Effective Resistance: What we really need are protestors WITHIN the machine who can bring it to a halt

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2022 Nov 30, 9:57am   1,935 views  25 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

This kind of thing is good and healthy resistance to rule by global corporations and their WEF, but is not terribly effective because the CCP/FBI/Pfizer will simply roll them over with tanks once again, as in Tienanmen square, or use police on horses to beat them into submission, as in Ottawwa.


What we really need are people WITHIN the:

- police
- military
- criminal government agencies, like the CDC, CIA, FBI, FDA, NIH, NSA
- general government administration
- even within Pfizer itself

We need people who will stand up for the Constitution and for basic human rights against Pfizer and other satanic enterprises.

People inside the maelstrom of corporate-woke evil are the ones who can best slow or stop the evil.

There should be a massive recruitment effort by the millions of people outside those institutions who personally know people inside them, to get those insiders to use their knowledge of the weaknesses in the machinery of oppression to put sand in the gears, and sugar in the tank.

How can we contact these important allies and get them to do the right thing? It takes balls and integrity, because it's great personal risk to them. One way would be to guarantee them incomes after they inevitably get fired, kind of like unions used to do for striking workers.

We need to organize, but not so much that there is a centralized head to the resistance that can be coopted by money.

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1   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Nov 30, 10:14am  

We have them. There have been many whistleblowers, and as things get more sinister, more will come out. Most people are not evil, or sociopaths. They just don't understand how awful these agencies are, but that's changing faster than it ever has in history.
2   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 10:17am  

Friend NuttBoxer says

more will come out

Yes, but anything we can do to contact them and speed up the process will save time and lives.

Maybe I should start a meme campaign about recruiting those people.
4   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 11:59am  

There should be a set of principles for all police and military:

- any leader who claims "emergency powers" must be immediately arrested and tried for treason
- unconstitutional or unjust orders must never be followed (Israel has this system, at least in theory if not practice)
- election fraud must be immediately overturned by the military and a fair election immediately run instead

What else?
5   Ceffer   2022 Nov 30, 12:17pm  

Counter Illuminati counter infiltration. Mafia infiltrate the police, police infiltrate the mafia. Vatican infiltrates governments, governments and competing religions infiltrate each other.

Our elections are infiltrated by traitors, bribed and blackmailed. Infiltrators are the parasite armies of the intra species predators. Purges are the historically mandated and inevitable if short lived solutions.
6   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 12:37pm  

What are the methods that the woke-corporate oligarchy uses to maintain a police force and army who will do unlimited evil on demand?

- expulsion of those who refuse to submit to injections of unknown substances
- "psychological testing" to find and remove others who show too much integrity
- control over pay and pensions
- blackmail from Epstein-like sources, or Stasi-like files on everyone
- tracking and logging what websites the police and military read on their own time
- others?

For each of these, once you see the leverage, you can see the effective resistance:

- doctors who quietly admit to soldiers that the death jab is poison and only pretend to give it
- fake vaxx ids
- training in how to respond to "psychological testing"
- personal savings outside the system, and a union-like fund to support those who get fired for refusing to do evil
- personal integrity such that Epstein types can't get anything on you
- training in how to surf anonymously
7   Shaman   2022 Nov 30, 1:01pm  

A guild of assassins would be better.
Take out any billionaires who promote and donate huge money to destructive organization and take out government officials who abuse their power.

The assholes would learn, eventually, that being tyrants is a swift ticket to death.
8   keeprubbersidedown   2022 Nov 30, 1:11pm  

The problem today is that if you dont toe the line your life will be literally ruined. Its crazy but I know people fired from their jobs because they posted pro Trump memes. Canadian Truckers, US Military personnel, hospital workers, etc. If your in the FBI and a whistle blower what do you get? The door.... What do you do then?
9   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 1:17pm  

That's exactly the battle.

That's why unions had funds to support people who were fired for striking.

It is admittedly easier to stand up and speak out against corporate-woke oppression if you have another job already lined up.

Another key is that if you have a good boss, you are at least somewhat protected from retaliation.

And isn't retaliation for political activity on your own time specifically prohibited by law in many states? In California it sure is. So you could go into it building a careful case against your employer and perhaps win big when they do the expected thing.
10   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 1:30pm  

Shaman says

A guild of assassins would be better.

I have to admit I've always wondered why, say, suicide bombers go after random civilians and not the specific and usually well-known people who actually made the decisions they are so opposed to.

