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I was angrier than anyone I know about the whole mask bullshit. Still angry actually. I called one store manager a Nazi. The look on his face was priceless. You could tell he would never have believed anyone would ever call him that. He was an Indian (dot).
Let me introduce you to Rachel Schraer, the BBC's senior reporter on disinformation and health, who says that "conspiracies feed people's fears."
Looks like a fake photo.
MICHELLE BUCKLEY: Hello, and thank you for allowing me to speak today. My name is Michelle Buckley. I'm the mother to a bright three and a half year-old boy named Franky. I'm a medical speech pathologist and my husband is an internal medicine physician. We live in South Tampa.
I am here today to advocate not only for my child but for all of our children. Requiring our children to wear a cloth face covering in order to participate in their publicly-funded education is not only morally and ethically wrong but it is unconstitutional.
A cloth face covering when used for source control is considered by definition to be a medical device according to the FDA.
I stand here as a medical speech pathologist, a mother, and the wife of a physician to use my voice to say that Superintendent Davis is not a medical doctor and if he was he would need to provide true informed consent before recommending the use of a medical device.
Doctors do not mandate the use of medical devices. They recommend them. And the consumer decides whether or not the recommendation is for them.
I stand here today not to try and convince the School Board that masks are neither safe nor effective in this setting with this population, but rather to stand here and speak to all of you, as citizens of the great United States, to remind you that the US and Florida Constitutions are the great law of the land.
Superintendent Davis* does not a seat a publically elected position He does not have the authority to make laws. There is no law requiring that requires a child to cover his or her face to enter the grounds of their publicly-funded school.
I am here to be a role model for the parents who know in their hearts that masking their child in order to keep them in public school is not right. I am here for you. I am here to show you that you are not alone. Peaceful noncompliance is simply the refusal to participate in that which is morally and ethically wrong and unconstitutional. Peaceful noncompliance is the personal choice to stop participating in a system that is unjust. And I'll leave it at that.
Let me introduce you to Rachel Schraer, the BBC's senior reporter on disinformation and health, who says that "conspiracies feed people's fears."
Insanity: White House Brings Back Face Masks, Social Distancing for Unvaccinated
by Kyle BeckerJune 10, 2023
Here we go again with the mask insanity. You’ve got to hand it to the White House, it is deeply committed to its mask propaganda, as well as its unscientifically founded discrimination against those who didn’t take the faulty Covid-19 vaccine.
On Monday, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will welcome the NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams to “College Athlete Day” at the White House. And despite the reams of research that show standard masks didn’t do diddly squat to prevent viral transmission, they are going to insist that the young athletes mask up. Unless they’ve got the faulty vax, that is.
In an email from the White House Office of Legislative Affairs sent to members of Congress, it was stated that negative Covid test results would be required for entry. Unvaccinated guests will be required to wear masks and maintain social distancing.
“Masking guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet distance from others while on the White House grounds,” the email states.
So, not only will they be forcing those athletes who insist on bodily autonomy, as well as the superior protection of natural immunity, to be unpersoned by wearing a useless face-cloth, they want them to be ostracized further by complying with the six-foot social distancing rule that the CDC made up out of thin air.
Furthermore, the White House is ignoring that the Covid-19 vaccines do little-to-nothing to slow the spread of viral transmission, have been linked to heart inflammation, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, in young persons, represent a higher risk to healthy young persons with natural immunity than the virus, and that big pharmaceutical companies have been given a blanket liability shield, despite having made numerous fraudulent claims about the mRNA vaccines.
Last month in Nagano, despite sweltering temperatures, a number of high school students were spotted attending school wearing surgical masks. This wasn’t hayfever season, nor were there any colds going around, so why were these teenagers covering their mouths and noses up? They were simply following a national trend for date masuku, surgical masks that are just for show. (That’s read “dah-te,” nothing to do with dating.)
A journalist for Shinano Mainichi Shimbun asked students why they were wearing masks and got some surprising answers. One girl commented, “I’m shy about being seen without my makeup on.” Worryingly, another boy said, “I feel safe with it on.” Another 16-year-old female high school student explained that, “The mask hides the acne around my mouth.”
While this looks — on the face of it — like a problem created by low self-esteem, one that teenagers might grow out of, Japanese Wikipedia states that research done by Asahi Shimbun back in 2011 showed that adults are reaching for the date mask, too. Many began by using surgical masks for health reasons and then continued because they found that they enjoyed wearing a mask.
From the very start of masking, everyone HAD TO KNOW that it would be a fight with the stragglers at the end. These people are mentally unfit for society. Do not give these people any peace. They will not stop. Ever.
