BREAKING NEWS: Paul Pelosi's 'alleged attacker' pleads NOT GUILTY on all counts

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2022 Nov 1, 8:35pm   6,662 views  49 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

So far, this is what we think we know:

Clad only in his underwear, the alleged attacker approached the Pelosi mansion from the street and proceeded to scale the wall that surrounds the Pelosi mansion. He was also carrying a hammer. Apparently, no security officers were present at this time. The alleged assailant allegedly broke a back window in order to gain entry. Rather strange too that no security alarm went off (strange as well that some of the broken glass was found on the OUTSIDE, indicating a possible break from the INSIDE). Paul & Nancy Pelosi are worth several HUNDRED million dollars, she is Speaker of the House, let us assume that a highly sophisticated security system HAD to be in existence, yet, the alarm did not go off? This leads some to speculate that Pelosi may have let the alleged attacker in, or, arrived with him at the same time.

The alleged attacker, who was clad in only his underwear, allegedly gained entry and proceeded to Pelosi's bedroom where he immediately attacked Pelosi while allegedly screaming "where's Nancy." (No one has stepped forward to make the claim that he actually said that. Paul Pelosi didn't because he was rendered unconscious by being beat in the head with the hammer, so who heard him say that?) At some point during the alleged attack in which Paul Pelosi was 'bloodied,' Paul Pelosi informed the alleged attacker that he needed to 'use the bathroom,' to which the alleged attacker agreed. Really?? Conveniently, Paul Pelosi was charging his phone in the bathroom, so he used it and dialed 911, according to the report "He states there is a male in the home and that he is going to wait for his wife. He stated that he DOESN'T KNOW WHO THE MALE IS BUT THAT HIS NAME IS DAVID and that HE IS A FRIEND. He sounded somewhat confused." HUH ??? Kind of strange too that Paul Pelosi didn't lock himself in the bathroom while waiting for the Police to arrive, instead, he returned to the bedroom!

When the Police arrived (for what they claimed was a "wellness visit" at 2:25 AM), they found Pelosi and the alleged assailant with 'both hands on a hammer', originally implying that this event occurred in the foyer of the front door, where an 'unidentified third person' had opened the door for the Police. That story has now been amended. The Police now report that this event took place in PELOSI'S BEDROOM, where Pelosi was allegedly attempting to get the hammer away from the underwear clad alleged assailant. (Why the Police didn't IMMEDIATELY subdue the alleged assailant is a mystery. Somehow, or so the story goes, the alleged assailant broke free, gained control of the hammer, and thereby hit Pelosi in the head, causing 'serious injury,' and rendering him 'unconscious.')

Since then, ANOTHER hammer was found in Pelosi's BEDROOM (which is perfectly natural. Everyone keeps hammers in their bedroom, don't they?) So the hammer count is not one, but TWO.

Stay tuned. This story gets stranger and stranger. And by the way, despite the media's and the Democrats' attempt to paint the alleged assailant as a MAGA lunatic, he is anything but that. He's reported to be a 'Castro male prostitute,' a Black Lives Matter supporter, flew an LGBTQ+ flag outside his residence, has been an aggressive advocate for public nudity, etc. In short, he's a radical liberal nutcase!

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1   BayArea   2022 Nov 1, 8:45pm  

This story has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese.
2   Patrick   2022 Nov 1, 9:02pm  

RayAmerica says

Democrats' attempt to paint the alleged assailant as a MAGA lunatic, he is anything but that

He's apparently not even American, but an illegal immigrant from Canada who overstayed his visa by many years.
3   Ceffer   2022 Nov 1, 10:27pm  

His absolute defense is he had Paul's DNA on his dick. 'Nuff said. The hammer was just S&M play at Paul's request.
4   Ceffer   2022 Nov 1, 10:37pm  

The last place they want this is at trial. He'll either be patsy suicided, or heavily bribed with a NDA and plea bargain furloughed after an agreed prison term that will keep him on ice.
Given his level of impulse control, it would probably be the former rather than the latter.

The Globalists are becoming unapologetically bold and obvious in their murders and manipulations, don't even care about the publicity any more they are so smug in their immune powers.
5   Misc   2022 Nov 2, 12:19am  

I'm sure that the prosecutors have evidence that DePape ... uhhh .... walked to Pelosi's in his underwear from Berekley.
6   steverbeaver   2022 Nov 2, 1:38am  

I don't believe the gay angle or other MSM / altnews popular threads right now. What I do believe is that this was an argument over compensation as an activist.
It is surprising that this isn't a more popular perspective given how many more people now realize that we are constantly lied to and mislead by a hostile occupier.
7   WookieMan   2022 Nov 2, 4:05am  

I just don't care. You're 3rd in line to POTUS. You don't have security??? You don't have cameras?? I have 8 around the exterior of my property and I'm an average person, or so I think. The government will also pay for your security. None of this story makes sense. I tend to believe almost any theory about this story, not sure which one. This was 100% planned though to try and influence elections.

