Desantis confirms my suspicion.

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2023 Mar 20, 9:40am   1,625 views  24 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Calls Trump's leak a "Rumor", say he will not respond to rumors about some Soros DA. Sounds like he knows it's a trap sprung by Trump, to end the sham investigation.
And the reason DeSantis would know this, because the boys that back him, are the same boys in the meetings on "how can we Fuck Trump?".
The cases around the country are not meant to actually produce an indictment, they are only to serve to shit on Trump, and the more they trample on his constitutional rights. The more the TDS crowd can say Trump doesn't deserve rights because he's guilty of what ever they are investigating him for.
The way DeSantis skirts the issue with a dismissive tone, is really telling. All of the other RINOs even if they know what's up. They played along, which might help them in the future. DeSantis on the other hand, has another thing coming if he thinks he's going to just mealy mouth his way out of this. Notice DeSantis doesn't rebuke these bogus investigations, which he admits that they are. He is just dismissing the reports Trump will be indicted as a Rumor, which I suspected all along.


DeSantis on Looming Trump Indictment: ‘We’re Not Going to Be Involved’ with a ‘Manufactured Circus by Some Soros DA’

this dig here, should be all the proof on where DeSantis stands on all of this.

“I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair. I just I can’t speak to that.

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1   Shaman   2023 Mar 20, 9:56am  

No idea what point you’re trying to prove here. That DeSantis is insufficiently loyal to his primary competitor?
2   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 20, 10:04am  

“I’ve seen rumors swirl. I have not seen any facts yet and so I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I do know this: The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor,” DeSantis said when asked about the looming indictment after a weekend of silence on the matter.

DeSantis skirted saying something nice, like all of the RINOs had to do, by instead calling it for what it is. And I'm wagering that he can say that, because he KNOWS exactly what it is, and what is going on, and why it is being done. His donors has a seat at that decision table.

I'm saying DeSantis is right, and I have been saying that since just minutes after Trump made the announcement on Saturday.
It is just a Rumor that Trump will be arrested tomorrow, because the investigation like the Mueller investigation isn't really meant to secure an indictment on Trump. Trump is the cleanest politician in Washington, or they would have already locked his ass up. These investigations, just like all of the other investigations, is only meant to wear Trump down, and give the MSM drive by media more ammunition to lob at Trump and his supporters and embellish it with made up hyperbole. All designed for the Racheal Maddow's shit eater audience.
Trump put an end to this gratuitous TDS fodder, by calling it out that indictment is coming on Tuesday.

Now the GOP controlled Congress is going to force the DA to bring the receipts and show America what we're getting for our Nickle. I think it will be a put up or shut up moment.
If they don't have the goods by now to indict after Trump let the cat out of the bag, they will have to cut him lose. On the NY legal case anyway. We still got the US special council investigating him, and the Georgia sham charges as well.
3   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 20, 11:18am  

Welp the NY case is officially over. The Georgia case is now thrust into the spot light.
Since Trump shit on and destroyed the NY gambit, they are now upgrading the Georgia effort to make the SOS do his fucking job a RICO act.

Are we not entertained!?

I think it's time for Jim Jordan to call in every state prosecutor and DOJ hack to get to the bottom of the abuse of our justice systems. He should also subpoena every Obama Judge that rubber stamped every case, that judges would have been disbarred for the past. If they can make Clarence Thomas take the stand, then every compromised Obama judge is fair game.

4   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 20, 11:56am  

DeSantis is toast, I think he even just shit on his 2028 chances which he had solidly and handedly in the bag. It was his to lose, and he just did.

5   Shaman   2023 Mar 20, 12:12pm  

I see, I think. You’re predicting that the NY case is all smoke and no fire. That Don was using this nature of the dispute to call FIRE and thus gain support from the GOP base. That DeSantis saw through that ruse and called it a ruse, thus taking a small portion of the notoriety Trump was cultivating.
6   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 20, 12:21pm  

Yes and No!

I'm saying that DeSantis donors were part of that ruse, and that is why DeSantis knew it was a ruse. He also realizes that Trump bested those efforts by upending it with spreading misinformation that they were going to arrest him Tuesday. This case is only to keep Trump dirty and the possibility of a Judge to silence him when they turn the lawfare on Trump for speaking mean about the actors involved. This is a feed CNN, MSNBC and Fox news night supplements to their Orange man Bad segments.

DeSantis now only spoke because there was so much push back against his silence.

Whoops what's this!?


Well I'll be damned, three of the first RINOs that came out and denounced the indictment are now cowering under DeStantis legs barking back dings at Trump and his calls for protests. They aren't mentioning the possibility that there will be Fed Glowies there and that would just be a trap. Which is the truth. No! What they are doing is already giving the DOJ and FBI credibility to call those protestors terrorists and have no right to exercise their first amendment.
But they had to wait for DoSamethis to break his silence with a semi quasi chastising tone, before they could do their part.
7   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 20, 12:29pm  

cisTits says

If DeSantis or anyone else running in the primary can't go after Trump (which DeSantis isn't even doing here) then WTF is the purpose of having said Primary?

