Vaccine Truth-Teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign

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2023 Apr 5, 8:02pm   49,731 views  405 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, sharp critic of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the nephew of 35th President John F. Kennedy, has launched a campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, challenging incumbent Joe Biden.


Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!

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39   Ceffer   2023 Apr 21, 9:12am  

I was glad on reading 'The Devil's Chessboard' about Allen Dulles re-constitution of the Nazi SS and Gestapo under the banner of CIA in Switzerland (Dulles are dynastic Merovingian), where CIA has its true headquarters, that his wife so detested him that when he became ill and bedridden, she allowed him to wallow in misery without guests in an upstairs bedroom for years. People visiting his wife would hear him wailing, and she would ignore it as if it weren't happening, obtaining great satisfaction in his suffering.
There was bogus historical propaganda that the early CIA were Nazi hunters rather than Nazi recruiters and ratliners. The new CIA soaked up every major Nazi they could find and put them back into positions of power in Europe, NATO, NASA, UN etc.
The Dulles brothers represented the corporations in America who helped finance Hitler, and they did everything they could after WWII to salvage those investments for their clientele.
40   Ceffer   2023 Apr 21, 9:24am  

A total re-do for the USA has to go back to the sell out of the US Corporation in 1871 and the later establishment of the Federal Reserve (two Satanic inversions in one, neither Federal nor a Reserve). However, the more or less complete, unabashed capture of the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC did occur with the public murder of Kennedy as a demonstrated statement of their witching powers. That was the true flexure of the equally foreign CIA hand on the throat of America.
41   RWSGFY   2023 Apr 21, 12:16pm  

PeopleUnited says

Remember what happened to the last two Kennedy’s who defied the globalists?

Defied how? By cucking to them and not wiping out Commies from Cuba as Ike planned? Which later gave them the foothold to stage the Cuban Missile Crisis. Or cucking to Commies wrt permanent division of Berlin? Some antiglobalist, lol.
43   Ceffer   2023 Apr 22, 4:50pm  

Sirhan, we have a new mission for you should you choose to exercise it. This message will self destruct in ten seconds. That card on the table is the Queen of Diamonds.
45   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 22, 8:10pm  

I always thought this was an open and shut case, but now I'm not so sure:

John Lennon’s Killer May Have Been Under CIA Mind Control & Second Gunman Likely Involved, Bombshell Documentary Reveals

A three-year investigation has thrown into doubt the official story of The Beatles frontman John Lennon’s murder by gunman Mark Chapman.

British author and TV producer David Whelan examined troves of documents and spoke to several key witnesses surrounding Lennon’s fatal shooting on December 8, 1980, and found troubling inconsistencies that raise questions about how the killing actually took place.

The official account of Lennon’s assassination was that disturbed loner Mark David Chapman waited for Lennon outside the Dakota Building in Manhattan as he and his wife Yoko Ono returned to his apartment before shooting Lennon five times in the back.

But Whelan claims that the evidence he’s reviewed shows Lennon was shot in the chest, not the back.

“I think Mark Chapman was potentially shooting a gun or thinking he was shooting a gun possibly blanks,” Whelan said.

“He thinks he’s done something he couldn’t have possibly done — therefore, the only conclusion I can come to is there might have been a second shooter or it was highly likely there was a second shooter in the vestibule area on the stairs, shooting John in a close group pattern in his upper left chest area.”

“When I spoke to the doctors and nurses at the time who treated John – and they saw his wounds many times – they all agree that whoever shot John was very close to him and standing in front one or two feet away.”

“And they managed to achieve a very professional grouping around John’s left chest area above his heart. It’s almost impossible for Mark Chapman to do that from where he was and it was dark. He was 20 to 25 feet away from John.”

“It’s a disturbing, troubling assessment, I’m well aware of that, but I can see no other explanation for John’s wounds,” he added.

