Good Companies and Bad Companies

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2023 May 28, 8:47am   2,803 views  44 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Once upon a time, the cardinal rule of business was to never even discuss politics, yet nowadays, virtually all large corporations have gone woke to one degree or another. Many have adopted Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (D.I.E.), AKA discriminatory quotas based on skin pigmentation, gender, and LGBTQ instead of merit. Fortune 500 companies are literally keeping track of employees by race, and have launched 'training’ campaigns to indoctrinate employees into critical race theory, eerily reminiscent of early Nazi Germany. They push racial polarization, fomenting the democrat party's toxic culture war, including by pushing the false and racist narrative of systemic racism [1, 2]. Many have made substantial donations to various race-mongering groups including the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, the National Urban League, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. While some companies have posted quick tweets or buried a pandering web page, others have gone above and beyond with vitriolic rhetoric.

In addition to race-mongering/race-lecturing, some companies may push gender and/or LGBTQ tribalism. By separating people into more and more 'oppressed' groups, these companies help to keep democrats in power, while stirring the pot, thus inspiring violence (the Nashville shooting, the Waukesha parade massacre, subway harassment, etc). Some of these companies have actually come out against parents having the fundamental right to protect their children from being sexually groomed in elementary schools. ...

Woke companies are a danger to our freedom, our values, and our safety. The 'anti-hate' industry IS the hate industry [1, 2]. This is why we MUST stop feeding the beast that is using profits from our purchases to fuel the destruction of our country. Show them what 74 million + consumers can do to their profit margins. It is your civic duty! Be sure to let them know why you canceled them. The founder of Gab says that we must create our own economy. Our actions matter and have an impact. Just ask Budweiser, Super Bowl advertisers, Gillette, Goodyear, the NBA, Walmart, or Budweiser. Keep in mind that there is much that you can do besides boycotting. ...



Archives for when they inevitably get stomped by the violent intolerant Left:


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1   Eman   2023 May 28, 8:54am  

Basically, boycott all big tech names. I just went over the list. If I can’t buy stuff from AMZN and EBAY, I’m in trouble. 😅
2   RayAmerica   2023 May 28, 9:12am  

I wonder how many Harley owners know that Harley-Davidson is a radical left company?
3   HeadSet   2023 May 28, 9:55am  

RayAmerica says

I wonder how many Harley owners know that Harley-Davidson is a radical left company?

Likely none. They would all switch to Indian. Or maybe they are, I have seen more Indians on the road lately.
4   gabbar   2023 May 28, 2:44pm  

I reckon corporations follow the culture guidelines they receive from Brandon and company, that is the ruling party. But when Trump was in office, this didn't happen. Seems like the country has turned blue. And the red party has become blueish red. This isn't in the country's interest but this is what is going on.
5   richwicks   2023 May 28, 3:29pm  

gabbar says

I reckon corporations follow the culture guidelines they receive from Brandon and company, that is the ruling party. But when Trump was in office, this didn't happen. Seems like the country has turned blue. And the red party has become blueish red. This isn't in the country's interest but this is what is going on.

No it hasn't. This is the propaganda being shoved down your throat.

original link

Throw away your FUCKING TV. It ENTIRELY distorts your perception of reality, it's designed to convince you that you're in the minority, when you're not in order to modify your behavior, they don't need to change your thinking or convince you, just pressure you into "conformance". You should know this with covid, or the Ukraine war, or with the Afghanistan War (remember when that was all but won?) the Iraq war, Russiagate, that "Biden won".

Television doesn't reflect reality AT ALL, it promotes propaganda in an attempt to create reality. Ever heard of the Frankfurt School?


I didn't read the article, but I can sum up what it actually is. It's a group of assholes that came up with the concept that you don't have to appeal to the intellectual or knowledge (the real ones) in society, you just need to convince the sheep, and lying to them, or misleading them, whatever, that's fine to do. These shitheads are responsible for making this dystopia.

