Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,242 views  8,015 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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5433   Onvacation   2023 Jun 20, 10:18am  

Brought to you by Pfizer!

At least they caught Tiffany while she fell.
5434   GNL   2023 Jun 20, 10:28am  

stereotomy says

We all know what would make GNL believe, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone except those I truly believe must die in horrible ways.

I appreciate that. I'm not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers. It's just that I/we've been lied to for so long, it's hard to trust anything. I mean, how do I even know all of these stories are true (I admit I'm lazy. There is a way to confirm these deaths, correct?)? I believe in order for society to admit what's going on, a LOT more people are going to have to experience it. That's why I say a lot more people have to die in order for anyone to take notice...that is, other than the critical thinkers.

@richwicks - yes, I believe the jab is no bueno. Only an idiot would take it. But tell me, what is the % of jabees to deaths by jab? Can anyone tell me for certain? Without proof, it is going to look like a conspiracy. Some official acknowledgement is going to have to happen or 10s of millions of excess deaths are going to have to occur every year. 10s of millions. IMO.
5435   Onvacation   2023 Jun 20, 10:36am  

GNL says

Without proof, it is going to look like a conspiracy.

It IS a conspiracy!

We were a month away from universal mandates and vaxx passports before the Omicron saved us by infecting MANY double and triple jabbed people.

The great reset has to happen in order for the current group of rulers to stay in power. Nuclear war in Ukraine is possibly their next ploy.
5436   Shaman   2023 Jun 20, 11:41am  

For some people, it’s not a matter of WHAT they believe. It’s a matter of WHOM they believe. Boomers especially seem to have major trouble accepting the fact that the corporate media is pure lies and propaganda. And so they pose we free thinkers and researchers an impossible task with which to “win their trust.” We must make our case using sources from corporate media. It’s nonsensical, but many people aren’t capable of thinking for themselves and only can accept wisdom from authority. The trick is, they almost never abandon the authority they’re already comfortable trusting. Even when its lies are obvious and silly. They still prefer to “safely” trust what they’ve trusted in the past even when it becomes obvious to any child that the source is a malevolent liar.
5437   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 1:44pm  

@Shaman I agree entirely.

And thank you for using "whom" and "its" correctly. I spent so much time learning correct logical usage that I cringe when I see incorrect or illogical usage.
5438   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 2:02pm  


28-Year-Old MMA Fighter in ‘Peak Physical Condition’ Suffers Cardiac Arrest
Frank Bergman
June 20, 2023

A 28-year-old Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter has been rushed to hospital after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest.

Cris Lencioni, 28, of Portland, Oregon is currently fighting for his life in the intensive care unit (ICU) after his heart stopped unexpectedly on June 8.
5440   GNL   2023 Jun 20, 3:09pm  

Shaman says

For some people, it’s not a matter of WHAT they believe. It’s a matter of WHOM they believe. Boomers especially seem to have major trouble accepting the fact that the corporate media is pure lies and propaganda. And so they pose we free thinkers and researchers an impossible task with which to “win their trust.” We must make our case using sources from corporate media. It’s nonsensical, but many people aren’t capable of thinking for themselves and only can accept wisdom from authority. The trick is, they almost never abandon the authority they’re already comfortable trusting. Even when its lies are obvious and silly. They still prefer to “safely” trust what they’ve trusted in the past even when it becomes obvious to any child that the source is a malevolent liar.

Damn fine synopsis.
5441   richwicks   2023 Jun 20, 3:29pm  

GNL says

richwicks - yes, I believe the jab is no bueno. Only an idiot would take it. But tell me, what is the % of jabees to deaths by jab?

Who cares? It doesn't matter.

The point is the government, the news media and actual experts will lie to you, and won't stop just because they've been caught.

Meanwhile, you can now identify people who will believe something just because it was told to them, and you can identify who your enemies are just based on the people who mindlessly believed.

