What I Won't Forget

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2022 Mar 3, 12:35pm   119,853 views  757 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


What I won’t forget:

How they said it would be two weeks.

How they shut down churches but kept abortion clinics and weed stores open.

How Canadian pastors were arrested.

How doctors in lab coats knelt to mobs of rioters while ppl weren’t allowed to visit their loved ones.

How a criminal had four funerals while others weren’t allowed to bury their dead.

How cities were destroyed while the people sworn to uphold our Constitution cheered on the destruction.

How the CHAZ was called a “summer of love” but the trucker convoy was called terrorism.

How Kamala petitioned for bail for the terrorists destroying small businesses in Minneapolis.

How dirty DAs in Portland released vandals and arsonists night after night for over 100 nights.

How San Francisco and Seattle have devolved into living hells of drugs and filth.

How children have worn useless cloth masks for two years, delaying their development and causing physical harm, and some leaders and pastors can’t be bothered to say this was wrong.

How Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci betrayed the American people and are still called heroes.

How thousands of people lost their jobs over a therapy that doesn’t even prevent infection or transmission.

How people who resisted this therapeutic intervention have been demonized and dehumanized.

How many of my fellow countrymen would cheer if I died.

How ppl in cities were cut off from society if they wouldn’t show their health papers — and this was seen as righteous and good by all the experts and many of our fellow countrymen.

How children sat in front of screens for months and we called it “school.”

How Joe Biden has threatened, bullied, castigated, and demonized his citizens while claiming to be a “decent guy” and a “uniter” compared to the other guy.

How dementia patients died alone in nursing homes after already having recovered from Covid.

How people were denied safe, effective treatments because those treatments had been politicized, and they died on ventilators apart from their families.

How parks and hiking trails were shut down and police stationed there to keep families away.

How people fled blue states.

How thousands of employees have been forced to sit through brainless trainings that make them feel divided from their fellow countrymen on account of skin color.

How public school children have been groomed into gender confusion.

How 13yo girls have had their breasts removed.

How billionaires and politicians were involved with a man who trafficked children for sex, how he mysteriously died in prison, and none of them will ever be prosecuted, but…

blue collar ppl were arrested and had their assets frozen for peacefully protesting govt overreach.

How overdoses have increased ~30% this year.

How some governors still won’t relinquish emergency powers.

How we’ve been conditioned to view freedom as selfish.

How speaking against the establishment may cost your job or reputation — this in a “free” country.

Our government and other establishment voices would like to sweep all this under the rug.

The have been disastrously, fatally wrong. Don’t forget.

And now they want "amnesty".

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331   Patrick   2023 Feb 28, 8:06pm  


Louis Timotius
Replying to
Disinfect a motorbike

Alcohol-based disinfectant no doubt.
336   BayArea   2023 Feb 28, 9:54pm  

Thank you for posting this Patrick.

We should never forget what they did and what they put Americans through.
337   Patrick   2023 Feb 28, 10:13pm  

Hangings are appropriate imho.
340   Patrick   2023 Mar 1, 11:38am  

Yes, I agree 100% with this comment:

I was just thinking about who I was in March 2020 before this all kicked off. I was a middle aged single woman living in nyc working in healthcare never really thinking about politics too much at all. My career was extremely rewarding, I had a solid friend group and at that time I was fed up with the growing social unrest as far as identity politics. I started noticing it 5 years ago and I avoided any discussion about it at all costs because I felt like it was divisive bullshit. Other than that I didn't have any serious issues with how things were going. I wasn't a trump hater or a supporter. I don't have a TV so I never got wrapped up in that insanity.

Now, ff three years later. I have zero trust in any institution and most people. I see many fellow citizens as a threat to my sovereignty. I once trusted most Dr's because I work in Healthcare and I had a good network of people who were vetted. Now I wouldn't go to a Dr unless it was a critical situation. I will go to dr's in Chinatown but not western dr's.

Any time I hear the word "expert" I assume they are trying to manipulate me into acting in a way they've been asked to convince me to do. Anything "global" raises red flags for me. Anything 'smart" is spying on me and wants to control me.

I feel the impermanence of everything sharply. Nothing is a sure thing or a guarantee anymore. It never was but this took it to a new level. I realized my life can be ruined by faceless bureaucrats at the drop of a hat. Most people seem extremely naive and docile to me. People I once looked up to have deeply disappointed me. I never realized how easily controlled most humans are. Maybe I was once one of them? I guess I was.