Though there was at least one case where a super-evil guy was assassinated because of what he did while in power:


Mehmet Talaat Pasha (1874-1921) (also known as Talaat Bey) was the principal architect of the Armenian Genocide. ... Aware of the consequences he faced because of the declared intentions of the Allied Powers to hold him and his associates responsible for the extermination of the Armenians, Talaat fled to Germany where he lived under an assumed name. During the tribunal convened in Constantinople by the post-war Ottoman government, Talaat was tried in absentia, found guilty of capital crimes, including massacre, and was condemned to death. Whereas Germany refused to extradite him, Talaat was identified and gunned down in Berlin in 1921 by Soghomon Tehlirian, an Armenian whose extended family had disappeared from its native town of Erzinjan.

Lol, the problem with wiping out someone's extended family is that he will then dedicate his life to killing you. Doesn't have much left to lose.
11   keeprubbersidedown   2022 Nov 30, 1:35pm  

"California is an at-will state, which means that an employer can fire you for any reason at any time, with or without cause. This means that if your boss doesn’t like your personality, if you run out of work, if they think you’re lazy, or if they just don’t need you anymore, they can fire you at any time."
12   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 1:37pm  




Employers may not adopt or enforce any rule, regulation, or policy that forbids or prevents employees from taking part in politics or becoming candidates for public office. Employers may no control or direct the political activities or affiliations of employees or threaten to fire an employee for engaging or refusing to engage in certain political activity. Political activity covers any activity related to a candidate or cause.

You just need to be a good employee otherwise and build a very good case.
13   HeadSet   2022 Nov 30, 6:40pm  

Patrick says

personal integrity such that Epstein types can't get anything on you

Not a defense when the left can pull out a Balsey Ford type to lie. Cavanaugh had plenty of womwn vouch for him but still had to defend against a made-up rape accusation.
14   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 6:52pm  

Being innocent is actually a pretty good defense.

Most people aside from Democrats can smell bullshit when you put it right under their noses.
15   Patrick   2022 Dec 2, 9:00am  

Patrick says

Lol, the problem with wiping out someone's extended family is that he will then dedicate his life to killing you. Doesn't have much left to lose.


I can imagine that when enough people have dead relatives due to Klaus Schwab's vaxx policies, he will not be safe in public anywhere on earth.

16   Patrick   2022 Dec 3, 10:43am  


So, if there were something like a plan to reorganize the world into a global authoritarian government serving a new Global Military-Banking Complex (GMBC), using the pandemic as a smokescreen, there would be a need to starve any opposition of a combination of resources and organizational potential. The supply line breakdown (real or engineered) along with scary vaccine mandates accomplished the former pretty effectively. What would accomplish the latter?

Chaos Agents Defined
Now we have a good definition for a Chaos Agent:

A Chaos Agent is somebody whose job is to appear cooperative while sabotaging the Readiness Potential of potential adversaries.

If you're thinking, "Is this just another word to describe controlled opposition?" you're connecting to the conversation. I would describe a Chaos Agent as a particular form of controlled opposition that operates with a particular psychology in mind. And their tactics are most appropriate (and maddening) in the era of Fifth-Generation Warfare.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of ways a Chaos Agent can hinder organic movements from taking shape:

Step in as organizer. From such a position, a wide array of sabotage is possible.

Spread mid/dis/mal-information and generally sow confusion.

Formulate poor plans, or fail to execute their parts of agreed missions.

Start fights among those organizing to oppose tyranny.

Siphon funds, and redirect them to supporting their own endeavors.

What Can You Do About It?
First, you should consider that organizing more locally means that you more often know whom you're dealing with. The leadership that emerges is generally well-understood by their community, with a shared background. They have to look those they work on behalf of in the eyes every day.

Be discerning—more so with those whom you see in articles and videos directed from the interwebz. Understand that even small media outlets may very well be pre-organized machinery in a global civil war. Ask yourself what you do and don't understand fully, and keep an open mind to new information. We are being jerked around by an array of psychological operations that makes proxy trust harder than ever before to employ with high fidelity.

Educate: The more people who understand each aspect of the tools of warfare used, the more people can step away from helping the GMBC establish a new global dictatorship.
20   Patrick   2022 Dec 16, 10:52am  

From patriots.win
21   Patrick   2022 Dec 22, 2:12pm  

An alternative approach, lol:

23   GNL   2022 Dec 30, 9:53pm  

Patrick says

An alternative approach, lol:

As well as the top 500 corporations.
25   Patrick   2023 Jan 29, 8:01pm  


Good, even employees at the CDC know that the toxxine is killing people, like their co-workers.

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