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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,235,660 views  44,092 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

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25501   Ceffer   2023 Jun 14, 11:14pm  

Did we actually never know Trump at all? Maybe he IS on Patnet.

25513   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 15, 10:13am  


25514   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 15, 10:21am  


Every line is a knee-slapper:


Which propaganda do you want to believe? Our lying press or theirs?

If our press was correct, Putin would be locked up in a cage at the UN while the EU Nations contemplated his fate, and Moscow would be part of Ukraine by now.

I'm not spitting hairs on who is telling the biggest whopper, but I don't believe anything the Western press reports about that conflict.
And for what it's worth, I trust RT more than any channel on the Cable line up.
25515   Ceffer   2023 Jun 15, 11:37am  

Guess the old guy was 'Satan Lite'. Now, we have a fag with a chip on his shoulder. Question is, will Soros butt boy be allocating the MI6 printing press billions strategically, or hysterically as an uncontrolled Caligulan dynastic psycho bot?

I can hardly wait for him to rain down fentanyl impregnated butt plugs from planes on Portland.

25516   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 15, 11:56am  

Ceffer says


Heh... This loser assumes that his money is power! Completely oblivious to the fact that money is not a power when money is the issue!
25519   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 7:27pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I'm not spitting hairs on who is telling the biggest whopper, but I don't believe anything the Western press reports about that conflict.
And for what it's worth, I trust RT more than any channel on the Cable line up.

Isn't it pathetic that Russian "news" is more credible than US "news"? If you had told me at 15 by the time I was 50 this would happen, I would have called you crazy.
25520   Karloff   2023 Jun 15, 8:06pm  

Ceffer says

Guess the old guy was 'Satan Lite'. Now, we have a fag with a chip on his shoulder. Question is, will Soros butt boy be allocating the MI6 printing press billions strategically, or hysterically as an uncontrolled Caligulan dynastic psycho bot?

I can hardly wait for him to rain down fentanyl impregnated butt plugs from planes on Portland.


Good. Idiots like this have no concept of patience or subtlety, and it will be their downfall. I will live to see the day his and his father's agenda blows up in his face, spectacularly.
25522   Ceffer   2023 Jun 16, 1:08am  

More apropos is 'laundering', that is, to all the politicians investing ahead of time in Covid vaccine and peripherals merchandising.

25530   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 1:43am  

Ceffer says

Haha - I would say that out of the people I know, it's the "blue collar dummies" that are the smartest in our society. I really don't believe these people are "stupid" in the least. I honestly and sincerely believe they are smarter than I am despite being able to outscore them on a bunch of stupid tests.

They just don't see a point to learning bullshit, recognized this early on, and opted out as soon as they could.

I'm the stupid one. I think of all the bullshit I went through even for an ENGINEERING degree, and how little of it was useful. I never realized I was learning useless bullshit, until I got a job.

Think of all the useless bullshit I know, that I worry over. "What were the real reasons for this or that war?" - their answer is "who gives a shit? We can't control it anyhow, and neither can you" - and they are right. I want to know, they don't see any point in knowing, and they are right. They don't waste their time or energy on worthless trivia. I'm retarded, I obsess over it and I think everybody should.

I have a shitload more respect for the blue collar man (and woman!) than I did when I was in college. I was so fucking arrogant, and it was unjustified. I now realize I depend on THEM, they don't depend on ME at all.

The wealthiest of us, the most "educated" among us, are simply parasites, the essential of us, they are the host. We can all live without doctors, lawyers, politicians, and bureaucrats - not without deliverymen, farmers, garbage men, sewer workers... I'm somewhere inbetween by making toys people voluntarily buy, but nobody really needs, but products I've worked on, many people think it's improved their life in some little way. I can take solace in that.
25531   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jun 16, 4:43am  

I know MD’s and PhD’s that fell for this travesty. One PhD chum in Australia goes so far as endorsing his government’s brutal crackdown on non-compliers. My view is that the scamdemic and demands of obedience support the dictatorship of credentialism. It goes and-in-hand with the naked emperor syndrome.
25532   HeadSet   2023 Jun 16, 8:48am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

I know MD’s and PhD’s that fell for this travesty.

Any MD knows why there is no vaccine for the common cold and knew this same principle applies to SARS. I suspect fear of losing their jobs, grants, licensing, and standing are the real reasons most MDs went along with the scam. Big scam in Italy where one fellow supplied thousands of doctors with fake vaxx paperwork. These cowards did not take the shot themselves but supported having them forced on everyone else.

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