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1   richwicks   2022 Nov 25, 2:54pm  

He looks pretty damned healthy for somebody that is about to die.
2   ElYorsh   2022 Nov 25, 4:28pm  

Any video I see with a TikTok banner on it is automatically crap for me.
3   Ceffer   2022 Nov 25, 5:47pm  

The video is consistent with the agendas. After AIDS/HIV were shown to be great toxins destroying the T cells and resulting in enhanced susceptibility to pathogens and cancers, the Pharma Mengeles have been looking for the perfect walk away poisons.

He states that the target cells for the mRNA trial he was participating in were immune system T cells, under color of fighting auto immune conditions. Killing or inhibiting T cells may work wonders for certain auto immune conditions. It also works wonders for creating AIDS like diatheses.

If you kill the immune system, you don't have to kill the target. The natural environment will kill them for you because the targets have no resistance. That's what is happening with stacking the boosters, each one causes another step down in the immune response.
4   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 25, 6:50pm  

Argos Therapeutics - they loaded a patient's dendritic cells with tumor RNA ex vivo, and then infused the loaded DC's into the patient - a cancer vaccine technology. The dendritic cells produce the protein that the RNA codes for, and displays it to T cells, to activate and expand them. So tumor antigen RNA was supposed to activate killer T cells to kill the tumor. I hadn't heard that the Argos cancer vaccines were killing people at the time. though.

They had a Phase III trial running in 2013. It is possible this is the trial the dude is referring to. They also had an HIV study ongoing. And one for lupus, too.

What was remarkable about Argos was how they kept on raising money, when the plethora of cancer vaccine companies had folded.

Since the Phase III study was for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, it may be that a lot of these folks are dead. But without treatment, that would likely have occurred anyway. But attributing the deaths soley to the RNA technology - not helpful, in fact, unecessary disinformation.
5   Shaman   2022 Nov 25, 8:34pm  

If this dude’s story is true, then as Ceffer mentioned, they’d have found their perfect walk away poison. See, a depopulation event that really gets a significant percentage of humanity is incredibly hard to engineer. Wars, even nukes are both too messy and not lethal enough. Viruses can fizzle out without causing too much death, and are hard to spread widely especially when people consider them very dangerous. Chemical poisons run into both a delivery problem and a immediacy problem. If a bunch of people get poisoned and drop dead quickly, the others are warned and the total kill count is low.

But a vaccine… you get people to line up, happy to get it, thinking they’re protected from a deadly virus. All it would take to set the stage is:
1)a new and exciting manufactured virus which has a higher than usual lethality.
2)Media complicity to pump fear porn.
3)Government complicity to do dramatic procedures to avoid the virus like lockdowns
4)artificially inflate death counts with nursing home deliberate infections and hospital care malfeasance to kill Covid patients with highly inappropriate care.
5)massive campaign for media, celebrity, government, social media, and even church leaders to push the vax as a must have.
6)mandates to pick up the reluctant.

And that’s how you vaccinate 4 billion people with something that will likely kill them in 2-3 years.
Best part is, the deaths will be quiet, unremarkable in any way except for their sheer numbers.

The Great Reset has begun.
We are at 1.75 years from first widespread vax commencement. Won’t be long now.
6   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 8:52pm  

Shaman says

And that’s how you vaccinate 4 billion people with something that will likely kill them in 2-3 years.

Where do you get the 2 to 3 year number?

My current best guess is that the vaxx has killed or maimed about 1 in 1000 people who got it already. For example, there is an editor at the British Medical Journal who thinks it is about 1 in 850. I posted a video from him. Of course those are just the relatively short-term deaths and maimings. The vaxx could well turn out to be like Thalidomide, with long-term effects that are truly horrifying, but no one really knows yet. Mandating the injection of something like that into billions of people is raw evil even beyond the Nazi scale.
7   mell   2022 Nov 25, 9:34pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Argos Therapeutics - they loaded a patient's dendritic cells with tumor RNA ex vivo, and then infused the loaded DC's into the patient - a cancer vaccine technology. The dendritic cells produce the protein that the RNA codes for, and displays it to T cells, to activate and expand them. So tumor antigen RNA was supposed to activate killer T cells to kill the tumor. I hadn't heard that the Argos cancer vaccines were killing people at the time. though.

