip for them, but they're generally all snobs. Don't tip (I know they don't at home), but those people make dick serving you food and drinks at a resort. Toss them some cash. Brits and Italians are the most entitled cunts on the planet when it comes to service industry.
37   richwicks   2022 Sep 28, 8:15pm  

WookieMan says

Brits and Italians are the most entitled cunts on the planet when it comes to service industry.

I've worked in the service industry when I was 18.

Don't piss off your server, EVER. If you don't like the service, you can explain what was wrong, politely and constructively, ONCE you have gotten the food and don't return if you think you've pissed them off.

What you should get used to, is being nice, considerate and polite.
38   gabbar   2022 Sep 29, 4:38am  

Patrick says

The corporate media always mislabels the center as "right wing".

Right wing Patrick says

The corporate media always mislabels the center as "right wing".

So if you are pro-country, you are right wing. However, if you are anti-country and a globalist, you are a Democrat. WTF.
39   gabbar   2022 Sep 29, 6:29am  

I don't understand why a country like Italy would have a recent large group of Chinese immigrants. How are Chinese immigrants compatible and good for Italy? Glad to hear about Meloni. I have been cheering her on. I expect EU and Brandon to go after her.
40   Hircus   2022 Sep 29, 6:50am  

richwicks says

WookieMan says

Brits and Italians are the most entitled cunts on the planet when it comes to service industry.

I've worked in the service industry when I was 18.

Don't piss off your server, EVER. If you don't like the service, you can explain what was wrong, politely and constructively, ONCE you have gotten the food and don't return if you think you've pissed them off.

What you should get used to, is being nice, considerate and polite.

So true. I had friends who worked in food service, and they all agreed that the raving idiot talking condescendingly to staff routinely got a spit burger. It was common.

I'm always very polite and friendly to them. It's either that or I just leave.
41   Patrick   2022 Sep 29, 10:18am  


YouTube says Giorgia Meloni family values speech was "mistakenly" removed

YouTube removed a video featuring incoming Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The video is of a speech she gave at the 2019 World Congress of Families, where she focused on family values.

The removal of the video sparked outrage among many, considering the video had been on the platform for years and was only censored when Meloni was elected as Italy’s first woman Prime Minister.

In the speech, Meloni outlines why she believes family is important:

“Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?

"There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves.

"And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity.

"I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number.

"Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of the financial speculators. The perfect consumer.

"That’s the reason why we inspire so much fear. That’s why this event inspires so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being. Every single human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family.”

After YouTube was contacted about the censorship of the video, the Big Tech platform restored the video and said that it was censored in error.

"Upon careful review, we determined this video is not violative of our Community Guidelines and have reinstated it," said a spokesperson for YouTube. "We enforce our policies regardless of the speaker's political views and when it's brought to our attention that a video has been mistakenly removed, we review the content and take appropriate action, including restoring the relevant videos or channels - as we have done with this video."

YouTube did not explain why the video was removed in the first place.
42   gabbar   2022 Sep 29, 10:39am  

Patrick says

“Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?

"There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves.

I would like to hear these words from a mouth of a mainstream American politician.
43   Patrick   2022 Sep 29, 2:22pm  



The Pacific should really get a non-Twitter site, because Twitter will inevitably ban them.
46   RWSGFY   2022 Oct 1, 9:11am  

Italy gets rewarded for its return to the center:

Russia’s state-controlled Gazprom PJSC suspended natural gas deliveries to Italy

48   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 10:25am  


Why does the media never call world leaders ‘far left’?
It’s all about far-right ‘fascists’ while actual communists escape pejorative
49   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 7:38pm  


Italy’s new health minister announced Friday that doctors and other healthcare workers who refused the COVID-19 injections will be reinstated soon.

Health Minister Orazio Schillaci said in a press release on Friday that “a measure is being defined which will allow the reintegration into service” of those who were “subject to suspension procedures for non-compliance with the vaccination obligation.”

Schillaci added that the new government under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will cancel fines imposed on people over 50 years old who refused to comply with the COVID vaccine mandates.

The previous Italian administration under Mario Draghi’s leadership imposed a vaccine mandate for all people over 50 years old earlier this year, making Italy one of a few European countries to impose a blanket COVID vaccine mandate for residents.
50   Patrick   2022 Nov 8, 12:19pm  


Forza Meloni! Italy Closes Ports to Migrant Ships in Defiance of the Globalist European Union

Meloni’s government so far has refused safe port to four ships in the Mediterranean Sea carrying over 1,000 illegal African migrants combined. This marks a return to the policy under former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini from 2018-2019, which saw illegal immigration into Italy plummet by 96% in two years. Migrant deaths at sea also went down because of the border controls, proving that secure borders save lives.
51   RC2006   2022 Nov 8, 12:38pm  

Large cities in Italy are turning into US lib cities.
52   HeadSet   2022 Nov 8, 6:26pm  

Patrick says

Schillaci added that the new government under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will cancel fines imposed on people over 50 years old who refused to comply with the COVID vaccine mandates.

Imagine the anger of those who got the jab only to avoid the fine.
53   Patrick   2022 Nov 8, 7:44pm  

Fuck those cowards.

Their spinelessness harmed their country. They should have absolutely refused to take any and all mandatory injections. Anything less is wormlike.
54   Patrick   2023 Apr 3, 1:14pm  

Finland also may be recovering sanity:


Finland’s “woke” Prime Minister Sanna Marin has been defeated in her reelection bid by her conservative opponent.

Marin has been instrumental in pushing her nation, and neighboring Sweden, to join NATO, much to the outrage of bordering Russia.

The radical PM is also closely linked to the World Economic Forum (WEF). ...

Finnish conservative leader Petteri Orpo beat Marin in a close three-way election race.

“We got the biggest mandate,” said Orpo, the leader of the National Coalition Party.

Orpo’s party won the election after a dramatic night in which the result gradually swung away from Marin’s Social Democrats.
55   Patrick   2023 May 20, 9:58am  


Italy's media is roasting hypocritical @JustinTrudeau after he lectured Italian PM @GiorgiaMeloni on LGBTQ issues.

"The 'democrat' Justin Trudeau who, after having repressed legitimate protests against compulsory vaccination, tries to give lessons on rights."

56   RWSGFY   2023 May 20, 10:56am  

RC2006 says

Large cities in Italy are turning into US lib cities.

Italy has always been way more Commie than anyplace in the US.
57   Ceffer   2023 May 20, 12:21pm  

Deportation is your friend.
59   HeadSet   2023 Jun 6, 5:00pm  

When we have fallen to the point where we are taking lessons in freedom and values from the Italians we are in deep shit.
60   Misc   2023 Jun 6, 5:08pm  

HeadSet says

When we have fallen to the point where we are taking lessons in freedom and values from the Italians we are in deep shit.

I woke up one morning listening to the former head of the KGB lecturing America on moral values. --- Thinking what the fuck planet am I on.

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