Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,862 views  8,535 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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3985   Patrick   2023 Jan 22, 10:35pm  


All though we have had low birthrates to begin with, they have been relatively steady. But now that number has collapsed this year and no-one seems to be able to figure out why!

And this is not just happening in one country. We are seeing the same thing happening in many countries all over the world. Really strange!

For example, in the Swedish capitol of Stockholm, there has been a 14% reduction in births the first quarter of 2022 compared with 2021. And it is not only in Stockholm, the fertility has dropped all across Sweden.

3989   Ceffer   2023 Jan 23, 11:28am  

Pedo Clown Blair doing his Globalista thing, just like Delerium Tremens Gore with the Global Warming fraud.
3990   Patrick   2023 Jan 23, 3:56pm  


“My life was destroyed after the corona vaccination”: Nicolas S.

Computer scientist Nicolas S.: His suffering and illness took a toll on him Photo: Charles Yunck

It starts with a tingling in the fingers. The hands swell, become bluish. Then a sharp pain shoots up both arms. Five days after his first corona vaccination, Nicolas S. (23) from Lichterfelde experienced this for the first time. Since then several times a day. Diagnosis: suspected vaccination complication! But nobody helps him. “My life was destroyed after the corona vaccination,” he says. Nicolas S. was successful in his job as a computer scientist and also had a small software company.

His employer recommended him immunization in early summer 2021 - because of the customer contacts. In a practice in Lichterfeld, Nicolas S. had the Biontech vaccine injected. "It's just routine for me," he says. A short time later the first symptoms. "The pain was so present that I couldn't concentrate on anything anymore," he says. Desperate, he went to an emergency room. Heart attack and stroke were ruled out. Nicolas S. can no longer grip properly with his fingers and has to use both hands to support a glass from below. His vaccinator was at a loss and gave him the second dose. The symptoms worsened.

3991   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 23, 4:03pm  

The hands swell, become bluish. - cyanosis, that's the arteries having trouble with internal gases (O2/CO2). Sign of a potential clot/blockage. Tingling also.
3993   HeadSet   2023 Jan 23, 4:43pm  

Patrick says

His vaccinator was at a loss and gave him the second dose.

Dumber than owl shit.
3994   Patrick   2023 Jan 23, 4:53pm  

There is definitely some natural selection going on.
3995   Blue   2023 Jan 23, 5:02pm  

There was a coronavirus expert from UC Davis on radio kcbs 740AM Bay Area at 09:30am today. He thinks we are in endemic but everyone should get vaccinated “regularly”. He thinks there are efforts underway to have both flu and Covid in one shot for convenience! Lol! He also emphasizes that there is lots of conspiracy theorists and misinformation out there that needs to be addressed. He doesn’t believe that deaths are not related to vaccines but some other conditions….
He sounds like a pharma company representative.
3996   HeadSet   2023 Jan 23, 5:05pm  

Blue says

There was a coronavirus expert from UC Davis on radio kcbs 740AM Bay Area at 09:30am today. He thinks we are in endemic but everyone should get vaccinated “regularly”.

Sounds like that radio station owner gets lots of Pfizer ads.
3997   Blue   2023 Jan 23, 5:11pm  

HeadSet says

Sounds like that radio station owner gets lots of Pfizer ads.

In fact, it does. Pfizer always run ads and to ask your doctor it the vaccine is right for you!
3998   GNL   2023 Jan 23, 5:22pm  

Blue says

Pfizer always run ads and to ask your doctor it the vaccine is right for you!

As if doctors haven't been threatened/coerced...too funny.
3999   Blue   2023 Jan 23, 7:28pm  

Someone I know mentioned that middle of the last year his coworker in India who was in 30s got Covishield vaccine and hospitalized later died within few days. He expressed lots of doubts now on the vaccines and suggesting natural remedies to people he knows.
4000   charlie303   2023 Jan 24, 5:12am  

"SHAME ON YOU" - Truth Be Told London 21.01.2023 | Oracle Films
4001   WookieMan   2023 Jan 24, 6:00am  

Blue says

suggesting natural remedies to people he knows.

Just be healthy really. Eat as best you can and move/exercise 30-60 min a day. A 3 mile walk/hike is sufficient, and is free and easy for CA users. If your metabolism sucks then you'll have to diet and eat better. Drink less. It's really not complicated. Maybe a multi-vitamin and boost with vitamin C/D. Your immune system will handle it outside of immune system ailments like lupus. My sister has lupus, covid 2 times now and she is/was fine. It's not a serious virus at all, just an inconvenience.
4002   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 8:33am  

charlie303 says

"SHAME ON YOU" - Truth Be Told London 21.01.2023 | Oracle Films

Lol, I love the riff on "Take down the CCP"! The BBC is definitely no better. They lie continuously about the vaxx and push the woke poison.

4005   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 11:21am  


Deaths in England surge again
The mortality crisis continues - but not in countries that did not heavily use mRNA Covid jabs

The death surge in highly mRNA vaccinated countries continues this winter.

Meanwhile, less-vaccinated countries are reporting normal or below normal mortality rates.

The latest bad news for vaccine advocates came from the British government this morning.

The Office of National Statistics said it had registered 17,381 deaths in England and Wales in the week ended Friday, January 13. That figure is about 20 percent more than the five-year average - and 30 percent more than longer-term averages - for the year’s second week.

