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117632   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 21, 3:42pm  

"I have seen myself that Cow Dung can purify water. Dung of Buffalo will make water impure but Cow Urine and Dung will kill all germs and purify it."

-Rajendra das maharaj
117634   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 25, 10:15am  

What’s happening in Punjab right now:

- mass arrests of Sikh activists
- shut down of internet and text
- crackdown on public gatherings
- mass censorship of human rights media

Let the Indian Government know that we condemn this repression.

The whole world is watching.
117635   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 25, 10:17am  

CPJ calls on @Twitter
to restore the handles of journalists Kamaldeep Singh (@kamalsinghbrar
), Gagandeep Singh (@Gagan4344
), and Sandeep Singh (@PunYaab
), which were withheld in #India following their coverage on the government's crackdown in #Punjab.
117636   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 26, 8:22pm  

Sikhs oppose celebration of Sri Lankan genocide by Hindoos and flying monkey God.
Same way they celebrate Sikh Genocide.

Hanuman was first international terrorist who terrorized innocent civilians of Shri lanka thousand of them were killed. By hanuman their houses were burnt down by hanuman. And shameless people celebrate his cruelty and honor him every year
117637   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 27, 8:53am  

Hindooo caste based hiring specialists are only ones crying.
They are constantly purging all whites/blacks etc. from IT for long.
Time to reverse, Who is better to lead revolution than Sikhs!.. Sikhs faced genocide at hands of Hindooo.

Sustained targeting of #HinduAmerican community, which has been nothing but a blessing for California, MUST STOP. Political leaders that are complicit in it, either directly through bills like SB 403 (it IS #Hinduphobic - designed by an avowed #Hinduphobic group) or by their silence, will need to account for their complicity in targeting of this micro minority. Future well-being of my kids and that of millions of Hindu American kids depends on how you speak for them
117638   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 27, 8:57am  

Another guilty Hindoo scared.

Say no to bill SB-403. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes abt South Asians, specifically Indian and Hindu Americans, based on their national origin, ethnicity, and ancestry, making us targets for hate crimes, discrimination, harassment and bullying.
117639   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 27, 8:58am  

Exciting news! @aishabbwahab
introduced #SB403 to end caste discrimination in California. Now California could make it illegal! @dalitdiva
If Hindus migrate to other regions on earth, Indian caste would become a world problem - Ambedkar
117640   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 27, 9:01am  

Another caste based American job thief!

Now the wokes in CA want to divide us further on so-called Caste lines with #sb403
Seems like the America I came for as a land of freedom and equal opportunity is being ruined 😕
117641   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 27, 9:05am  

Union of discriminatory Hindoo job thieves oppose giving IT jobs back to all Americans.
who would have thought that...
Caste based hiring must end and guilty Hindooo deported... white/black/brown Americans must not be discriminated in favor of internal caste based Hindooo hiring.

Californian South Asians, #WatchThisSpace for an upcoming Action Alert to let California legislators know you oppose this discriminatory and illegal bill #SB403. With your help, we are certain that the bill will be defeated.
117642   AD   2023 Mar 27, 7:53pm  

Notice now mainstream media like CNN is not reporting about the identity of the shooter

Look at this liberal and Woke plant trying to distract from the mental illness of the transgender female shooter


117644   indc   2023 Mar 29, 6:29pm  

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.
117645   richwicks   2023 Mar 29, 6:50pm  

indc says

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.

I looked this up as well, I didn't see anybody calling the killer a Sikh.

Honestly, FarmersWon drives me crazy at times, annoys the shit out of me at times, but, I think he's just made an error here. I don't think anybody said this was a Sikh. For all I know, the crazy killer was a Muslim. Imagine killing somebody over an argument? The killer was insane.

If the "news" story is accurate, CLEARLY the killer is insane - however, I think he should go to prison for life, at minimum, regardless.
117647   indc   2023 Mar 29, 6:57pm  

richwicks says

indc says

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.

I looked this up as well, I didn't see anybody calling the killer a Sikh.

Honestly, FarmersWon drives me crazy at times, annoys the shit out of me at times, but, I think he's just made an error here. I don't think anybody said this was a Sikh. For all I know, the crazy killer was a Muslim. Imagine killing somebody over an argument? The killer was insane.

If the "news" story is accurate, CLEARLY the killer is insane - however, I think he should go to prison for life, at minimum, regardless.

I have the actual news while @FarmersWon tries to share a news which tries to be politically correct.
117648   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 29, 7:01pm  

richwicks says

indc says

Who said anything about Religious Sikhs. We are discussing Khalisthani. Unless you equate Khalisthani's to religious Sikhs.

I looked this up as well, I didn't see anybody calling the killer a Sikh.

Honestly, FarmersWon drives me crazy at times, annoys the shit out of me at times, but, I think he's just made an error here. I don't think anybody said this was a Sikh. For all I know, the crazy killer was a Muslim. Imagine killing somebody over an argument? The killer was insane.

