by Patrick ➕follow (60) 💰tip ignore
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The DARPA 'flat earth' disinformation project was so successful, they funded it for an additional half billion dollars.
There is something in Antarctica that they seriously don't want us to know about. The Woo has even stated that there are periods of 'no fly' in which any planes attempting to fly over the region are told to leave or they will be shot down. That's in a part of the world that is supposed to be extra governmental.
It also seems to be a hobnobbing spot for the Globalists and scientists going back aways. Werner Von Braun, John Kerry, and no less recently Klaus the Schwab and Ursula von der Leyen, who went down to Antarcica last December to Rothschild Island to engage in some Satanic shit around the 'Black Sun' solar eclipse.
One of the pundits didn't mention him by name, but it was clear he was talking about Benjamin Fulford. He analyzed Fulford's information, and said that Fulford had great sources and excellent insights, but that five to ten percent of what he publishes is an agreed amount of disinformation, that his alleged intelligence sources insist on if they are to continue to give him scoop. That likely accounts for Fulford's sometimes schizoid and contradictory reporting. I guess he thinks his readers should sort out the wheat from the chaff for themselves, because 90 to 95 percent good info is worth the bargain.
It is an old game, and supposedly even steely eyed intelligence types can't always distinguish between the real and the disinfo when it is well done.
For what purpose would the white hats deliberately associate the truth with lies?
PeopleUnited says
For what purpose would the white hats deliberately associate the truth with lies?
My working theory is that almost ALL information is disinformation i.e. some form of truth mixed in with some form of manipulative fiction. Sorting is the skill, and getting closer to some version of truth is a form of targeting and triangulating. Also, the reader has a certain amount of responsibility.
I think the Fulford thing is that if he is to disperse any information at all, he has to register some of the purposeful disinformation of the sources as a kind of quid pro quo swap. in other words, putting out information with an info/ disinformation ratio of twenty to ten to one is not such a bad deal, when MSM is probably 95 to 100 percent propaganda and disinfo.
There are no angels of pure truth, but there are some who try harder than others to get as much 'tr...
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