Even more disturbing is that Chapman may have been “groomed” by the CIA to carry out the killing, Whelan claimed, citing an unusual series of events preceding his trial.

“Chapman’s lawyers were aiming for a trial and an insanity plea, but out of the blue, Chapman decided he wanted to forgo a trial and plead guilty, claiming that ‘a little voice inside his head’ told him to do this,” said Whelan.

Crucially, says Whelan, that volte-face only came after Chapman was visited in his cell by various psychiatrists employed by his defence lawyers.

Three of those doctors had been involved in hypnosis, and one of them, Dr Milton Kline, worked with the CIA on its notorious ‘MK Ultra’ mind control programme, which the Hollywood movie the Manchurian Candidate was loosely based on.

In 1979, Kline boasted in a TV documentary that a man could be programmed to murder via hypnosis, via the MK Ultra programme.

Why Kline, along with two other experts in hypnosis, was asked by the lawyers to meet Chapman, is not clear, though it is not impossible that the defence was already considering putting forward the notion that their client was hypnotised into carrying out his crime.

If true, this would mark yet another instance of U.S. intelligence involvement in the assassination of a peace-loving cultural icon who was critical of the military-industrial complex.
47   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 23, 9:05pm  

It going to be sad to watch the Dems discredit Robert Kennedy to prop up their chosen candidate just like they discredited and cheated Bernie when he was more popular than Hillary in 2016.

I wonder if RFK will pull a Bernie and endorse the Democrat nominee, or stand for truth and tell his supporters not to vote for a warmongering vax pusher?
48   clambo   2023 Apr 24, 7:14am  

Kennedy has no chance but he can fuck up Biden pretty well, I will enjoy seeing it.
But, the media and the DNC will never allow Kennedy to debate Biden.
49   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 24, 7:29am  

The DNC are acting like Stalinists (because they ARE Stalinists) ...

Exclusive: RFK Jr. Slams DNC for ‘Rigged’ Primary — No Debates, Moving South Carolina to First State (audio interview)

“President Biden didn’t do well there [New Hampshire]; he came in fifth. So they took New Hampshire, and they kicked it out of first place."

50   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 24, 7:33am  

The Morning Briefing: RFK Jr. Is the Thorn We Need in Joe Biden's Side for 2024

... RFK’s eldest has been railing against the petty COVID tyrants in a way that almost makes him seem conservative. I recently joked in a Slack conversation to my colleagues that he’s my favorite moderate Republican in the race.

His presence in the 2024 Democratic campaign puts every bit of COVID fiction that Joe Biden ran on in 2020 on political trial. RFK Jr. is running as a throwback to his ancestral Democratic heritage. Yeah, they were lefties, but they weren’t fascists. COVID Joe Biden is a fascist. Whether he says it or not, RFK the Younger is heavily implying it.

Biden can’t merely brush a Kennedy aside. His party spent decades circling the wagons around RFK Jr.’s Uncle Teddy after he let an intern he was having an affair with drown. They’re all in on this family.

RFK Jr. may not be the Kennedy that the Democrats want, but he’s the one the Republicans are going to have a lot of fun watching in 2024.
51   WookieMan   2023 Apr 24, 8:00am  

Patrick says

He communicates in plain English (and with a damaged larynx).

That will be the downfall with the larynx. Not kidding. I'm in the same boat. It sucks. You can't articulate with a shit voice. Everyone is focused on that and not the message.

I haven't looked into him too much. If he's anti-vax he at least checks a box for me. My guess without seeing/hearing much is he's center left. I could deal with that I suppose. Wars and budget are the biggest issues right now. We couldn't cut $5B from the Ukraine package to finish the Mexican border wall or whatever it would cost?
52   RWSGFY   2023 Apr 24, 10:23am  

WookieMan says

Patrick says

He communicates in plain English (and with a damaged larynx).

That will be the downfall with the larynx. Not kidding. I'm in the same boat. It sucks. You can't articulate with a shit voice. Everyone is focused on that and not the message.