They had a Phase III trial running in 2013. It is possible this is the trial the dude is referring to. They also had an HIV study ongoing. And one for lupus, too.

What was remarkable about Argos was how they kept on raising money, when the plethora of cancer vaccine companies had folded.

Since the Phase III study was for patients with metastatic renal cell car...

Remember them. Sounds like disinformation. There are other companies in the dendritic cell space, nothing our of the ordinary. Nwbo is one of them, also an endless saga.
8   mell   2022 Nov 25, 9:37pm  

Shaman says

If this dude’s story is true, then as Ceffer mentioned, they’d have found their perfect walk away poison. See, a depopulation event that really gets a significant percentage of humanity is incredibly hard to engineer. Wars, even nukes are both too messy and not lethal enough. Viruses can fizzle out without causing too much death, and are hard to spread widely especially when people consider them very dangerous. Chemical poisons run into both a delivery problem and a immediacy problem. If a bunch of people get poisoned and drop dead quickly, the others are warned and the total kill count is low.

But a vaccine… you get people to line up, happy to get it, thinking they’re protected from a deadly virus. All it would take to set the stage is:
1)a new and exciting manufactured virus which has a higher than usual lethality.
2)Media complicity to pump fear porn.
3)Government complicity to do dramatic procedures to avoid the virus like lockdowns

Whatever the mechanism may be, you would have to see significant excess deaths consistently to make any dent. Not impossible, but it would likely be easier to significantly reduce population by attacking fertility. I still think this was simply a giant, free,even money making, large scale mrna experiment, without the fear of ethics/consequences in the way if it goes wrong. Plenty of upside for them without the need to depopulate purposefully. Even they likely don't know how many excess deaths they have caused.
9   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 26, 4:17am  

mell says

Remember them. Sounds like disinformation. There are other companies in the dendritic cell space, nothing our of the ordinary. Nwbo is one of them, also an endless saga.

Yes, Northwest Bio, the bane of Adam Fuerstein.

The VC that invested in the company was an ex-Enron lawyer, go figure.

But using RNA transfection ex vivo is a world away from using it in vivo.
10   GNL   2022 Nov 26, 6:09am  

Shaman says

If this dude’s story is true, then as Ceffer mentioned, they’d have found their perfect walk away poison. See, a depopulation event that really gets a significant percentage of humanity is incredibly hard to engineer. Wars, even nukes are both too messy and not lethal enough. Viruses can fizzle out without causing too much death, and are hard to spread widely especially when people consider them very dangerous. Chemical poisons run into both a delivery problem and a immediacy problem. If a bunch of people get poisoned and drop dead quickly, the others are warned and the total kill count is low.

But a vaccine… you get people to line up, happy to get it, thinking they’re protected from a deadly virus. All it would take to set the stage is:
1)a new and exciting manufactured virus which has a higher than usual lethality.
2)Media complicity to pump fear porn.
3)Government complicity to do dramatic procedures to avoid the virus like lockdowns

How likely is it that you can get that many people on the same page to kill 4 billion people?
11   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 26, 6:11am  

You can look up the many clinical studies sponsored by Argos Therapeutics on Go to Advanced Search. Enter "Renal Cell Carcinoma" in the Condition or Disease field. Enter "Argos" in the Sponsor (lead) field. Quite an impressive collection of collaborating academic sites.

