PizzaGate Thread

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2023 Apr 28, 4:12pm   8,945 views  80 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

This came just before the Epstein stuff, and was pretty ignored and maligned. But Seth Rich was murdered over it. Saved the email dump and started going through it today in Thunderbird(every email). Will post the relevant ones. I find it interesting that Alafantis and Podesta used regular gmail accounts. Almost as if google and the NSA are in on it, or maybe just because they like throwing it in others faces.

Our pizza logo
Are you around this sunday

-----Original Message-----
From: James Alefantis [mailto:jamesacorp@gmail.com ]
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 5:30 PM
To: Tony Podesta ; Norah Cox-Peled
Subject: Ha

My graphics guy sent this

Do not forward 😄

view pdf

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11   WookieMan   2023 May 26, 3:51am  

Karloff says

I have no doubt in my mind that it's a codeword involving kids, no matter how much gaslighting and "debunking" the legacy media runs for them. In fact, the media doth protest too much, which makes me believe it even more.

My wife and I still use code words and numbers to this day. Fortunately not for anything illegal currently. We used video game systems for some of it. When I was in high school Sega skill existed so that was weed and it was illegal statewide at least at the time. So we didn't want to be seen texting stupid shit or talking in the halls at school, you got the pot man? We'd say Sega in a normal way no one would even care about.

NuttBoxer says

There are a LOT of dinner emails between the brothers and Mary Podesta. Most don't have anything that stands out, but then you get ones like this:

What's weird about these is they don't mention location. Usually it's like "hey we're going to Chilis tonight wanna go?" And I can't stand Chilis, just mentioning a restaurant most people would know. I wouldn't say dinner. I also really don't know their regional nomenclature. In the Midwest around me it's "do you want to go out to eat?"

On the flip side these people do go out to eat a ton. The pizza thing is weird. We sit down and eat pizza if the kids are with us. My wife and I and our friends NEVER go out for pizza. We like it, but it's children's food. It would be the perfect code word. A code word like mini golf would be obvious. Pizza would be logical.

Number and time work better though. 11 is my wife and myself code word for shut the fuck up you're talking about things in front of people I don't like. As witnessed here I sometimes get animated, not angry or I'll be pretty explicit. My wife will say remember that time you had 11 brownies. I get it right away. Got to have code words, just NOT for illicit kid diddling.
12   HeadSet   2023 May 26, 6:25am  

WookieMan says

My wife will say remember that time you had 11 brownies. I get it right away. Got to have code words, just NOT for illicit kid diddling.

Odd choice of wording. "Remember that time you had 11 brownies" when Brownies are elementary aged Girl Scouts.
13   goofus   2023 May 26, 2:25pm  

Some of Podesta’s own words: “would you like to play dominos on pizza or pasta” are weird enough. But couple them with James Alefantis’ instagram (j’aime l’enfants .. not much encoding there) with page after page of babies and toddlers, and we can know that high level DNC operatives are waist-deep in the sickest of perversions. The comments (“what what in the butt”) and imagery, including a toddler crawling through pinata debris of condoms and small alcohol bottles, are beyond any doubt IMO. The instagram has long since been taken down, but 4plebs still has the images.
14   WookieMan   2023 May 26, 8:35pm  

HeadSet says

Odd choice of wording. "Remember that time you had 11 brownies" when Brownies are elementary aged Girl Scouts.

Jesus christ you're right, but it was the number. Not brownies. It's in the context of the conversation. Have you had 11 cars. Could be anything. 11 is the key. Could be at a dinner, "did you see that guy have 11 drinks?" I don't know why I went with brownies for my example.
15   Ceffer   2023 May 27, 10:59am  

Their goal is to ramp up the Western consumption of child sex object veal to 30 million a year instead of just 8 million a year.

They want open exchanges where parents can cash in their children, or baby farms (like salmon farms) dedicated to processing the veal. Industrializing children's flesh is their Holy Mission for Moloch.
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 27, 7:04pm  

@goofus see the Insta I reference in comment 4. The "showings" are always for an apartment the brothers seem to share, and they are very hooked into the apartment complex's entertainment schedule, and seem to get a lot of packages there.
17   Patrick   2023 May 27, 7:33pm  

Ceffer says

They want open exchanges where parents can cash in their children, or baby farms (like salmon farms) dedicated to processing the veal.