Is "trans" REALLY widely accepted, or this non-binary bullshit? No, nobody heard of it before 2010, except some weirdos, and they were rare. This is all top down driven. It's literally an attempt to control your perceptions. You know what the Asch Conformity test is:


So the fucking TWATS are trying to do is get you to go along with a PERCEIVED perception. They present "the majority" which are all conspiring to lie (or they might be legitimate dupes, and they are cherry picking), and they promote what they want to promote as the majority, ALL the time.

The MAJORITY of people think that that Russia is evil - do they?

I showed you the Jimmy Dore show, because I don't think the Asch Conformity experiments, control, work forever. Either you go legitimately nuts thinking that all your senses are wrong, and your logic is wrong, and you're gaslit into insanity, or you finally figure it out. A lot of people will go along to get along PUBLICLY, but not privately. People are starting to rebel against the propaganda of what "the majority" is.
6   Patrick   2023 May 28, 6:17pm  

Eman says

Basically, boycott all big tech names. I just went over the list. If I can’t buy stuff from AMZN and EBAY, I’m in trouble. 😅

@Eman They do go over this:

Q. How am I supposed to boycott all of these companies? How am I supposed to boycott, for example, Microsoft and Apple? I need to use a computer!

A. Reread the instructions at the top of the page, below where it says What can you do to resist? There are many things you can do to resist. It is true that in some categories, woke companies are unavoidable. But, you can still avoid the "Worst" companies that we have selectively and purposefully decided to pick off.
7   gabbar   2023 May 29, 5:09am  

richwicks says

Throw away your FUCKING TV. It ENTIRELY distorts your perception of reality, it's designed to convince you that you're in the minority,

Don't watch tv. I am just discouraged to see the current atmosphere. I hope you are right and I am wrong.
8   gabbar   2023 May 29, 5:12am  

richwicks says

Ever heard of the Frankfurt School?


Here is what Wikipedia notes about Frankfurt School, "In the Frankfurt School analysis, consumption culture and mass media displaced the role of a father figure in the paternalistic family. Rather than serving to liberate society from patriarchal authority however, this merely replaced it with the authority of the "totally administered" society."

This is sinister.
9   gabbar   2023 May 29, 6:19am  

richwicks says

A lot of people will go along to get along PUBLICLY, but not privately. People are starting to rebel against the propaganda of what "the majority" is.

Except the minorities that are benefiting from this propaganda.
10   richwicks   2023 May 29, 10:18am  

gabbar says

Don't watch tv. I am just discouraged to see the current atmosphere. I hope you are right and I am wrong.

This is the progression the ENTIRE country is going through, except for a few rare people that went through it long ago

1) The government is benevolent and it's a GOOD THING.
2) Wow, this government is really corrupt, and it lies to me all the time. It's getting MUCH worse!
3) It was better in the past, I remember the good old days when the government wasn't as corrupt
4) Wait a minute, the government has always been dishonest and corrupt. How did I not notice this before?
5) What? The government did THAT in the 19XX's ???

A lot of people are at step 3. People are at the stage where they are believing "things are getting worse", no, they aren't. They've always been this bad. I think you're at that stage.

I was totally fooled by Operation Desert Storm until like 1995 or so? Then I learned about April Glaspie, then I learned that Nayirah al-Sabah was a liar, and who she was. That was my cascade moment. Well, what about the 1970? Oh the Church Committee happened? What? MKUltra was real??? Oh shit, Operation Mockingbird came out in that! The Tuskegee Trials???? Wait a minute, a Japanese spy sub was sunk at Pearl Harbor hours before Pearl Harbor was attacked? The Lusitania WAS carrying munitions like the Germans said? Wait a minute, declassified Soviet documents show that the "gas chambers" at Auschwitz were built AFTER the war??? Holy shit, our nation overthrow Guatemala for the United Fruit Company? We scuttled a democracy for FRUIT??

Some of this stuff you might disagree with, and that's fine. I've gone WAY down the rabbit hole. Government hasn't changed, what's changing is the public.

It's been said that Zbigniew Brzezinski openly worried about what he called "a great awakening" - that the public would realize just what a bunch of thugs and criminals really make up our government. It's a rumor he coined that phrase, and it's probably correct. They work very hard to keep people ignorant and out of the loop.

