The US government is illegitimate because it does not enforce the law impartially

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2023 May 30, 11:11am   51,920 views  472 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

US law enforcement is horribly corrupt, prosecuting some crimes and ignoring others, depending solely on the power and political affiliation of the suspects.

The most flagrant example is Hunter Biden's being allowed to get away with smoking crack, owning a gun while being an illegal drug user, pedophilia, incest, and selling US influence to China, Ukraine, and Romania via Pedo Joe.

But the list is endless. Hundreds were prosecuted and imprisoned for being given tours of the Capitol on Jan 6th in an entrapment operation orchestrated by the profoundly corrupt FBI. At least the Buffalo Man was finally released when the footed indisputably showed that he was escorted by Capitol Police the whole time. All the others should be immediately released and given the US Medal of Honor for standing up to the election fraud of 2020, as well as several million dollars each, to be taken from the corrupt FBI budget. And all of the Jan 6th footage must be released.

Hillary Clinton used the corrupt FBI to fabricate a story that Trump colluded with Russia, as documented in the Durham report. Everyone involved in this slander and fraud should be prosecuted, but none of them have been.

Pfauci funded the creation of Wuhan Virus in Wuhan at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with US taxpayer money, yet is not even being investigated for this open violation of US law and international law. Why not?

BLM was allowed to Burn, Loot, and Murder in cities all across the US in 2020, but has not received even a tiny fraction of the prosecutions meted out to the protesters of Jan 6th. Why not?

The US military must now honor their oath to defend the Constitution against America's domestic enemies at the FBI and other agencies by taking over and forcing prosecution for these crimes. Then they must return control to civilians.

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28   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 9, 10:36am  

Patrick says

Agreed. But what would have happened if Trump got his paws on Burisma evidence back in 2019? Would he or would he not?
29   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 10:45am  

We don't know what Trump would have done.
33   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 9, 10:50am  

Patrick says

We don't know what Trump would have done.

Sure. But he did pursue these files VERY hard.
34   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 1:07pm  


I’ve been wary of writing about Donald Trump’s indictments.

You know I don’t like the guy. My anger at him has already wrongfooted me once. The Stormy Daniels “hush money” case from Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg turned out to be a steaming pile of dung, a half-baked legal theory based on testimony of a convicted felon.

But what happened yesterday demands comment.

As you may have heard, federal prosecutors indicted Trump on seven charges related to his mishandling of classified documents. Or, as Trump likes to call it, the “Boxes Hoax.”

Normally, the legal process exists in a box of its own. The system goes to great lengths to divorce criminal cases from their broader context and determine the guilt or innocence of a defendant on specific charges. A trial is not an exercise in weighing character, much less a job interview.

But this time the broader context cannot be ignored.

We are still 17 months from the 2024 election, but Trump has - at a minimum - a near-even chance of returning to the Oval Office. ...

Inflation, trillion-dollar deficits, the hype and failure of the mRNAs, the hysterics around climate change, the collapse of the southern border, the low-grade anarchy in blue cities like San Francisco, the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan - those are just the specifics.

The bigger problem for Uncle Joe is the broad perception that he’s just a puppet on fraying strings, held up by the elite media and captive to the everything should be free, especially if someone else is paying for it wing of the Democratic Party.

The new federal indictment against Trump remains sealed for now.

But it is surely much stronger than Alvin Bragg’s embarrassment in New York. (It can’t be weaker, unless it’s just “BAD TRUMP BAD GO JAIL” scrawled in crayon on construction paper.)

Nonetheless, we already know the new charges overlap with the Manhattan indictment in the most crucial way: Trump is accused of committing crimes of process, not substance. ...

Then there’s Hunter.

As much as the media would like to pretend otherwise, Hunter Biden is not a minor figure. He is the son of the President of the United States. The two men are very close.

And the questions about Hunter’s conduct cannot be waved away. Strong evidence has emerged that when Joe Biden was vice president, Hunter tried to sell access to him to foreign companies - including one essentially controlled by the Chinese government. ...

Hunter has lived on the fringes of the law for much of his adult life. For years, he had two very expensive habits, cocaine and prostitutes.

Thus he needed money and didn’t worry too much where it came from. Lately he’s been selling “art” - art that looks like it came from a Pinot’s Palette paint-and-sip class - to anonymous “collectors” for five- and six-figure prices.

Is it money laundering if the money doesn’t even get clean?