I am now 1 out of 1, 324 people in my neighborhood of 37,000 people who are unvaccinated. I survived military grade propaganda and the worst abuse and bullying of my life and came out intact. At least physically, definitely not mentally. I don't regret a thing. I saw a level of evil and cruelty I never imagined existed. I feel like I have lived through a low grade 1938 Germany and anyone who doesn't like hearing that should have tried living in New York City and resisting all of this and then get back to me on that.. There were times I feared I wouldn't be allowed to buy food. I have a friend who is a petty criminal and he assured me I wouldn't go hungry and not to worry. That was surreal.

As of yesterday I am now a licensed NYC pistol owner which is even more rare than being unvaccinated. I waited two years for this. People told me it would never happen but it has. After being afraid of crime and having the government possibly knock on my door to force vaccinate me (they tried this in 2019 with children during a fake measles outbreak) I FINALLY understood why people feel the need to be armed. This too is something I never imagined I'd do. I was once a simple minded dope who didn't understand why guns were neccesary. I wanted them gone. Now I want a collection. Hopefully I will absolutely never need to use a weapon for the remainder of my life but I now feel that I need to be prepared for absolutely anything because all common sense and human decency are off the table it seems that we are living in lawless times.

I now feel like I am the wish.com version of Sarah Connor. I don't even recognize who I once was. I am making new friends, planning a move out of state and I know I will never see the world like I used to. My goal is to live out the rest of my life in a peaceful place with like minded people and nature to enjoy. I will absolutely never ever trust any organization or agency and most people ever again. My measure for who I can trust is how you acted over this past three years. That tells me who you are deep down. If you were scared and masked and took the shot but you did NOT force this on others and you were against passports and people losing their jobs and being banned from society I'm OK with that. I hope I can mellow out from all of this but at this point I am reacting to all of this in a way that seems expected considering I have been in a fight or flight state living in the belly of the beast for this entire time.
341   Patrick   2023 Mar 6, 8:04pm  

Someone is archiving all the Wuhan Virus crimes:


342   Onvacation   2023 Mar 12, 10:13pm  

Gretchen Whitmer admits banning the sale of seeds was going a little too far.

"It was February and no one was planting anyway"
343   stereotomy   2023 Mar 13, 1:46am  

Onvacation says

Gretchen Whitmer admits banning the sale of seeds was going a little too far.

"It was February and no one was planting anyway"

Dumb bitch. February IS when you have to start seedlings if you're going to get anything before July.
344   richwicks   2023 Mar 13, 3:10am  

Remember carboard cutout fans in stadiums?

345   charlie303   2023 Mar 13, 10:12am  

richwicks says

Remember carboard cutout fans in stadiums?

I remember they used fake crowd noises for soccer games. The noises of course were completely out of sync with the action on the pitch so there was no crowd reaction when the ball hit the crossbar for example.
The sheeple readily accepted and embraced this as the new 'normal' and there was even talk of how being a fake noise crowd controller would be a career option in the future. I was in a conversation with some women once when one of them said her daughter was considering that as a path for the future. As I shook my head in disbelief I was scolded : 'Why not!!?! Women are the absolutely best when it comes to making fake noises!'
Hip Hip Hooray (fake) for feminism!
347   Patrick   2023 Apr 6, 7:33pm  


The German pandemic ends as scheduled; nothing will ever be the same
You cannot confine, repress, terrify, and coerce an entire nation for three years, and afterwards maintain any hope of returning to the world as it was before.

Browbeaten virus pest Karl Lauterbach has declared the pandemic over, just before the last German virus ordinances are set to expire. That whole storm of lies, restrictions, exaggerations and panic, which descended upon us like a hurricane three years ago, has now been withdrawn, with vastly less fanfare.

It’s awkward; nobody wants to talk about it.

The German pandemic is not ending because the virus is suddenly safer or because the vaccines have saved us or because we finally masked our way into a world free of respiratory pathogens. No, it is ending according to a timeline established last Fall, which idiotically synced virus restrictions to winter tyre rules. In this way, our rulers finally abandoned all pretence that their measures were anything more than public health theatre, performed to soothe the feelings of terrified ageing urbanites. Even that schedule proved hard to maintain, and the most visible and obnoxious restrictions had to be withdrawn months ago, as all political energy finally drained from the farce. What remains are vestigial mask mandates for care homes and clinics. After tomorrow, these institutions will be permitted to set their own rules. ...

