Vaccine Truth-Teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign

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2023 Apr 5, 8:02pm   45,163 views  357 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, sharp critic of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the nephew of 35th President John F. Kennedy, has launched a campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, challenging incumbent Joe Biden.


Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!

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1   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 5:43am  

cisTits says

Is he the environmentalist who flies around in his private jet?

No, he's the one that has a long history of exposing the dangers of vaccines, and has sued Big Pharma on numerous occasions in order to hold them accountable. He also wrote a book "The Real Anthony Fauci." IMO, RFK Jr. is the worst nightmare for Big Pharma, Bill Gates and the rest of the Genocidal psychopaths that are determined to severely reduce the population of the world.
2   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 6, 6:26am  

Biden will never debate him, and if the other candidates decide to debate, or in the event Joe doesn't run. He will be disinvited to the debates.
The Democrat party will do everything in their power, to tell him he can't run on their ticket. And label him a white supremacist that spreads fake information.

In the event he gets popular and his polling numbers are high.

The Democrat party will then turn on the Kennedy clan, and say that he comes from a shady political family. Then paint the Kennedy legacy out to be everything that Biden isn't being prosecuted for..

If you don't believe me just WATCH!
3   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 6, 6:34am  

Remember what happened to the last two Kennedy’s who defied the globalists?
4   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 6, 6:49am  

Trump-Kennedy 2024, Smash the Deep State!
5   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 6, 7:11am  

I don't think Kennedy has a chance to win, but, he'll be able to get his message out about the dangerous 'vaccine' to more people. And, he's an outspoken opponent of the warmongering NeoCons. That in itself will be a victory.
6   richwicks   2023 Apr 6, 7:21am  

cisTits says

Is he the environmentalist who flies around in his private jet?

No, he's a 1960's democrat, not the current hypocritical filth that is presented as democrats.

His fortune was created by a grandfather that ran rum during prohibition, their family was (maybe still is?) tightly connected to the mafia, however, he is correct about vaccinations, and that's a start.

If you have a kid today, they will be inoculated with over 70 vaccinations before they hit school. I had less than 7. I was intentionally infected with chickenpox as a child at a "chickenpox party". This gave me immunity to smallpox and cowpox as an adult. The risk of death as a child was minimal, and it isn't minimal as an adult.

He is correct about vaccinations. We should be wary of them. Not all Democrats are shit, Robert Kennedy Junior isn't garbage, although, his family is. Be discriminating about who you pick as enemies.
7   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 6, 8:08am  

richwicks says

If you have a kid today, they will be inoculated with over 70 vaccinations before they hit school. I had less than 7. I was intentionally infected with chickenpox as a child at a "chickenpox party". This gave me immunity to smallpox and cowpox as an adult. The risk of death as a child was minimal, and it isn't minimal as an adult.

Ditto. Also, call me old fashioned, but suffering with the itching and general malaise was character building. When I had Dengue, it was a milder version of Chickenpox from what I can remember, with a sensation of limbs being "hot" rather than "itchy", same tiredness and mild fever though.

Also, having the real Varicella confers added lifetime resistance to other Herpes-family viruses; the vaccine does not. And many people forget they need the booster around adulthood, whereas a childhood case is permanent immunity.
8   Shaman   2023 Apr 6, 10:35am  

Ok conspiracy theory time. I like RFK, I like what he’s done during the Covid mania, and I think he’s shown real leadership.
That’s the problem.
Why is he the lone (yet telegenic) scion of American royalty who came out hard against the Covid vaccine on the Left?
Should the inevitable march of vaccine reveals prove that it was an extremely harmful mistake to distribute and especially to MANDATE these vaccines, Biden is going to look like dog shit in comparison.

And RFK I think would win the Presidency if he makes it past the corpse of Biden.
Dying Democrats might not vote for the man who pushed them into taking the poison. They may just cast a vengeance vote for the guy who opposed the vaccines the whole time.

Which makes me think that RFK and his stance were planned all along as a way for Democrats to keep the Presidency even in the face of failure.
Trump’s prosecution is to ensure Trump is the GOP nominee, because he would definitely lose to RFK.
9   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Apr 6, 11:15am  

richwicks says

Robert Kennedy Junior isn't garbage,

Well, I am sure he is for affirmative action and other harmful liberal programs.
11   Patrick   2023 Apr 6, 7:15pm  

RayAmerica says

And, he's an outspoken opponent of the warmongering NeoCons.



The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power.

China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power.