If DeSantis was doing that thing you say should be allowed to do, then he would have more legit avenues to attack him, than the open wound the deep state bit for him to feed from.

DeSantis could attack Trump's choices in appointing backstabbers and this willingness to get up there and shit all over him and his constituents.
While Trump played the helpless victim. You guys have heard my rants about Trump's shortcomings. Down to Trump allowing all of the hopium bullshit on his Twitter feed.
DeSantis could even say how his admin is free from leaking backstabbers, and appointees who abuse their roles to take jabs at him. He could point out how he's gotten rid of them time and time again, and even successfully fought them off in court and won because he isn't surrounded back back stabbers and father rapists.
From the Covid website cunt, to the Prosecutor trying to force the jab and mask on us, to election officials. He has even taken swats at Sheriffs. Though his attack on Sheriff Tony in Broward is uncalled for. He's probably the only solid in Broward county. He's a Democrat but his crime policy is solid conservative. DeSantis tried to go after him due to an "assaults" charge in his early twenties a "He said, He said" tit for tat affair. I don't know why DeSantis tried to have him removed. Sheriff Tony doesn't even allow the MLK day Chimp Out. And he's black himself.
8   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 12:44pm  

DeSantis gave a reasonable response imho:


Bragg, a George Soros-installed Democrat, plans to arrest Trump on Tuesday over payments to Stormy Daniels.

“So I’ve seen rumors swirl, I have not seen any facts yet,” DeSantis said regarding the case.

“The Manhattan district attorney is a Soros-funded prosecutor.

“He, like other Soros-funded prosecutors, they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety.

“He has downgraded over 50% of the felonies to misdemeanors.

“He says he doesn’t want to even have jail time for the vast, vast majority of crimes.

“I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair.”

“I just, I can’t speak to that,” the governor said.

“But what I can speak to, is that if you have a prosecutor who is ignoring crimes happening every single day in his jurisdiction, and he chooses to go back many, many years ago, to try to use something about porn star hush money payments.

“You know, that’s an example of pursuing a political agenda and weaponizing the office.

“That’s fundamentally wrong,” he said.

“The Soros district attorneys are a menace to society and I’m just glad that I’m the only governor in the country that’s actually removed one from office during my tenure.”
9   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 1:32pm  

I think the point is to distract us from the additional evidence of the Biden crime family's sale of influence to China.

11   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 8:05am  

AC was even telling me about this stuff here, I really thought he was making Whine out of Sour Grapes.

12   Shaman   2023 Mar 21, 8:49am  

If Trump gets indicted and doesn’t turn himself in, that’s going to be a problem for Ron DeSantis. If he issues the arrest warrant for Trump as requested, he’s a traitor to Trump fans, and loses major credibility. If he refuses to comply with NY, it will go to courts and eventually they’ll get Trump in court anyway. Still that might be the best way to go, leaving him set up for a victory if Trump can’t continue.
13   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 9:37am  

There wont be an indictment, and like I said there never was a plan for a Tuesday arrest. Trump just took what the Main Stream Media was feeding their TDS audience for the weeks leading up to his Saturday "Leak" announcement. They kept saying on the cable news shows, and in the biased print news publications, that the DA was "Considering" charges, that they "Might" indict, and other mealy mouth digs at Trump. There never was a strong enough case to bring an indictment against Trump or they would have. If a Grand Jury said they recommend indictment for Donald Trump, he would have been in hand cuffs before the last syllable left the Jury warden's lips.

Trump kicked the stool out from under them, now the GOP led Congress is demanding a show and tell from the DA.

Oh what's this? Looky here... Says here that now they will meet on Wednesday to consider how to move forward. BOOM! Just as I suspected there never was a plan.
As far as Misinformation Fake News goes, Trump finally gave them what they have been accusing him of all along. I say we use more like this to undo their Fuckery and Commie decent.


"Weigh charges"???? Hmmm well what in the hell was up with the barriers they put up in front of the NYC courthouse?

Man I bet Trump gave somebody a whoregasm, when he suggested a protest. They put every Glowie and drive by MSM clown on the scene just hopping a crowd would show up so the Glowie brigade could show up and CNN could paint them as the MAGA movement rioting and trying to break into the Courthouse and stop the non existent precedings.

What a fucking clown show!


Understandable. If you were a reporter there and grabbed a random person to interview chances are they’d have been another reporter or maybe somebody from the FBI.
14   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 10:12am  

Night Gown Graham says arresting Donald Trump wont break the country, he has no idea what 80% of the GOP base is going on about..
He thinks it's a bunch of Bullshit, and is demanding they kick his door today, just like Donald said. Finished by saying "Well... Go ON! Do it! what in the hell ya waiting for?"