I haven't looked into him too much. If he's anti-vax he at least checks a box for me. My guess without seeing/hearing much is he's center left. I could deal with that I suppose. Wars and budget are the biggest issues right now. We couldn't cut $5B from the Ukraine package to finish the Mexican border wall or whatever it would cost?

Tsk-tsk-tsk: can't use Pukin's dough for our own needs. These $350B are earmarked specifically for tearing Commie Pedo War Criminal a new one, and he's paying for it.

BTW, the GOP has the House majority, doesn't it? Where's the wall funding legislation from them? Dems are obviosly not interested.
53   Onvacation   2023 Apr 24, 11:27am  

Tenpoundbass says

I don't expect they will even allow him on the debate stage with the rest of the field if other's challenge Biden. Biden would never be allowed to debate him, or any real challenger I don't think..

54   Ceffer   2023 Apr 24, 11:31am  

Why should they debate? At this rate, they will place a masked Fetterman on the fake Presidential throne through election fraud and go whistling down the Globalist road.
55   zzyzzx   2023 Apr 24, 11:52am  

Kennedy won't even be invited to the debates.
56   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 24, 2:42pm  

Exclusive—Robert F. Kennedy Jr: ‘There Is No Time in History Where the People Who Were Censoring Speech Were the Good Guys’

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/24/exclusive-robert-f-kennedy-jr-there-is-no-time-in-history-where-the-people-who-were-censoring-speech-were-the-good-guys/zzyzzx says
57   EBGuy   2023 Apr 24, 4:55pm  

You give me a piece of ground and a sword, and I am going to take back this country with your help -- the help of all the homeless Republicans and Democrats and Independents who are Americans first. Thank you all very much.
- RFK Jr.
58   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 24, 6:55pm  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts Fox News for Ousting Tucker Carlson and Presents an Interesting Theory on Why it Happened

(Watch the video of Tucker praising RFK Jr. for speaking the truth about the dangerous 'vaccines')
61   Karloff   2023 Apr 25, 9:37pm  

RFK is right on Big Pharma, but apparently he's another gun-grabber and a climate change true-believer. Not sure how this translates into his political stance on others.

Is there nobody who just has a platform on individual freedoms anymore?
62   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 26, 9:23am  

RFK Jr. Explains How Biden, Trump Could Have Reined in Big Pharma With the 'Stroke of the Pen (video)


There was a time when Big Pharma advertising was banned from the public airwaves. Today, due to unbelievable revenue resulting from radio and TV advertising, Big Pharma controls the narrative of the so called network news shows. 75% of CNN's advertising revenue comes from Big Pharma!
63   RWSGFY   2023 Apr 27, 8:45am  

RayAmerica says

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Blasts Fox News for Ousting Tucker Carlson and Presents an Interesting Theory on Why it Happened

(Watch the video of Tucker praising RFK Jr. for speaking the truth about the dangerous 'vaccines')

Two stupid cunts fellating each other.
64   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 29, 6:44am  

Will you ever hear anything even remotely close to this from Trump?

RFK Jr: Pharma Makes $60 Billion/Yr From Vaccines, $500 Billion Selling Remedies for VAXXX Injuries
65   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 29, 6:47am  

RFK Jr. Says ‘Mega-Billionaires’ Are Using Climate Change to Usher in ‘Totalitarian Controls’ on Society

“Climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by, you know, the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big, you know, mega-billionaires, the same way that COVID was exploited, to use it as an excuse to clamp down, top-down totalitarian controls on society,” Kennedy told Talk show host Kim Iversen.

“They’ve given climate chaos a bad name, you know, because people now see that it’s just another crisis that’s being used to strip mine the wealth of the poor and to, you know, to enrich billionaires and I for 40 years, have had the same policy on climate and engineering, you can go check my speeches from the 1980s and I’ve said, the most important solution for environmental issues, not top down controls is free market capitalism,” Kennedy said.

