The US government is illegitimate because it does not enforce the law impartially

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2023 May 30, 11:11am   50,596 views  472 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

US law enforcement is horribly corrupt, prosecuting some crimes and ignoring others, depending solely on the power and political affiliation of the suspects.

The most flagrant example is Hunter Biden's being allowed to get away with smoking crack, owning a gun while being an illegal drug user, pedophilia, incest, and selling US influence to China, Ukraine, and Romania via Pedo Joe.

But the list is endless. Hundreds were prosecuted and imprisoned for being given tours of the Capitol on Jan 6th in an entrapment operation orchestrated by the profoundly corrupt FBI. At least the Buffalo Man was finally released when the footed indisputably showed that he was escorted by Capitol Police the whole time. All the others should be immediately released and given the US Medal of Honor for standing up to the election fraud of 2020, as well as several million dollars each, to be taken from the corrupt FBI budget. And all of the Jan 6th footage must be released.

Hillary Clinton used the corrupt FBI to fabricate a story that Trump colluded with Russia, as documented in the Durham report. Everyone involved in this slander and fraud should be prosecuted, but none of them have been.

Pfauci funded the creation of Wuhan Virus in Wuhan at the Wuhan Institute of Virology with US taxpayer money, yet is not even being investigated for this open violation of US law and international law. Why not?

BLM was allowed to Burn, Loot, and Murder in cities all across the US in 2020, but has not received even a tiny fraction of the prosecutions meted out to the protesters of Jan 6th. Why not?

The US military must now honor their oath to defend the Constitution against America's domestic enemies at the FBI and other agencies by taking over and forcing prosecution for these crimes. Then they must return control to civilians.

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47   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 2:34pm  

Eric Holder says

Agreed. But what would have happened if Trump got his paws on Burisma evidence back in 2019? Would he or would he not?

We had the evidence in 2014 - that's when Hunter started his "job" at Burisma. Joe Biden should have been impeached then but it's not a matter for the DOJ, it's a matter for Congress.

The problem is our entire government is corrupt.
48   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 2:43pm  

Patrick says

Jean-Pierre reportedly violated the law when she repeatedly called out “mega MAGA Republicans” before the 2022 midterms, a government watchdog agency said.

The Office of Special Counsel determined that Jean-Pierre’s rhetoric related to Republican candidates violated the Hatch Act.

Pfft - this is pretty weak. The FIB directly interfered with the 2020 election by pressuring Facebook, Twitter, and Google to engage in political discussion. That actually is direct election interference done by the executive branch of our government.

Some tiny bit of rhetoric by a moron that got her job because she's a black, lesbian, immigrant hardly compares. Seriously, when is the last time ANYBODY paid attention to her? To underscore just how irrelevant she is:


That is 4 months old, and have 94K views.

94,000 / 330,000,000 = 0.028% of the population. 3 out of 10,000 people pay attention and I can tell you more than 1/2 of those views are people just hate watching.
49   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 16, 7:45pm  

Some claim the masked person is Nancy's daughter and/or members of her documentary team, but for certain a US General's Adopted Son John Sullivan is there and close to Epps. I had another vid (can't find it) with Sullivan and Epps whispering in each other's ears.
50   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 8:01pm  

AmericanKulak says

Some claim the masked person is Nancy's daughter and/or members of her documentary team, but for certain a US General's Adopted Son John Sullivan is there and close to Epps. I had another vid (can't find it) with Sullivan and Epps whispering in each other's ears.

Is this it?


I use YANDEX to search. www.yandex.com

Google doesn't work, YOUTUBE search doesn't work. YouTube will claim it's a bug, they are lying. Yandex is about at the same level Google used to be at its peak, before it all got censored, and Yandex is Russian - they won't censor now that the US has made enemies of Russia.
57   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 3:03pm  


69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes
66   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 12:35pm  


It’s worth noting that, in only a fraction of the half-decade it took to investigate Hunter Biden’s two run-of-the-mill offenses, the DoJ speedily and efficiently prosecuted over a thousand ordinary Americans who were tracked-down, processed, tried and sentenced on unique legal theories, arising from First Amendment-protected activities and attending a rally at the Capitol.

In Hunter’s case, he forgot to list on his tax returns all that sweet cash he got from China and Ukraine, for some reason. Open and shut. And he posed with a firearm and illegal drugs in pictures recovered from his laptop and widely published online, which proved that he’d lied on his federal firearm purchase form about his drug use. No disputes.

It still took the crack squad of highly motivated DoJ investigators five years to put it all together. Don’t think it would take the DoJ five years to resolve your “forgetting” to report millions of dollars of unreported income. It would take about five minutes. And you won’t get a Hunter deal, either.

Under the proposed deal, Joe Biden’s son will plead guilty to two small misdemeanor charges of failing to pay federal income taxes, and get less than two years’ probation for the firearms violation, all under a pretrial diversion program that will wipe all the charges upon successful completion.