BTW, only 8% of stage 4 renal cell carcinoma patients survive after 5 years. This rate was probably much worse 10 years ago. And so the patients in the Argos studies with advanced RCC would have died no matter what, unfortunately. Don't smoke. Don't be obese. Eat a healthy diet. Exercise.
12   mell   2022 Nov 26, 8:32am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

mell says

Remember them. Sounds like disinformation. There are other companies in the dendritic cell space, nothing our of the ordinary. Nwbo is one of them, also an endless saga.

Yes, Northwest Bio, the bane of Adam Fuerstein.

The VC that invested in the company was an ex-Enron lawyer, go figure.

But using RNA transfection ex vivo is a world away from using it in vivo.

AF is only more often right than wrong as he is bashing every startup biotech, of which 7-8 out of 10 "fail". Anybody can do that. With NWBO it looked like he found a "gem" smelling of fraud he could dig into, and while it looked like for many years he was on the "right track" slowly obliterating them, they kept fighting back and staying alive with shady financing and a billion of shares. Now it seems like the tide may have turned and their perseverance may be fruitful. While the data is not the literal slam dunk, AF has been caught blatantly lying several times now about the first study in decades actually improving the outcome for patients statistically significantly. At $1 they are already at 1 billion market cap with their billion shares, but I give them a 25%-50% chance of buyout or partner here, and a potential target market cap of 5 billion. Still risky, but the saga ain't just over here yet!
13   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 8:38pm  

Patrick says

Where do you get the 2 to 3 year number?

@Shaman You may be right:

14   richwicks   2022 Nov 27, 2:16am  

Shaman says

And that’s how you vaccinate 4 billion people with something that will likely kill them in 2-3 years.
Best part is, the deaths will be quiet, unremarkable in any way except for their sheer numbers.

IF this is what happened:

1) Everybody that pushed this has to be executed
2) ALL their progeny needs to be sterilized. We can be humane about eliminating their gene line as completely as possible.

So - this better not fucking happen, but if that's what happened, we eliminate them entirely. Better of have not happened and if you don't stand up, fuck you. We kill them, and we entirely exterminate them, unless you want sociopaths controlling the world forever.
15   Rin   2022 Nov 27, 1:24pm  

richwicks says

Shaman says

And that’s how you vaccinate 4 billion people with something that will likely kill them in 2-3 years.
Best part is, the deaths will be quiet, unremarkable in any way except for their sheer numbers.

IF this is what happened:

1) Everybody that pushed this has to be executed
2) ALL their progeny needs to be sterilized. We can be humane about eliminating their gene line as completely as possible.

So - this better not fucking happen, but if that's what happened

Here's the problem ... it won't be so obvious. Realize, it took decades before society acknowledged that lead gasoline, paint, etc, was creating brain damage & behavioral problems among ppl. But then, it was too late (1970s) to go after the progenitors (from the 20s & 30s) & then, it was a situation of tracking down specific chemical industry executives breaking the laws.

As for the vaccines, what'll happen is that epidemiological profiles will change.

For instance, just this weekend, Irene Cara of 'Fame' & 'Flashdance' soundtracks suddenly died at 63. Perhaps in a prior time, she may have succumbed to heart disease in her 70s but today, she's a dead w/o an obvious answer from friends/family and I'm sure it'll be written off as some undiagnosed heart condition. And likewise, for other people, instead of getting their first heart attack at 75, it'll be 50 instead. And it'll be difficult for medical examiners to make a definitive conclusion that it was abetted by the vaccine over some dietary or hereditary condition.

This will start to happen across societies, as a whole, and sure, those who follow the Rin protocol to its extreme, will probably buck much of the damage but many others won't have that info at their disposal & be facing chronic conditions which will lead to a premature death.
16   whitewater   2022 Nov 27, 1:52pm  

Rin. I think you are correct.

