Trying to find Mobilization Stories for Ukraine...

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2023 Jan 28, 10:10am   3,286 views  33 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

And found some Pride and Current Thing stuff!

MSN wants you to see all these Gay Men in their "Open Asshole Society" in Ukraine
(Warning: Obvious gay bait photos for clicks)


Note that none of them are in the military, are all walking around as civilians (one blurb talks about them living in Lvov) and they seem to be dodging the Ukranian Draft Patrols, yet taking cash, food, etc. from Fag Photographers to pose. Western Euro gay author whinges ceaselessly about conservativism, Putin, etc. with his PoMo Degenerate worldview.

More evidence this whole thing is a joke. Some 40 year old poor tractor repair guy from a village is drafted by Mafia-Oligarch thugs and thrown on a bus with his kids screaming, but 19-year old Gays in the Cities are posing for Eurofag money.

If I lived in "Free" Europe, this entire post would be deemed hateful and I'd be looking at fines and possibly jail time.

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1   Patrick   2023 Jan 28, 10:44am  

AmericanKulak says

If I lived in "Free" Europe, this entire post would be deemed hateful and I'd be looking at fines and possibly jail time.

True. America's not dead yet, though the left is trying hard to kill it.
2   PeopleUnited   2023 Jan 28, 8:28pm  

All the able bodied men in Ukraine are fighting on the front lines for God and country. The Ukrainian patriotism is off the charts! That is why pretty much the only person you ever see is their fake president beating the war drums, all the other men are too busy fighting to have time for interviews. Everyone knows this instinctively which is why the media never reports this absolute truth. The Ukrainian men are now being trained on how to use German, French and American tanks because they will be decisive in the inevitable victory over the Russian dictator.
3   RWSGFY   2023 Jan 28, 8:49pm  

PeopleUnited says

All the able bodied men in Ukraine are fighting on the front lines

Put down the bong: in a country of 44 million people there should be at least 10 million able-bodied man. They can't all be in a 1M-strong army, because 1M << 10M, duh.
4   RWSGFY   2023 Jan 28, 8:51pm  

Wait, so AFU is not a "woke ghey horde"? IT CAN'T BE!!!!
5   PeopleUnited   2023 Jan 29, 4:54am  

Any Ukrainian men who are not fighting on the front lines are traitors not fit for duty. They are obviously puppets of Putin who hate the great sovereign nation of Ukraine that has existed from ancient times as an indivisible bastion of peace and liberty. Every part of Ukraine has always been a part of Ukraine and no part of Ukraine has ever been controlled occupied or influenced by any outside power, ever.
6   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 29, 8:43am  

Patrick says

AmericanKulak says

If I lived in "Free" Europe, this entire post would be deemed hateful and I'd be looking at fines and possibly jail time.

True. America's not dead yet, though the left is trying hard to kill it.

i don’t know if its just the left, right is same shit. we have major problems and cultural issues. incentives that drive bad choices.
7   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 29, 8:57am  

you guys do realize Ukraine is fucked?

Iraq, Stria, Lybia… precedent there. itll be stone age country if past is indication of the future. the longer the war, the more shit gets destroyed that will never be built back better.
8   mell   2023 Jan 29, 12:14pm  

cisTits says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

you guys do realize Ukraine is fucked?

Anyone who looks for the data out there instead of being brainwashed by the propaganda media knows this.

Ukey Nazi Fluffers of PatNet

The Ukey Nazis are now building their THIRD army after the other two were wiped out by Russia's strategy of inflicting massive attrition on the enemy while the Ukeys fought an idiotic war for territory they soon won't be able to hold.

Zelensky now has conscription press gangs rounding up so many Ukey men on the streets that there are videos online giving tips on how to pass like a woman more than Corporate Klinger did on M.A.S.H.

Turns out it's Ukey men are trying avoid being slaughtered on the battlefield rather than Russian men, now. Russian artillery-caused mass casualties that can't be hidden by Kyiv censorship anymore might ...

The Ukrainians we know are good people, and I can confirm that nobody wants to go fight for corrupt stooge zelinsky. Anecdotal but I haven't heard of anybody picking up weapons and happily and willingly defending their village. Instead they would like negotiations and this shit to be over as fast as possible.
9   Misc   2023 Jan 29, 10:06pm  

The Ukies would love to overthrow/assassinate etc Zelenski, but our CIA keeps offing those that try to get that act together.
10   Robert Sproul   2023 Jan 30, 7:27am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

itll be stone age country if past is indication of the future. the longer the war, the more shit gets destroyed that will never be built back better.