The 90's sucked for me in a lot of ways, because I was being red-pilled, and there was NOBODY else to talk with about it and when you seem to be the only person "that knows" it's like being gaslit. If I tried to talk to ANYBODY about any of this shit, it was "oh, you can't be right about that" and I began to wonder, AM I wrong?

Nope. 2016 was great for me, I no longer had any questions about how the "news" media works. It's a relief to realize it's just propaganda and nonsense, and have complete confidence in that. In the early 2000's I thought they just must be making errors, and SOME of them engaged in open propaganda. The truth is, it's always been propaganda.
11   PeopleUnited   2023 May 29, 11:46am  

richwicks says

1) The government is benevolent and it's a GOOD THING.
2) Wow, this government is really corrupt, and it lies to me all the time. It's getting MUCH worse!
3) It was better in the past, I remember the good old days when the government wasn't as corrupt
4) Wait a minute, the government has always been dishonest and corrupt. How did I not notice this before?
5) What? The government did THAT in the 19XX's ???


12   PeopleUnited   2023 May 29, 11:51am  

richwicks says

The 90's sucked for me in a lot of ways, because I was being red-pilled, and there was NOBODY else to talk with about it and when you seem to be the only person "that knows"

Try growing up in a family that knew since the 60’s that the official narrative was bullshit. That our world is run by satanic globalists before it became popular to understand that satanic globalists run the world. At least you got to free your mind. But knowing that it’s only going to get worse from your youth up, that is a black pill. But the good news is, this life is only a short blip in the face of eternity. Don’t worry about this world, until you have secured the destiny of your eternal soul.
13   gabbar   2023 May 29, 4:49pm  

richwicks says

Wait a minute, declassified Soviet documents show that the "gas chambers" at Auschwitz were built AFTER the war???

I read about what happened in Cambodia (Khmer Rouge/Pol Pot). This was the real holocaust. Someone had commented on here that we were supporting Pol Pot in some way.
14   gabbar   2023 May 29, 4:51pm  

PeopleUnited says

Try growing up in a family that knew since the 60’s that the official narrative was bullshit.

I know people who still believe the official/media narrative of the Ukraine/Russia. These people have seen life. They are educated.
15   richwicks   2023 May 29, 5:22pm  

gabbar says

I read about what happened in Cambodia (Khmer Rouge/Pol Pot). This was the real holocaust. Someone had commented on here that we were supporting Pol Pot in some way.

Yeah, we were supporting Khmer Rouge because they weren't exactly on friendly terms with the Vietcong. The US will support anybody if they oppose whatever current enemy we have at the time. We are the ones that funded ISIS and Al-Qaeda against Syria although our government denies it, but Clinton's emails tell the true tale.

I want to be clear about WWII, there was a holocaust, but it didn't just effect Jewish people. LOTS of them died, but not 6 million, we simply don't know the numbers. It was very horrific, but it's vastly exaggerated. When I was a kid, lampshades of human skin and soap made out of Jewish fat was a "fact". But then we got genetic testing in the late 1990s. It was atrocity propaganda. Schindler's List? Bullshit. They were left alone because Schindler's plant was making stuff for the war, and that's what Jews (and many others) were doing in concentration camps ANYHOW. Schindler was running an AMMUNITION FACTORY.

You think the Nazis were going to shut that down?

I hate Hollywood. I hate propaganda.
16   PeopleUnited   2023 May 29, 8:24pm  

gabbar says

PeopleUnited says

Try growing up in a family that knew since the 60’s that the official narrative was bullshit.

I know people who still believe the official/media narrative of the Ukraine/Russia. These people have seen life. They are educated.

They believe because they want to believe. To their world view: USA = good. Russia = bad. These people are not going to be reached with facts. Until he facts start hitting them in the face like the people in 1940’s Germany started to realize, way too late.
17   gabbar   2023 May 30, 4:58am  

richwicks says

It's a relief to realize it's just propaganda and nonsense, and have complete confidence in that.