Nothing new there.

18   HeadSet   2023 May 27, 7:46pm  

Patrick says

Ceffer says

They want open exchanges where parents can cash in their children, or baby farms (like salmon farms) dedicated to processing the veal.

Nothing new there.


That has got to be satire. Against abortion but not against harvesting children. Plus this:
"I have reckoned upon a medium, that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds"

Ask your wife what she would think about birthing a 12 lb baby.
19   Patrick   2023 May 27, 7:47pm  

HeadSet says

That has got to be satire.

Yes, some of the most famous satire ever written.
20   richwicks   2023 May 27, 8:04pm  

HeadSet says

That has got to be satire.

Yeah, it's Jonathan Swift's a Modest Proposal. Is THIS satire though?


That's famous too, but I don't know if it's not true. If you read it, you may be uncertain as well. It's said to be a fake created by the early USSR, but the early USSR is also said to be controlled by Jewish people. There is evidence that the Bolshevik Revolution was driven by Jewish lunatics, and they were purged under Stalin. It's not easy to find out if this is true.

Read everything that is banned. And I mean that. You need to know your enemies. I've read Mein Kampf, even tried the Chinese Little Red Book, but that was entirely nonsense. Don't take what you read seriously, you can decide later if it was or not. Takes time. And you can get kernels of truth in mounds of bullshit. The lie has many stories, the truth only one, finding out what is true takes a lot of digging through a sewer of lies.
21   AmericanKulak   2023 May 27, 11:34pm  

Comparing Joly's "Dialogues in Hell," an attack on Napoleon III, and the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," which contains the procedure of a Jewish conspiracy for world domination, shows that the latter was paraphrased and plagiarized from "Dialogues in Hell."

22   AmericanKulak   2023 May 27, 11:36pm  

richwicks says

Mein Kampf

Dozens of pages: "I, Hitler, argue that Germans need to Rule Slavs. Since there is the British Navy, and most overseas areas are taken, we must have our Colonies by Land - in the East."

Revisionist Apologetics: "Hitler never wanted to Take over the East and Colonize it with Germans"
23   richwicks   2023 May 27, 11:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

Mein Kampf

Dozens of pages: "I, Hitler, argue that Germans need to Rule Slavs. Since there is the British Navy, and most overseas areas are taken, we must have our Colonies by Land - in the East."

Revisionist Apologetics: "Hitler never wanted to Take over the East and Colonize it with Germans"

Look, I'm not going to defend any government, much less Nazi Germany.

Every single government, without exception, is a mafia, a criminal syndicate. Ours is no exception, and neither is Nazi Germany.

If we had a real government, freedom of speech would be unquestioned and sacrosanct, it isn't. The problem is that people don't recognize the absolute necessity for this right and there are PLENTY of people that will go on camera to say this right should be abolished, but you better suspect they are intelligence, not just dumb shitheads. I know this happens.

Most people you see on the propaganda box, are propagandists. Not people, subhuman people. They can be made human, if you give them enough courage and principles to do it. These are just people who are like "oh paycheck!". People in the intelligence agencies often test well on IQ tests, but trust me, an IQ test doesn't test intelligence. It only tests pattern recognition, and you can EASILY improve that. Just take a bunch of IQ tests. You'll get better. Any dumbass can be a "genius".

There's a combination of intelligence and principles which cannot be measured, or at least I don't know of any way to do it, never heard of it. The supposedly dumbest people I know, are the most principled, and they keep this society from collapse. We have an immeasurable debt to them, and they are unknown. The best people, you'll never know and overlook. I have a lot more respect for blue collar workers than I do for my colleagues.
24   AmericanKulak   2023 May 28, 12:04am  

richwicks says

Most people you see on the propaganda box, are propagandists. Not people, subhuman people. They can be made human, if you give them enough courage and principles to do it. These are just people who are like "oh paycheck!". People in the intelligence agencies often test well on IQ tests, but trust me, an IQ test doesn't test intelligence. It only tests pattern recognition, and you can EASILY improve that. Just take a bunch of IQ tests. You'll get better. Any dumbass can be a "genius".

