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Thomas Massie
The incoming GOP House majority can defund every executive order. I would start with the COVID-19 vaccine mandates that are unconstitutional and illegal.
Feb. 1, 2023
On Tuesday, Congressman Thomas Massie gave a speech explaining the reasons the vaccine mandate against healthcare workers must end.
“I rise in support of this resolution because it would facilitate the passage of HR 497, the Freedom for Healthcare Workers Act,” he said. “What does that bill do? It ends the unscientific, illogical, immoral, unconstitutional, unethical vaccine mandate on healthcare workers that is predicated on lies.”
He listed the five predicates for the mandate that turned out to be lies:
1. The vaccine prevents spread
2. The vaccines don’t cause any harm
3. The mandates are scientific
4. Natural immunity should be ignored
5. Nobody’s liable for the damage the mandate can cause
As he put it, “We’re living under medical malpractice martial law right now under the PREP Act and the EUAs.”
He concluded by dropping the ultimate truth bomb. “This is the epitome of hypocrisy. Nobody in this room was mandated to take a vaccine, and we’re voting on whether we’re going to force people who want to take care of people whether they have to take the vaccine.”
The House of Representatives has voted in support of a bill that would force manufacturers to tell consumers if Internet-connected devices have a built-in camera or microphone.
On February 27, House lawmakers overwhelmingly voted in favor of the measure.
The move hand enforcement of the rule over to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
That requirement does not cover certain devices, such as “a telephone (including a mobile phone), a laptop, tablet, or any device that a consumer would reasonably expect to have a microphone or camera.” ...
The motion’s opponents include a number of well-known conservative and libertarian lawmakers.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) all voted against it.
There should be a website with a place for the public to discuss each Congressman and his/her votes.
I already have them all on patrick.net, at least the ones before the midterms, and was hoping people would comment on Congressmen here.
The NYT gave Congressman Tom Massie (R-Kentucky) 3 pages in last Sunday's paper
And they could not find anything bad to say. Which is why he is my favorite Member of Congress. A Jeffersonian.
It is a very long article so I won’t post the rest, but you can see the guy is smart, sharp, and he isn’t afraid of anyone. Note: he is simply honest about the fact that the electricity to fill up his Tesla comes primarily from coal in Kentucky; in your neighborhood it might come from nuclear, natural gas, or oil. Most people think the Tesla is “clean” but that electricity has to come from somewhere.
Support his PRIME Act that would allow local farmers to sell meat locally without a lot of federal rigmarole that has put many out of business. He also is drafting a similar Act for selling fresh milk locally. And he wants to end the Department of Education. He was a speaker 2 weeks ago at the Attack on Food and Agriculture I hosted.
Rep. Massie, Judiciary Committee Launch Probe Into Reports Biden Admin Pressured FDA Over COVID Booster Approval
Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie sent letters Monday to senior Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vaccine officials, letting them know the House Judiciary Committee will be investigating allegations the Biden administration interfered in the FDA’s authorization and licensure of the COVID-19 vaccines.
The Daily Caller first obtained the letters to Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Philip Krause, both of whom resigned following President Joe Biden’s announcement in August 2021 calling for adults to receive a COVID-19 booster shot, which Massie says “put undue pressure on FDA health officials to quickly authorize the vaccinations.”
The extra money is all grift and laundering to campaign donors.
Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky), is on top of the problem of war criminals embedded in the U.S. health agencies who are trying to engineer genetic medical treatments into our fresh food supply. Yesterday, he successfully introduced a budget amendment prohibiting the USDA from doing any more mRNA research:
It’s great news. Keep it up!
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a corrupt government that considers anyone that questions them and their rigged elections as “terrorists” to be able to shut off my vehicle at will, just saying…
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a corrupt government that considers anyone that questions them and their rigged elections as “terrorists” to be able to shut off my vehicle at will, just saying…
The extra money is all grift and laundering to campaign donors.
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