Took 6 years to take the license of E. Scott Sills, MD

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2022 Oct 24, 7:24am   2,485 views  25 comments

by MMR   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Those of you who have been here for 10 years or more remember turtledove.

Not here as much as I used to be - so I apologize if this has been mentioned before


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1   WookieMan   2022 Oct 24, 7:38am  

I've been spontaneously tracking it. Here's the update from Orange County Circuit Court. Fucking A do our court systems like to drag their feet.
2   Shaman   2022 Oct 24, 8:53am  

Didn’t he contact you, @MMR post her death? I thought some of the details surrounding that were odd as well.
Side note: told my wife when it happened and she got a fear of stairs for a bit. Then the murder investigation began and it all started to make more sense. Susan was a lovely person and didn’t deserve what happened to her…
3   MMR   2022 Oct 24, 2:58pm  


He did - strangely that conversation I cannot find - only my replies to him.

This was from a homicide cop who spoke to me for more than 40 minutes although I can’t think of what he had to talk about for so long

< Inbox information request ^ V

Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 19, 2018, at 1:05 PM, Holloway, David J wrote:
| Hello. I am an investigator for the Orange County Sheriff's Department in California. I am investigating a suspicious death in which the victim communicated with you on Patrick.net.
I was hoping I could speak to you by phone.
However, if you are in southern California, I could come and meet you somewhere.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Investigator D. Holloway
Orange County Sheriff's Department
Criminal Investigations Bureau - Homicide
714-647-7050 office I 714-647-4009 fax
4   Patrick   2022 Oct 24, 3:09pm  

@MMR I was also called by a homicide cop in the spring of 2018.

I said everything that I know about Turtledove. I'm pretty damn sure that her husband did it.
5   MMR   2022 Oct 24, 3:17pm  

His email is gone but I remembered him saying that his wife suffered from migraines and fell down the stairs to her demise and that he would still be able to see me and my wife.

It was strange and my initial shock was followed by the feeling that the whole story was suspect.

Just sounded so odd

Apparently he hasn’t been practicing since 4/2021 when his license expired and he apparently had difficulty to renew. But the revocation of his license only happened in august this year apparently

I am not a constitutional law scholar by any means whatsoever but 6 years is ridiculous- only ge benefits from the lack of a speedy trial but it would seem to me that a speedy trial is in the best interest of all parties involved including the public
6   Ceffer   2022 Oct 24, 5:37pm  

I'm still in a bit of shock from poor Turtledove's demise. I will never forget the consistent drubbings she gave Iwog, while still being lady like and measured in her responses.
7   MMR   2022 Oct 24, 6:17pm  

Ceffer says

I'm still in a bit of shock from poor Turtledove's demise. I will never forget the consistent drubbings she gave Iwog, while still being lady like and measured in her responses.

Ah, those were the days.
8   MMR   2022 Oct 24, 6:21pm  

Patrick says

@MMR I was also called by a homicide cop in the spring of 2018.

I said everything that I know about Turtledove. I'm pretty damn sure that her husband did it.

I'm just disgusted by the whole thing - I don’t know why it has taken so long.

Her entire family thinks he did something too.

Losing equilibrium off of a migraine just seems rather far fetched - maybe seizure disorder but even that is incredibly far fetched.

He literally practiced 5 yrs almost exactly to the day from the day of the incident

Just unbelievable

9   WookieMan   2022 Oct 24, 9:15pm  

MMR says

Losing equilibrium off of a migraine just seems rather far fetched - maybe seizure disorder but even that is incredibly far fetched.

Falling down stairs or anywhere and death resulting for someone of her age is extremely rare. It's the elderly that generally die from a major fall. Someone would have heard it as I believe they had 2 or 3 kids in the house if I recall correctly, plus her husband.