Over the past decade, our country has spent trillions bombing roads, ports, bridges, and airports. China spent the equivalent building the same across the developing world.

The Ukraine war is the final collapse of the Neocon's short-lived “American Century.” The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence
12   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 6, 8:08pm  

The Necons were populist Gods compared to today's Commie faction that has taken afoot of our country, culture and soul.

Lawdy do I miss the Neocons.(Not really but in comparison today fuck yeah!)

RFK would be a decade or two late and a Gorillion dollars short, going on about the Neocons. The problem is the commies. The Neons are no more, the RINOs and GOPe are NOT Neocons, they are Comunist enablers.

Sure the same actors still might be play, but the Necons have moved on. When I hear Necon today I think someone that is out of touch of the dynamics of the current politics.
13   Ceffer   2023 Apr 6, 8:15pm  

It's going to be interesting seeing the fake news MSM rationing out a few of their fake news droids to go after him. Will New York start charging him with fake crimes?
14   Patrick   2023 Apr 6, 8:37pm  


Check out the Journal’s sobering sub-headline: “The scion of the Kennedy family is a known Covid-19 vaccine skeptic.”

Bwahahahaha! See what they did there? I don’t mean smearing him as a vaccine skeptic, which he’s been for AGES. The covid jabs were just the latest disaster as far as Robert Kennedy goes. I’m talking about the prefix the journal added right BEFORE calling him a vaccine skeptic.

He’s a KNOWN vaccine skeptic! As opposed to the secret kind, who lurk around in back alleys waiting to catch you by yourself to fill your head with anti-pharmaceutical lies! Sometimes you can just TELL, just by looking at someone, that they harbor dangerous anti-vaccine thoughts. Their beady eyes are a little unfocused, dreamy perhaps, often staring off into the sky like they’re imagining a dystopian Heaven without needles. But you must be vigilant! Anti-vaxxing ideas spread faster than the Delta variant. All too often, you can’t tell for sure until a person outs themselves. Your own neighbor could be a secret anti-vaxxer, no matter how many times you make them swear on the jabs.

But Robert Kennedy, Jr., well, he created an anti-vaxx foundation and has even written books! THAT guy is an anti-vaxxer for sure. It’s KNOWN.
15   richwicks   2023 Apr 7, 12:00am  

Tenpoundbass says

The Necons were populist Gods compared to today's Commie faction that has taken afoot of our country, culture and soul.

Lawdy do I miss the Neocons.(Not really but in comparison today fuck yeah!)

We are still controlled by exactly the same Neocons we were 20 years ago. Just because we have a different "party" in power changes nothing. Biden keeps a seat warm and signs anything put in front of him. He makes no decisions.
16   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 7, 12:42pm  

A ringing endorsement for the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

CNN's Fake Jake Tapper Smears Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as an "Anti-Vaccine Quack"
What better endorsement can you get than to have media whore Jake Tapper smearing you?
17   Patrick   2023 Apr 7, 1:44pm  


You may have noticed that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., announced he is running for president as a Democrat. I might be wrong, but just now it seems to me that this changes everything. First, let me tell you something interesting about RFK, Jr. Despite the family name and all the baggage that comes with it, he is not the least bit imperial. He’s unpretentious. He communicates in plain English (and with a damaged larynx). I doubt that he entertained any idea of running for office until the current moment. Sometimes the zeitgeist calls, though, and you have to step up, even understanding very clearly that you might get killed for doing so.

Mr. Kennedy’s life has been a rocky hero’s journey. He was a troubled young man, at times lost in drugs. He had a marriage end as badly as possible (wife’s suicide). He’s dedicated the past twenty-five years to fighting the growing menace of Big Pharma and doing it pretty valiantly, considering the US government and mainstream media assists all of Pharma’s depredations. He wrote THE book about Dr. Anthony Fauci, and it is a helluva book. He’s running in opposition to just about everything that the Democratic Party stands for these days. This must seem strange, but I suspect a substantial portion of rank-and-file Democrats may be secretly anxious to cast off the Woke / Deep State despotism that cloaks the party like a smallpox blanket. For many, it will be like waking from a nightmare.

Now I’m going to tell you something that might blow your mind, something that maybe lurks in a quiet corner of your own brain, something which for my generation, has been hiding inside there for decades, and it is this: There is a deep, primal wish in the American psyche to correct the damage to our country caused by the murders of John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. November 22, 1963 was exactly when this nation went off the rails, and many Americans understand that. RFK, Jr. has stated unambiguously that he believes the CIA killed his uncle, the president. And he recently supported the parole of his father’s killer, Sirhan B. Sirhan, suggesting that there was a whole lot more to Bobby’s assassination than that patsy.