IQ Tests are, however, the best predictor for learning new things. And, they come in multiple forms. Some are more spatial and can be given to the illiterate. In all the social sciences, the only thing more robust from repeated aggressive attempts over a century to disprove than IQ Tests is Census Demographics.

IQ is a far better predictor of task mastery than conscientiousness, for example.
richwicks says

Every single government, without exception, is a mafia, a criminal syndicate. Ours is no exception, and neither is Nazi Germany.

If we had a real government, freedom of speech would be unquestioned and sacrosanct, it isn't.

But if every single government is a mafia, then... what does a real government look like in the wild?

richwicks says

e have an immeasurable debt to them, and they are unknown. The best people, you'll never know and overlook. I have a lot more respect for blue collar workers than I do for my colleagues.

Of course. And most ideologies claim to be fighting on their behalf against enemies seen and unseen, foreign and domestic, natural or man made.

Everybody from Stalin to Hitler to FDR claimed to be fighting for that exact type of person.
25   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 28, 9:05am  

Who invites anyone for leftovers?

Subject: Want to come over for leftover Indian food tonight?
From: Catherine Chieco
To: John Podesta , Mary Podesta
CC: Tony Podesta
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a114e61ae1df4ec0517ef59ff
Status: O
Content-Length: 1430
Lines: 34

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

=E2=80=8BIf you are free & not sick of us or the food!
also have a movie on Sicily we thought we might try to watch..
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 28, 9:08am  

Forwarded from Tony to John:

Not sure if this came to you
July 9

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Marina Abramovic
> Date: June 2, 2015 at 8:31:22 PM EDT
> To: info@hillaryclinton.com , Tony Podesta
> Subject: Re: Tickets to Official Campaign Launch on June 13th
> Dear John,
> I am sorry but I will not be able to make it since I am in Australia for two big projects and will be back on July 6. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to dinner on July 9 at my place together with Tony, whom I already invited. The dinner is at 7:30PM and the address is 497 Greenwich Street, apt 7B.
> Please let me know if you can make it.
> Warmly, Marina
27   richwicks   2023 May 28, 12:38pm  

AmericanKulak says

But if every single government is a mafia, then... what does a real government look like in the wild?

I've only seen real governments in small towns. In NH, they have real governments.

They are responsive to the public, they actually address issues, and if they can't get the job done, they are removed. They don't just make empty promises, do nothing about it for 4 years, and then say "let us finish the job" when they are up for election.

NOTHING our federal government does, and I mean NOTHING they do has helped this nation in any way for 30 years with a small, TINY interruption of Trump.

AmericanKulak says

Of course. And most ideologies claim to be fighting on their behalf against enemies seen and unseen, foreign and domestic, natural or man made.

Everybody from Stalin to Hitler to FDR claimed to be fighting for that exact type of person.

They are entirely unrepresented. They were to some extent, 50 and 60 years ago.

What I'm pointing out is that if they don't show up to do work, we're all finished. Eventually they'll decide it's not worthwhile to continue in this system.
29   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 4, 8:20am  

Why does he need to differentiate dinner from pizza?

Not sure when John gets home

But we have Alan signed up for dinner on the 23rd.

If you will be around for dinner or pizza on Sunday would love to see you and hear about addis and California.

Let me know


Tony Podesta
30   mell   2023 Jun 4, 9:12am  

NuttBoxer says

Why does he need to differentiate dinner from pizza?

Not sure when John gets home

But we have Alan signed up for dinner on the 23rd.

If you will be around for dinner or pizza on Sunday would love to see you and hear about addis and California.

Let me know


Tony Podesta

The entire style of communication is deliberately cryptic, no doubt it's code
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 5, 7:50am  

It may just be how Tony communicates. There's one email where John responds that he doesn't understand because Tony's email is too abbreviated.