I am not so sure. Ukraine liberalized foreign ownership of farmland a couple of years ago and Zelensky is already in negotiations to sell Ukraine to BlackRock as a fixer-upper.
11   komputodo   2023 Jan 30, 9:15am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

you guys do realize Ukraine is fucked?

Iraq, Stria, Lybia… precedent there. itll be stone age country if past is indication of the future. the longer the war, the more shit gets destroyed that will never be built back better.

Are you saying that the ukranians haven't taken Moscow yet? And removed Putin from power?
12   komputodo   2023 Jan 30, 9:18am  


PeopleUnited says

All the able bodied men in Ukraine are fighting on the front lines

Put down the bong: in a country of 44 million people there should be at least 10 million able-bodied man. They can't all be in a 1M-strong army, because 1M << 10M, duh.

in our country of 330 mil people, how many ABLE BODIED MEN are physically ready and willing to fight?
13   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 30, 9:43am  

The OP article makes it clear that "Some People" aren't being drafted at all, despite being able bodied men full of hate for PUTLER! and being all gay and shit. They are active and able bodied enough to pose suggestively for gay Western European Globohomo Phluffer Phag Photographers, yet they seem to recline in their Ukraine apartments in luxurious repose.

I also posted an article about Wokie Dokie Purple Haired Freak Girls living rent free and doing fartsy artsy BS in Lvov on NGO (read: Government) dimes, when they should be nursing wounded soldiers or working in ammo factories.

According to the BBC (I know, I know), 12M Corrupkraine residents have fled to better welfare benefits and OnlyFans in Europe.

Meanwhile, videos I can't verify have 30+ working class, employed males in rural villages with young children being dragged kicking and screaming with beatings into trucks to be sent to the front as Westernized Urbanized Ukies flee to the western third or to Europe.

This is the opposite of the scene from Godfather II where Michael notices the kid pulls a grenade in fervor for the Revolution.
14   Peter P   2023 Jan 30, 9:49am  

Want stories? Just go to the Slavyangrad Telegram channel.
15   mell   2023 Jan 30, 9:52am  

AmericanKulak says

The OP article makes it clear that "Some People" aren't being drafted at all, despite being able bodied men full of hate for PUTLER! and being all gay and shit. They are active and able bodied enough to pose suggestively for gay Western European Globohomo Phluffer Phag Photographers, yet they seem to recline in their Ukraine apartments in luxurious repose.

I also posted an article about Wokie Dokie Purple Haired Freak Girls living rent free and doing fartsy artsy BS in Lvov on NGO (read: Government) dimes, when they should be nursing wounded soldiers or working in ammo factories.

It's interesting (and sad) with so little credible information leaking out, and so much propaganda. Our Ukrainian friends so far have had as many power outages as we have in CA without war, other than that they seem to be doing relatively fine. I know of one attack that was nearby somebody's place a long while ago. We pray for their continued safety, but it doesn't look like there is fighting going on in Kiev and West of Kiev, looks like most is at the eastern border, and around the regions that have always been contested. That is exactly why the narrative now suddenly has switched to "weakening russia" or "ousting putin", as they could easily initiate peace talks and diplomacy for those contested areas, but instead they send more weapons and are trying to escalate, e.g. "targeting weapons arsenals far into russian territory, potentially with fighter jets", WTF?! This is now solely on the US warmongers, leftoids, neocons, rinos, they want to keep stirring shit up and wasting more human lives.
16   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 30, 9:59am  

Regarding Ukraine, what exactly is at stake as far as America's national interests?

Second question: Is Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt nation, really worth risking an all-out nuclear war with Russia?
17   mell   2023 Jan 30, 10:12am  

RayAmerica says

Regarding Ukraine, what exactly is at stake as far as America's national interests?

Second question: Is Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt nation, really worth risking all-out nuclear war with Russia?

