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The accused was initially detained under section 151 (disturbing public peace) of the IPC and later released as the girl refused to lodge a complaint.
However, when the video of the attack surfaced, a case under section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code was registered against the accused.
The 19-year-old victim has lodged a complaint against the person who shot and circulated the video and a case has been registered under Information Technology (IT) Act, the official said.
I lost a lot of sympathy for her there.
its not cheating, the system is rigged and it won’t change because rich own government. and government sell outs don’t represent working class.
all income tax shit needs to be repealed. but it won’t, because rich depend on that money flowing to them through government spending.
man my favorite moment from Trump was when he told Hillary the truth about taxes. we americans were only used to bullshit, he was breath of fresh air. hillary was the usual liar, she still is. that fucking old cunt never told truth in her entire slimy life.
THat's some low information bottom feeding analysis you got going on there. Firstly everything Trump got done, he did so through executive orders, or a Supreme Court ruling. His Congress made sure nothing he wanted done got done.
Having said that, I would hope you took the most rudimentary steps to learn some basic history about the Country you immigrated to.
You would then know, Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the Tax code, his paid accountants invoke on his tax returns.
American Harder Farmer!
He used every loophole available to not pay taxes
FarmersWon says
He used every loophole available to not pay taxes
everyone does that. noone is stupid enough to voluntarily give money to this fag government if they aren’t forced
everyone does that. noone is stupid enough to voluntarily give money to this fag government if they aren’t forced
That’s how business works. Amazon was still getting rebates instead of paying taxes as long ago as three years, and it’s an absolutely massive company. Trumpco is pretty large as well. If the accountants at such corporations do not use every deduction and trick to minimize the tax the company pays, they will be swiftly fired. And if a CEO for some wild reason tells them to not use those deductions, he will be replaced by the board or fired by the investors.
Tax law is deliberately written by our supposed “representatives” to be very favorable to the mega wealthy and very unfavorable to wage slaves like most of us.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game?
The hit-piece article then goes on for several paragraphs about social-security and other payroll taxes. Well, guess what? Trump doesn't work a regular job and collect a paycheck, so he doesn't pay into social-security (although his companies pay part of employees' social security). When Trump retires, he won't be collecting social security payments either, so it cuts both ways.
You are the one making him messiah.. I am saying He is one of them.
FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
FarmersWon says
He used every loophole available to not pay taxes
everyone does that. noone is stupid enough to voluntarily give money to this fag government if they aren’t forced
If you are rich, You can hire best lawyers and they will find every loophole to save you... Not available to upper middle class.
You are the one making him messiah.. I am saying He is one of them.
Big business shouldn’t pay tax imo.
Your clearly not upper middle class. Tax accountants are not that expensive. Big business shouldn’t pay tax imo. They should hire more and more people at higher wages who pay tax.
im very aware of who Trump is, he was never a saint messiah. hes honest about it.
Is Trump a bad businessman who always have loses?..year after year..or fudging to hide income.
FarmersWon says
Is Trump a bad businessman who always have loses?..year after year..or fudging to hide income.
Seems to me that in order to have a few years of losses, you would have to have had some years of gain previously. Otherwise, you wouldn't have any assets to go down in value and generate losses. When those assets or other assets previously went up in value, I assume he did pay taxes. Yes?
Perhaps Trump has done some shady tax things, but that article doesn't really point them out. So, you post the article with your own title of "Trump is classic example of Tax Cheats." What about that article supports your claim?
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