GNL says
From the very start of masking, everyone HAD TO KNOW that it would be a fight with the stragglers at the end. These people are mentally unfit for society. Do not give these people any peace. They will not stop. Ever.
I don't care if people wear masks. So what?
Unless they are "protesters". Strange how "immunocompromised" protesters all collect in a group...
their demented mind disease.
I don't either. What I do not like is them to try and force you into their demented mind disease.
From a clip of industrial hygienist Stephen Petty testifying before the New Hampshire State Senate Health and Human Services posted on YT. About 15 minutes total.
The clip is taken from from the over 4 hour long hearing that was lived- streamed on March 30, 2022, in which Stephen Petty appears at 2:17:34 .
You can find that original source here:
STEPHEN PETTY: My name is Stephen Petty. I'm a certified industrial hygienist, certified safety professional, professional engineer. I've been working 45 years in the field of health and safety. I spent my entire life trying to protect workers and the public from toxins, I've sampled for anthrax, biotoxins, the whole list. I've been in over 400 cases named with respect to exposure control and exposure and PPE [personal protective equipment]. And most recently I testified in the state of Kentucky, and a result of my testimony the mask mandate was overturned statewide.
So let me introduce the topic of industrial hygiene. Industrial hygiene is not well understood by many. We have a lot of physicians talking about industrial hygiene, it's not their field. Industrial hygiene is the science and art devoted to anticipation, recognition, evaluation, control of environmental factors and stressors that can cause you to be sick, make you feel bad, or even kill you. And I've testified 400 times in those sorts of cases.
The problem is that we have a lot of physicians talking about things like that, and they be perfectly talented folks, but it's not their sandbox. When I'm in trials we have a physician that talks about the disease, and I talk about exposure and exposure control and PPE.
The last physician, that talked earlier, I'm here to show you that every statement he made is false.
STEPHEN PETTY: The problem is, you cannot seal a mask by definition. A mask that seals is a respirator.
In industrial hygiene, we don't look at solutions that do a little bit of good, that might help 1% of the people. We have a requirement that if we're going to provide a solution that helps the public, it better have at least a 90% relative risk reduction.
How would you feel if I walked in and I said to asbestos workers, "Let's put you in a mask, it might save 1% of you from asbestosis, but the other 99% will get it"? I think I would lose all my licenses. And by the way, asbestos fiber on average is 50 times larger than a covid particle and we have very high end respirators, PAPRs, that are used to protect asbestos workers. And I'm certified in protecting asbestos workers.
So, why in the world would you take a 1% solution when you need 90% when we have solutions like ventilation destruction and filtration that do meet that 90% requirement from industrial hygiene?
The other thing you hear about all the time is on page 12, you see the top, let's move on to N-95s. As I just said, we wouldn't even use an N95 for asbestos workers. But here's a study by Shaw et al that shows even for N95 where you glue it onto a board, and that's where most of these mask studies were done, they literally glue the mask onto a mannequin or a board.
Now do you glue your mask on your face? Of course not. So what happens, when it's not, so if it's glued on, they say well it has 43% effectiveness. What if you put a gap on it? Three percent effectiveness. And that's the real world.
So about masks, on page 13. On January 2, 2022 Scott Gottlieb, FDA Commissioner, on Face the Nation spilled the beans, he said basically masks don't work.
I've been putting real engineering controls in real schools for two years. You can imagine, as somebody who spent his whole life defending workers in toxic [?] trials and the public, how infuriating it is to see people propose solutions that cannot and do not work.
He admitted it.
We also had CDC file an admit on January 14 of 2022, well, these masks aren't very effective, so let's move to N95s. I said, no, no, no, no, let's move to engineering controls.
If you follow the CDC guidance, I said, what science changes its position 180 degrees in two years? Masks, no masks, masks, no masks. No science does that.
The other thing I want to point out is, on the bottom of page 15, and I wrote a 27 page letter to the CDC in February complaining about this, as well as to Fauci and the White House. Along with eight other industrial hygiene folks.
They say, well, we want to put children in N95s, and then they link you to the manufacturers' websites, including 3M. What does 3M say about N95s and children?
And now also they say, well, as soon as you go to masks, you have got to start following respiratory protection standards which has all sorts of requirements. You can't just hand somebody an N95 and not incur a lot of liability if you don't ensure that they're fit-tested, that they're medically cleared to wear it, that they've been trained on how to wear it, and they've been trained on how to replace it.
So, on the bottom of page 16, we have industrial hygiene, as I said before, what we call the hierarchy of controls. Everybody agrees with this. The most effective hierarchy is engineering controls. The least effective would be personal protective equipment or PPE. And PPE for respiratory protection is respirators because you can seal respirators.