Along the way, Hunter cheated on his taxes. I feel confident using the word cheated, because when he was caught he didn’t fight but instead paid what he owed.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service have been investigating Hunter for almost a half-decade now, long before Donald Trump even took anything classified to Mar-a-Lago.

The details of what the investigation have revealed are well known, and the case appears strong - at least as strong as the case against Trump. None other than the Washington Post - not exactly Newsmax - reported that the agents on the case believe Biden should be prosecuted...

To me, anyway, both those crimes look far more serious than what Trump is accused of doing (though, again, we cannot be sure until the federal indictment is unsealed next week).

So when Donald Trump and Republicans complain about the weaponization of the justice system against him… it’s hard not to feel like they have a point.
35   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 1:53pm  


The DOJ’s differential prosecution just got even more wildly obvious. For one example, look how differently the DOJ treated classified information mishandling democrats like Hilary and Biden.

Hilary and Biden were treated one hundred percent different than Trump.

Every legit Republican elected official is sitting in the same sinking boat with Trump. If democrats can do this to Trump, they can do it to anybody. If it isn’t stopped in its tracks this time, right now, then Republicans are destined to become a footnote of history, since from now on they’ll have to fake being an opposition party, rolling over whenever democrats poke them, out of fear of being Trumped.

On the very same day the New York Times celebrated Trump’s indictment — while forgetting all about the Alvin Bragg indictment, and forgetting to comment on how differently Trump is being treated than others, and without even wondering if an Administration prosecuting its campaign opponent might be politically motivated — on that very same day, the New York Times buried the Joe Biden bribe story under the chicken coop, which is a story that is 1,000 times more explosive and newsworthy than the story about the latest trumped-up Trump persecution.

Friends, the democrats have built themselves an edifice of injustice rivaling the Biblical Tower of Babel. They think they’re gods. Merrick Garland thinks he can throw down lightning bolts of selective justice like Zeus’ elderly grandmother. This new indictment will — I believe — be one lawless brick too high. I think it will be the brick that breaks the back of America’s patience.
40   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 5:12pm  


Democrat President Joe Biden’s White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been caught violating a law intended to prevent federal employees from using their offices to influence elections.

Jean-Pierre reportedly violated the law when she repeatedly called out “mega MAGA Republicans” before the 2022 midterms, a government watchdog agency said.

The Office of Special Counsel determined that Jean-Pierre’s rhetoric related to Republican candidates violated the Hatch Act.

“Because Ms. Jean‐Pierre made the statements while acting in her official capacity, she violated the Hatch Act prohibition against using her official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election,” Ana Galindo‐Marrone, who leads the agency’s Hatch Act Unit, said.

But they are letting Jean‐Pierre off the hook rather than hold her to account.

“The Office of Special Counsel decided to close this matter without further action,” Galindo‐Marrone said,
42   gabbar   2023 Jun 14, 3:31am  

Patrick says

Of course, they will do anything to ensure that he doesn't get elected again.
44   Patrick   2023 Jun 16, 2:14pm  

Your country has been stolen from you.

Your government no longer even attempts to represent your interests at home or abroad.

Your elected officials despise you, and they are systematically stripping you of your liberties one by one.

Your justice system no longer functions, it neither punishes the guilty nor protects the innocent.

Your country's entire economy only exists to enrich globalist corporations and their benefactors.

Your roads are crumbling, your bridges are collapsing, and your public infrastructure is slowly falling apart.

Your country's borders are non-existent and your immigration system only serves to provide fodder for endless spending bills that launder money from public programs to private pockets.

Your education system only exists as a propaganda tool to brainwash your children into becoming the next wave of rainbow shirt wearing government worshippers.

Your military is just an extension of globalist leader's wallets, securing a foothold in each new territory that they desire to drain of resourses.

Your free speech and your freedom of assembly are now just a shadow what they once were, and your right to self-defense is on the verge of being criminalized.

Your right to select and elect your leaders has been subverted to the point where it is no longer clear whether your vote even matters.

Your birthright has been stolen from you, and most people haven't even noticed.
5:02 PM · Jun 15, 2023

47   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 2:34pm  

Eric Holder says

Agreed. But what would have happened if Trump got his paws on Burisma evidence back in 2019? Would he or would he not?

We had the evidence in 2014 - that's when Hunter started his "job" at Burisma. Joe Biden should have been impeached then but it's not a matter for the DOJ, it's a matter for Congress.

The problem is our entire government is corrupt.
48   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 2:43pm  

Patrick says

Jean-Pierre reportedly violated the law when she repeatedly called out “mega MAGA Republicans” before the 2022 midterms, a government watchdog agency said.

