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David McConnell, a Christian street preacher, was convicted of "harassment" in a British court of law in 2021 for saying that a transgender individual was really a "gentleman" and a "man in woman's clothing." At the time of the incident, McConnell was abused, assaulted, and had some of his belongings stolen by passersby before being arrested.
Now, as the preacher is appealing his conviction, a new report by the Daily Mail revealed that officials even reported the Christian man to the UK's "Prevent" counter-terrorism program over his views.
Yep, he was reported as a terrorist for saying men are men and women are women. This is real life.
According to McConnell's probation officer, the preacher was "viewed to be persistently and illegally espousing an extreme point of view," so the government official "routinely liaised with my colleagues in the Joint Counter Terrorism Team."
Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, had something to say about the whole thing:
"This case represents a disturbing trend in our society which is seeing members of the public and professionals being prosecuted and reported as potential terrorists for refusing to celebrate and approve LGBTQ ideology. The Bible teaches clearly that we are born male and female; this belief and the freedom to express it in public without fear of being arrested or reported as a terrorist to Prevent must be protected."
Although disturbing, this seems to be the new Orwellian normal for British law enforcement.
Brazilian Congressman Nikolas Ferreira torches the woke agenda
This was his address to Congress on International Women’s Day:
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WFFT) -- Indiana Senate Bill 480 is one of more than two dozen pieces of legislation targeting the transgender community at the moment: a record number in the state.
Political Science professor Michael Wolf with Purdue Fort Wayne says that's no accident.
"I don't want to say it's strictly political, but there's a lot of elements that this is a truly important and mobilizing pieces of legislation," Wolf said.
"I think it's a lot of people that don't understand the transgender community, and they see this community as vulnerable and a great political talking point," Thad Gerardot with Allen County Democrats said.
This specific bill would make it illegal for minors to have genitals surgically added or removed, and it would be illegal for them to take cross-sex hormones or puberty blockers.
"Clearly, in the culture war we're in, this has become an identified issue," Wolf said.
My proposal is this: that, on this coming Friday, March 17th, the people of Dublin stream on to the streets as has been their custom in the past, to participate in the Saint Patrick’s Day parade. They should bring with them tricolours and other flags or banners celebrating Saint Patrick, perhaps totems, relics or images of the saint, and symbols of his teaching in the iconic form he bequeathed us. They should line up along the parade route as usual, gently pressing themselves to the front. And, when the Dublin Pride pageant comes within a hundred yards or so, they should turn their backs on it, so that the message goes around the world that Ireland is finally standing up to Woke and all it has drawn down upon us, that there are some things that lie beyond the Pale of human tolerance, and this is one of them.
What a statement that would be! Let us do it now, before it is too late to speak against these darkening evils.
One of the strangest facets of the iatrogenocide is that many Democrats can no longer tell the difference between adults and children. It brings me no joy to note this. But it’s everywhere and I have not seen others report on this so I will.
1. Democrats at all levels of government — from President Biden on down to county supervisors and city council members — believe that children should be able to make the decision to take puberty blockers (such as the chemical castration drug, Lupron) and undergo sex change surgery that will leave them permanently infertile.
Nearly all mainstream medical associations (e.g. the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Endocrine Society) and public health agencies are staffed by Democrats and they are all on board with this.
Democrats are making several extraordinary intellectual mistakes in this case:
• Thinking that children have the intellectual capacity to make an informed decision about complex medical issues with lifelong implications;
• Not even bothering to study the possible long-term harms from this approach;
• Seeing adulthood as a disease to be prevented; and
• Not realizing that in many cases Pharma and surgeons are enriching themselves by taking advantage of children on the autism spectrum.
In a sane world, any one of these points would end this scheme. And yet Democrats all fell in line in the space of 15 years.
2. Nearly every blue state pushes minor consent bills to allow children to be vaccinated at school without their parents’ knowledge or permission. It’s nearly impossible to overstate how evil these bills are.
• Children are not old enough to properly weigh risks and benefits from vaccines.
• Children will not know their full medical history and any possible contraindications going back to infancy.
• What happens if the child is injured by a vaccine and the parents don’t even know that a vaccine was administered? How will the parents apply for injury compensation during the brief window of eligibility without knowing what was done to their child?
• Minor consent bills are a violation of federal law that requires vaccine information statements to be provided to the parent or legal guardian for any vaccines on the childhood schedule.
I also want to underscore the brazen hypocrisy of minor consent bills. Democratic lawmakers claim that children are mentally capable of making a decision about vaccination. Yet, these bills do NOT allow a child to REFUSE a vaccine that their parents have consented to. So are children capable of making this decision or not? It seems that Democrats consider children to be capable decision-makers insofar as they are submissive and obedient to the drug cartel and all risk of harm is borne by the child, in secret. ...
Now the Democratic Party wants society to remain in a condition of permanent childhood with the Pharma state as the (abusive) parent. Democrats’ most cherished policy goal seems to be a dystopian version of Peter Pan.
What is it about adulthood that Democrats fear?
I think the answers might be surprisingly straightforward.
Pharma fears adults because only adults can hold them accountable. No adults, no Nuremberg 2.0. So Pharma wants as few adults in society as possible. Totalitarian regimes always attempt to disrupt families because they are an independent source of power outside the control of the state. Also, Pharma makes a fortune from poisoning kids with vaccines, treating vaccine injuries, poisoning kids (many of whom are on the spectrum) with puberty blockers, surgically mutilating kids, and just generally destroying people’s health. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a police state where people are required to remain obedient children forever.
A world-renowned biologist has destroyed the Left’s “woke” narrative regarding gender by confirming that there are only “two sexes.”
During a new interview, Richard Dawkins, the famed British evolutionary biologist, cited his decades of study on the subject while commenting on the transgender narrative.
Speaking with host Piers Morgan on his show “Uncensored,” Dawkins also decried activists who attacked “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling for saying there are only two genders.
Dawkins told Morgan that those attacking Rowling are “bullies.”
That is too bad, as it gives the Dem an out. Now the Dems can force all that other transFacism without the blowback from sports.
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So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.