This is discouraging to me but like you said its relief to know this.
18   richwicks   2023 May 30, 7:32pm  

gabbar says

richwicks says

It's a relief to realize it's just propaganda and nonsense, and have complete confidence in that.

This is discouraging to me but like you said its relief to know this.

It's always been this way.

For over a decade I thought the "news" was just making errors, or that I didn't have the intellectual intelligence to see they weren't making an error. It really drove me nuts. It put me outside, was I wrong or were they lying? How could they all be lying??

Well, they're all lying. I have 100% confidence in that. I had suspicion for 20 years, and I have complete confidence I wasn't incorrect.

I had an aversion to what is called "a conspiracy theory" before, I have no problem identifying them now. If somebody pushes back, I have no possibility at this point of considering I'm incorrect about what I know to be factual, I'll just give them more information. Thank god I wasn't born in 1940. I would have had a bunch of newspaper clippings with tacks and yarn connecting them in 1990.

We are entirely misinformed, and it's centralized. There's no doubt about it, and finally people can have 100% confidence in it. People make a living demonstrating this is true now:


He does. This is a lighter version of it:


It's a relief to know I'm not incorrect, and people can recognize what I recognize. You probably thinking having a great memory is wonderful, it's not. It's all solved when you realize our "free press" isn't free at all, and I wasn't certain until 2015 or so, and I was born in 1971. It sucks, I live in Silicon Valley, people here are supposedly very intelligent, they aren't. Nobody to talk to, they don't logic. It was continual self doubt for decades and that's a torture.

I knew people in 2005 who expressed their worry that "a Muslim terrorist" would attack their children's school. She was entirely sincere, competent at her job, intelligent, and was completely propagandized. I didn't have the capacity to realize that combination could exist. I've gone through 51 years of life thinking smart people were impossible to brainwash. It's the opposite, the "smart people" are the most EASILY brainwashed.

It's a little scary to recognize this, until I look at the bell curve. The "dumb people" are really hard to brainwash, they just think it's beyond their ability to control, and they don't care. I didn't realize that either. I think "dumb people" are a lot smarter than I ever realized. I think basically they realized their education was indoctrination FAR earlier than I did, and dropped out of it. The smartest people I know, are blue collar and I think at this point, blue is certainly better than white.

Our education system is fucked up I think. I think it doesn't appeal to the really intelligent people. I think our human race is far more intelligent than we know.
21   Patrick   2023 May 30, 8:36pm  


Not Just Target: Walmart’s ESG Efforts Focus on Catering to LGBT Agenda
ESG guidelines reward retailers for not just selling LGBT merchandise but buying from such suppliers

Similar to Target, Walmart’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) report reveals that the company makes special provisions for LGBT groups, including specifically sourcing supplies from people professing such identities.

Target has been the focus of boycott calls due to offering Pride products this year aimed at children. Target’s 2022 ESG report (pdf) shows that at least 51 percent of its suppliers are “owned, controlled and operated by women, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, veterans or people with disabilities.” In addition, 59 percent of their Pride Month assortment was created by LGBT creators and brands.

Walmart has also been shown to conduct an “inclusive sourcing” program for LGBT groups. Walmart’s supplier inclusion initiative offers companies, owned and operated by members of LGBT and other identities like ethnic and racial minorities, “the opportunity to work with us while growing their business,” according to Walmart’s July 2022 ESG report. “For our U.S. businesses, we sourced more than $13.3 billion in goods and services from approximately 2,600 diverse suppliers.”
24   gabbar   2023 May 31, 12:48am  

richwicks says

The "dumb people" are really hard to brainwash, they just think it's beyond their ability to control, and they don't care. I didn't realize that either. I think "dumb people" are a lot smarter than I ever realized. I think basically they realized their education was indoctrination FAR earlier than I did, and dropped out of it. The smartest people I know, are blue collar and I think at this point, blue is certainly better than white.

I know more white collared people than blue collared people; the beliefs of some white collared people make me wonder wtf is going on. They start indoctrinating children from elementary school. This is why government is in education. Its about mental control.
25   WookieMan   2023 May 31, 2:48am  

gabbar says

I know more white collared people than blue collared people; the beliefs of some white collared people make me wonder wtf is going on. They start indoctrinating children from elementary school. This is why government is in education. Its about mental control.