Something else I've noticed frequently, when dinner arrangements are made, who is cooking is often mentioned. I was trying to think if we've ever invited, or been invited to dinner, and specifically mentioned who would cook, couldn't recall that ever happening.
32   WookieMan   2023 Jun 5, 11:53am  

richwicks says

I've only seen real governments in small towns. In NH, they have real governments.

Bull shit still goes on, but you're 100% correct. You see the mayor/village president, trustees, school board, superintendent, library board, hell even public works employees on a daily basis in a small town. They rarely can hide from any bull shit they do, though sometimes they still can.

I have no access to my Senator or POTUS. None. My House Rep I have had personal interaction, but that's it federally. Friends with the State Rep family here in IL for my district. Connected as I can be.

People should move to small towns. Just don't bring your bull shit with you from your prior place.
33   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 8:48pm  


Following two weeks of Jeffrey Epstein news, the Wall Street Journal ran another shocking exposé yesterday, headlined “Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network.”

The story checks off yet ANOTHER misinformation conspiracy theory. Just wait, you won’t believe this one.

It’s not just that Instagram (owned by Facebook) allowed perverted users to post horrific subhuman child pornography on its system, the software even encouraged debased criminal users by helping them connect with each other, helped them trade highly-illegal CSAM, and even suggested ways for them to avoid getting caught.

Facebook blames all of that on surprising side-effects from their A.I., which sure gives us a glimpse into the near future. Get ready to hear “AI made me do it” a lot. Anyway, Facebook claimed they’ve promptly taken action, deleted accounts and illegal images, limited search tags, fixed the AI, and so forth. So don’t worry.

You might fairly be wondering what, exactly, Facebook’s swarms of social media police do all day long. I’ll tell you. They keep anti-vaxx memes off the platform, make sure nobody blames the pandemic on a lab leak, erase evidence about election cheating, and delete incriminating Hunter Biden’s laptop content. But what they DON’T DO is combat any real-life crimes...

No response for months. But Michelle got banned once — in under ten minutes! — for simply posting that she wanted to “punch Joe Biden in the throat.” (It was uncivil, true, but there was mitigating context. She was provoked.) The point is, everyone has their priorities, and clearly, protecting children is not one of Facebook’s.

The appalling content and the disgraceful features helping pedophiles trade, buy and sell illegal content were recently uncovered by three independent Stanford researchers. The team said after they set up a single account and connected it to a couple other child porn collectors within a loose social network, they were immediately buried with “suggested for you” recommendations of thousands of child-sex-content sellers and buyers. They were also, oddly, offered links to off-platform CSAM trading sites.

Following just a few of the recommendations flooded their test account with underaged sexual content.

It’s a long article. But this one paragraph especially jumped out at me, and at other close observers of the captured media:

The pedophilic accounts on Instagram mix brazenness with superficial efforts to veil their activity, researchers found. Certain emojis function as a kind of code, such as an image of a map🗺️—shorthand for “minor-attracted person”—or one of “cheese pizza” 🍕, which shares its initials with “child pornography,” according to Levine of UMass. Many [Instagram perverts sickeningly] declare themselves “lovers of the little things in life.”

Wait, go back. Did they just say, “cheese pizza?” Pizza? Wasn’t that the obvious code word all over Hilary Clinton’s leaked emails? But … I thought the pizza thing was all debunked conspiracy theory misinformation. They mocked the very idea, laughingly labeling it “pizza gate” and darkly hinting that anyone who believed that stuff was dangerous and should be on the no-fly list or something.

Ironically, Facebook busily banned any accounts that discussed PizzaGate or used the PizzaGate hashtag, while at the same exact time it was helping pedophiles build a vast criminal network using that very same code word.

The Wall Street Journal, with its teams of award-winning reporters and layers of editors and fact-checkers, failed to make that connection. Just … nothing. You’d think PizzaGate might’ve earned a single sentence in the extended article. But no. Not one word about what now must be considered another established conspiracy fact.

I suppose the Journal deserves credit for running the story at all. Still, it ended on a down note, quoting the Stanford researchers who tested Instagram after Facebook reported its repairs. The researchers said Instagram is, once again, helping the network rebuild itself. One of them thinks the entire platform should be shut down...