Deaths will be excessive but cause of death will be confused / obfuscated.
17   Undoctored   2022 Nov 27, 2:04pm  

How does he know how many were in the experiment and more importantly how many survived? Would they really tell the participants if they never published the study, with or without NDA? There’s no way to verify this information. He doesn’t even tell us how he knows.
18   Ceffer   2022 Nov 27, 2:42pm  

A lot of the massacre is targeted at murdering the 'social creditors' i.e. the aging population preparing to collect on SS, Medicare and the various collapsing pension funds. However, the real population control needs to come from sterilization and emaciation of the young. Most of the middle age tier people are still producing and exploitable assets contributing to the system, and have reproduced already. You would have to murder them later when they pass 50/60 to keep them from being sops on their entitlements.
19   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 5:10pm  

Shaman says

Best part is, the deaths will be quiet, unremarkable in any way except for their sheer numbers.

A mostly stochastic genocide

In any given year, about 1.12% of the U.S. population dies.

Covid shots have increased that by about 15%. All-cause mortality will likely remain at 15% above baseline for as long as people keep taking these ridiculous shots.

.15 x 1.12% of the American population represents about 500,000 lives. But Pharma has already concluded that they can raise all-cause mortality that much and get away with it so long as they have media and regulatory capture. That’s one reason why Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter freaks them out so much — it potentially represents the first time in 3 years that Pharma has not completely controlled the narrative.)

When people hear “15% increase in all-cause mortality” from Berenson or any of the leaders in the medical freedom movement, it’s easy for the brain to mistakenly convert that to “15% of the vaccinated population dying” (in which case, this would all be over very soon). That’s not what’s happening. Instead it’s 0.15 x 1.12. So whereas the German Nazis pushed to eliminate 15% of undesirables a year, American Pharma Nazis push for a 0.15% reduction in the whole population per year. It remains to be seen which approach will cause more carnage in the long run.

The CDC employs 3 full-time fixers (John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, and Matt Oster) who spend all of their time trying to make this signal go away. Academic journals and the mainstream media will print anything that they write. So here we are with increased all-cause mortality for as far as the eye can see. But no one whose salary depends in any way on the cartel (which is a huge percentage of the U.S. population) dare call it slow genocide.
20   Undoctored   2022 Nov 27, 7:43pm  

Undoctored says

He doesn’t even tell us how he knows.

Correction: he said “according to my doctor less than five of us are still alive.” Again I don’t think the research team would have let out to the participating doctors how many people died or that all participants had their heart stop at least once (another claim the TikToker made). If the doctor was so high up that he would know he wouldn’t admit any of that anyway. There’s probably more than a grain of truth in there but I wouldn’t take anything he said as fact without further verification.
21   richwicks   2022 Nov 27, 7:47pm  

Undoctored says

Undoctored says

He doesn’t even tell us how he knows.

Correction: he said “according to my doctor less than five of us are still alive.” Again I don’t think the research team would have let out to the participating doctors how many people died or that all participants had their heart stop at least once (another claim the TikToker made). If the doctor was so high up that he would know he wouldn’t admit any of that anyway. There’s probably more than a grain of truth in there but I wouldn’t take anything he said as fact without further verification.

Here's a person that showed his face, and talked openly, and is seemingly expecting to die as a result of the gene therapy he used.

But we don't know his name, where he lives, why he engaged in this trial, and he seems in good fitness.

So, that doesn't add up.
22   Undoctored   2022 Nov 27, 7:50pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Argos Therapeutics …. They had a Phase III trial running in 2013. It is possible this is the trial the dude is referring to. They also had an HIV study ongoing. And one for lupus, too.

Here’s what they say there:

Argos launched the ADAPT Phase 3 clinical trial for AGS-003 in January 2013. The trial is expected to enroll 450 patients in approximately 120 sites, mostly in North America.

Yeah, 450 patients, not 200,000. I thought that number was way too high for a trial on this kind of treatment.
23   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 28, 4:01am  

Undoctored says

Yeah, 450 patients, not 200,000.

Yeah, yet more whacko disinformation.

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