No need to say where, but I assume you're in a somewhat urban area or large suburb? Have lived most your life there?

Our townie crew is all roughly 40 years old now. We'll play trivia at a local bar and so do the teachers in our district. Team names are a thing for us. We change every time. Put this way our kids teachers play and hear our team names. I can't remember them all but they're generally extreme and the trivia host has to say it out loud. It's a band but one of the funny ones was team Anal Cunt. So yeah, that's crowd I hang with. All white collar. We're just sick and I'm sorry it's funny as fuck to hear the dude say our name.

We also troll other teams. One is "team in the back room." We'll be "gays in the back room" random weeks. That's the team with the teacher that has taught my 2 and my nephew.

Key is people just need to stop giving a fuck. You live life once. If you're attempting perfection or giving a shit about people's feelings, you're doing it wrong. Be a decent human to others, but have some damn fun. Richwicks seems like he could use some fun... And yes, I'm trolling. Get a little more light hearted. We all know our world is fucked. Have some fun while you can.
26   gabbar   2023 May 31, 5:15am  

WookieMan says

Key is people just need to stop giving a fuck. You live life once. If you're attempting perfection or giving a shit about people's feelings, you're doing it wrong. Be a decent human to others, but have some damn fun. Richwicks seems like he could use some fun... And yes, I'm trolling. Get a little more light hearted. We all know our world is fucked.

Lived in Columbus and Cleveland most of my life. Stop giving a fuck or give fuck to selected and valuable issues only. Like richwicks says, the world isn't bad or getting worse; it has always been like this. There is nothing new I reckon.
27   PeopleUnited   2023 May 31, 7:54am  

The world is getting worse. There have always been evil doers, but the evil doers are nearing implementation of their plan for control of every living human. The fake pandemic shows just how nearly complete their control/propaganda/tyranny mechanisms are as of 2020. Their ultimate goal is to have you worship a false christ, someone who appears to be good, but is in opposition to God in every way that matters. He will appear as an angel of light and most people will be swayed by his magic and words. Just like Pfauci he will use fear, flattery and authority (trust the science) to cow the world into submission.
31   WookieMan   2023 May 31, 9:23am  

PeopleUnited says

The fake pandemic shows just how nearly complete their control/propaganda/tyranny mechanisms are as of 2020. Their ultimate goal is to have you worship a false christ, someone who appears to be good, but is in opposition to God in every way that matters.

I agree with you mostly though I'm not religious but respect it. I followed nothing during the pandemic. Exaggerated, but I never wore a mask in an airport and if I did it was to appease that grunt low level worker and move on my way and take it off. Fracturing my heel was my biggest issue with medical offices for 6 months. And I did fight back. Some doctors said I was right, you can take it off. Other were following the company line.

We traveled, some of the best MF'ing deals I'll see in my lifetime travel wise. We had friends washing groceries. We asked them what they were doing??? There was and still little to no evidence covid was an issue. I and my kids didn't and will never take this vaccine.

Agree the world is getting worse. No one is stopping it though bitching on the internet. I've literally caught an illegal government act and they did nothing. Admitted it was illegal. Multiple parties. Minor money for urban areas, but we pissed away $500k for something completely unnecessary. ALL illegally.

Media and government beat the shit out of whistle blowers. In my case I had local media pick it up. Crickets.... No one actually cares. That's why the Bud Light thing is a flash in the pan. It's not going out of existence. The new thing will come to the forefront and that will go away. They'll take a beating and in 2 queer tars they'll be back to normal financially.

The funny part is the price of Busch Light increased $2 here in IL. They're getting their money. People are morons. 3% of people know Bud Light is Anheiser Busch. InBev will just mark up with the other brands. And as an avid beer drinker I don't know one avid Bud drinker. It's the go to cheap beer when you don't know want some heavy craft beer. Same with Miller and Coors.
32   PeopleUnited   2023 May 31, 10:21am  

WookieMan says

They'll take a beating and in 2 queer tars they'll be back to normal financially.