Here’s the heart of the matter: that wish to correct the abominations of history is a sentiment much stronger than anything else currently whirring in the fog of emotion that grips a nation in extremis, certainly stronger than all the bullshit embedded in equity, diversity, and inclusion and the bad faith aspirations of the climate change / Great Reset claque. RFK, Jr., represents a way out of all that. He may be strong enough and honorable enough to make that our new national reality.
18   Shaman   2023 Apr 7, 4:09pm  

There you go. He’s even captured kuntsler.
This guy is far more of a threat to the system than most people suspect.
19   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 7, 4:50pm  

One correction in the Kuntsler piece; RFK Jr. does not believe Sirhan Sirhan killed his father, due to the fact that, by all accounts, Sirhan was never even remotely in a position to shoot the fatal shot that killed Kennedy, which hit him in the rear of his head.

Sirhan's diary repeated over and over again that "RFK must die," indicating that Sirhan was a victim of a type of brainwashing that was often used in the CIA's MK Ultra program.

Here's another tidbit; Bobby Kennedy himself believed that his brother, JFK, was the victim of a massive conspiracy. When he ran for President in 1968, his plan, if elected, was to conduct a real investigation, unlike the fake Warren Commission, in order to get at the truth and punish those that were responsible. His plan ended when he was himself assassinated by, no doubt, the very same people that killed his brother.
20   AmericanKulak   2023 Apr 7, 5:23pm  

4 Famous people, Jimmy Breslin, Rosey Grier, etc. are on tape wrestling Sirhan Sirhan to the ground.

His actions were celebrated by Ayers and Dohrn, who listed him in the 200 dedications of the first Woke Terrorist handbook, Prairie Fire.
22   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 12:01am  


Unless he opens up who killed his father and uncle, it's pointless.

We have an entirely criminal government at this point, openly criminal. If this continues, we're headed for collapse. This criminality must end or our nation will.

CIA is still withholding documents of the JFK assassination, which means they are guilty of the crime. There can be no other reason to withhold documentation unless they conspired to do it. Everybody involved with it are now dead, so the only reason to withhold information is because they are protecting an institution - their institution.
23   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 9, 7:27am  

Two short videos:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Big Pharma, CDC, Bill Gates: 'These Are Criminal Enterprises'

RFK Jr. on the Vaccine "Gold Rush"; Anthony Fauci Hardest Hit
24   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 12, 6:38am  

Guaranteed. You won't hear any other Presidential candidate speak out about this:

RFK Jr. Exposes "Event 201", Bill Gates, Fauci, and the Evil Plotting of the Covid Scamdemic

25   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 12, 6:59am  

The Democrats will run the RNC 2016 playbook on Robert Kennedy, only they will be successful in stripping his wins from him and giving them to the Democrat Mitt Romney. If you all recall, the RNC wanted to strip Donald Trump of his Primary wins and give it to Mitt Romney. They just made up some bullshit, and claimed, that the choice is really up to the Committee and they were at Liberty to take those Primary wins and strip them away and Nominate someone of their choosing.

Trump had better Lawyers, and the Alt Right Media was more powerful than they gave them credit. So the gambit was squashed.

Robert Kennedy will be railroaded, and if he got any support to fight it, I guaranfuckintee, that support will come from Conservative stalwarts.
26   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 13, 9:43am  

RFK Jr Reminds Us Of The Dirty Little Secrets Behind The Patriot Act & The War In Iraq [VIDEO]

27   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 3:40pm  

Patrick says


Unless he opens up who killed his father and uncle, it's pointless.

We have an entirely criminal government at this point, openly criminal. If this continues, we're headed for collapse. This criminality must end or our nation will.

CIA is still withholding documents of the JFK assassination, which means they are guilty of the crime. There can be no other reason to withhold documentation unless they conspired to do it. Everybody involved with it are now dead, so the only reason to withhold information is because they are protecting an institution - their institution.

That's me.
28   Ceffer   2023 Apr 13, 3:41pm  

Question is, does he have plinking protection? It's gonna take a lot.
29   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 13, 4:01pm  

Patrick says

Unless he opens up who killed his father and uncle, it's pointless.

We have an entirely criminal government at this point, openly criminal. If this continues, we're headed for collapse. This criminality must end or our nation will.