I know exactly how the Bolsheviks took over. You just need the gullible faithful and the cowardly and silent.

The entire mainstream news has shown itself useless as has big tech.

GNL says

Some official acknowledgement is going to have to happen


I have only contempt for people who still need to hear from authorities.
5442   stereotomy   2023 Jun 20, 3:30pm  

Shaman says

For some people, it’s not a matter of WHAT they believe. It’s a matter of WHOM they believe. Boomers especially seem to have major trouble accepting the fact that the corporate media is pure lies and propaganda. And so they pose we free thinkers and researchers an impossible task with which to “win their trust.” We must make our case using sources from corporate media. It’s nonsensical, but many people aren’t capable of thinking for themselves and only can accept wisdom from authority. The trick is, they almost never abandon the authority they’re already comfortable trusting. Even when its lies are obvious and silly. They still prefer to “safely” trust what they’ve trusted in the past even when it becomes obvious to any child that the source is a malevolent liar.

Patrick says

Shaman I agree entirely.

And thank you for using "whom" and "its" correctly. I spent so much time learning correct logical usage that I cringe when I see incorrect or illogical usage.

@Shaman - you nailed it. Beginning with the mass advertising propaganda of the 1940's - 1970's, people trust "Television experts" instead of their friends, family and other people they've known all their lives. That being said, there really is a "crabs in a bucket" mentality when it comes to people you've known all your life.

@patrick - you should check out "Warriner's English Grammar and Composition." It was the standard textbook up until the mid 1970's, and is IMHO the best most concise elucidation of grammar, spelling, and composition. It's a series of textbooks ranging from 7th through 12th grade. I only was exposed to the 3rd book in the sequence by a (good) freak non-conformist english teacher in 9th grade. Well worth seeking out and acquiring used.
5443   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 5:43pm  

Thanks @stereotomy

"Warriner's English Grammar and Composition" is exactly the book I had in high school. Looked like this:

I had Mr. Terpstra in high school for at least two years of English. He was a hardass who kept the blinds closed and kept bare classroom walls so that there would be nothing to distract you from the lesson. If someone looked like they weren't paying attention, he would throw his keys at him.

(Note: he would repeatedly say that "He and him are the default pronouns in English" and mark you down if you used they or them. I admire that stance to this day.)

His father was some kind of Dutch Calvinist minister, which makes sense in retrospect. But damn, I really learned English grammar at the time. Got a 750 out of 800 on the English part of the SAT.

One thing I still can't stand though is the logically incorrect quoting of punctuation in standard English. The Germans and programmers do it right. You quote the punctuation if and only if it is literally part of the original quote.
5444   stereotomy   2023 Jun 20, 5:46pm  

Patrick says

Thanks stereotomy

"Warriner's English Grammar and Composition" is exactly the book I had in high school. Looked like this:

I had Mr. Terpstra in high school for at least two years of English. He was a hardass who kept the blinds closed and kept bare classroom walls so that there would be nothing to distract you from the lesson. If someone looked like they weren't paying attention, he would throw his keys at them.

His father was some kind of Dutch Calvinist minister, which makes sense in retrospect. But damn, I really learned English grammar at the time. Got a 750 out of 800 on the English part of the SAT.

Same here. All it takes is a few dedicated teachers to bring enlightenment to the young mind. Conversely, it only takes 1 or 2 bad teachers to extinguish the desire for learning. God help our children.
5446   richwicks   2023 Jun 21, 3:35am  

Patrick says

His father was some kind of Dutch Calvinist minister, which makes sense in retrospect. But damn, I really learned English grammar at the time. Got a 750 out of 800 on the English part of the SAT.

Haha, I scored like 500 on the SAT and around 660 in math, 700 being perfect for each.

