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richwicks saysThat's all that happened.
That IS a huge element, but this can't be reduced to a single cause of course. During this time, the US was naturally losing the postwar manufacturing hegemony we enjoyed for decades. No fault divorce and women entering the workforce en masse were also big factors/
But if we forced families to go to one income today though, wages would likely soar. People would also have to do actual "work" as well. Corporations have just thrown bodies at labor and just reduced wages, yet output is likely less for 2 low pay jobs versus 1 higher paying in the same field. Basically pay two people $10/hr and get 80% of output from paying one person $18/hr who doesn't want to lose their job.
The top companies in the US have no interest in retaining people. They know they can churn and burn them. They don't want to retain. They don't wan to give raises. They know there's another sucker in the weeds waiting to fill that job vacancy.
No, it didn't. FDR did back in...1932 or so.
Bretton Woods was in the late 40s. After the war.
Bretton Woods just established that the US dollar would remain convertible to other nations and that everyone else's currency be tied to the dollar.
Patrick saysWhat happened in 1971 was that the Democratic party made a deal to betray working people and unions,
Nixon who went off gold standard was a R
Bretton Woods just established that the US dollar would remain convertible to other nations and that everyone else's currency be tied to the dollar.
Nice mower too. Fast. And any of you with a riding mower I know you have a beer or cocktail while mowing. That's what mowing is...
WookieMan says
Nice mower too. Fast. And any of you with a riding mower I know you have a beer or cocktail while mowing. That's what mowing is...
Sounds like fun. Reminds me of the time a guy leveled ground for a company parking lot using a Bobcat. That guy got paid for something most men would pay to be allowed to do.
Jeremy Renner
Gruesome details of Jeremy Renner’s snowplow accident revealed in 911 call: report
Shifting of wealth from the poor and middle class to the wealthy through fiat money is called the "Cantillon Effect". Based on an obscure (and likely KEPT obscure) French Irish economist who described an effect based on the 'Emperor Node' of fiat money. Those closest to the Emperor Node aka money printing presses like politicians and industrialists and government are compensated for inflation immediately, whereas the value of money to the lower classes is depreciated, allowing those closest the the Emperor Node to increase their relative proportional wealth.
That's why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer in the fiat money economies.
There's many great charts, but here's an interesting one.
You have to to it per capita because human growth has been exponential as well.
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And many more excellent graphs there.
What happened in 1971 was that the Democratic party made a deal to betray working people and unions, and instead divide the public by race, sex, and gayness for the benefit of the oligarchy.
It was the year that Democrats starting working for Wall Street, and thus you see wages stagnate or fall while returns to capital (owners of stock) kept going up.
In 1972 Nixon went to China to work on the deal whereby all US manufacturing would be moved over there because they have such low wages, no worker rights, and no pollution controls. Very profitable for capital! Very bad for US workers.