Only about 650 of the deaths had Covid as an underlying cause, the government said, so most of the excess was not related to Covid.

The British data confirms recent trends all over Western Europe, including the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Most wealthy countries that relied on mRNA Covid shots and boosters had non-Covid deaths well above normal in 2022. The problem has worsened in recent weeks, in the wake of the fall Omicron booster campaigns.
4006   Ceffer   2023 Jan 24, 1:22pm  

Translation of 'conspsiracy theorists and anti vaxxers': 'The threats are coming from truth tellers and vax injured.'

4007   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 1:33pm  

The relatives of those she murdered with toxxine mandates have a just claim to see her head on a stake, not to mention the millions injured, the businesses killed, the children whose development was stunted - it is truly her fault for whoring out the whole country of New Zealand to the WEF.
4008   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 1:41pm  



A 6 mo. old baby died in its sleep—just 10 days after receiving 4 vaccines and the new EUA gene therapeutic all at once. This democide must end.
4009   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 24, 2:38pm  

URGENT: Deaths in England surge again
The mortality crisis continues - but not in countries that did not heavily use mRNA Covid jabs

The death surge in highly mRNA vaccinated countries continues this winter.

Meanwhile, less-vaccinated countries are reporting normal or below normal mortality rates.

The latest bad news for vaccine advocates came from the British government this morning.

The Office of National Statistics said it had registered 17,381 deaths in England and Wales in the week ended Friday, January 13. That figure is about 20 percent more than the five-year average - and 30 percent more than longer-term averages - for the year’s second week.

4010   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 24, 2:48pm  

35,702 Vaccine Deaths in VAERS Since 1990 – 32,052 of those Deaths Followed COVID Shots in Last 2 Years

A search of all recorded deaths following vaccines in the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for the past 32 years, starting in 1990 when the VAERS database was setup, shows 35,702 deaths for those 32 years, with 90% of those deaths, 32,052, occurring in the past 2 years following the emergency use authorized (EUA) COVID-19 “vaccines.”

4013   charlie303   2023 Jan 25, 11:41am  


British MPs pretending to be concerned about excess deaths but still clueless as to the real cause.
4016   Patrick   2023 Jan 25, 9:08pm  


On Monday, a freshman college student at Grand Canyon University (GCU) in Arizona died suddenly after collapsing while working out on campus.

Steven Spellman, 18, died suddenly after suffering from a “medical emergency” that took place on campus, according to a statement from his university.

“It is with heavy hearts and great sadness that we share that a student, Steven Spellman, passed away last night from a medical emergency that occurred on campus,” GCU wrote on its social media account. “Please keep Steven’s family, friends and the GCU community in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.”
4017   GNL   2023 Jan 25, 9:17pm  

I think "Medical Emergency" is replacing "Died Suddenly" now.
4018   Patrick   2023 Jan 25, 9:23pm  


Friends and family of a teenage boy who died suddenly have raised almost £13,000 in his memory.

Ted Sanderson, from Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, collapsed while in class at Woodham Academy when he went into cardiac arrest in June 2022.

The 14-year-old was taken to James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough where he died.

His death shocked the community and sparked an outpouring of tributes to the teenager, who loved music, spending time with his friends and family and wanted to be a teacher.

Died in June 2022, but I don't think I had his death on this thread.
4019   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 25, 9:28pm  

Liberals might have been running, but those in the know might not have.
4020   Patrick   2023 Jan 25, 10:20pm  


The number of excess non-Covid deaths has soared in the United States, with an additional 300,000 Americans dead since 2020, new official data shows.

The latest federal government data shows that staggering numbers of Americans are dying unexpectedly.

In the past two years, 300k more deaths than usual were recorded that cannot be attributed to Covid.

Between February 2020 and the end of 2022, the number of excess deaths was 1.26 million, the data shows.

Of those 1.26M, around 295,000 did not have Covid listed as their main cause of death on their death certificates.
4021   GNL   2023 Jan 26, 5:54am  

There will have to be a shit ton more than 150,000 excess deaths per year for this to matter one bit.
4022   richwicks   2023 Jan 26, 10:03am  

GNL says

There will have to be a shit ton more than 150,000 excess deaths per year for this to matter one bit.

We will know in time.

A plus about this is in order for people to do anything, unfortunately, if they have to realize that something has been done to them for them to take any action whatsoever.

As soon as this went from 2 weeks to a month, there should have been demands for this to stop. I am flabbergasted at just how easily people I formerly respected and looked up to really have no ability to consider they've been duped. It's shocking.
4023   Patrick   2023 Jan 26, 10:16am  


Washington State University police investigating death of freshman student

By KIRO 7 News Staff
January 25, 2023 at 4:27 pm PST

Campus police at Washington State University are investigating the death of a freshman who was found dead in his dorm room Sunday.

The Whitman County coroner’s office identified the student as 19-year-old Luke Morgan Tyler.

According to The Spokesman-Review, Tyler was found dead in his dorm room at WSU’s Perham Hall on Sunday afternoon. WSU police assistant chief Dawn Daniels told the Review that foul play is not suspected.


WSU system-wide will require proof of the COVID‑19 vaccination for the 2021–2022 academic year for all students engaging in activities at a WSU campus or location.

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