RFK Jr. has already stated, in no uncertain terms, that there was a government led conspiracy to kill both his uncle and his father. He strongly believes that Sirhan never fired the fatal shot that ultimately killed his father.

He has also stated that his father strongly believed, due to evidence that he had obtained, that the government was behind the murder of his brother. RFK had planned to expose everything if he were to be elected President ... no doubt a major reason as to why he was killed as well.
30   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 13, 4:06pm  

New video:

Ron Paul: The Coup Took Place the Day That the CIA Assassinated John F. Kennedy

31   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 20, 9:11am  

RFK, Jr: I Don't Want the Democrat Party to be the Party of 'Fear, Pharma, War & Censorship'

32   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 20, 9:42am  

I watched that, he said some very inspiring things. But unfortunately I realized as I watched it last night. That the Democrats were going to bury him under hateful hyperbole and slanderous lies. That's exactly what they are doing today. The butt hurt Twitter page, doesn't have one single Democrat singing his praises. And I'm also disappointed that no pro MAGA voters hasn't piped up in those feeds to at least defend him. I mean there are so many levels to join that conversation.

I was also thinking how the Democrats would never embrace him, even if the media doesn't drown him out with hatred vitriol to silence his message.
He's hard to listen to, you really have to concentrate on what he's saying, ignoring how he sounds. Democrats are shallow, they expect a well spoken articulate speaker, even if they are a jive ass mother fucker.
Now understand I know Joe Biden is the President, but the electorate didn't put him there, the corrupt machine did. Biden isn't inspiring anyone to do anything. Let alone vote.

I don't expect they will even allow him on the debate stage with the rest of the field if other's challenge Biden. Biden would never be allowed to debate him, or any real challenger I don't think..

The only way Robert makes it past the primary will be if enough independents register as Democrats for the sole purpose of having a say in the closed primary states. He might also get some of the but hurt Never Trump Republican voters. But I doubt it, the drive by media is already smearing him for scrumming with Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and Mike Flynn, on his campaign plans over the last few months.

If the Democrats want to get rid of Trump, then they will make RFK the Democrat Presidential candidate in the 2024 general election. It will also restore the faith in our elections.

At this point, I'm not sure who I would vote for in that election, Trump or Kennedy. It would really be up to, which one sold me in the debates.

I do like that RFK put all of the blame on the Covid lockdown on Trump, and his line of reasoning, is actually something I have told Conservative friends that defended Trump on the lockdowns. That is, JFK had the might of the whole Deep State institution, breathing down his throat telling him to nuke Cuba. .But rather than listening to them, he went in a room alone and called Khrushchev and solved it through diplomacy.

Trump will have to have a very damn good rebuttal in a debate, as to why he became the Globalist Bitch on Covid. Or my vote will go to RFK.

In fact if Trump doesn't have a good Truth post rebuttal to RFK's blame on him, I just might be one of those that changes my party affiliation to get RFK past the primaries.

My only fear of that is, that too many of us might do the same. Leaving too many Republican voters that would vote for Mitt Romney because Breitbart said a Rasmussen poll says Trump can't beat him..

The establishment and the angry hateful Democrat voters would vote for Mitt Romney over RFK.

RFK is a huge problem for both parties. I think depending on if his campaign grows virally like Trump did. DeSantis and many others that has budgeted for an assault on Trump. Will have to pull out, they didn't budget for a two front battle.
33   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 20, 10:17am  

Tenpoundbass says

That the Democrats were going to bury him under hateful hyperbole and slanderous lies. That's exactly what they are doing today. T

Very true. But, as it did for Trump in 2016, those attacks very well might work in his favor. RFK Jr. is not the typical Democrat. He has an appeal for those that rightfully believe that the party has veered too far left. He'll have an appeal with independents, along with moderate Republicans. I think the more people see him, and hear what he has to say, the more they will like him.

IMO, regardless of any poll, Romney, like Mike Pence, has ZERO chance.
34   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 20, 1:03pm  

At the 45 minute mark of his almost 2 hour speech. He said, "don't worry I have a lot more to say, we're going to be here a long time. This is what happens when they censor you for 18 years."
35   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 20, 1:06pm  

I want to call my Democrat friends and see if they listened to his speech. But I fear that they did not, and their Yahoo news feed, has already convinced them that he hosted a KKK Klan rally. Not only that, they will flat out refuse to listen to it, less they be branded a Biggoted, Racist Misogynist.
36   mell   2023 Apr 20, 7:07pm  

He should run together with Elder, who is also running. I'd vote for that combo
37   richwicks   2023 Apr 20, 7:28pm  

RayAmerica says

RFK, Jr: I Don't Want the Democrat Party to be the Party of 'Fear, Pharma, War & Censorship'


Just embedding it:

original link

@RayAmerica - you have to click the embed link and click the the link given under "Embed IFRAME URL" on Rumble. I've helped @Patrick in the past, but in order to convert from a URL to an embed link on multiple sites, requires some fetches from websites to do it because the URL and the embed link don't have common information - MOST sites do. I can convert from the original link to embed link, but it can't all run in Javascript, UNLESS javascript can use something like wget or curl.