The years since 2020 have proven that all it takes to confine the entire civilian population of a Western country to indefinite house arrest, is a viral pathogen no worse than pandemic influenza. With the right media campaign, the state can close schools and most of the economy, force millions to accept dangerous and ineffective medications, all with the support of a substantial majority of the voting public. Constitutional protections, democratic freedoms, bills of rights – these don’t matter, they are worthless. All you need is a sufficiently scary virus and they can be immediately set aside. That is not how freedom works. None of us will ever forget this.
349   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 9, 11:59am  

Patrick says

I now feel that I need to be prepared for absolutely anything because all common sense and human decency are off the table it seems that we are living in lawless times.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
355   Onvacation   2023 Apr 18, 8:52pm  

Early 2020 when sunshine, exercise, skateboarding, and hanging out on the beach were banned.
356   Patrick   2023 Apr 20, 9:21am  


May 15, 2022
Now that we know these are lies, how do you feel? Do you feel lied to? Or are you so invested in the lies, that you’re making excuses for them, in order to save face?

They LIED to all of us, over and over, to push the DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE toxxine.

I will never forget. There must be hangings.
359   Undoctored   2023 Apr 26, 5:42pm  

My public records request:

For each publicly advertised event at Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts from December 2020 through March 2023 that had a COVID-19 vaccination or test result requirement for attendees provide:

Attendee requirement, e.g.
Fully vaccinated only
Fully vaccinated or pre-entry negative PCR test
Up-to-date only
Up-to-date or pre-entry negative PCR test
Negative PCR test only

Copies of event calendars including this information will be accepted.


Dear Requester:

Please find attached records responsive to your request. There was a total of 19 events over the time requested; they are listed in the spreadsheet in order. If you copy and paste the URL it will take you to the landing page for that event that will give you the details regarding vaccination requirements etc.


The City of Mountain View

361   Patrick   2023 Apr 29, 9:48pm  


This may be THE best thing you will EVER see from CNN.

Scott Jennings is a CNN commentator and a former George Bush ally, but most importantly he's a parent. And he just absolutely demolished the wicked teacher's union boss Randi Weingarten who has spent the last week or so lying about her efforts to shut down schools for "Covid."

This has to be cathartic for parents everywhere.

Speaking on behalf of millions of American parents, I have four at home, I had to teach 'em at home, my wife had to teach 'em at home.

I am stunned at what you have said this week about your claiming to have wanted to reopen schools. You'll find that most parents believe you are the tip of the spear of school closures.

There are numerous statements you made over the summer of 20 scaring people to death about the possibility of opening schools and I hear no remorse whatsoever about the generational damage that's been done to the kids.

This last week, Weingarten falsely claimed she didn't collude with the government to keep schools shut down, even as she admitted that the Biden administration, AFTER the initial 2020 scare, consulted Weingarten in when to open schools.

The unions, and Weingarten in specific were running the show, keeping schools closed for NO reason.

Jennings goes on:

And for you to sit in front of Congress and the American people and say, "Oh, I wanted to open 'em the whole time!" I am shocked. I'm stunned. And there are millions of parents who feel the exact same way.

362   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 9:55pm  

Undoctored says

My public records request:

For each publicly advertised event at Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts from December 2020 through March 2023 that had a COVID-19 vaccination or test result requirement for attendees provide:

Attendee requirement, e.g.
Fully vaccinated only
Fully vaccinated or pre-entry negative PCR test
Up-to-date only
Up-to-date or pre-entry negative PCR test
Negative PCR test only (some text omitted to shorten quote...) r request. There was a total of 19 events over the time requested; they are listed in the spreadsheet in order. If you copy and paste the URL it will take you to the landing page for that event that will give you the details regarding vaccination requirements etc.


The City of Mountain View


This is not to gloat, but I'm telling you and told you, government completely ignores us.

The vaccine doesn't fucking work, everybody knows this now.
363   GNL   2023 Apr 30, 6:48am  

richwicks says

The vaccine doesn't fucking work, everybody knows this now.

Except several or my family members.
364   RC2006   2023 Apr 30, 7:09am  

GNL says

richwicks says

The vaccine doesn't fucking work, everybody knows this now.

Except several or my family members.

Facts, truth, science, logics, and critical thinking are all things becoming less important these days.

There is still a large part of the population still wearing masks. Even if 25-50% of the population believes all the nonsense we have all lost as a whole. Idiocracy is dragging us all down.
368   Patrick   2023 May 1, 1:33pm  


As if to acknowledge the ultimate failure of the pandemic narrative, multiple government officials have suddenly (and perhaps begrudgingly) started to back away from their original positions. However, instead of admitting they were wrong and apologizing to the public, they are instead trying to rewrite history and claim that they were actually against many of the measures and restrictions they implemented.

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