It wasn't until college I realized I was retarded in grammar and English. I took to reading Anthony Burgess books to make up for it. He wrote A Clockwork Orange, Tremor of Intent, and The Wanting Seed. He was kind of like the Kubrick of novels. I had one of his books open on the right, and a dictionary open on my left. My English teacher in High School sucked. Burgess wrote pretty adult novels and they weren't entirely trivial to follow.

In Tremor of Intent, I learned to hate spies at least in fiction, it was only later I learned, I should hate spies in reality.
5447   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 12:42pm  


💉 Another healthy young athlete has bitten the dust. On June 6th, nineteen-year old Colorado State University track athlete Colton Kaase was suddenly and unexpectedly found stone cold dead IN HIS PARKED CAR on Colorado State University’s campus.

Guess what got the healthy young athlete who had no known pre-existing health problems?

It was blood clots.

... Colton graduated from high school summa cum laude in 2022, where he’d excelled in track and baseball. He’d just finished his freshman year at CSU. Colton is survived by both his parents Kenneth and Juli Kaase, who haven’t died from blood clots, and his younger sisters Amanda and Sarah.

We pray that Colton’s family will receive the peace that surpasses all understanding, and that the people who did this to him will receive sudden and unexpected justice.
5448   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 1:16pm  


Young mother diagnosed with first onset multiple sclerosis after vaccination
Jan. 15th, 2022 12:45 pm


YOUNG MOTHER: After I received Moderna in March. People like me exist. And the reason that you're not hearing about it is because we're being censored.

I have my whole life in front of me. I have two children that wish that I was the way that I was before, which is something that they're never going to get back.

Before my diagnosis of first onset multiple sclerosis after vaccination, my meds, the ones that did get approved, are over 6,000 dollars a month.

Social media and the government try to brush people like me under the rug. I've always had a heart to speak out about things that were not right. It's an injustice on a large scale. All these nurses and other people working, dealing with this mandate when this is not a one-size-fit-all situation.

When you're not right away disclosing information, you are not receiving informed consent. I wish that I would have known that demyelinating disease could occur after vaccination. It was nothing I'd ever heard of prior to my illness. And there are much more adverse events that are happening that you're not hearing about. I'm not a super statistic. I don't want to be treated like one. I don't want to be censored anymore. I'm going to keep speaking about what's happened to me and trying to do my part to let you know this can happen, and it is happening, and we are real, and we do exist.
5449   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 9:59pm  


Unexpected deaths are more than 10 percent higher than the pre-Covid average, with experts warning we are facing “a catastrophe of equal proportion to the pandemic itself”.

They are calling for an urgent investigation into the causes, with figures showing that there were more excess – or unexpected – losses last year than in 2021.

There were 67,724 extra deaths in England and Wales between April 30, 2022 and April 28, 2023. That is 12.8 percent above the pre-­pandemic five-year average.

Of these, a quarter were attributed to Covid, with three-­quarters given as non-coronavirus causes.

Huh, I wonder what it could be.
5450   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 22, 9:49am  

So the purpose of the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' was what again?

Authors of Cleveland Clinic’s Groundbreaking Study Release Another Finding Which Contradicts CDC Narrative: “Those Not ‘Up-to-Date’ on COVID-19 Vaccination Had a Lower Risk of COVID-19 than Those ‘Up-to-Date'”

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/authors-cleveland-clinics-groundbreaking-study-release-another-finding/
5451   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 10:43am  

Alex Berenson's first toxxine injury story:


5452   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 1:23pm  


“Turbo cancer is something that wasn’t there, and all of a sudden, it’s everywhere. So it goes from being in one spot to [being] everywhere all at once.” ...

• During the International COVID Summit, Dr. Cole polled attendees by a raise of hand if they knew someone who was diagnosed with cancer after the COVID shots rolled out. More than half of the guests raised their hands.