The Office of Special Counsel determined that Jean-Pierre’s rhetoric related to Republican candidates violated the Hatch Act.

Pfft - this is pretty weak. The FIB directly interfered with the 2020 election by pressuring Facebook, Twitter, and Google to engage in political discussion. That actually is direct election interference done by the executive branch of our government.

Some tiny bit of rhetoric by a moron that got her job because she's a black, lesbian, immigrant hardly compares. Seriously, when is the last time ANYBODY paid attention to her? To underscore just how irrelevant she is:


That is 4 months old, and have 94K views.

94,000 / 330,000,000 = 0.028% of the population. 3 out of 10,000 people pay attention and I can tell you more than 1/2 of those views are people just hate watching.
49   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 16, 7:45pm  

Some claim the masked person is Nancy's daughter and/or members of her documentary team, but for certain a US General's Adopted Son John Sullivan is there and close to Epps. I had another vid (can't find it) with Sullivan and Epps whispering in each other's ears.
50   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 8:01pm  

AmericanKulak says

Some claim the masked person is Nancy's daughter and/or members of her documentary team, but for certain a US General's Adopted Son John Sullivan is there and close to Epps. I had another vid (can't find it) with Sullivan and Epps whispering in each other's ears.

Is this it?


I use YANDEX to search. www.yandex.com

Google doesn't work, YOUTUBE search doesn't work. YouTube will claim it's a bug, they are lying. Yandex is about at the same level Google used to be at its peak, before it all got censored, and Yandex is Russian - they won't censor now that the US has made enemies of Russia.
57   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 3:03pm  


69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes
66   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 12:35pm  


It’s worth noting that, in only a fraction of the half-decade it took to investigate Hunter Biden’s two run-of-the-mill offenses, the DoJ speedily and efficiently prosecuted over a thousand ordinary Americans who were tracked-down, processed, tried and sentenced on unique legal theories, arising from First Amendment-protected activities and attending a rally at the Capitol.

In Hunter’s case, he forgot to list on his tax returns all that sweet cash he got from China and Ukraine, for some reason. Open and shut. And he posed with a firearm and illegal drugs in pictures recovered from his laptop and widely published online, which proved that he’d lied on his federal firearm purchase form about his drug use. No disputes.

It still took the crack squad of highly motivated DoJ investigators five years to put it all together. Don’t think it would take the DoJ five years to resolve your “forgetting” to report millions of dollars of unreported income. It would take about five minutes. And you won’t get a Hunter deal, either.

Under the proposed deal, Joe Biden’s son will plead guilty to two small misdemeanor charges of failing to pay federal income taxes, and get less than two years’ probation for the firearms violation, all under a pretrial diversion program that will wipe all the charges upon successful completion.

It’s terrific. Hunter won’t even have a criminal record! It’s nice to see people being given second chances, isn’t it? ...

Hunter’s attorney said “it is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.” But the DoJ said in a press release yesterday that Hunter’s “investigation is ongoing.” Nobody seems to know which it is. If the investigation is in fact concluded, then the DoJ has no excuse to withhold from Congress any of Hunter’s documents.

So, there’s some deliberate uncertainty on the question of whether the investigation is actually concluded yet, and there probably will continue to be confusion on that point for as long as it remains helpful.
67   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 12:38pm  

The democrats are certifiably insane to be misusing the justice system to score cheap political points like this. It’s so insane that people imagine a grand, Machiavellian plan behind it all. In other words, most ordinary Republicans can’t believe the democrats could be this dumb.

But, in fact, they are this dumb. They have lost the ability to draw a line from their present decisions to future outcomes. Don’t believe me? Here is the brain trust behind today’s democrat party:

... The democrats are now playing with something even hotter than covid overreach. This politically-weaponized, two-tiered justice system they’ve created cannot last. People absolutely will not stand for it, and it unites and motivates their opponents in a way that no other issue possibly could.

So I’ll go on the record again. This is very similar to what happened in Florida during the pandemic, except on a national scale. The democrats have no idea what game they’re really playing and they are trading short-term advantages for unaffordable long-term costs. This strategy is going to backfire on them, badly, and probably sooner rather than later.

It’s easy to dismiss Florida as an outlier. Don’t. When the pandemic started, Florida was a 50/50 state. DeSantis only won by a handful of votes. If it can happen here it can happen anywhere.

Maybe you feel hopeless because you live in a blue state where it’s not even 50/50. Be hopeful. It’s tipping. You just can’t see it yet.

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