Now why are respirators on the bottom of the barrel for controlling hazards? Because they don't get worn right. You put somebody in, we know this from decades of doing this, you put a respirator on somebody for eight hours a day, they're going to break that seal. Guarantee it, it's not going to get worn right.
Well the interesting thing is, masks don't even fit in the hierarchy. They're below it. They're not even part of it.
Again, engineering controls is the solution.
Now what about damaged children? There's a lots and lots of data on this.
Mental health practitioner reprimands masks, says long-term effects on kids are 'very concerning'
Alpha News, Aug 30, 2021
DESCRIPTION: "A psychiatric nurse spoke out at a Bemidji School Board meeting last week to bring attention to mental health issues she has seen arise in children who are forced to wear masks."
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Bemidji is a town in Minnesota approximately 220 miles northwest of Minneapolis.
JULIE BEEVOR: My name is Julie Beevor and I am here representing the Bemidji Parents Union. I'm a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, private practice in Bemidji. I've been a nurse for over 27 years and I'm a lifelong resident in the Bemidji community.
I am here to advocate for the mental health and well-being of the children and adolescents of this community who attend school in this district.
The focus in my practice mainly is children and adolescents. As we know, children are at an extremely low risk from death, hospitalization and other adverse events from covid. They have a three to four times higher mortality risk from influenza versus covid, and a 10 times higher risk of suicide.
Covid does not just have physiological impacts on the human body, it brings just as many psychological consequences. I am concerned about the significant increase I am seeing in my practice in these age groups related to covid and the wearing of masks. Depression, sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, nervousness, uncontrollable worry, difficulty relaxing, feeling overwhelmed, irritability, anger, negative moods, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, changes of appetite, and I could go on and on.
The more significant and worrisome behaviors I am seeing include an increase in self-injurious behaviors to cope with the stress, the anxiety, the depression, as well as suicidal thoughts, intent to commit suicide, or an actual suicide attempt. I'm talking about children in single digits.
I am also seeing an increase in substance use, and I'm talking about some pretty heavy illicit substances. Again, children even in elementary school.
I see what the short-term effects covid has on these children and adolescents, I have no idea what the long-term effects will be, but it is very concerning.
It is crucial to understand that students with anxiety, panic attacks, or panic disorder at times may pull down their masks to catch their breath, or students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may fidget and not even realize they pulled down their masks. Or, as was referenced, autistic children.
I am compelled to share with this board a significant red flag that has come up in my practice in seeing clients in these age groups that is extremely concerning to me regarding masks.
I went to this meeting on Sunday night for the Bemidji Parents Union just to sit back and observe, as I do not have any children myself. And I and I kind of raised my hand—
[time alarm sounds]
Yes, I have a closing statement.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Thank you.
JULIE BEEVOR: I have heard from more than a handful of adolescents in my private practice that they have been sent to the office at their school within this district and have asked and or aggressive and have been asked and or aggressively reprimanded with statements from professional educators regarding pulling down their masks.
Provided, I need to provide two examples. This is so, so important.
WOMAN'S VOICE: So can you please—
WOMAN'S VOICE: Thank you. Thank you.
JULIE BEEVOR: Do you know that you could be responsible for the deaths of other students around you? Or that you are killing other people around you? These are direct quotes coming from professional educators from this school district.
Here's my wrap-up. It's it's a um poem that a little girl came with to me this week, saying this is how covid and wearing a mask makes me feel.
My hands start to sweat
my legs start to shake
my tummy starts to turn
my heart starts to ache
my head starts to spin
my breathing gets faster
I know what will happen
if I don't obey my master.
These are some of the feelings inside
I get when anxiety takes over the ride
I try to control it but never succeed
I wish someone would give me the cuddle I need.
ELECTRICIAN: Good morning everybody in facebookland. I have a little public safety announcement for everybody. Let's talk about the air that we breathe.
[Holds up a yellow box approximately the size and shape of a cell phone, with a display screen, attached to a long clear tube]
This is a little gadget we use here. I'm a union electrician and sometimes we have to work in confined spaces. This gadget here will read here will read whether or not the air that you're breathing is safe. OK? It reads oxygen levels, carbon monoxide, methane. If the atmosphere you're working in, in an enclosure, a confined space, is not safe, the alarm goes off, and it will tell you, basically, get out before you die. Alright?
I'm going to hold this up in front of my face here a little bit [holds the clear tube about an inch from his mouth] and it's fine, nothing happens, the oxygen is fine, everything is fine. OK?