5453   Ceffer   2023 Jun 22, 3:50pm  

Do you have the billions and trillions to counter the Globalist vaccine Covid fraudsters' bribes, emoluments and financial threats? No? Then shut your yap, take your shot, and DIE, FUCKING DIE, ALREADY>
5454   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 4:32pm  


💉 On Monday, Super Bowl champion linebacker Clark Haggans, 46, fumbled the football of life, when he died mysteriously, suddenly, and unexpectedly — AT HOME.

“At home” means he never even made it to the hospital. Whatever it was, it happened that fast.

The Larimer County, Colorado coroner’s office conducted an autopsy yesterday, but did not announce any cause or manner of death, except to say no foul play was evident. The official status of Haggans’ autopsy is “pending further investigation.”

It’s a mystery.
5455   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 4:34pm  

💉 We are just getting started. Another young soul mysteriously departed football’s mortal field of play yesterday, in the form of the sudden, baffling, and unexpected death of former Michigan running back Mister Simpson, 35.

Oddly, Simpson’s cause of death was only listed as “pending” on the coroner’s report, which identified the reporting agency as Cincinnati Police District 5. Cincinnati CityBeat reported the police department did not respond to its request for the cause of death.

Why would anyone care about the cause of death? It’s not like there’s a pattern going, or a controversial medical issue people are curious about, or anything like that.

💉 Sports Illustrated ran an unfortunate story late last week headlined, “Dallas Cowboys Legend Deion Sanders May Need Foot Amputated.”


According to doctors on the Colorado team, Sanders, 55, continues to suffer from blood flow problems in his foot. “Blood flow” problems. Sanders has had a particularly difficult time, having already been subjected to multiple surgeries and procedures. As an unfortunate result, he’s had his big toe and second toe chopped off, in an unsuccessful attempt to deal with some enormous blood clots running down his leg, from the top of his calf into his foot.

Sanders published a video of the most recent meeting with his medical team. In the clip, vascular surgeon Donald Jacobs warned Sanders during the interview that “things can cascade,” and advised that the football legend “could lose the foot.”

Sanders, a stalwart ally of the vaccine during the pandemic, has been up to date with his shots. Fortunately.

It’s almost like there’s some kind of common factor with all these mysterious tragedies, but I can’t quite put my toe on it.

💉 Yesterday, MTV star Jackie Oh (Jacklyn Smith), 32, died suddenly, mysteriously, and unexpectedly in Miami.

Like the others, no information has been reported about Jackie’s cause of death. All we know is the young mother of three was reported to have been in Miami for some cosmetic surgery.
5456   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 5:04pm  


29 March 2023

The number of people under 50 with cancer is increasing in many countries and for many different tumour types. Why this is occurring isn't entirely clear, but it may be due to some aspects of modern life

Huh, what aspect of "modern life" could it possibly be?
5457   stereotomy   2023 Jun 23, 7:58am  

I found out from my SIL yesterday that her father has had first a heart attack and then a stroke in the last 2 years. Before then he was pretty damn healthy for his age (early 80's). I had already raged against the clot shot with them a couple of years ago, so there's a sort of cease fire between our respective families since then. Because of that, I didn't ask "Oh, when did this first start happening?" I know, and they by all rights should know that I know, that it was the clot shot.
5458   Patrick   2023 Jun 23, 1:40pm  

"Anyone in the obstetrics units really knows the truth. They've seen stillbirth numbers that are obscene."- Dr. Chris Shoemaker


Unveiling the Risks: Dr. Chris Shoemaker Exposes the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine | Ottawa Day Three | NCI National Citizens Inquiry CA [Canada]
Sworn testimony, May 19, 2023. Posted on rumble May 20, 2023.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker's website is https://drshoemakercovidtruth.com/
More about Dr. Shoemaker at: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/dr-chris-shoemaker/
Shawn Buckely is a Canadian constitutional lawyer and health freedom activist who drafted The Charter of Health Freedom. See http://www.charterofhealthfreedom.org/

The NCI website is https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/


SHAWN BUCKLEY: Yeah so I was kind of switching gears because one of the, the areas that we haven't have much evidence on is you know effect on pregnancy and potential effect on reproduction. And I know that you have some thought on that and you've looked into that.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Yes indeed. Pregnancy. The golden rule of pregnancy, never use an unproven drug in pregnancy. And never vaccinate in pregnancy. Never. So.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Somehow never went away. Never went away during covid. That golden rule was broken. The last people that should get new drugs, unproven drugs, or vaccines, should be pregnant women and the fetus inside them. They should be 10, 15 years out if you've got a wonderful new vaccine to use.