Qui bono?

Reading between the lines, the paragraph above shows that the Journal gave Facebook time to clean up its act before running the story. Why? Do people without government connections get the same consideration before an exposé is published? Just asking.

So that’s one conspiracy theory confirmed. But there’s another one today, too.
34   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 9:22pm  

Patrick says

Following two weeks of Jeffrey Epstein news, the Wall Street Journal ran another shocking exposé yesterday, headlined “Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network.”

Where's the Wall Street Journal Article?

I don't ask to try to embarrass you. If a "news" report can't link to source information, you're probably reading bullshit. I've been burned MANY TIMES, I always go to the source, and 90% of the time if I can find the source, it's misrepresented.

Here's a quick lazy search:


None of them point to the Wall Street Journal.

Isn't it weird there is no search engine where you can say "exclude this site"? Odd, there is no blacklist, greylist, and whitelist for sites isn't there? NO search engine does this...
35   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 9:24pm  

This Coffee and Covid guy is really good, I have faith the article exists.

Et voila:

36   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 9:49pm  

Patrick says

This Coffee and Covid guy is really good, I have faith the article exists.

Et voila:



I stand corrected.

I still say source, source, source, source. If there is no source, it's rarely worth your time trying to find it. Let me read this now, and see if it says what it claims to say.. I'll do an update to this post if it doesn't.

Paywall: but the gist of the article seems correct based on the first paragraph. I have no faith in "mainstream news" and the only reason this is noteworthy is that the WSJ is reporting on it. I have no faith they are correct.
37   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 9, 8:40am  

If you want a better example, look up the account I posted in this thread, and scan through here stuff. Just took me a few posts to get creeped out. Especially when you have the context of the Podesta emails.

I guarantee the account is still up. They might have scrubbed the obvious stuff, but the bigger players I'm sure are all safe and sound.
38   Karloff   2023 Jun 9, 9:46am  

richwicks says

Isn't it weird there is no search engine where you can say "exclude this site"? Odd, there is no blacklist, greylist, and whitelist for sites isn't there? NO search engine does this...

On Qwant (and probably others) you can search for links on specific sites by including the "site:SITE_FQDN" qualifier and it also works in reverse by putting a dash in front: -site:SITE_FQDN
39   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 11, 5:56pm  

Anyone else ever had pizza "for an hour"..?

On Jan 6, 2014, at 10:12 PM, Tony Podesta > wrote:

Mary not free
Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over

Tony Podesta
Office: 202-879-9300
Cell: 202-352-4645
1001 G St. NW, Suite 1000 West
Washington, DC 20001
40   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 6:31pm  

Karloff says

richwicks says

Isn't it weird there is no search engine where you can say "exclude this site"? Odd, there is no blacklist, greylist, and whitelist for sites isn't there? NO search engine does this...

On Qwant (and probably others) you can search for links on specific sites by including the "site:SITE_FQDN" qualifier and it also works in reverse by putting a dash in front: -site:SITE_FQDN

Yes - but what I want is a list of sites to ignore. Maybe a list of sites to pay attention to as well. I don't want to find anything, for example, on cnn, fox news, facebook, nytimes, rolling stone, etc. There's sites I don't want to see any results from because I don't trust the site at all.

In youtube, for example, when I do a search trying to find information (or I used to do this, youtube is largely useless now for it), I didn't want to see ANYTHING from corporate news. That would be great to have.
41   Karloff   2023 Jun 12, 9:13am  

richwicks says

In youtube, for example, when I do a search trying to find information (or I used to do this, youtube is largely useless now for it), I didn't want to see ANYTHING from corporate news. That would be great to have.

Try the plugin called "uBlacklist".
42   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 3, 8:57am  

" Great show! Great speech.

Raised over 40 grand. My only regret is I did not make you a nice pizza. When can I?