66   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 29, 11:53am  

I bet by this summer, every Woop Woop celeberity will be in the race just to shave off votes from RFK. Because a good 78% of the Democrats are not voting for Joe Biden, nor do I think they will vote for any Democrat that has been in politics in the last 8 to 12 years and has gone along with these Vile evil cocksuckers. They are fed up and wary. .But they will vote for your Oprah Windbag, Dimwit Johnson, and Bounceonit Holes.

RFK will be up against the Jerry Springer field.
67   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 1:02pm  

I’d like to see the rock run. It would be the Donald vs the Rock.... tonight on WWE
68   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 2:43pm  

PeopleUnited says

I’d like to see the rock run. It would be the Donald vs the Rock.... tonight on WWE

Trump won't be allowed to win the nomination.
69   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 3:48pm  

If the Republican Party was run like the Democrats, there would be no primary.

richwicks says

Trump won't be allowed to win the nomination.

That could be the end of the Republican Party. Which at the high end is Rinos anyway so no big loss.
But its not like anyone else has a better argument. Who’s going to stop him? Media would love him to win, he was best thing for their ratings.
70   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 4:49pm  

PeopleUnited says

But its not like anyone else has a better argument. Who’s going to stop him?

The intelligence agencies will stop him.

Trump will only be allowed to win the nomination if the steal is already in for the general election. Americans already accepted one obviously stolen election, they'll accept another. Depends on what kind of information they have on public sentiment.

They'll proceed with caution, they can't steal the election again if entirely discredits the government.

They aren't exactly great at their jobs anymore. If they were still doing well at their jobs, people wouldn't even know there was internet censorship, people wouldn't know that the FIB entrapped people on January 6th, they wouldn't suspect the election was stolen, they wouldn't know the vaccines were worthless. They've fucked up a lot in the last few years.

You bemoan this, but I'm telling you, if people know the truth, they can make correct decisions. There's 330 million Americans, somebody will come up with a solution to the problem.
71   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 7:28pm  

richwicks says

The intelligence agencies will stop him.

Trump will only be allowed to win the nomination if the steal is already in for the general election. Americans already accepted one obviously stolen election, they'll accept another. Depends on what kind of information they have on public sentiment.

They'll proceed with caution, they can't steal the election again if entirely discredits the government.

Oh please, the Democrats stole the election with illegal ballot harvesting and mail in ballots. The Rinos let them do it because they hate Trump.

“Intelligence “ had no role. They were not needed.richwicks says

they can't steal the election again

Oh, so we do still have a republic. Good you finally admitted it.
72   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 7:54pm  

PeopleUnited says

Oh please, the Democrats stole the election with illegal ballot harvesting and mail in ballots. The Rinos let them do it because they hate Trump.

“Intelligence “ had no role. They were not needed

Alright, but notice Antifa and BLM stopped being a central thing in the news, and stopped being supported, and were never arrested.

Here's what the CIA does to do a coup: They foment "unrest" against "the evil leader", they insert propaganda into everything - have you noticed how many "former" intelligence officials are in our "news" now? They create FAKE GROUPS to protest, paid to do it, create havoc to give the impression there's real genuine unrest - it's an astroturf campaign.

They did this in Ukraine.PeopleUnited says

Oh, so we do still have a republic. Good you finally admitted it.

Do not fucking do that. Do not take me out of context, don't strawman me, don't distort what I've said. This is not productive to discussion, it's dishonest. What I said was, and I quote:

richwicks says

They'll proceed with caution, they can't steal the election again if entirely discredits the government.

IF it entirely discredits the government THEN they can't steal the election, but Trump will not be allowed to be president. They'll kill him first.

They were able to steal the election last time, maybe they think they can again. RFK might be controlled opposition, the CIA killed his father and uncle after all - he knows this. I don't think Biden will run, but who knows? Maybe they'll just deepfake him for 4 years, the press will cooperate. I'm trying to think who might be PLAUSIBLE to run.. Ron DeSantis I believe is controlled opposition, maybe they'll install him.