Polio would not have been given to pregnant mothers in the early days. Not a chance. And actually has been discouraged ever since. You don't vaccinate pregnant mothers. It's medical malpractice. Why have we allowed ourselves to do a medical malpractice, ostensibly recommending it? And what has been the result? And what has been the result?

Well, Pfizer knew the results, just as things were rolling out. They did a post-marketing analysis.* And in their post-marketing analysis there was a specific, there was about 300 people that they didn't tell you what happened to the other 270 or so. They didn't give the answer back but they did give the answer for 29 pregnant mothers. And the 29 pregnant mothers that they gave the answer to, what happened to the pregnancy? And it's public. It's part of the 75,000 pages of Pfizer data. And the published data by Pfizer shows that of the 29 pregnancies that they were willing to say, what the results were, and the others that they hid, 20 out of, sorry, 28 out of 29 lost the pregnancy. A horrific number. 97% of the fetuses were lost of those 29 that they were willing to tell us about. Of course they weren't really willing to tell us about it because they thought that the data would be hidden for 75 years. But the truth, when Dr. Naomi Wolf and others got to the truth, is that this cache of dear families who lost the ability to have this child in a ratio like that, 97% in that group, lost.

The actual real world data, the real world data where it's really being spoken of and proven, hospital systems in Florida, hospital systems in other parts of the States that are being honest about it show that 50 to 67% of pregnancies, while the woman has received the vaccine while pregnant, 50 to 67% of those pregnancies are lost, either early or late. Incredible numbers.

Anyone in the obstetrics units really knows the truth. They've seen stillbirth numbers that are obscene. They've seen early pregnancy losses, extra bleeding, spontaneous bleedings, and spontaneous abortion losses that have happened that are obscene numbers.

And this is what happens when you break the golden rule of pregnancy, you never break the golden rule of pregnancy, do not vaccinate, and especially do not vaccinate with a toxic spike protein into a viable human whose only this big. A little viable human that's only this big and nanoparticles take the toxic stuff across through the placenta and into the cord and into the baby and into the baby's brain. And the mother received the shot when the baby was 3 months old inside her body because society was telling her, that's the that's the way you can protect yourself, that's the way you can protect Grandma. You just do it, too.

We were lied to. We were lied to. We didn't know it was safe or not. We now know absolutely that it's not safe. And one of the biggest evidences that it's not safe was in this highly risk population, mothers and the children within them.

SHAWN BUCKLEY: So I just want to make sure that people understand. So you're talking about the Pfizer data, so this is the data that Pfizer would have submitted to the Food and Drug Administration in the United States to get their so-called Emergency Authorization. And that Pfizer didn't want that disclosed to the public. So there actually had, was a fight in court for it to become publicly available. And that's kind of the first clue there's a problem. But now there's a team of doctors and scientists that I understand, I mean it's a thousands—


SHAWN BUCKLEY: —analyzing this data, and that's, so this is actually Pfizer's own data that they record, there's 300 females in pregnancy that get the shot but they don't report on 201 of those, I'm sorry, 270 of—


SHAWN BUCKLEY: [Two hundred and] 81 of those or 71 they, ah, they only report on 29.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: And those 29 were of the ratio of loss that I just described to you. Virtually, the vaccine functioned more efficiently as an abortogenic drug than RU82.