Now, let's do this here, let's put on a mask. [Puts on mask]
Now we're going to take the oxygen or the meter again, we're going to stick it just inside of the mask here. And let's see what happens. I'm just breathing normal-- [Loud alarm goes off] Oh my goodness look at that, look at my oxygen levels. [Shows flashing display as loud alarm continues]
Now they want everybody to wear these masks all day long. [Loud alarm and flashing continues]
Now if this was happening in my work site we would have to get out of the confined space immediately because the air that we're breathing is not safe.
So now you're going to tell me that wearing this mask all day long is safe? [Removes mask and turns off alarm] It is not safe for you, it is not safe for your children to wear that mask all day long.
So I'm going to tell you what. Stick that up your factchecker, people! They don't work! They might stop droplets from coming out of my mouth, but to wear these all day long, it is not safe for you.
People, come on, wake up! These things do more harm to your body than anything else. Alright?
That's all I got to say, people. Stay safe and live free.
Leftists Demand Boycott as In-N-Out Bans Employees from Wearing Masks
The fast food giant has outraged the Left by telling staff that the pandemic is over and there is no longer a reason to wear masks in the workplace.
That's tragic.
I think my own son hasn't psychologically recovered from the lockdown bullshit. I believe that there will be a generation of scarred children as a result of this abomination.
I believe that there will be a generation of scarred children as a result of this abomination.
Try to find a kid that doesn't BELIEVE in global warming climate change.
We're Not Doing This Again
Masks are worthless. Stop trying to mandate them.
Masks, and mask mandates, were never about anybody’s safety. Almost four years after the beginning of the pandemic, there is still very little evidence to suggest they offer even the slightest protection against covid infection. For a time, the mantra of “my mask protects you, your mask protects me” won out; not knowing any better, and faithfully believing in the guidance of our mind-blowingly corrupt and dishonest public health officials, it became a simple gesture of good manners to wear them.
Over time, it became much clearer what they really represent: compliance. You’re supposed to know that they don’t actually protect you. From Fauci’s “noble lies,” to the nonsensical restaurant requirements, and the eventual political polarization that developed concerning them, there was deliberately stoked controversy from the very beginning. For every other medico-scientific aspect of this pandemic - from the vaccines, to Remdesivir and Paxlovid, to actually useful treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine - the scientific fraud machine worked overtime to produce a multitude of bogus, falsified, yet superficially convincing studies that media, influencers, officials and politicians could use to convince you; when it comes to masks, “The Science” is still awfully light, and the studies that have been published either clearly show they have no effect, or are unconvincing statistical misrepresentations. Now, as primary season heats up, and Trump indictments fall like rain, a new Covid variant is being talked up, and “calls” for mask mandates are rising again. ...
If they can make you comply with a mask mandate, when you know full well that it serves absolutely no beneficial purpose, what manner of meaningful resistance do you possibly think you can offer against the wholesale theft of a country and the persecution of its rightful, twice-elected President?
They aren’t blind; they can see that they’re poking a hornet’s nest with these nakedly political, unjust prosecutions. What they really need to know right now is how far they can push the envelope. Has the program of demoralization worked? How significantly, how completely has it worked? How many people still believe that the masks do anything, versus how many are complying anyway and wearing them? ...
Of course, propaganda and peer pressure isn’t the only tool being used to generate compliance. The biggest ones are the workplace and college mandates; when long-pursued careers, livelihoods, and hard-earned educational achievements are directly threatened, the threat becomes much more immediate and personal than any abstract concept of what might happen to the country at large in the future, and standing up against it comes with real, quantifiable, potentially life-destroying risks. Over the last few years, those threats were used to enforce compliance with the vaccines; years later, the true experts, warning about blood clots, heart diseases, strokes and sudden death, and berated as quacks and conspiracy theorists, have been proven correct. All-cause excess mortality is far above normal and continuously rising; sudden deaths of celebrities, newscasters, sports players at all levels, and friends, family and colleagues are a regular and ongoing event.
... Nevertheless, as you may have figured out by now, good faith is a sucker’s game when it comes to opposing these things. As Bezmenov said, it doesn’t matter how much evidence you bring to a communist; they’re never going to believe, understand or accept it, until that boot lands squarely on their face. Likewise, trying to argue in good faith with one’s HR department, or your local college commies, is a losing proposition.
These mandates are not grounded in reality; they are grounded in disparities of force, and driven by ideology. So too, then, is the most effective means of opposition; you have more force at your disposal than you might think, and you would be amazed at how far integrity, and standing for your principles and beliefs, can take you. Lots of people have been winning lawsuits and compensation for constructive dismissal, wrongful termination, discrimination, etc, over the mandates. ...
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