It’s terrific. Hunter won’t even have a criminal record! It’s nice to see people being given second chances, isn’t it? ...

Hunter’s attorney said “it is my understanding that the five-year investigation into Hunter is resolved.” But the DoJ said in a press release yesterday that Hunter’s “investigation is ongoing.” Nobody seems to know which it is. If the investigation is in fact concluded, then the DoJ has no excuse to withhold from Congress any of Hunter’s documents.

So, there’s some deliberate uncertainty on the question of whether the investigation is actually concluded yet, and there probably will continue to be confusion on that point for as long as it remains helpful.
67   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 12:38pm  

The democrats are certifiably insane to be misusing the justice system to score cheap political points like this. It’s so insane that people imagine a grand, Machiavellian plan behind it all. In other words, most ordinary Republicans can’t believe the democrats could be this dumb.

But, in fact, they are this dumb. They have lost the ability to draw a line from their present decisions to future outcomes. Don’t believe me? Here is the brain trust behind today’s democrat party:

... The democrats are now playing with something even hotter than covid overreach. This politically-weaponized, two-tiered justice system they’ve created cannot last. People absolutely will not stand for it, and it unites and motivates their opponents in a way that no other issue possibly could.

So I’ll go on the record again. This is very similar to what happened in Florida during the pandemic, except on a national scale. The democrats have no idea what game they’re really playing and they are trading short-term advantages for unaffordable long-term costs. This strategy is going to backfire on them, badly, and probably sooner rather than later.

It’s easy to dismiss Florida as an outlier. Don’t. When the pandemic started, Florida was a 50/50 state. DeSantis only won by a handful of votes. If it can happen here it can happen anywhere.

Maybe you feel hopeless because you live in a blue state where it’s not even 50/50. Be hopeful. It’s tipping. You just can’t see it yet.
68   richwicks   2023 Jun 22, 7:12am  

Patrick says

The democrats are certifiably insane to be misusing the justice system to score cheap political points like this. It’s so insane that people imagine a grand, Machiavellian plan behind it all. In other words, most ordinary Republicans can’t believe the democrats could be this dumb.

But, in fact, they are this dumb.

It's not the democrats

It's the establishment. John McCain was running the same type of charity scam as the Clinton Foundation. Never heard of it?


There it is. Congress will never investigate.

Stop thinking left and right, and start thinking up and down. Our government is a pure unadulterated criminal syndicate. As long as you're part of that group and play ball, nothing will happen to you. It doesn't matter if you're a democrat or a republican.
69   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 11:43am  


WILMINGTON, DE — The five-year criminal investigation of Hunter Biden came to a close this morning, with the presiding judge finding Hunter guilty of "being a lovable rascal with a heart of gold."

"I find the defendant, Hunter Biden, guilty -- of being an adorable mischief-maker," said Judge Haley Reinwald. "Now come over here and let me tousle your hair, you charming little scamp!"

The verdict ended a lengthy investigation by the Department of Justice, which discovered that Hunter Biden had dealt cocaine, lied about his drug use to obtain a firearm, and hid millions of dollars from the IRS to evade taxes. "Such a sweet rapscallion, that Hunter Biden," said U.S. District Attorney David Weiss. "He gets into such hilarious capers sometimes! We are grateful that justice has at last been done. After years of work, the court has finally recognized what a beautiful soul is inside that delightful scoundrel."

The White House issued a statement shortly after the Department of Justice made the announcement. "We are grateful the judiciary has seen these drug, firearm, and tax charges for what they are - harmless pranks by an endearing little tyke. Hunter is such a good boy, and we are proud of all of his funny antics. We look forward to the House investigation of Hunter turning up more wonderfully naughty anecdotes about our dear son."

At publishing time, Hunter had reportedly offered to share his cocaine with the judge as thanks for helping him beat the felony charges.
71   Onvacation   2023 Jun 22, 12:39pm  

Patrick says

But, in fact, they are this dumb.

It's the politico-intelligence-media-banking-military-industrial complex. The fourth generation is taking control and they have been inbred since the day their great grandfathers killed Kennedy.

They've kept their secrets.

Having ruled from behind the curtain for so long they think they are separate from the law. The arrogance of Strzok and Wray while testifying before congress shows how contemptuous they are of us.

They may not be very smart but they are VERY powerful and dangerous.
72   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 1:00pm  


Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on $8.3 MILLION in income and the DOJ REJECTED U.S. attorney bids to bring charges in Washington D.C. and California, IRS whistleblowers reveal in bombshell testimony
73   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 1:04pm  


Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) said: “This whole thing, unfortunately, just further undermines the rule of law.

“People’s faith that we have law and order in this country and that the justice system actually means anything.