I cracked my head on a table in my basement and was bleeding out for 5 minutes before the EMT's arrived. I had no clue. Woke up an hour later in the ER. I was sick with a flu bug and I think combined with strep. Couldn't eat or drink for 2-3 days and I just fainted. If a 220lb man can hit the edge of a table completely out, unconscious and my kids and wife hear it from upstairs, through a door, I don't see how someone wouldn't have come to her attention immediately. Even if you're 90lbs, falling down stairs is not a quiet endeavor.

Also, prosecutor and judge wouldn't keep this going if they believed there wasn't enough evidence. My sister was a county prosecutor and their office was't going to waste much time on what if type cases. You don't proceed to trial as a prosecutor and lose. It happens, but as with anything in life you cherry pick the things you can win.

We'll see though. Covid be damned, but our judicial system in this case is pure shit. Innocent or guilty you can't drag this shit out this long. It's not fair to all parties involved. At some point everyone just needs closure. It's like an open wound at this point that is infected. Hopefully the judge gets this shit together. $1M bond is pretty serious.
10   Ceffer   2022 Oct 24, 10:32pm  

My brother's wife died in a stair fall, and my brother nearly as well. I can't get a clear story about it. When I looked up stair deaths, which occur pretty regularly, although mostly in people over 50, it seems that intoxication is involved in a high percentage of incidents. Klutzy couples or drunk couples can both die falling down stairs at the same time.

I surmise my brother, well over 200 pounds, may have been intoxicated and his much smaller wife was trying to help him up the stairs and they both fell down. A nephew came calling two days later because he hadn't heard from them. He looked through a window and saw both of them on the floor beneath the stairs. He had a key, so he saved my brother's life, but was too late for her. She was dead, and my brother must have been severely concussed, he was on the floor for two days and had a broken shoulder. He was in hospital recovering for two weeks.

It was one of those weird happenings that come out of the blue, since I wasn't close to my brother but I did keep in regular contact with his wife through emails just checking in.
11   Karloff   2022 Oct 25, 9:46am  

The medical industry, like the legal industry, has a terrible track record of policing itself. Look at how long this guy got away with his crimes despite his actions and behavior being screaming red alarms:

12   WookieMan   2022 Oct 25, 11:19am  

Ceffer says

My brother's wife died in a stair fall, and my brother nearly as well. I can't get a clear story about it. When I looked up stair deaths, which occur pretty regularly, although mostly in people over 50, it seems that intoxication is involved in a high percentage of incidents. Klutzy couples or drunk couples can both die falling down stairs at the same time.

I just cannot fathom that. Not saying it didn't happen and sorry for your loss. I get or have gotten plenty hammered in the past. The only time I fall down the stairs is bringing laundry to the basement and it was kids toys or something like that, tripping over it. I think I've done that twice. Wooden stairs. Bumps and bruises, nothing major.

If I'm fall down hammered I go to bed either in place, literally on the floor or walk myself to a couch. That hasn't happened in years. No different than driving as well. I'll sleep at a friends house, uber/cab, hotel or just sleep in the car and toss the keys in the back in some compartment. Again not a frequent occurrence, but has happened in my past.

I also only sip on beer all night if out with friends. I can see how shots and mixed drinks can fuck people up. I stopped hard liquor after almost dying when I was about 18 after a binge. It was bad. So I swore that shit off. Reaffirmed that thought process when my BIL passed away from a handle of vodka a day habit at 40 last year. I've been weaning off booze, well beer over the last 3-4 years. I just don't get how people cannot control it. I guess I learned my lesson young.

I also never got that vibe from TD either with drinking here on the forum. Possible, sure, but I know users here can tell if I've had some drinks from my posts, or so I think. Her whole situation doesn't add up on paper.

Either way $1M bond generally means the judge believes you did it and the prosecutor has presented solid evidence of foul play. Letting your medical license go or your state board pulling it is even more evidence of foul play. I just wish the family closure at this point. It's been dragged out way too long.
13   Onvacation   2022 Oct 25, 12:07pm  

WookieMan says

It's been dragged out way too long.

