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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,234,417 views  44,063 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

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22551   Ceffer   2023 Mar 20, 4:57pm  

gabbar says

I dont like her but I like this video

This whole rant and the answers to the questions from the stooges were obviously staged for her. She has zip for improvisation ability. Obviously
a set up aimed at Trump, but down the memory hole for corrupt, treasonous Biden Actor Family.
22553   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 10:50pm  

Ceffer says


Sorry not sorry.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan, who was recently berated and shouted at as he attempted to give a speech at Stanford University, has a message for the law students who disrupted his speech.

“I have been criticized in the media for getting angry at the protesters. It’s true I called them ‘appalling idiots,’ ‘bullies’ and ‘hypocrites.’ They are, and I won’t apologize for saying so. Sometimes anger is the proper response to vicious behavior,” Duncan wrote in a March 17 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.

The piece was titled “My Struggle Session at Stanford Law School: A dean voices pride that students are being taught to stage tantrums rather than make a reasoned case.”

https://www.wsj.com/articles/struggle-session-at-stanford-law-school-federalist-society-kyle-duncan-circuit-court-judge-steinbach-4f8da19e (paywall)
22554   richwicks   2023 Mar 21, 12:18am  

Patrick says


Sorry not sorry.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan, who was recently berated and shouted at as he attempted to give a speech at Stanford University, has a message for the law students who disrupted his speech.

“I have been criticized in the media for getting angry at the protesters. It’s true I called them ‘appalling idiots,’ ‘bullies’ and ‘hypocrites.’ They are, and I won’t apologize for saying so. Sometimes anger is the proper response to vicious behavior,” Duncan wrote in a March 17 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.

The piece was titled “My Struggle Session at Stanford Law School: A dean voices pride that students are being taught to stage tantrums rather than make a reasoned case.”

https://www.wsj.com/articles/struggle-session-at-stanford-law-school-federalist-society-kyle-duncan-circuit-court-judge-steinbach-4f8da19e (paywall)

If he's serious, he should write on an open platform where there is open debate and discussion - he's hiding behind a paywall, and there's no commenting.

I don't agree with what happened to him at Stanford, but I don't just just don't think this person isn't a total asshole either - he may be. He won't stand up to public criticism. He's a coward. I was in college in the 1990's, I saw speakers being shut down too then, because they were total assholes.

Don't think just because a person has been silenced isn't an asshole, it can be a real reaction to people's disgust with a disgusting person.

He posted on a paywall, that means he's a pussy. He doesn't want to know what people think. Maybe people are wrong, maybe they are right, he doesn't want to listen. You can copy the article to other sites, but he will never see it. I consider this guy a dick, even if he was wrongly silenced.
22555   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Mar 21, 2:34am  

richwicks says

If he's serious, he should write on an open platform where there is open debate and discussion - he's hiding behind a paywall, and there's no commenting.

I agree with you. But a quick search of the internet turns up non-paywalled versions (or at least very large snippets). For instance, here: https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2023/03/17/judge-duncan-describes-his-struggle-session-at-stanford-law-n537649

Don't think just because a person has been silenced isn't an asshole, it can be a real reaction to people's disgust with a disgusting person.

This seems to be a situation of the silencers being in the wrong. The judge was hassled because he wasn't extreme-progressive in his rulings. From the article written by the judge:

protesters were especially vexed by U.S. v. Varner. A federal prisoner serving a term for attempted receipt of child pornography (and with a previous state conviction for possession of child porn) petitioned our court to order that he be called by feminine pronouns. As my opinion explained, federal courts can’t control what pronouns people use. The Stanford protesters saw it differently: My opinion had “denied a transwoman’s existence.”
22557   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 8:18am  

'Morn All Y'All: I've compiled a list of 'Institutions' in America I no longer trust. Here is a portion ...

22558   Tenpoundbass   2023 Mar 21, 10:23am  

Frances real life "This is Fine" meme.

22562   Ceffer   2023 Mar 21, 4:00pm  

This one needs confirmation before taking it seriously. It would make sense as a sweep of useful idiots being cashiered before they could become witnesses for the State. Simultaneous execution would indicate timing based on the astrologic arcana favored by the elites.
22563   richwicks   2023 Mar 21, 4:07pm  

Ceffer says

This one needs confirmation before taking it seriously. It would make sense as a sweep of useful idiots being cashiered before they could become witnesses for the State. Simultaneous execution would indicate timing based on the astrologic arcana favored by the elites.

Who were the 48 executives and what were the two dates they all killed themselves in?

I'm not trying to bust your balls here. I'm not trying to just be an asshole or a dick. Be discriminating about what you think is true. We all want good information.

30 years ago, I would post "I heard this", but I'm a gatekeeper now - I only pass one what I think is credible and most probably correct. I know this takes more time and effort, but we're all in this together. If you post what is false, you are consuming people's time, and spreading bullshit.
22564   Ceffer   2023 Mar 21, 4:07pm  

LOL! Deep fake, and do you still think that's Biden Actor walking around on the White House lawn to his helicopter?


22565   richwicks   2023 Mar 21, 4:11pm  

Ceffer says

LOL! Deep fake, and do you still think that's Biden Actor walking around on the White House lawn to his helicopter?


You must know this as false. Why are you posting it?

Again, I need to point out that I'm not an enemy, but you are doing the work of enemies.
22566   clambo   2023 Mar 21, 4:21pm  

The fakes are pretty good.
22580   richwicks   2023 Mar 21, 4:41pm  

Ceffer says

Haha, I love the film Brazil. If you've not seen it, it's great. There are no terrorists, terrorism is just the explanation of a system that is broken. I just ruined the film for you, but there are no terrorists, it's just government incompetence since Central Services does everything and they are incompetent.

It's an anti-socialism film. Jill was just a poor dupe that recognized the reality, Sam was a poor dupe that believed in everything but felt he needed to escape the system.

I highly recommend this film. Used to be a film buff, but reality is far more interesting.
22584   Ceffer   2023 Mar 21, 7:03pm  

Like DUHHHH! Joins toilet paper Lancet, the general peer bribery review system that rubber stamps pharma, Scientific American etc. etc.

22586   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 21, 7:33pm  

Billboard's top 5 singles this week.

Two of the songs are Patriotic. When was the last time this happened?

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