Yeah, I agree AB inNev is gonna be Ok. The globalists will just give them cheap loans to cover any losses. But that is not the point. The fact that people can make news with their wallets is the ultimate trolling.

And if even a few people switch to local breweries and businesses it gives those small businesses people (less likely to be gloBullist/woke) more power. We need to enjoy it while we can.
33   Patrick   2023 Jun 1, 12:10pm  

Some feedback I left for Peets on their website today:

Today I saw cookies in the rainbow flag at Peets.

This is extremely disappointing. The majority of homosexual men were molested by gay men as boys, and this horrific experience at an impressionable age is why they are gay now. Look it up. The "born that way" excuse is only a rationalization to make them feel better about what was done to them as children.

So Peets is promoting pedophilia.

This is deeply wrong and insensitive to the suffering that gay men are continuously inflicting on boys.

I will no longer be giving any money to Peets, ever, and will strongly discourage everyone I know from ever going to Peets again. I will not meet anyone there, and will not even walk past any Peets storefront, but will cross the street to avoid it.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for bowing to the satanic evil that the flag of pedophilia represents.
34   richwicks   2023 Jun 2, 12:38am  

Patrick says

Some feedback I left for Peets on their website today:

Today I saw cookies in the rainbow flag at Peets.

This is extremely disappointing. The majority of homosexual men were molested by gay men as boys, and this horrific experience at an impressionable age is why they are gay now. Look it up. The "born that way" excuse is only a rationalization to make them feel better about what was done to them as children.

So Peets is promoting pedophilia (some text omitted to shorten quote...) s is deeply wrong and insensitive to the suffering that gay men are continuously inflicting on boys.

I will no longer be giving any money to Peets, ever, and will strongly discourage everyone I know from ever going to Peets again. I will not meet anyone there, and will not even walk past any Peets storefront, but will cross the street to avoid it.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for bowing to the satanic evil that the flag of pedophilia represents.

Never tell anybody to "look it up".

Provide sources. Give a link.

If you want a horse to drink, lead them to water, don't tell them to find it. Nobody will take the initiative to "look it up", lead them right to it, and they STILL probably won't read it, but they might.
35   Patrick   2023 Jun 2, 8:49am  


MLB dumped their Pride logo on Facebook after just 24 hours after massive ridicule. I guess they didn't wanna get Bud Lighted.

Oh yeah, I'm sure this was the plan all along.

Major League Baseball switched their profile picture to a rainbow LGBT Pride logo on the first day of the secular high holy month of Pride on June 1st. Because we're still a religious people, after all.

But after 24 hours, THOUSANDS of comments, and THOUSANDS of laugh reactions, MLB switched back to the normal logo again the next day.

Now, I'm sure that MLB totally planned to only leave the logo for 24 hours. It wasn't the backlash and threat of being Bud Lighted that got them to chicken out. ...

The Bud Light effect is in full force.

I've noticed that this year there have, so far, been A LOT fewer Pride logos than in previous years.

It's almost like if conservatives actually stood by their convictions like they did with Target and Bud Light then they can make a cultural impact.

Who would have thought it?

We didn't even have to say anything to MLB. The laugh react button is enough.

They're scared. Things are changing.

Please not only keep it up, but double your negative feedback to pedo-promoting companies. Now is the time to push.
40   Patrick   2023 Jun 4, 5:27pm  


And as for that hive of scum and villainy at BlackRock, the ultimate source of the ESG pushing genderqueer race Stalinism on everyone?

What happens to BlackRock’s financial empire when state governments, pension funds, and multinational conglomerates just stop doing business with them? Boycotts can work on multiple levels. What better defence against the ire of the Omni-Boycott than “we refuse to do business with BlackRock or any other financial entity with ESG policies?” Those trillions of dollars in assets under management might evaporate quickly. Who will leave their money in the care of an entity that no one will do business with, because doing business with them is the kiss of death for their own business?

I have no idea if this will work. Bud Light and Target are certainly encouraging proofs of concept. If nothing else, immolating the occasional corporation will be highly entertaining.

We can roast marshmallows.

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