From jamesacorp@gmail.com to John Podesta.
43   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 3, 9:58am  

"Hi John,

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

44   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 3, 10:21am  

The Casa Pia child sexual abuse scandal was a case of child sexual abuses involving a number of children and employees at Casa Pia, a Portuguese state-run institution for the education and support of poor children and under-age orphans.[1] One employee of the institution, which at the time comprised 10 orphanages and schools caring for 4,600 children, ran a male child prostitution network involving 100 boys.[1] The scandal involved several prominent men, including TV presenter Carlos Cruz, former Casa Pia governor Manuel Abrantes, and former UNESCO ambassador Jorge Ritto.[2] The trial was one of the longest running in Portuguese history, lasting more than five years, with testimony from 32 alleged victims, out of a total of over 800 witnesses and experts.[2][3]

On 3 September 2010, Carlos Cruz, Carlos Silvino, Hugo Marçal, Manuel Abrantes, Ferreira Diniz and Jorge Ritto were convicted and sentenced to up to eighteen years in prison due to crimes occurring in the late 1990s and early 2000s. This was the first time an institutional sex abuse scandal had been taken to court in Portugal.

45   Patrick   2023 Jul 17, 9:54pm  


Comet Ping Pong Pizza is certainly an interesting name for a restaurant. It reminded some people of an old clip of Andrew Breitbart with Greg Gutfeld on Fox News Channel’s Red Eye, in which the topic of ping pong had been raised. Breitbart had joined the show to celebrate his vindication after accusing former Congressman Anthony Weiner of sexual misconduct. Weiner was married at the time to Hillary Clinton’s confidante Huma Abedin, and the Clinton machine had attacked Breitbart with their typical viciousness after he claimed to have proof of Weiner’s indiscretions. Breitbart complained that his critics had gone silent since the revelation of the proof that he was right. At one point, Gutfeld said that it was hard to play ping pong without an opponent. Breitbart paused, threw Gutfeld a suspicious look and asked, “Why would you change the subject to the sport of ping pong?… You’re weird like that.”

Breitbart’s appearance on Red Eye was aired five years before the Podesta emails kicked off PizzaGate, and five months after he publicly lobbed an even more serious accusation against John Podesta himself. In a February 2011 tweet, Breitbart wrote: “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t a household name as a world-class underage sex slave op cover upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.” Breitbart, of course, was a well-known conservative bomb thrower, but this was heavy ordnance even by his standards. An accusation like that, against someone with Podesta’s status and connections, could have landed Breitbart in court, facing life-ruining libel charges, if he could not back it up. But it turned out that Podesta did not have to take him to court, since Breitbart mysteriously died on the street near his home a short time later. The coroner who performed the autopsy was himself found dead of arsenic poisoning soon after examining Breitbart’s body, and a spokesman for the coroner’s office subsequently announced that Breitbart had died of “natural causes.”
46   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 18, 9:25am  

The threat of exposing these people as the evil child preying scum that they are scares them more than any army. It's the reason I believe the scamdemic and 2030 may have been pushed too early, they panicked over Epstein.
47   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 20, 3:50pm  

"Mary and John

I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.

Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well.

I miss you both

Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

- Herbert Sandler
48   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 20, 4:03pm  

And later on..

"Last day in MV. Missed you.
Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the rules as we played.

Sent from my iPhone

-Herbert again
49   Ceffer   2023 Jul 21, 4:26pm  

"A satisfying blood meal with ejaculate, but the ping pong table will need to be resurfaced, and no leftovers for organ profits."
50   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 26, 9:22am  

While most people consider PizzaGate to be the DNC email dump, I don't see any reason not to include the Stratfor emails as well.

Email-ID 18817
Date 2007-08-02 17:52:52
From burton@stratfor.com
To Stratforaustin@stratfor.com , blackburn@stratfor.com , chris.douglas@stratfor.com
RE: headcount for pizza

Are you sure this might not be a Jim Jones Kool-Aid event? Teekell, pls eat
my slice.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Blackburn [mailto:blackburn@stratfor.com ]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:42 AM
To: Chris Douglas
Cc: stratforaustin@stratfor.com
Subject: Re: headcount for pizza

Does the pizza offer include those of us who can't make the meeting because
we're out here editing? 'Cos if so, count me in.

This e-mail is color-coded in black and white and will combust in 30

Chris Douglas wrote:
> Headcount!
> Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We
> only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...
> Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and
> appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.

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