If the "news" story is accurate, CLEARLY the killer is insane - however, I think he should go to prison for life, at minimum, regardless.

Yes he should go to prison for life.
As a Sikh I don’t support criminals.
My problem with Hindooo idiots is that they blame whole Sikh community for any chance they get.

They also hate Sikhs for lawfully and peacefully asking for sovereignty and deliberately cause violence.
117649   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 29, 7:05pm  

indc says


What’s the proof?
Even if he was you can’t blame whole Sikh community asking for sovereign country.

By the way what kind of smoking person asking for Khalistan?
If Khalistan ever come to existence, First thing they will ban smoking.
117650   indc   2023 Mar 29, 7:34pm  

FarmersWon says

indc says


What’s the proof?
Even if he was you can’t blame whole Sikh community asking for sovereign country.

By the way what kind of smoking person asking for Khalistan?
If Khalistan ever come to existence, First thing they will ban smoking.

You know when they made Pakistan they said alcohol will be banned as it is against Islam. Now you can check how much alcohol is consumed by pakistanis.
117651   Patrick   2023 Mar 29, 7:38pm  

You know, I'm about done with the "cowfucker" shit @FarmersWon

If you have a very specific complaint, fine, but if you simply hate Hindus, that's not fine.
117652   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 29, 7:47pm  

Patrick says

You know, I'm about done with the "cowfucker" shit FarmersWon

If you have a very specific complaint, fine, but if you simply hate Hindus, that's not fine.

Yes I don’t like right wing hindooo Nazis who want to genocide Sikhs and erase their existence.
If you need proof.. I can provide.
They are hell bound on declaring us terrorists and then start violence against us worldwide.
117653   Misc   2023 Mar 29, 8:02pm  

Patrick says

You know, I'm about done with the "cowfucker" shit FarmersWon

If you have a very specific complaint, fine, but if you simply hate Hindus, that's not fine.

I find his comments extremely useful. He gives me excellent one-liners to use with telemarketers.

A treasure.
117654   richwicks   2023 Mar 29, 10:53pm  

FarmersWon says

My problem with Hindooo idiots is that they blame whole Sikh community for any chance they get.

Dude, you're blaming it on "Hindooo"s just because he's Indian and your history:


seems to demonstrate that you do this at every chance you can get.

Patrick says

You know, I'm about done with the "cowfucker" shit FarmersWon

If you have a very specific complaint, fine, but if you simply hate Hindus, that's not fine.

OK - what is wrong with allowing bigots to be around? If the Aztecs were still around, I bet you'd be a bigot against them, what with your so-called "moral aversion" to human sacrifice, you know "murder", and all... I don't run this board, but I'm a dick, and I think anybody should be able to speak, if only to show that they are wrong and to show other people what is out there.

I do believe that in a free market of ideas, the best ideas win. I believe that in the marketplace as well, I just don't believe we have a free market.
117655   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 7:37am  

richwicks says

FarmersWon says

My problem with Hindooo idiots is that they blame whole Sikh community for any chance they get.

Dude, you're blaming it on "Hindooo"s just because he's Indian and your history:


seems to demonstrate that you do this at every chance you can get.

Patrick says

You know, I'm about done with the "cowfucker" shit FarmersWon

If you have a very specific complaint, fine, but if you simply hate Hindus, that's not fine.

OK - what is wrong with allowing bigots to be around? If the Aztecs were still around, I bet you'd be a bigot against them, what with your so-called "moral aversion" t...

It’s hard for me disagree from that truth.
But Hindooo are incredible ditto heads, They even beat the sheep.

Stereotyping for Hindoo only have little error as long as timing is correct.

People in south India are educated anyway, They are becoming Christians due to Hindooo filthiness so they don’t count.
117656   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 9:02am  

FarmersWon says

People in south India are educated anyway, They are becoming Christians due to Hindooo filthiness so they don’t count.

Well I'll say this about Southern Indians - they make very good food. Northern Indian is much easier to cook though.

Still Sri Lankan is the best.
117657   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 9:48am  

richwicks says

FarmersWon says

People in south India are educated anyway, They are becoming Christians due to Hindooo filthiness so they don’t count.

Well I'll say this about Southern Indians - they make very good food. Northern Indian is much easier to cook though.

Still Sri Lankan is the best.

Hindoo monkey God Hanuman commited genocide on Sri Lankans.
Hindoo celebrate genocide every year like 1984 Sikh genocide.

People in south india and Sri Lanka hate genocidal Hindoo.

Hanuman was first international terrorist who terrorized innocent civilians of Shri lanka thousand of them were killed. By hanuman their houses were burnt down by hanuman. And shameless people celebrate his cruelty and honor him every year
117658   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 10:18am  

FarmersWon says

Hindoo monkey God Hanuman commited genocide on Sri Lankans.

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

I still think Sri Lankan food is the best food in the world, I think partially because it's so difficult to get. I used to think Ethiopian food was the best food in the world, until I had it 100 times. It's still good but not "the best food in the world".