They don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat, as long as whatever is a willing puppet, that dances on the strings. That's what George W. Bush was, what Obama was, what Biden OBVIOUSLY is. I wouldn't say anybody that has been a possibility of being a president wasn't entirely controlled with the POSSIBLE exception of Trump. Trump may himself be controlled opposition, but he really stirred up the toilet. I doubt they want him back, he did enormous damage to the machine, which frankly, I approve of.
73   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 29, 9:53pm  

Trump might be controlled opposition, but either way he was elected in 2016. And despite the fact that there was enough illegal ballot harvesting to swing the election in 2020, it might be tougher to pull that off again.

The point is that if they can’t steal every election, then we do have a republic. They have always had their uniparty candidates Bush v Gore either way we lose, same with Romney v Obama. But Trump v Clinton was a different animal it seems. And other than the obvious COVID F up and missteps on things like bumpstocks Trump was quite responsible with his time in office.
74   Patrick   2023 Apr 29, 10:02pm  

I have to admit that such honesty is very unusual in a Democrat.
75   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 10:15pm  

PeopleUnited says

The point is that if they can’t steal every election, then we do have a republic.

But they don't have to steal every election, just most of them. Getting 5 people into congress who aren't absolutely terrible doesn't magically make a republic.

Look, I believe the real problem is people simply don't know. They can't. HOW do you find out what is going on when 90% of what is considered "news" is just pure unadulterated propaganda? How can you even find out what is true?

Here's what "ukraine coup" turns up under Google:


Look at the first result. They are correct, however, who in the United States will take it seriously?

The only way you can know, if somebody tells you to look up the conversation between Geoffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland, verify the date on the audio recording on youtube, find out that she was indeed picking out the next leader of Ukraine in that conversation, point out that Viktor Yanukovych fled office 2 weeks and 4 days after Nuland's conversation was made public, then explain that it makes no sense for Nuland to be picking out the next leader of Ukraine before the old one was even gone.

And then you have to hope they can reason which 1 out of 10 people can do.

If the media just told the truth, we wouldn't be on the verge of WWIII.

The worst, most vile people, climb to the top in "news" and Tucker Carlson's father was CIA.
76   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 30, 7:16am  

PeopleUnited says

They have always had their uniparty candidates Bush v Gore either way we lose, same with Romney v Obama. But Trump v Clinton was a different animal it seems.

America has a very long history of manipulating the Presidential election process in order to give us two candidates that the elite ruling class want. Trump in 2016 is the exception, as was Andrew Jackson (rigged election of 1824) & Goldwater in 1964 (a very pivotal election in American history). Recall that in 2016, the more the mainstream media attacked the outsider Trump, the more his polling number went up.

This is a classic book that details how the elites have always controlled the election process to their advantage:

A Choice Not An Echo (1964) – Free Download

77   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 30, 7:22am  

richwicks says

Getting 5 people into congress who aren't absolutely terrible doesn't magically make a republic.

But Congress is not the Republic. The people are.
78   PeopleUnited   2023 Apr 30, 7:34am  

RayAmerica says

America has a very long history of manipulating the Presidential election process in order to give us two candidates that the elite ruling class want.

That’s what’s my dad taught me decades ago. Like I said either here or in another thread, by the 20th century, the new world order plan to control the world was at a critical mass, it cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed. We still have a Republic, even if it is far from perfect. The battle lines are clear, they are targeting natural law on every front, murdering babies, forcing injections and restricting movement, canceling those who dare question the narrative, spreading fear of war and climate. It’s all about control. But for some reason they have not been able to fully implement their plans here in USA and until they do the world is benefiting from our Republic. A lot of it is due to the Holy Spirit restraining the evil, but when the rapture happens, well basically all hell breaks loose. Are you ready?


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