And not to come across as partisan, remember speaker Hastert? Diddled little kids as a wrestling coach and then paid the kid (now adult) off and made the mistake of withdrawing more than $10k from the bank almost weekly. My family knew him before he became speaker. We grew up 15 minutes away in Sugar Grove and he was in Yorkville.

So the gay angle is not that insane. Powerful people are easily corrupted. And think they can get away with it.
8   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 2, 8:05am  

Does anyone seriously think that this is going to go to trial, where the real facts just might see the light of day? Imagine Pelosi's 'friend David' telling all, under sworn testimony? He seems like the type (he is an activist) that would just love to take the stand and testify on his own behalf, while advancing perhaps his cause for public nudity.
Will he take the stand while clad in only his underwear? And why not? He walked from Berkley to Pelosi Manner, clad only in his briefs, scaled the wall, broke into the residence and allegedly assaulted poor Paul in his bedroom. This is San Franfreako, and if DePape wants to testify in his underwear, who's to say he can't?

Having said all that, I have a funny feeling that Pelosi's "friend," who is "named David," is going to have a hanging incident inside his holding cell, and by shear coincidence, the
video cameras will have all mysteriously malfunctioned and jail guards will sincerely swear that they 'heard and saw nothing.'

This can't happen, can it? I mean, these types of things only happen in 3rd. world banana republics whereby the politicians, justice system, and the so-called media are all equally corrupt. Can it happen? NO WAY! As Dear Leader Biden is fond of shouting ... 'C'mon man, THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!'
9   WookieMan   2022 Nov 2, 8:20am  

RayAmerica says

Having said all that, I have a funny feeling that Pelosi's "friend," who is "named David," is going to have a hanging incident inside his holding cell, and by shear coincidence, the
video cameras will have all mysteriously malfunctioned and jail guards will sincerely swear that they 'heard and saw nothing.'

Was Pelosi even assaulted though? Who the hell tries to fuck someone up an 80 year old with a hammer? That would be easy to do. He was able to make a phone call. This clearly has the appearance of a domestic issue. Nothing else makes sense.

I have no issue with nudity, but the guy was still in underwear. With hammer. If he was truly a nudist he'd have been naked. 1+1 is not = 2 here. If violence was the intent he'd be dead or brought a gun. Another red flag is how do you know where Pelosi lives if you don't know them? I highly doubt they hold title in the home in their name. Likely a trust. That's a tough one to crack. If you get that far to cracking that, you'd have likely known to check flight aware or other resources and known Nancy wasn't home.
10   Patrick   2022 Nov 2, 10:45am  

WookieMan says

You're 3rd in line to POTUS. You don't have security??? You don't have cameras??

Right... just like the cameras in Epstein's cell.
12   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 2, 10:53am  

MYSTERY CONTINUES: The FBI, San Fran Police, and San Fran DA Won’t Confirm Whether Third Person Opened Door at Pelosi Home


If there wasn't a 'third person,' how exactly did the Police enter the home? If there is a 'third person,' we have a material witness in the case.
Perhaps that is why they are hedging on providing this information. Without the witness, the narrative can be constructed according to how
they want this story to read, which you can be assured it will not be damaging to team Pelosi.
13   WookieMan   2022 Nov 2, 10:54am  

Patrick says

Right... just like the cameras in Epstein's cell.

It's not even about monitoring though. I have a 2TB hard drive recording ANYTHING that comes and goes around my house. 24/7 recording. Not motion detection, just continuous recording. Every inch of my exterior has a camera on it.

I'm an above average Joe from the Midwest, but it's unfathomable that the House Speaker didn't have more security. It's not even in the realm of possibility. I get alerts when there's a fucking squirrel in my yard. There's no way someone just broke into the Pelosi home without knowing them. ZERO. This whole story is bull shit. Whether it's the gay thing or something else, they knew this guy.
14   Patrick   2022 Nov 2, 11:02am  

They could have been holding onto the same hammer.
16   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 2, 1:48pm  

They claim they have a security video of the perp approaching the house and breaking the glass door.
17   Patrick   2022 Nov 2, 1:49pm  

How did the glass scatter outside?
18   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 2, 1:50pm  

Patrick says

How did the glass scatter outside?

No idea. But in my vague childhood memories it doesn't always cleanly falls inside the house when you break a window with a ball...