1) Nothing
2) It's not, but it's worth initiating negotiations, and show the world that the US can still engage in diplomacy as a world leader. Somebody doesn't want that though.
18   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 30, 10:16am  

I think most Ukrainians know it's all bullshit and aren't willing to put their asses on the line.
19   mell   2023 Jan 30, 10:26am  

AmericanKulak says

I think most Ukrainians know it's all bullshit and aren't willing to put their asses on the line.

Note that since the internet is working pretty much 99% of the time, all electronic transactions work fine. They also seem to have enough food and other resources, probably money is the. most likely issue. So it's easy to send somebody you know monetary aid, as rare/disrupted goods obviously inflate in price, but nobody so far asked for anything when offered. Instead the various governments and NGOs tell you "we know how to handle this just give us all your taxpayer money!", and these corrupt MFers certainly don't spend a dime on those in need or on peace. This is another recent development of centralizing power. Back in the days we sent care packages directly to people in the DDR, sure they could get intercepted, but they would write back when received and send pictures of them and stories. Nowadays it's those fucking NGOs who are as corrupt as the globalist governments they work for who basically completely cut you off from any transparency, take your money, and then likely spend it on trans globo homo blm agitprop while enriching themselves. There is definitely a need for a decentralized peer-to-peer help system, and that's where crypto was an initially hopeful candidate. Bottom line there is a need to circumvent globo homo governments and warmongers whenever possible. Decentralize this shit somehow now! How is it possible with all the recording power that we have right now and powerful electronic devices, that a conflict is as censored as this one and only propaganda makes it out of there?!
20   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 30, 11:20am  

Ukranian police continue kidnapping men to fight for Zelensky.
21   zzyzzx   2023 Jan 30, 11:33am  

PeopleUnited says

Any Ukrainian men who are not fighting on the front lines are traitors not fit for duty.

Or they don't have the training capacity for them yet. Same with Russia actually. The same would apply to mostly every other country at the monent as well.
22   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 30, 11:37am  

mell says

Note that since the internet is working pretty much 99% of the time, all electronic transactions work fine. They also seem to have enough food and other resources, probably money is the. most likely issue. So it's easy to send somebody you know monetary aid, as rare/disrupted goods obviously inflate in price, but nobody so far asked for anything when offered. Instead the various governments and NGOs tell you "we know how to handle this just give us all your taxpayer money!", and these corrupt MFers certainly don't spend a dime on those in need or on peace. This is another recent development of centralizing power. Back in the days we sent care packages directly to people in the DDR, sure they could get intercepted, but they would write back when received and send pictures of them and stories. Nowadays it's those fucking NGOs who are as corrupt as the globalist governments they work for who basically completely cut you off from any transparency, take your money, and then likely spend it ...

Your Lips to God's Ears.

The Media keeps showing the odd stray missile or arty shot, but it's pretty clear from interviews on the streets that life for 90% of the Ukrainians who haven't taken advantage of easy visas is pretty damn normal. When people do die, it seems mostly to be in the same contested Luhansk/Donetsk provinces, and it's a handful. More civilians probably get shot on a Saturday Night in Chicago than die in Ukraine on a typical day.
23   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jan 30, 2:56pm  

komputodo says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

you guys do realize Ukraine is fucked?

Iraq, Stria, Lybia… precedent there. itll be stone age country if past is indication of the future. the longer the war, the more shit gets destroyed that will never be built back better.

Are you saying that the ukranians haven't taken Moscow yet? And removed Putin from power?

not saying that at all.
24   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 30, 3:25pm  

Joe Biden is sending F-16's to Ukraine. That's what you send when you got a village of bastards and fuckers you want to level, so your supply lines can advance.
Fortwayne is correct, the Ukraine is fucked!
F-16's are not your combat support aircraft of choice, they are not Abram Tank companions, they are for bombing the shit out of places, and air space dominance.
Which we should have sent F-35s as Putin would surely send their gen 5 jets and not old cold war era Migs.
It would seem to me, that if American Policy makers gave a good greasy fuck about the Ukes on the ground. Then they wouldn't be sending fire and brimstone. But rather the Warthog A-10 so they could judiciously take out tank columns, supply lines, and even the regiments and battalions in their transport carriers.
If we send F-16's there, then the ethic genocide in Ukraine will go into hyperdrive they will level every village that has pro separatist or Russian heritage to ashes.
25   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 30, 3:32pm  

LOL I guess someone finally realized that F-16 is the only aircraft Joe can think of when bringing those pesky civilians in line.