I can explain how it's done, I have software that does it already, but I don't think Javascript has the ability. If it does, I'll help Patrick out - he's got my email.
38   Patrick   2023 Apr 21, 9:00am  


Of course, Yahoo News, and all the rest of the in-the-tank news media greeted Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential announcement by branding him a “noted-anti-vaxxer,” as if that’s a bad thing. Yes, noted, thank you very much. Reuters elaborated: “Kennedy has been banned from YouTube and Instagram for spreading misinformation about vaccines and the COVID-19 pandemic.” By now, whenever you see the agit-prop platitude spreading misinformation, does your brain not instantly translate that into telling the truth? And by now, does banishment from social media not tell you that certain guilty parties recognize a truth-teller when they see one?

Bobby Kennedy stepped up on Wednesday and gave a long and comprehensive speech so rich with historic resonance, intelligence, and flat-out bravery — in the face of, let’s face it, a Satanic opposition — that he made every other figure in this land aspiring to high office within memory look like quality-control rejects from evolution’s Homo sapiens assembly line. For 90-minutes in a Boston ballroom, RFK, Jr. told America the truth: that its entire matrix of leadership has laid one trip after another on our country going all the way back to the murders of his father and uncle, and he did it plainly, gently, humorously at times, but with an unmistakable gravitas and decorum that must scare the beJeezus out of the low life-forms currently running things. ...

I think RFK, Jr. sees very clearly the historical moment he represents. He’s keenly aware of the shade thrown over this land by the murders of his father and President Kennedy, and he has said flat-out in so many words that our own CIA was behind the dastardly acts. He was in a position to know the animus between JFK and the founding director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and the reckless blunders of the agency and its partners in the Pentagon who buffaloed President Kennedy into the Bay of Pigs farce and then tried to drag him deeper into the Vietnam quagmire. JFK resisted that, threatened to shred the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds… and Allen Dulles whacked him. He got away with it the same way that today’s Intel “community” got away with RussiaGate and all their subsequent crimes. In short, Bobby Kennedy knows what it looks like when a government is at war against its own people. ...

The Neocon’s Ukraine project had gone south. The result, which should be hugely embarrassing to our State and Defense departments, will be the paradox of Russia restoring order to a region that we wrecked on-purpose at great cost to the denizens of Ukraine — and, as Bobby pointed out, at great cost to the shattered American middle-class. America will also have to face all the criminal activities around the Covid-19 story: the machinations of Dr. Fauci and company in developing the virus and then the vaccines that proved to be so harmful and deadly; the stupid, disastrous lockdowns; and the government-directed censorship campaign against all and any voices in opposition to medical tyranny.
39   Ceffer   2023 Apr 21, 9:12am  

I was glad on reading 'The Devil's Chessboard' about Allen Dulles re-constitution of the Nazi SS and Gestapo under the banner of CIA in Switzerland (Dulles are dynastic Merovingian), where CIA has its true headquarters, that his wife so detested him that when he became ill and bedridden, she allowed him to wallow in misery without guests in an upstairs bedroom for years. People visiting his wife would hear him wailing, and she would ignore it as if it weren't happening, obtaining great satisfaction in his suffering.
There was bogus historical propaganda that the early CIA were Nazi hunters rather than Nazi recruiters and ratliners. The new CIA soaked up every major Nazi they could find and put them back into positions of power in Europe, NATO, NASA, UN etc.
The Dulles brothers represented the corporations in America who helped finance Hitler, and they did everything they could after WWII to salvage those investments for their clientele.
40   Ceffer   2023 Apr 21, 9:24am  

A total re-do for the USA has to go back to the sell out of the US Corporation in 1871 and the later establishment of the Federal Reserve (two Satanic inversions in one, neither Federal nor a Reserve). However, the more or less complete, unabashed capture of the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC did occur with the public murder of Kennedy as a demonstrated statement of their witching powers. That was the true flexure of the equally foreign CIA hand on the throat of America.

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