Would be interesting to see the vid. If they release it.
19   KgK one   2022 Nov 4, 6:51pm  

Perpetrator entered and said " where is Nancy boy" where is Nancy boy.
20   Blue   2022 Nov 4, 7:39pm  

This must be a DNC job. In 20/80 rule, 80 never really care about facts. It brings in enough votes if they can manage sympathy fake story for about 10 days. It doesn’t matter what comes after.
21   clambo   2022 Nov 5, 12:33pm  

Home cameras are not usually monitored at 2am by anyone.
What I want to know is how and why Paul Pelosi knows the perp.
22   Patrick   2022 Nov 5, 12:38pm  

clambo says

What I want to know is how and why Paul Pelosi knows the perp.

23   Patrick   2022 Nov 5, 7:12pm  


Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘Paul Pelosi Should’ve Been a Gun Owner and Shot His Attacker’
25   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 5, 8:29pm  

Paul Pelosi's and his "friend" David's favorite song:

Peter, Paul & Mary sing "If I Had a Hammer"

26   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 5, 8:30pm  

democrats so fucking gay
27   Patrick   2022 Nov 6, 1:47pm  


Democrat Narrative on Pelosi Attack Crumbles as Suspect’s Ex-Partner Reveals He’s ‘Very Progressive’
28   Ceffer   2022 Nov 6, 1:51pm  

We are behind the smoke screen of fake news, now, and official garroting of the truth and all of the police et alia., so whatever happened will be purely speculative.

They managed to squelch the presence of the underage kid in the Porsche with Paul when he got his DUI, so the veils and curtains have closed. If it was a false flag, it failed.
32   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 13, 7:56pm  

Bombshell: Witness Claims Bodycam Footage Shows Paul Pelosi Opening the Door so Why Did the Department of Justice Lie?

33   Patrick   2022 Nov 17, 9:04pm  


Body Cam Video Shows Paul Pelosi Opened Door for Police, Despite DOJ Saying Otherwise: Source
The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit spoke with a source familiar with the Pelosi investigation, who personally viewed body camera video recorded by officers responding to the Pelosi's San Francisco home.
34   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 18, 11:06am  

Judicial Watch: San Francisco District Attorney Refuses to Release Details of Police Response to Assault of Paul Pelosi

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the San Francisco district attorney refused to provide documents and video of the police activity at the home of Paul Pelosi, husband of the Speaker of the House, where David Wayne DePape was arrested following an alleged assault on October 28, 2022.

Among the items District Attorney Brooke Jenkins refused to release are a recording of Paul Pelosi’s 911 call and police officers’ body camera footage. Nikki Moore, assistant district attorney, took the unusual step of providing some details about the incidentresponse to Judicial Watch’s California Public Records Act request:

The two persons present at the Pelosi home when the SFPD arrived where [sic] Mr. Pelosi and Mr. DePape. Please see the online posted document that reflects that Mr. Pelosi was the only person in the home at the time of the attack. Seehttps://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/01/us/david-de-pape-motion-to-detain.html. You can obtain an official copy of this court record from the Superior Court.

37   Patrick   2022 Nov 19, 7:39pm  


SFSO told Fox News last week that a person presenting themselves as an immigration official arrived at the county jail Oct. 31 seeking access to DePape for an interview. However, they said the person was denied access due to a lack of government credentials -- instead saying they only presented a business card. ...

However, an ICE official has since told Fox News Digital that the ICE agent, an Enforcement and Removal Operations deportation officer, not only attempted to conduct an in-person interview with DePape, but also had government ID.

"The officer identified herself and presented her government issued credentials bearing her photo, name, position and organization," the official said. "[San Francisco County Jail] denied the DO's request to interview DePape."

Um, what? So a federal immigration agent showed up to speak to an illegal immigrant, and the sheriff was just like...

Of course, maybe this has something to do with it:

[A] spokesperson also said that it is the policy of the [sheriff's] office to refuse ICE employees entry into the jail if they are engaged in civil immigration enforcement -- meaning they likely would have been denied access even if they had presented a legitimate credential.

Whatever the heck is happening over there... it's weird.
38   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 19, 9:08pm  

Funny too as to how this blockbuster story has just magically disappeared from the Corporate owned Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the mainstream media.
39   HeadSet   2022 Nov 20, 7:21am  

RayAmerica says

Funny too as to how this blockbuster story has just magically disappeared from the Corporate owned Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the mainstream media.

True, the follow-ups on the actual facts have ghosted. But the media still refer to the "attack on Pelosi's husband" in such a manner to imply it was a right wind political hit. The AP assholes even wrote in a front-page news article that this "attack" was one of the reasons Pelosi is stepping down - fear for her family's safety.

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