26   PeopleUnited   2023 Feb 1, 9:03pm  

zzyzzx says

PeopleUnited says

Any Ukrainian men who are not fighting on the front lines are traitors not fit for duty.

Or they don't have the training capacity for them yet. Same with Russia actually. The same would apply to mostly every other country at the monent as well.

It was sarcasm. The narrative is that Ukraine needs bullets and tanks. The reality is that most of their people would not and do not want to fight for Zelensky. The majority of people in Ukraine want peace, even if it means giving Putler what he wants.
27   Eric Holder   2023 May 8, 11:41am  

Here's a juicy mobilization story for ya:

Desperate Russian men are changing their gender in a bid to avoid fighting for war-mad Russian President Vladimir Putin's army in Ukraine.

The mad claim has now seen Putin's officials aim to tighten the laws surrounding gender in the hopes that it will stop panicking males making the drastic switch.

Putin has so far lost a whopping 770,000 troops in battle, with more than 570k of those being soldiers who were injured so badly that they can no longer return to battle.

And with a shockingly high death toll of around 193k, more and more Russian males are trying to find ways to avoid fighting after Putin closed the boarders to anyone who had been drafted.

According to Russia's justice minister, Konstantin Chuychenko, officials were looking at ways to “take a step towards enshrining family values in the Russian law” in response, especially as in Russia you can change gender just filling in a form rather than having surgery.*

He said: “This will allow us to rule out the possibility of changing a person's gender purely by changing the documents.

“A person who changes their passport gender but physically remains the same can get married and adopt children, (which) could result in various legal complications.”

And the Telegraph reports that Nina Ostanina, a Russian Communist Party MP, said: “Both MPs and the justice ministry have suspicions about the growing number of such changes.”

“Those men who did not manage to flee the country after Vladimir Putin's mobilisation last September had rushed to private clinics to do the paperwork.”

A vote on the new rules is set to take place next week, and be rushed through Parliament by May 15.

According to official stats, just 2,7000 men changed gender in Russia between 2018 and 2022 – no new figures have been released since the start of the war, however.


*) Who knew that our GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER'S country was not only abortion-friendly but pretty trans-friendly too!
28   richwicks   2023 May 8, 12:01pm  

Eric Holder says

Putin has so far lost a whopping 770,000 troops in battle

What political satire site is this from? The US State Department?

I doubt they've lost even a tenth of that.
29   Onvacation   2023 May 19, 1:06pm  

Eric Holder says

Putin has so far lost a whopping 770,000 troops in battle, with more than 570k of those being soldiers who were injured so badly that they can no longer return to battle.

How many soldiers has Ukraine lost?
30   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 17, 1:35pm  

Old bald guy unsuccessfully trying to get mobilized for Ukraine: https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1669789313918459904
31   Bd6r   2023 Jun 18, 9:21am  

Cramer about Ukraine in early 2022:


His predictive abilities make Ukrainian victory inevitable
32   richwicks   2023 Jun 19, 1:45am  

Eric Holder says

Putin has so far lost a whopping 770,000 troops in battle, with more than 570k of those being soldiers who were injured so badly that they can no longer return to battle.

Where did you get this figure from? The Ministry of Truth?

According to (this piece of shit) Russia has https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Armed_Forces

1,154,000 active personnel. if 770,000 troops have died, that's roughly 66% of their armed forces.

The WORST claims I've heard (very possibly ACTUAL Russian propaganda) is that 300,000 Ukrainians are dead, that would mean Russia is losing more than 2 men for every Ukrainian.

Considering how the US government fucking LIES all the time about EVERY fucking war, I'm inclined to believe the "Russian propaganda", although the lowest estimate for the number of Ukrainian deaths is around 150,000 plus 40 thousand missing and presumed dead. According to the Discord leads (if you can believe them - and you know you can't!) it's a 6:1 kill ratio in favor of Russia.

Eric Holder says


*) Who knew that our GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER'S country was not only abortion-friendly but pretty trans-friendly too!

I know Western media is pure bullshit.

I don't know much about Russia, but I do know Western propaganda. I doubt there's any truth to the story at all.
33   Eric Holder   2023 Sep 19, 11:52am  

The mobilization pool is sooooo deep that there will be no rotation for anybody already mobilized until the end of the war:


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