Floyd OD'ed. Chauvin thrown in the dungeon. Covid cured. And this guy is STILL free.
14   Tenpoundbass   2022 Oct 25, 12:35pm  

MMR says

Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 19, 2018, at 1:05 PM, Holloway, David J wrote:
| Hello. I am an investigator for the Orange County Sheriff's Department in California. I am investigating a suspicious death in which the victim communicated with you on Patrick.net.
I was hoping I could speak to you by phone.
However, if you are in southern California, I could come and meet you somewhere.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
Investigator D. Holloway
Orange County Sheriff's Department
Criminal Investigations Bureau - Homicide
714-647-7050 office I 714-647-4009 fax

He asked me if someone here had any reason to suspect me, as that person sent him my way. Which he never disclosed who it was.
He knew it was pure BS, because I was in South Florida throughout the 2016 election and there after. I never even personally met anyone on or from Patnet.

Then he wanted to know why we cared so much that She died, and why it affected us like it did. Which I thought was a weird line of questioning.
16   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 1, 4:46pm  

Patrick says

MMR I was also called by a homicide cop in the spring of 2018.

I said everything that I know about Turtledove. I'm pretty damn sure that her husband did it.

did you get to testify? if trial is still going, you can call DA office.
17   WookieMan   2023 Dec 1, 4:51pm  

Patrick says


Starts Monday for real I believe. Actual jury trial. I keep up on it occasionally. Covid either dragged this guy through the mud or gave him too many years free. Let the jury decide. The whole thing stinks, but I'll give anyone a chance.
18   Patrick   2023 Dec 1, 7:50pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

did you get to testify?

The trial started Tuesday, and I testified yesterday in Orange County. I'm not supposed to talk about my testimony until the verdict.
19   komputodo   2023 Dec 1, 8:09pm  

Ceffer says

I'm still in a bit of shock from poor Turtledove's demise. I will never forget the consistent drubbings she gave Iwog, while still being lady like and measured in her responses.

wasn't she supposed to flop her goods but then backed out of the deal?
20   stereotomy   2023 Dec 1, 10:36pm  

komputodo says

Ceffer says

I'm still in a bit of shock from poor Turtledove's demise. I will never forget the consistent drubbings she gave Iwog, while still being lady like and measured in her responses.

wasn't she supposed to flop her goods but then backed out of the deal?

She did flop her goods, then hubby found out and murdered her.
21   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 1, 10:48pm  

i remember very vaguely she was going to go to some patnet meeting, but suddenly disappeared from forum and never came?

been too long.
22   Ceffer   2023 Dec 2, 12:53am  

Sad. I still laugh when I think of her encounters with entrenched male chauvinist pigs. She thought I was a wimp because I said I was afraid of women and children, especially children. Still am. Maybe that's why I am still alive.
23   WookieMan   2023 Dec 2, 5:40am  

Patrick says

The trial started Tuesday, and I testified yesterday in Orange County.

Hmmm. Orange County docket said Monday for next date. Whatever, you'd know since you testified.

I get the jury cannot talk about a case publicly, but aren't these things open to the public and media usually if it's big enough? I had to sit in (watch) on a bunch of trials as a young kid that my dad was working as an attorney while my mom was doing graduate school in the summers. I didn't know what the hell was going on at that age, but if press or public was present couldn't they just speak of your testimony anyway?

We'll find out in due time. Although it's taken ages to get through all the pre-trial shit it seems. Maybe CA does it differently, but there's been plenty of televised trials out of that state #OJ. So I'm surprised you cannot talk about it when you can watch trials live in some cases.
24   HeadSet   2023 Dec 2, 6:33am  

stereotomy says

She did flop her goods,

Someone even posted her topless photo on Patnet.
25   RC2006   2023 Dec 2, 11:50am  

What a shame, husband looks like a psycho with crazy eyes.

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