SHAWN BUCKLEY OK. And then when you're talking about states like Florida, so this is government data, reporting basically a, a stillbirth rate of 50-67% in mothers that are taking the vaccine during pregnancy.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: I can, I will say that that yes, government data and information from actual individual hospital boards and circumstances.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: In totality. Yeah. ...

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: To be honest, I think we can drop this video. I think we've touched the points that are on this. The key point, ladies and gentlemen, is that skilled immunologists, skilled virologists, skilled pathologists, have stated that the 100 micrograms of RNA and DNA combined, 100 micrograms, the weight of a thyroid pill, is enough for 40 trillion, virtually weightless mRNA. These extremely small have of course minuscule weight, you don't need tons of it [laughs] you just need 100 micrograms. And 100 micrograms is 40,000 billion viral entities. It's on their labeling. It says, they say on the label how much is going into you, and that is how much is going into us every 3 to 6 months, if we keep listening to the morons above us.

* The Pfizer documents, which Pfizer wanted to withhold for 75 years, and the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, can be found at this link:
Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021
On p. 7, table 1, you will see the report of 1,223 deaths.
On p. 12 missing information, including 274 pregnancy cases missing.
On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.
5459   DhammaStep   2023 Jun 23, 2:42pm  

Ceffer says

Do you have the billions and trillions to counter the Globalist vaccine Covid fraudsters' bribes, emoluments and financial threats

Didn't you hear? Running for comptroller in your local election will be able to turn back the tides of a hundred years of corrupt fractional reserve international banking interests!
5461   Patrick   2023 Jun 23, 3:50pm  


Shit the bed!!!!!!!!

Look at the cancer rates in women (breast) for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and part stats on 2023!

Do you not think we need to stop right now and have an immediate adult conversation globally?

5464   Ceffer   2023 Jun 23, 4:13pm  

I thought I was going to witness my first 'sudden death' in Santa Cruz. A fifty-ish guy came up the stairs from the beach with his surfboard and collapsed at the top. That's' something I have never seen before since we have had our place here. He had a small board, so he was a ripper. A guy went over to help him and he came to. With help could stand up, so not dead, but his board sure took a clunk, and he seemed a bit confused about what had happened. Likely heart compromised from the vaxx, and just was doing what he always did but with different outcome.
5468   Patrick   2023 Jun 24, 11:01am  


‘Strictly Come Dancing’ star Amy Dowden, 32, was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 3 turbo breast cancer in April. She discovered the lump a day before her honeymoon, right as she was due to fly to the Maldives with her new husband Ben.

In May she had a double mastectomy, and is now looking forward to seeing how the cosmetic reconstruction turned out. “I haven’t looked, I’m waiting for the bruising and swelling to go down,” Amy admitted.

5469   Patrick   2023 Jun 24, 11:02am  


💉 Sadly, UK Mirror Sky News and ITN presenter Rae Stewart, 56, died Tuesday morning “after a brief illness.”

‘Brief illness’ is the new euphemism. “Illness” used to refer to something chronic or extended. A bad health outcome that happened suddenly always used to be called an “attack” or “outbreak.” Saying somebody died “after a brief illness” used to suggest weeks, or at least days, in the hospital.

But nowadays, people can suddenly and unexpectedly drop dead of a “brief illness” while in the shower, reaching for the loofa. Bang! “What was that?” “Oh, probably just Bob, dying after heroically struggling with a brief illness.”

VERY brief. Super brief. Nearly instantaneously briefly.

💉 In another positive development, Shannen Doherty of Beverly Hills 90210 fame, 52, shared a video clip this week of her January surgery to remove a brain tumor. TMZ ran the story, headlined “Shannen Doherty Shares Vid From Brain Tumor Removal Surgery … ‘I Am Petrified’.”

Sometime in 2021, Doherty’s breast cancer, long in remission, came back with a vengeance in “turbo cancer” mode. Now it has metastasized to the actress’ brain.

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