“And so they’re too many examples now to cite, but this is just the latest in recognizing that we have an administration and people in power who are willing to direct that power against their political opponent, and also, like every other dictatorship in the country, direct that power to protect those that they want to protect.

“In this case, you know, it’s Hunter Biden, and obviously, this sends the wrong message to the American people.

“But more dangerously, undermines that foundation of our democracy, which is that fair justice system, that rule of law.

Greg Gutfeld said: “You know though, I noticed something really positive about the media.

“Here’s a case of a white guy getting special treatment and they didn’t scream systemic racism.” ...

“But the bottom line is that insiders protect insiders.

“Trump’s an outsider. He goes to prison, his people go to prison.

“But if you’re a Washington insider, you get the Hunter Biden treatment.”
75   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 4:11pm  


VIVEK RAMASWAMY: If Trump's judgment was bad, President Biden's judgment is worse for actually bringing a prosecution. He should have done what Trump did.

DANA BASH: President Biden didn't bring a prosecution.

RAMASWAMY: The Department of Justice reports to the President of the United States and so this is a —

BASH: Okay.

RAMASWAMY: Which is why I think the media needs to get to the bottom of this.

BASH: But there's no evidence. There's absolutely no evidence, unless you can show me some, that President Biden has had anything to do with this prosecution. That is why he put two layers in between.

RAMASWAMY: With due respect I think it is shameful that I as a competitor to President Trump in this race have to ask questions that the media isn't asking. The job of the political media if it has one job is to hold the U.S. government accountable.

BASH: Yes. We know that.

RAMASWAMY: Instead we're doing the bidding. You're seeing the media do the bidding of the U.S. Government. Ask the question. Get to the bottom of what Biden told Garland and what Garland told Jack Smith. If the same shoe fit the other foot you would not take their word at face value. Do not take their word now. Get to the bottom of it. Let's actually restore journalism in this country. That's what's actually missing is getting to the truth.

BASH: Okay, thank you for that. We are absolutely asking these questions.


BASH: And we know how to be good journalists because we do it every single day.
77   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 4:56pm  

Ah, here's the quote about Parmesan:

"I spent more time on my hands and knees picking through rugs, smoking anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine. I probably smoked more parmesan cheese than anyone that you know", a laughing Biden said during an interview with CBS News reporter Tracy Smith.
79   AD   2023 Jun 23, 1:36pm  

richwicks says

Stop thinking left and right, and start thinking up and down.

I don't thinks so. The Uniparty is Democrats with the hapless Republicans as the token party.

83   Patrick   2023 Jun 23, 5:37pm  


A Portland Antifa member and convicted pedophile avoided jail after pleading guilty on Thursday for stabbing a black conservative during the 2020 BLM-Antifa riots.

Antifa member, Blake David Hampe, 46, pleaded guilty in a sweetheart deal to felony second-degree attempted assault against the black conservative and will serve no jail time and instead receive three years of probation.

The charge was downgraded from the original felony second-degree assault charge, and the charge of unlawful use of a weapon was dropped in the plea deal.

During the height of far-left rioting in downtown Portland in 2020, Hampe was videoed stabbing Andrew Duncom, who was hospitalized and narrowly survived being paralyzed after the blade pierced inches from his spinal cord.

... Despite Hampe failing to attend several court dates, Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office under Mike Schmidt offered him a sweetheart resolution deal.

As The Post Millennial noted:

Hampe was active in the Portland Antifa militant circles for several years and has been witnessed by this reporter at multiple direct actions in 2019 and 2020, where he wears clothing featuring children’s cartoon characters. He had a particular hatred for the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. immigration and border officers. His past criminal history appears to shed light as to why.

In 2008, Hampe was federally convicted for possessing child sex abuse content after he was caught by U.S. Customs and Border Protection with the material on a computer upon re-entering from Nova Scotia, Canada. According to court records, officers grew suspicious of Hampe’s nervous behavior and seeing children’s toys and underwear in his car in September 2006.

“In addition to the sleeping bags, there were children’s stickers, children’s underwear, children’s towels or blankets with superheroes printed on them, and packages of trading cards,” wrote an investigator in a court filing.

“The officers also found 12 -15 condoms, a container of personal lubricant, a camera, a cell phone and an Apple laptop computer.”
84   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 23, 7:46pm  

In congressional testimony publicly released on Thursday, two IRS whistleblowers who worked on the probe alleged to lawmakers that the president’s son had been given preferential treatment by the Justice Department. The whistleblowers made several explosive allegations, including that the IRS had recommended far more serious charges for the president’s son, that US Attorney in Delaware David Weiss was blocked from bringing charges in other states and that Garland denied a request from Weiss to be named as a special counsel.

85   HeadSet   2023 Jun 24, 2:14pm  

Onvacation says

They may not be very smart but they are VERY powerful and dangerous.

They are not stupid. This is an exercise in raw power they know will have no consequences.

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