Thai.. I'm never in the mood for Thai, but I never regret it when I get it - this is actually probably the best food in the world, at least for me. I have never walked out of a Thai place and been like "I wish we went somewhere else", but I'm never in the mood for it.
117659   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 10:30am  

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

No it is Hindoo mythology and all their stories are fake. There is a zero chance that a monkey can fly.

At the same time Monkey God is responsible for making the DNA of Hindoo genocidal.
If one person do something to Hindooo they rather than following the law want to kill everyone in that group illegally and brutally.
Hindooo is known as rape & riot cult due to bad habits learned from monkey God even if fake.
117660   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 30, 10:34am  

@FarmersWon I wasn't clear on your answer last time: what are you? I got the impression that you're an Afghani Muslim, is that correct?
117661   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 10:34am  

FarmersWon says

richwicks says

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

No it is Hindoo mythology and all their stories are fake. There is a zero chance that a monkey can fly.

At the same time Monkey God is responsible for making the DNA of Hindoo genocidal.

I read this as a contradiction in your thinking.

I do not believe there is significant difference in people based on DNA although I accept there is some difference. Most of a "race's" differences are based on the software, not hardware.

You could be substantially like me, or me substantially like you - if we just exchanged environments and superficial physical features as infants. If we had brain transplants, entirely exchanging them, at 1 year old for example.
117662   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 10:38am  

richwicks says

FarmersWon says

Do you believe Hanuman existed? Do you believe in this god, that this god, really exists?

No it is Hindoo mythology and all their stories are fake. There is a zero chance that a monkey can fly.

At the same time Monkey God is responsible for making the DNA of Hindoo genocidal.

I read this as a contradiction in your thinking.

I do not believe there is significant difference in people based on DNA although I accept there is some difference. Most of a "race's" differences are based on the software, not hardware.

If Americans have started killing Muslims indiscriminately after 9/11.. I would called US DNA same as Hindooo genocidal filth.

As they behaved and response was not brutal on innocent Muslims, US is nothing like ugly Hindoo DNA.
117663   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 11:05am  

In their irrational hate for Muslims and sycophancy for Jews, They are making themselves laughing stock of world.

Sorry Sikhs are not Hindoo.

Saar i am poor saar pleaje make your antimuslim books cheaper saar pleaje

117666   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 11:32am  

DhammaStep says

FarmersWon I wasn't clear on your answer last time: what are you? I got the impression that you're an Afghani Muslim, is that correct?

Punjabi Sikh ethnicity
117667   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:24pm  

FarmersWon says

If Americans have started killing Muslims indiscriminately after 9/11.. I would called US DNA same as Hindooo genocidal filth.

The US started killing people in Afghanistan and Iraq. It had nothing to do with their religion, it had to do with pipelines and resources. The US government has no stance on religion whatsoever.

FarmersWon says

As they behaved and response was not brutal on innocent Muslims, US is nothing like ugly Hindoo DNA.

There were 800,000 Iraqi people killed in a war to end a non existent weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq. That was the official reason for the war, what as the real reasonS for that war? Installing US bases, moving bases out of of Saudi Arabia, providing energy exports to Israel, many other things I am too ignorant to know about - but there are many other things. The real reasons only become apparent with time, and it's been over 20 years.

The US doesn't kill Muslims because they are Muslim - they kill people because they stand in the way of stealing shit. If Iraq was entirely Christian, Hindu or Shikh, they would have done the same. You don't understand sociopathy at all.
117668   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 12:29pm  

I can tell from my experiences as a Sikh that ordinary Hindoo started killing Sikhs in 1984 .
Ever since ordinary Hindoo tells Sikhs that we will repeat 1984.

The response here was different and no genocide.
There were millions of people who protested against Iraq war. Bush is war criminal.
117669   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 12:36pm  

FarmersWon says

There were millions of people who protested against Iraq war. Bush is war criminal.

Every US president is a war criminal. Remember when William Clinton blew up the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant? He did this on August, 20, 1998.


You know what else happened on August, 20, 1998? Monica Lewinsky presented her cum stained dress to prove she was giving blow jobs to William Clinton.


The destruction of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant was just a distraction from Bill Clinton being a fucking male slut. It's estimated that around 50,000 Sudanese died as a result of destroying this pharmaceutical plant.

He claimed he bombed the Al-Shifa plant because "it was making chemical weapons precursors" - there's absolutely no evidence of this. It was a complete lie. He bombed a plant making drugs designed to help people entirely for selfish reasons - to distract from blow-jobs.

These are the psychopaths we have in power and I know that's difficult to accept, but this is the truth.

Don't look at my government through rose colored glasses. See it as it is.
117670   TechBrosWon   2023 Mar 30, 1:33pm  

If a day ever comes, Which I hope never comes with God’s grace where “genocide” happens like in Hindooo shithole .. I will treat US same way as I treat Hindoo now.

Until then I think US is very decent country with some problems.
117671   Bd6r   2023 Mar 30, 6:09pm  

tell FBI that they defaced BLM mural and participated in Jan 6

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