16   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 11:44am  

Deep fake images because the MSM wont get their quarry and will have to cut him lose soon.

17   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 3:01pm  

that is sanctimonious. in fact it's the very definition flipping the villan role to victim. My guess is Trump calling Ron , Desanctamonious was an inside jab that DeSantis understood what it was in reference to. He never challenged those seemingly unprovoked jabs. One would assume DeSantis would have countered with... "Whaaaat, where is the hostility coming from?"
18   mell   2023 Mar 21, 7:26pm  

De Santis is doing the smart and only thing he can do if he wants to have a chance beating Trump: not engaging at all in anything Trump. We have seen Trump dismantle his opponents once they take the bait, Cruz, Rubio etc. Trump is an OG street real estate mafia "mobster", on the right side of history, but nonetheless a tough cookie who easily devours most modern competitors for breakfast. I'd do the same thing if I were De Santis, and that's not an endorsement, just a logical conclusion. There's a reason the corrupt pedophile marxist leftoids would love to imprison Trump and take his candidacy away, he's the most dangerous to them, De Santis is 2nd.
19   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 21, 7:39pm  

OR, Trump is aware that the old Establishment Donors and Bushie advisors are primping and working with DeSantis. Hence the pre-emptive strike.

The top #1 goal of GOPe is to dethrone Trump. Having failed to contrast Trump negatively with the GOPe's total failures in economics, culture war, immigration, and foreign policy, they are seeking to present a "Better, More Mild Mannered Trump" as an alternative.

Let's do another Term of Trump and have DeSantis back on the reservation, putting his term starting in 2028 as full of Trump II advisors and cronies, instead of Bush-era advisors and Cronies.

Pretty much ALL of Trump I's failures are assignable to Ryan's House, McConnel in the Senate, and especially his Bushite advisors and office holders he was dependent on because he lacked a MAGA bench to pull from. In Trump II, he'll have a lot more MAGA certified help in every aspect of his admin. And it damn well better be Steve Bannon as Chief of Staff to keep the GOPe out of the oval office in any capacity, or at least make sure any Bushite advice is counter balanced by a MAGA visitor.

Going hard on DeSantis by Trump doesn't preclude future cooperation, look at Trump vs. Rand or Trump vs. Zodiac Killer.
20   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 22, 7:56am  

Trump masterfully put this shit to bed. The NYC Hullaballoo is over kaput and done.


Hey Trump now do Georgia, it's Trump's bullshit lie against all of the Deep State hacks made up dossiers of Lies.

He should just go all in on claiming he's going to be arrested on the Georgia charge and the Special Schmuck in the Federal Mueller Redux case.

Make them pull their heads up from the cocaine pile and give an update on where they stand, while the GOP Congress barks out "Shit or get off the POT!"

That has been the problem with all of these investigations, no GOP has held the investigations to any standard of integrity. If they were called to dispel rumors that the investigations were going to conclude with arrests. They would then have to layout where they are, and bring the receipts and then be discovered that it's all just a huge frame up job. Which is why Braggs is going to cut Trump lose. All the Mother Fuckers will to jail if Braggs has to go to Congress to show Jim Jordan the receipts he's not a Democrat and has critical thinking skills.

Kick the fucking chairs out from under these bastards!

Oh and FUCK Ron DeSantis!
21   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 22, 9:42am  

Patrick says

DeSantis gave a reasonable response imho:

Patrick says

“I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair.”

DeSantis did give a reasonable response except for his "hush money to a porn star" comment which will be viewed by Trump supporters as a cheap and unnecessary shot at Trump. Without winning over Trump voters, DeSantis doesn't stand a chance in securing the nomination. An attack on Trump is perceived to be an attack on them.

One of the rules in politics is that you don't kick your opponent when he is down, because it makes you appear to be a candidate that is mean spirited and lacking in grace. The Yale man DeSantis should have played the high ground by coming to Trump's defense, which certainly would have won him support.

Trump is the exception to that rule. He is a bombastic, harsh personality, which strangely, plays to his base.
23   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 22, 10:15am  

RayAmerica says

One of the rules in politics is that you don't kick your opponent when he is down, because it makes you appear to be a candidate that is mean spirited and lacking in grace. The Yale man DeSantis should have played the high ground by coming to Trump's defense, which certainly would have won him support.

The biggest problem with DeSantis is we're at war with the FBI encroaching on our Civil Liberties and rights. Them going after Trump is the uber trophy and the final defense of what they can and can't do. If they can just storm troop Trump like and common criminal. Then all of us can expect a 3am Roger Stone style take down for any reason what so ever.

DeSantis is trying to play classic one upmanship campaign politics in a time we all need a unified rejection of the Deep State. Him playing up to the Deep State revealed who he is, and who he stands for. Because our rights and freedom is a no brainer. Which DeSantis clearly doesn't have any.
24   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 24, 7:40pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The biggest problem with DeSantis is

He is owned by the deep state globalists.

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